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A Clergyman's Joke

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I wu spending tho nigbt io a hotel io Freeport, Illiaois. After breakfagt I went iuto the iitting room, vrhere I met a pleasaiit, chatty good-hutnored traveler, wíio, like myself, was wuitins; for the morning tr in from Galena. We conversad freely and pleasantly on different topics, until seeiug two young ladies rnoet and kiss each other in the Htroot, the cooversation turned on kissing, just about the time the train was approachiug. "Come," said be, taking up bis carpstbag, "sinoe we are on o sweet a subjeot let us have a prsotioal appücation. I'll make a proposition to jou. I'll agree to kis the most beautiful lady in the cara from Galena, you bcing tho judgo, if jou will kis tbe next prettiest, I boint; the judgo." This proposition staggered me a little I could hardly teil whether ha was in earnest or in fun ; but as ho would be ag deeply in ita I could be, I agroed, providad he would do the firt kissing, tbotigh mf heart failed aotnewhat aa I eaw his bluck eyes fairly dauoe with dring. "Yes," said he, I'll try it first. You take the back car, aud go in from the front end, where yoü can seo the faces of the lsdiee, and you stand by the one you think the handsomest, and I'll come up from beland and kiss her. I had hardly stepped iriKido the car when I saw at the tirst glanueone of the loveliest looking woaen my eyos ever feil on A beautiful blonde with nuburn liair, and a bright, eunny face, full of love and sweotness, aud radiant and glowing aa the morniog. Any further searoh was totally unneoossary. I immediately took my stand in the aisle by her side. 8he was lookiog out ot the window earnestly, as if expeoting sorne one. Ths bnok door of tho car openeri and instepped my hotol fiiond. I point ecl my nngor at her srly, never dreaming tbat he would dare to carry out his pledife, and jou may imagine niy horror aod amnsmetit w!ieo be stepped up quiokly bohind ber, and stooping over, kissed her with a relish tiiac made my "mouth water." I expeoted of course ■ shriok of terror, tod then a row generily and a knockdown but astoninhnient auoceeded astotiishment when I saw her return tho kisswitb ooinpouni interest. Quick as a flash, be turned to me and said : "Now, eir, it is jour turn," pointing to a bideously ugly, wrinkled oíd woman, who st n tha 89at behiud. "Oh you must excuse me ; jou raust I" I exclaimed. "I'm sold th time." I givo t up. Do teil me who you bave been kiasiog ?" "VVell," said he, "s'aceyou are a man of so rnuoh taste, and suoh quick perception, Pil Iet you off." And we all burst iuto a hearty peal of laughtor, as he said, "This 'm my wife. I have been waittng lor her. I knew that it was a safj proposition." He told tiie story to his wïfe, who ooked ten fold sweeter as pho herd it. Before we renohed Chicago we cxohanged oards, and I disoovered that my genial companion was a popular Epitooalian preacher of Chicago, whofe name [ had frequently heard. VVheneTer I go to Chioago, I lwaya go to hear him, and a heartier, more natui al and eloquent preachor il bard to find. He was heu a yonng man ; he il now well koown 8 one of tbs ablest divinen of the Episopalian denominatioDS in the West.


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