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F 0T! On tho 2d inst., between the dfpot and the Univer groonda, a I.ndy's Strlped Worsted Shawl. The Ander win be Hhernlly rowarded by lendlng e-amc to Dr. liackus' Olilcr. corner Fuurtli aul Auu it reets. 129'Jwl' MOTICE! The sniisn] ftiectiiiï or the Wahteraw Connty Agticultnral nd Horticultura! Socluty mu held ar. the (,'oiirt House, in Ihd City of Ann Arbor, n Tucsdav, the niaetceDUl dny fDeciihber, A. D 18T0, at 11 A. M. or snid rtay. 1SW1 D. CRAMEK, Secretury. ATOTICE! WliíTons.niy tvïfe, Fred . ba left ray I board without jnat caueo or provocatloD, afl s are hereby orbido trast or havbor heron ray account nfier tb ie date, DxU'f], Arm Arbor, Dec. 2. ISTO. iapws jAcon zeeb. pil. SCITiïXCK ADVTSSS COWSUMPTIVJSÉ w TO 60 TO FLORIDA IN WIXTER. HiYnra fnrthf1 inst thirty-flve yeára áevoted my wholo thne nihi attenUon to the stad; of Lang dteeaees and oonpumption, I ivw thut I onderstand fuiiythe conrse that ouglittobc purauedto restore a toleraba b-i.i i diaeaaed linies to healthv aoundneas. The ftrst umi most important step K for the patiënt tn nvoid taklhjrcold; anti the best of all places on this continent fr ttüspurnoje, in winter, is Florida, well down In the State, wnere ttK' tempcraturcia recular, and not MiMect to such variaUohü ;i in moro nortlirrn ];t.Uudos, l'aliitkji Is a polnt I can rocoinmond. A pood hotel Is kopt there by i i man. Laat winter I &aw Beveral persóns there whopc lunn had bwn badly dleeaserf, botwlio, umWthe ïunllnginfluencd of the climntc and my nu-dicint, wcroget-1 ttog well. One ImndrM milo?! fnrtlior rirtwn tlir' livms a point vliïch I m'hiiK! prtVrtol'nl:itk:i. ;i-t iln' temperauuro Ifl more even and air drv and bractog. MeUonvHIe nnd Enterprise are lountetl thiiv. 1 shonld glje a ilfctdccl preferenceto Mellonvllle: H is two miles Drom rlveror late, and It socmi almost Imposslble to takc cold toere. The tables in KhiridH hhkIh be botter, and patiënt com]lainattim: luit tlmt Isaftoml It indicatf ft return of npnetito : and, -when (lus is ihe caae, they cencrally Jncrease in flesb, and ilun the langa must heal. Jacksonville, HlbermA, (irot-n ('ove, and many oihcr places in varióos parta of Florida can bc laftly recomïiicinU'ti to consumptivcsïn winter. My roatoni f(r wiyinjr o are, tli:it pattentö nro loss linhlc to tahe cold thcro tnan wnere ttaere is & los even temperature; and it is not neetssary to say, tliat, wlwre a cunsuinpthe person expostt bJmself to fieqnent culd, hc is certain to die sborUy: thcrefore jnyadvlco is, go welï down int iliu State, out i( tbe rcocn of provalliñg ea?t windaand íbgs. JacksonvilU', or ainmsianv' otherofthe locallUea I have named, wiü benefit tbosewbo aretrouhk-d whh i torpid livn-, i diaordered atomacb, deranged tvfis,Borcthroat( orconghi bot, forthoM wboae langa are dlaeaaeda ni.'rv BoiitliL'rn point is eiinustlv recoiniiK ml. ii. For tuteen yeara prior to lMj:t, I was profbssionaUy tn New York, Boston, Balümore, and Pbfladelpnla overy week, whero I aaw and examlned on an averajro flvo hundred patiënte a weet Apractice ra axtenalve, emïiraelnff every pussihlo ptaasooi lung iliseaw, bae cnabled nictouiulcr.sianil ihe dToOBecfiillj'l and In-nee my catition in regard totaking