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ïo mmb Nkw Yokk, Ausust 15th, ÏSC'K Allow me tn Oall your atlehtión t my PREPARATION OF CQMPOUND EXTRACT BÜOHU. Tbe component part are, BtTCHTT, TiOxo Lsaï, CUBEBS, JÜNIPEK 1ÍEKRÏIvS. Modí of Prki-aration. - Uncbu, in vtcr.o. Juu:per Ber ie, by di-li'lution, to form a fine pin. Osbeb extrnct-d hy displacement with spirits ob'ain-d from Juniper tterries ; very liUlesugar i iiied and a email pfiportion of spirit. It is more palaUble tlian any now in ose. Buchu as prepared tiy Dmesis'a. " of a Hark oolnr. It is a plant thnt eraits its fraeranoe; the actinn of a flnme dfigtroys ttiis (its nctivei principia), lcaving a dark and trhitinons decoo'i'n. Mine is the color of ingredientg. The Tincliu in tny prepnration predominatxs ; the maHest qunntity of the other inpredients are added, to prvnt fermentntion ; upon inp?ction it will be f'Mind not to be a Tinoture, g made in Pbarmaoopa?a, nor ia it a Syrur - nnd therefore can be und in cae whcre fever or inflammation exist. In this, you bave tho knowledjre of the ingrediënt!, and the mode of propnration. Hopinff tbat yon will faTor it with n trial, and that upon inpoction it will meet with ynr approbaiïon, With a feünp of profonnd confidence I am, vpry rpppectfullv. n. t.'hei.mbold. Chemist and Druggist of 19 Years' Experienoe. (From the largput Mannfacturing Chem ists in the World). November 4, 1854. " T arn acquainted with Mr. H. T. Helmbold; he occupied the Drug Ptore opposite my residence, and was puccessful in condueting the business where nthera had not been eqoally so beforo him. I bave heen favonibly impressed with his charactcr and entprprice." WILLIAM WEIGHTMAN, Firm of Powers and Weiphtroan Munufactuiing Chemints, Ninih and Brown Streete, Pbiladelphia. HELHB0L9S FLUID EXTRACT BUOHU! Fiir WrtkncM riitlng from indfcrtfon. TbeexTiausted pfiwtra of Nature which ae accompanfed by eo roany alarming Rmtomo, among which will be fnund , lodWpoxtttun to f xrrtiun , I.obm of Mt-morj', Wakffnltii"is, Horror of Disraxe, or ForebodingRüf Et1; Ín fact.Uni Ternal Laifitude Prostrtion, aud Inabllitj loeuter iDto the enjoïmentft of ocitrtj. THE COMTDTION once affeetíd with Orgarïc WeakniFd, rtqwirv the aid of Medicine to treacbeo and inrifforate tbe ayntein, which HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHUiu▼ariabl y doei . I íno tratment U 8ubmittvdtotCoD sumption or iDnaaity ensuea. HELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BUOHU in affertioDü peculiar to Fenxilei , is untqualled by anyother p repu rat i on . as i o Chïorosia. or Retentlon, P&iafulneASor Suppressionof cuetontarr Kveutioni, l'lcertttid or cbirrus State of the Uterus, and at cnmplaintJ iucideutal to the ex, or decline o chance of life. HELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU AND II PRO VED BOFE WASH Wiltradically exterminóte froni the syntem disease urisiogfrom habiti of distipation( at little epenfg líttle or no chaage in itet, qo inconveniencc or ex j-opure ; completely aupcraediajt tboie unplaian and dangeroui rentdiss, Captiva tndMercury, in ivll lh dieasei. USE HELMBOLD'S TLUÍD EXTRACT BUCHU in all diicse" of tb e organn, wïiether exittug ïn male er letnule, fr'm whateyer cause originatlug, and no Diattr ut how tooi; stuiiclinp. It is pleaaui in taste and odor, ' immediate" in actio i( and mor1 strcpgtliening tban anj of the pieparationn of Bark or Imn. ThoRp ruíTptídií fmm broVcn ío nor delicate oon■■titutioijfl , procui e tbe remedy at once. The reader must b avare tlutt, however ihg1:t in y b th attvctc o) the above dieHBe, it is eer tain lo affect thcbodiiy healih and mental pow?r.s All tbc above diseaen require theaidot a Diure tiO. IIEUIBOI.D'a EXTRACT UUtHU is a great Diuretic. Sold by Druggists Everywhere. Prlce $1.25 per Bottle, or 6 Bottles fot $6.50. Delivored to any address. De sciibe Syxnptoms in all jatioua ADDRESS, H. T. HELMBOLD, Drug & Chemical Warebouse, 594 BROAÜWAY, ISTew York. OAK ARE GKNUINE nless done np In steel enraved wrapper, V'itli fac-simllc of in y ('lii-miral Ware li o use, and sigile A H. T. HELMBOLD. rl 126T. " WASHTENAW COUNTY.