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Glycerine And Yolk Of Egg

Glycerine And Yolk Of Egg image
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-The yKiliiHelpLia Journal of Pharmacy han made known a formula tor a prepurat od which is likely to prove vnluable for extermil use. Four parts, by weight, of jlolk of egií are to be rubhed in a mor tar wïih fire parts of (lyeerine. The compound bas the consistence of honey and is unctious like fatty subs' sneeu, over wbich it bas the advautuge of being aasiiy removed by waier. It is unaüerablc, a specimen baviug luid exposed to the air for tbree years uuchaugcd. Ap}?hed to tbe skin, it fonns a varnish ttml effectually prevents tba action of the air. Thoso propertiog reuder it serviecablo for bcokeu bui faces of all kinds, pariiculurly eryipelas and Bore nipples, nd for cutaneous affectiou, of wbicb it aliaos the ilching. Judge Portly says the livelieut time be -07er ezperienced was on issuiug the fi st n imber of a newspaper in a '■'.- 1 rn ft'WD. Tbe pe.'pltj waDted sometbing t i ring. He puhlisbed ■ tbe psrsr.nuï h story of theleadiog potitieiana as funi is led by their fiiends. The Judge ssjh that for tbe first hour tlioy all rusbed for tbe paper ; tbe eecoud hour tbey wQt for bim.


Old News
Michigan Argus