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New Yoiik, Nov. 99. The linie excltement in monetary affairs occasioned by the bel II gerent attitude of sonic of the Earopean power, Iiu Iimi but tem porti ry, umi tlie fornier case and quiet Is remming. Wiieat and tiour have ftttctuntcd some during the treek but closlnj? about. the sanie :is at lust report. Speenlation as to the future is entirely nt f.iult. TIn betier grade of wheat In Llrcrpool went QP Sd per 100 ibs. wltlilu a lew days time on the atrength ol the Rttsslan war talk Thepiice receded üd earlv last week iM to-rtay a furtlier decline or 2-1 is nnnomicect, 'eaving the market at present 4d above th luliest finuras reacbed iu Octol)er. ElltlK conlliU nee ser-ms to be. nw feit in n penceinl solntion of the Kistern question aul prieea m g still Imrer, al tbonsh there seem pxd reasons for tlie belief t'nit they should not. Coarte priiiis are uncliange1 except rort, vvliich is 9 $3c lower. Beans are (t.ill, and at pr.ment prices the e Is no shippin margin from t' e west. Prime mediums are qooUkblé at, 2.15@2.2 ), and prime marrovvs at $2 55 2 (0 lor erop of 1870 Botter is weaker. ] Tresli MichifMti tlrklnft, f Ir to jroot), heiiiR 22@27c, good to prme, 25(2Hc, and fancy ] selcelions 3(J@yie. The murket is overst.ooked with poor and coimuon gt%M, ] willen are unsalable. Hopa are snlable onlv tor b;'St ra.ies. which are qnotable at. 1 16S0c for erop of 1670; yearlln-rs. G@Sc. . The brevvers are Ihe only boyera. The ' ket is overstockeil with poultry, much of which wiü upoll, or be sold at merely " inal prices. The impr esslon is vcry ' al that the stock of poultry in the country is larue, and consumers Heem In no humor this season to pay high prices. Western chlckens are qnotable at 8@llc for poor to . good, and 11 (5 13 forgoód lo prime ; turkeys, 10@14 as to quality. Dethoit, Nov. 80. Navlgatlon remains wholly unobstructcd and the lake and river trade is still active. The mnrket for wheat aud tionr has been downward at a rapid rute, flour havins declinad 10@20c and wheat 5f38c. Extra white is $1.28(280- last week", fl.35 No 1 white is$l.l8@l.ia- last week 123; amber $1 14- last week, 1.18. The Increas ed risk of transiHirtatlan and advanciui; trelybta riepresses price3 here relatively more thau in New York. Corn Is lower at 58@00 for No. 1 new. Oats stcady at 43 44. Barley In Bome Iemand at f 1 70@1.75 for No. land $l,85(gil 30 for No. a Rye 85g90c. Apple8 rather quiet than otherwise, at $2Q2.20 from 8tore anci 1 U0(2 from street. Beans are irregular at about $1.80 for mediums and $2 for marrows trom Htore. On the street, the rane is $1.40(81.75. Untter ia still in excesslve supply, especially of the mediiini and lower About 27c is ontside for best lots. Cheese a little improved t ir(í$15 for factory. Cranberrles $10 50 11 50 per bbl. Dried apples are not in much demand, and rather wenk at 0@7}.j Ek? iré inore plentiful, especially salted and limed, which are quotable at 24@20 ; fresh 27@28. Hops unchanged at 10@12 for new. Potatoe are in some demnncl for shipment at 00@65. Poultry I heavy since thankssiving. Chickens, 8@10, tnrkeys 12 al4 Clover seed Is becoruing somewhat active at about $5.50 TnF, Pork Trade. - The season thns far has been a very peculiar one in the pork trade. Fonr weeks asa, tlie market promised to open early, with a short season, becanse stock was in gocxl condit'dii and prices gotxl. The warm weather, however, lins postponed fall killinj; nearly a month bevond the usual time, while prices have decllned at some points $2.50a3 per cwt. from wliHt they were early in the season. The further danger now is that with the advent of cold weather, the pens vvill be cleared out sudicnly and the hojs thrown upon the market at once, and prices in consequence be run down to a very low flure. In Detroit, dressed hoj;s decline on the week abont $1 per cwt., the best qnotatlons at present beinir $7a7 50 The cool weather last week started a few from the country, but the warm wvather since lms et off reeeipts. and weakened the market for those on huid. The decline at other poits Is 25aö0c per cwt. IV. AKBOR I'ÜIIIHH: niRKETS. Aro'is Office, Dec. 1, 1870. Wcqnntc tliis iftiTiioon as follows : WIIKAT- Whili-.UBc: Red. 1 ' 'V. C;OH_i.-,c. OAIS -30c-ï33c. BIJVNS- 129, miTTHR-íc EGG3- 23c LARli- 14c. HAY- É8$fl4. I'I'LKS -3.'ft fiOc. POT TDRS- 50c. CIIICKENS-üc TURKEYS-12C.


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