=J JnÖtarypubuc1 '■- ■L.'Jtl SEMERAl iJi :1 k-iLJH CONVEYANCER UL_J.L. ÖB SHWl-i ann arbor I Yí. l'llll. ■ ■ ■ '■;::! 1 I REAL ESTÁTE FXCHANGE ! ! ThcunrVri(ïnpfï ba vin? h perfect Record nlutnry of til üf tbc lí".i! Bátate Title in IJltf, n:il in the -'ounty of Wanhten-w, taken plemure n announcinjf lo'tlie public that ne wilt vxmninr tille. giTe ■ HtracUol Keal ICutAte ti1,mako m-ed morttjaii, contráctil and olher lejrnl papers on tlie shurtei notice: Will aln make aal o f City propertj anl iurniH.trnt botwfta, frnd fnreclo mortgfge. ï'er oot irtnüng a h story of Real Efltl title, wil 1 r collect tlmt liin Hookit 'take in Tax Titit-s nd all co.U toral mattfiM whlch tuRh efich par ttna ter dwflrlp iiun; nml all inortaKH, uncient OF modern, which AppMV tu be HtiU MubriiüttDg uf record at the proent time. ! offer t!t lollowing Reil Etate for ale : N'o.U'O. Th" Malony House aud Lot oo DItIkUid Street. Mo.101. Hooi an1 Lot in Iliscöek'i addUloa. I'iicei-i.onO. N"o. 102. Tivo Story Briclt House on Spring1 ft reet :. o. 163. Two Ütotv Wond H'une on Spring Stfeet. No. lol. N'icr iïiHiit1, Lot and Barn just west of Law College. N'o. 105. Fine Hom, Ont-bousf , Barn and Sacrft-i of I.fin1, Wter Fount, fcc- rery deatrablc I'roperty. No.106. FTousa and Sacres of Land Innide corpora tion. No.107. HoQ0 and Lot juat outh of tbeUbiverilty building No. 108. 1-Vi acrexof Land eait of the UniTeriitj GiountU. No. 109. City Lntn neivrlj oipmit Dr. Chase' Printing EAtnblmhuient. N'o. 110. OnTwo Stoiy Wood Dwelliug on State Street. ue elegant Two Story Brlck Honse near Universitv Square. N'o. 112. 30 acres with buildings just north of the City. No.113. One Two ytory House jnst aorth Cemetry G round No. 114. Ttro Brlck Uoute weRt sideof University Square. N'o. 115. ö aeren juut went of the City. Ho. 116. 5 acres tb bai Mitins just wet of the City. No. 1J7. lfiO acres with builMrua and inproremcnts 6 nu lfM norlli - ííodJ sitiiutnm. NTo. 118. 3"0 acre- fine farm in Shiawassee. No. 119. 2.000 aeren of WiM in the Counties of Wayn, Mouroe, Sninaw and Shia wasuep. My Abstract Buoka arepostedto date. No. 120. Om elpcjant Three Story Building on Iluron Street, west. No. tïl, 175 acres on Iffiddle Road to Ypsllunti. N'o. 122. 40 ncres on Scnth Road with Building! aud hapremfttotfli -Vo.123. 2-10 acres on N'orth Hextw Road. 1)i miles out .with impro ment?. No. 124. An1 muvh other Resl Enlate uut herein In cluded. Tl.,. re are miuy oM inortazes in Wnslitenaw Cnnn. tv unflicharffed of Etecord, nd the (ftwi f LJfnft, tinne to Mortgfgen ifl dilïerent from th t applicu ble to Real Estáte. Termsof OomatMloB on sales of Real Estáte, one percent. If talA madft, Ratfifor . rch of Real Ktate Title G c-nts per fí Cor Dasjd and six cents a yearfor Mortgagca un til chance of notice. N charges will be made for examinntlon of litle, :ih k int; pierP or recording, to parties Itndinsf money tiiroiigh me. Mouer rrQted to loau ot unincum bere! Kea1 Estáte from od to five jear, at 10 j)er cent. interest net to tlie lender. Aon Arbor, March 20, 1H70 TRACY W. ROOT. A COMPLETE STOCK i Ut V V A11J oMdUIiAdUü GOODS, NOW BEING RECEIVED BY FINLEY & LEWI . WE ASK THE PARTICULAR ATTENTION OF BUYEES TO OUR LARGE STOCK OF Kip & Calf Boots, MADE BF HAND EXPBESSLY FOR PCB TRAPE. TOR CASH YOUCAS BUY Lumber, Lath and Shingle AT A BARGAIN, AT THE YARD QF C SUTHERLAND & CO. AnnArtor, rnurr , 1 70. 12S2 TUGÏÏSTToth, 187ÖI NEWWHEATFLOUR superior qualtiy, at the ANN ARBOR CITY MILLS. Vcry nl holtod Corn Mnnl, coarae Men] , Grahiim Flour - vïoA Rucood qunlaty Flour at l;w priee, - Criickeu Whene, and uï kiuds uf Feed, nt lowost irlcce, and dclivereé ia any part of the city. Terme -u M. tw OrdT8 left iu my Order Bui at the Post Ofticc promt)tly utteudud to. 1Í8J .1. T SWATHEI. NAËBÖÏAGAmsr THE STATE IN THE FURNITURE TRADE, And O. M. Martin againet Aim Arbor Don't Foiget hl Old Stand. Finost Assortment of Toilet Goods in the City, by


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