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1871. The World. 1871

1871. The World. 1871 image
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The vcnr 1871 bids ikir to be one of tlie most Important and fruitt'ul In our politica] Iiisloiy. In it Wlll be sHuped the great issues uu wliieh the Prcsideutial clecliou i f 1873 must torn. Itwlll beau er ot new politica] energy iu tlie South, which, for the lii-si Li u;e iu twelve yeara, cuines unletiered luto a natloual canvas; and an era ofconliope to the Democratie party everytvliere. TJie superaauuated Issues oa which t!it; Httdicul party nae siood are paiislng out of iioüiïcs, nul che blnnderlng Imbécility aml proflígale extravaganco of Uenerul Gianl'i aduilnlstratlou need onlv to be fiik.'ifully expooed to turn the tide of pabilo iL-ciinj; strougiy apatnsx t. in thls, the great work of tiie comlug year, Te will act uo wKsondary part. Iu locatiou Iw the great focas of nailonal comuiicl lutulilgeuce, the froihueita aud aouudnuce of lt uews, oud Ita rocojmlzed posltlon s ih loudinu organ of tiio Democratie party, lay upon it a. mlsslon and apooilesklp wuloh Lt wlll dUcharg wltn uuSlucbing boidm's, vigor, Üdulity, and goal. lt will be in constant counsel and c.jiiiinmiion wiili the lrk-d luodcrfl and gagaclous Blatesmea ei' the purty in ;i!l of tlie Suites of the Union, cordially co-operating with tliuni, and ihey with it, iu building iiji the party iu order and iiniiy ; beallug dirl'ori'iices, lufuslng onlhlence, Invltlug and eucouraglug new proselyteë, and It-adinon tnc party as a iiold aud uubrokei) pha l:inx to tlie filial triunipli Willch Units it iu liSTd. The s.are allottofl to Tuk AVohi.d u tllis corablued and dhtuipliued movemeut of liie Democraoy, iu theirontrard mareb to vlotory, is the dlsstemlnfttion of polltlcal trnlii ; a work uliicli eau be frultlul ouly n piHjportlou to tlie extcut of its circulatlou. We ask Demócrata evcryvvheiu to aid na iu scallL-riug tlie jooci seed bl'Oadcast over the wbolo land, dwing the period which is so important iu reference to the coniing harveut. AS A VKIIICI-E OF SEW9 The Wom.u (ni)w In the eleventh year of its OxlSCence) has always held the lirst rank anioui; meiropolltau jouruais. lts Ni-s on evèry topic of interest, politieal, commercial, literary, soeial, domestie, aud forelgn, is alwaya frcsli, abnndant, varióos, aml accurate, comprislug the wliole circle of current of iutelllgence, always rendered with sucii prómptltode and spirit that the paper has a lare and increasing circula tiou amoog poHfllcal oppoueuts lor its supertorlty in these respect. ASAN OKli.VX Ot' OPIKIOH Tiie AVori.d is fcarless, treuchant, iu doniitable; arclent In lts advocacy ol sound Democratie principie, unsparlng in lts deQuuciatlous of poütical abusen and corrupHon ; uid not oouönlng its tliseosslons to mere politics, it takesa wide range, touches upon a great variety ol' subjeets, and iiins'to be a safeguide of public opiui on ou all topics which engage public attention. Uglvea couplcuous proialnence to trade, üommerce, a;id fluauce, aud on these tof les Invites comparlson with any other jourual published at the comiuercial metropolis. _____ THE Wr.Klil.ï WO1UI). A large quarto sliect, printed throughout in.iarge type, mul publisbed every Wednasday moralug. Araong its prominent features ure : 1. lts very fU aud accurate Market repoits, einbraciuy: the Live Stock markets of New York, Albuuy, Brighton, Cambridge, and Pniladelplna ; tin; New York country prqdu.ce market, and geucrai produce marol the country ; aud füll reporta of the Nuw York monoy market Êach of '-hese reports are complled with great care, aiul contuln the latest quotations that can be obtained up to the time of putting the r lL pres. 2. lts Agricultural Department, wliicli eouuiuis taeli Wenk Bl'llcleS on practical and uclentiëc tarming that are of' great i val ue to American farmers. A special feature of this departmeut is a weekly sum in. try ofllie condiüou oí tiie hop market at home and abroad. A very full report ot tlie proceedlngs