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TO Clotlfiico's, 31 anuía cturcrs and Mcrcliants. THE subscriticr 18 nw receiving ni his stores, 1-8. nnd I9ü Jcfleison Avenue, Oeiroit, [he follovvmg, carefully nnd well silected 8ock ofDïE Wooi s Dte ÜTvirs, & Woolle.iMa.vUFACTURKr's MaCHIÍLRT. 15 tona Fusiic. Cuba, Tobasco, Tampico nnd Carth:igenn, 10 tons Logwood, Campeach, St. Domingo and Honduras, 6 tons Nicaragua, Bonair,Caro, Hache nnd Lima, 3 tons Camwood, very choice. 180 barrels Logwood. cnt and groinid, 130 " Fustic. " PO " Rod Woods, " " J20 f Camwood, ♦ " 10 " Querecitron Bark, 45 ' Allum, 42 " Cuppernp, 30 " Blue Viuiol, VH lí MadJer. Ombro and Daich Crop, 8 " C-ream Tarinr, 2 ' Kutgallo, 2 cases Indigo, Bengal, Manilh and Guatimala. 2 cnses hac-Dy1, 2") " ext. Locwocd, 2 Gran Tin, 300 pounda Vernij;rid, 15 Cnboys Oil of Vitríof, Spirits SeaSahs and Nitric Acii!. ALüO, Copper Kettlcs anri Clnrhers' Screwg, Tenter Hooká, Jacks an'd Brubhes. Press Pnpers. Caid Cleaners, VV'eaver's Siméis. ji(persatid Btirling [roos, Coinb Platcs, Pichete nnd Kobhina. Wire, VVor8tcd and Cotton Harnnse, Steel nnd Cnne Reeds. Broad Power, Hancí Lrrom nnd Fly Shutteis. Steel and Copper Müils Emery. tr. Paraon'a Shenring Machine?. 4. (í.and !) bladesAllen's doublé nrul single Curditig fiitchinta. Machine Cards, Leicester. The aliove goods have been rei-ently purchased. diiectly from the importen and manufacturers. exci.ui-ivkly roa csh, ant] will be sold at i)k; . w York Jobbers pricea. adding iransportaiion onl-y: and in con6equence of iho decline un inany of the American manxifncfiiied anieles, will in mnny cubes, be Sold at fiflttn per ccr.t less than farmer pricts. The subscribers expc:i?nco in ihe Dyt: Wood trade enables liim to say to his cusiomers that he is preparrd at al) times to w.t 'nis goods of superior qualüy. THEO. H. EATOíV. Dye Wood nnd Dye SíufT Warehouse, 188 muí 1Í)D Jefíerson Aenue Detroit. Aug. b, 18 5. 225-4mSAVE COST! 4LL persons nidebitd to ilu 6ubscribers. ei. i. ilier by note or book acooont, re requesled to cali and Êetilo the same before' the 15th Jny of September nexi, as nü tlebrs irnsettled at that linie will be left in the hands of Wm. R. Perry Esq. for collection. ' R. & J. L. DAVIDSON. Ann Arbor, Aug. II, 16-15. t?ó-4w POLLA RD TERÏPSE AJEtfCE HOUSE, Bï" L. D. & O. WEYBURN. Near the SteamloaX :nd Paektt Landing, B ffilo. HPUIS establishment hns du inp ihe pst winCT. been considerably tnlnist-d. nnd iniproved with ce funiituie, etc, aHÜ is now rendy to mikethe Trnveller at home. Rt tite moderate chnryes of 5 ct-nis perTOcal, and t74 Cents per Dav. Pnsscncers nnd Bosrgsge cortveyed to und front the freís of churse. N. Ti. Pnsscngcrs iotti the Eust wil] fir.d a Sien lor tfie hoose. in the Depot, under which to place iheir Hagcrnge. In conneciion wi:h :hft above House thett. an EATÍNG ESTABLISHMENT, on tfee European plarr. We. tho suhscribi:r.. rnke plensure in recom menning ihe bove House to ihe friends of the cause, as bnnc woïlfcy ot' thrir patrnnge. C. W. FIARVET. Pres"! Eiie Co. Temp. S. S. N. CA LENDA ft'. Sec'y do H. MÍLLERD. Fres't Poílard Tera. Society. II. G. WflITE. Sec'y do E. D. BOPIPON, Tjc't Y. M. Tmp. S, W. B. ïi)P,ES. Secrttary du Bnffbfo: F.'biumv. 1845. Hmo- 1)2NEW ENGLAND HOUSE. No. 111 BRüAPWAY, NEW YORK. f Iï f Itcrm the City Huid and Trinity Ckwck.J THE Poprietur, graief! for t!ic patronage nlready brstowed upon hini hy tlie puhfíc gencr.illy, would eive noiiee.ihnt lus house is now m coinpleie order for the recepiion of Lnciies and Gentlemen who nny wnnt permatwm board or iran?ient necommockiiinns. The New Etygland limise burf sirieify a temperancelio se. nnd plenssamly locaieiï in ihe immedioie vicinitv of businesp, ma&et h veiy ticsirnble for men Óf business, as we!l as nfl oihere who liRe Tqtïiet accommodations and sereenble company. r. WIGHT. My 1f 1g4S. CnivQ Al.RA.W. XF.W YORK. BY NATHANIEL ROGERS. TJ,S cclebrateil hunse is now open for the reception o'trnvrlers. It is the Inrgest diincnsions. ind s fu'i'-du van n uil ils pnrts. It ií siricily a Tcvipirunct F.O'ise. and while oJ poins will hespand 10 mnko il uil ihnt the trareJing public can nak. it ie expected in reiurn thni it will recnivc tliopa rinnio ol jII ihefrienda of Tcmperciicc who iny have occasion lo viij Alb.iny. í)y 10. 145. S12-6'u "MAHl-iÖSólioTEr.. TLiU' iiorsi.. NATHAiSlEL ROGBRS. Xo. 3-J9. Washington Strct. Boston. 'IHIS liousO has undr.igone n thorough repnir, nnd it ie íiiírndcH ihnt dornm house eimll he superior 10 it. Jt will be under the ïnmuMiate elwirgö of fernvrn S: Colburn. us Mf. Uogers keeps tho Delevnn Housu in Albany. May 9. 4. 2:2-6ii "Öeese Feathers. T'IF. Snheenhfr hui ilv;ys -n hnd n cd Mipplv ofOèeas Feathera wiiieh be xvill sell in quontitiea to 8ii purchaier und at üie lowcbl rnnrkcttrtte. .#%r'r W. A. RAjMOND. Detruii, May ','3. lrU U-Ijm.


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