of tlie Farmers' Club of tlie American lnstitute is prloted in e:ich issue ot the Weekly WouLl), the day aller tlie meeting of the Club. By this arraugeiueut the report appears In ilie Weekly Woki.d one week in advance of its publicaron in any other weekly paper. ;l. A poniou of the Weekly Wokld Is ivs rvi-d fof faaiüy readlng matter, lucludïnji original and seleöted Morios, iioeins, waifsol humor, aud etracts from books and perlodicaïs Particular attention win do glvcn to this ilepartinent daring tUe year.. i. A special feature of the Weekly Woiti.n is a, Ciiivfiilly compiled suinmary ol Uie newa ofeach week. It is m.ide so complete t!iat no one who reads it can lail of beiug well posted on all the important ïiews ol the day. TUF. SEMIWEEKI.Y WORr.D. Tue,iay aud Fnday, is alarge quarto slieet CoiltalalDg ttll the news pub ished ni Uw Daily WoBtD, uitli the exCeption of Buen loca! repurw as may be of no interest to nou-residei.its of JMevv YorK Cay. h market report are as lull as tliose of tlie dally edition, and it coutalhs, beuïdea iniereslin literary maller, on Fridav ot eucti week a full report of tho Farmers' Club. TOB DAltï WOUI.D. Contains all tlie news of tlie day tliat can be olnaiued by mail and telegrapü trom all parta of the world, and tbOTOogh dlscass:ous of all topics of interest TUK WOKLU ALMAXAC. " l'lie Worki Almanac" conlains a vast qnantity of political Information of use to every vöier, and of sucn ciuuacier as can be oUtalncd in no other publlcation. In it mí: prluted ruil official returns ol every important elecüou ; the vote of Xew York tjUttti by electlOU distrieis, aud of Connectieot by towns ; the name and votes of each eandulale lor each branch of the New York Leislature ; list of members of the Utiited otates öenute and House of liepresentaiives ; obilua.ry record and list Of important events ; a complete summary of polLMcal eveut durlug eacb year; erop repons; cotlon statistics; acts of CongreSS, d'c. As a compact political manual it lias no i: i nial. TKRMS UV MAIL. WKEKI.ï WOKLD. lcopy, lyear S 2.00 4 copies, 1 year, separately addressed 7.00 10 copies. I year, separately ad. dressed 15.00 And a n extra copy to getter up of club. 20 copies, I year, separately addressed 27.00 And au extra copy to jretter up of club. 50 copies, 1 year, to one address 50.00 Aud the Semi Weekly, 1 year, to setter up of club. 50 copiéft 1 year, separately addressed 03.00 And the Senii Weekly, 1 year, to getter up of club. 100 copies, 1 year, to one address.... 100.00 Aud the Daüy, 1 year, to getter of club. 100 copies, I year, separately addressed 11000 Aud the Daily, 1 year, to getter upof club SK.Ml whEKLY WU1U.D. 1 ci'py, 1 yeir $ 4.00 2 copies, 1 year, separately addressed 6.00 i copies, 1 year, sep-irately addressed 10 00 10 copies, 1 year, to one address 20 00 And au extra copy to getier up o: club. 10 copies, I vi-ur, separately addressed 22.00 Aud au extra copy to geiler up of club. DA1LV WOKLD. 1 copy, 1 year $1000 1 copy, 6 mouths 5 00 l.copy, 8 tnoDtus 250. 1 copy, 1 year, with Sunday Eliiion 12 00 1 copy, 6 mouths, wilh Sunday IMitiou 6.00 1 copy. 3 moutlis, vvitli Suuday Kdition 300 1 copy, 1 inonth, with Sunday Editiou 1.00 THE WOUI.D ALMAXACS (For löütf, 181W, l7ü, and 1871.) Single copies, ot either vear, postpaid 20 Scvcu copies, ofeiihcr year, postpaid 1.00 DUUtCTlOBB. Additions to clubs may bc made any time In the year t the atiovoclul) rates. Ohanges In club Pist made onlv on requesiof persons raceMng club package, Btating daté of sqbacrlptlyn, editlou, postottice, aud State to which it lias previonsly been sent and enclöslng twtnty-öve cents Ui pay for troubie of the cliange to separate uddivs. Tkhms- Oash in advance Send postofflev, moiicy or.ler, liank (Irafl or registei1ed letter. Hilis seul by mail will Inr al the risk of tlie euder. We have no travelling agents. Specimen copks, postéis, :c, sent free of charge, whenever desired. Address all orders and' l.ttcrsto "THE WORLD,, 85 Park Row, New York.


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