cold. A penon naay tak e vaal qaantltlea m " Schenck'a Vulmonic Byrop, Seaweed Tonlc, and Mandrake l'ills,11 and et diu it liudut-s not avold taklng cold. In Florida, nearly everybody is uslne Sclionek' jvrnndrake l'ills; ibi tbe dlmate is morO likely to produce billoos babltatban more nori hom latitudes. Itisa wellestablishcdfactttliaLtuiürs of florida rarely die ofconMUiijitiun, espL-cialJy tliose of the so ut hem part. On tho Other hand, in Kew ünpland, one-ihird at lenst of iho Sopulation ale of this terrible, dlsease. In the Ulddle tate, itdoeanotprcvaileo larpely; Ktlll there are many tboosaoda ofvaaea ihcrc. Wnat a vast percentage of lile would be savtsl if consumptives were as cauily alarmcd in regard to taking fresli coloa aa they are uLmutscarlet fever, anuuHpox. Ac.i but they are not: they tkc wbat they term a litilccold, ■whlch they arO crcdulous enouRh to believc wlll -earoiT in a few tlay. They pay no atuntion to it; and heneo it laya the. foundation lor anothcr and anothcr htiif, umi) the lun are diueaevd bevond all hope of Oore. My advtofl to peraoni wlioso limps aro afTected, even ialigbtly, istolay inastock ofSohenck'sPolmonlO Byrup, SchenckbSc:tvec-dTonic,and Sciirmk's Alaiulrukf l'ills. and goto Florida. Irecominend these pm-ticular medicines, bccaiiM! I am thoroushlyncquainttd with their ad Lon. ' know, i bat, wbere they are sjwd in ptrict accurdancc with niy direottonê, they wlll do the vork that. lareqalred. This accomplislu-d, natura willdo tho roat. Tho phyaldanwho preacrlbea for cold, ccuigh, orrdght f ui-ais, "aml thon advises the patiënt to w;ük orrile out every day, will be surc to have a corpse on hi hands befbro lung. My plan i?, to yivo my thre nwücrnps in accordanco wlth uie prlnteddlreetlonB, exeopt in some casea where a freer use of tho ilEtndrake PiUala m ceeaaiy. 51 y object Is, to give tuno to tho Btoumch, - toget up :i good appetite. Itisaiwavsa good Blgnwhen n patiënt beglns to grownangry: I have hopea of such. wlth a relwh for rood, and tho sratifleation of that relish, conios good blooo, and wilh itiuorcüeph, wliich iscloscly followett i-v ;i intimi; of tho luníís,- tin-n the ooogb loosensand abaten, the creepng chilla and chunmy nlght aweata no longer prosbati and annoy, auu tho patícnt geta well, provtded he avoids takiug cold. Ñow, there are manyconaanrptSveswlto havo not tho meana ti go toFlorld, Thequesdonmaybeasked.Ia i ïiue ibraach ? Certalnly thore i.-. Jlv ad vico to sucli in, and everhafl been, to stayin a warm room during Winter, with a temperaturo of abont BOventy (Irenes, wliicli hhouhl he keilt regularly it that point. by ineans of a thermometer. Let Kuch a patiënt take bis exercise wtthlBtbo limit' of the room by walking un and down as mtich rö his atrength wil] w rmii, in order to keep up ahcaltliy clrctüatJon oflhe blood. I have cnred t&ousanda by üúa bysteflo, and can fl- bo aganx ConKiimption iftaa easily cured na any other dlsea8e,lf ltla taken In time, and toe proper kind of treatment i purtiued. Tlie fact btanda nndtspated on record, that Schenck's Palmonlú Byrnp, Mandrake PlUa, una Boawi . .i ionio have carèavenr many ot what seemed t be hopelcss caaea of conaumptfon. Oo wbere you wlll, yoa wili be Bimost certeJn to imi aome poor consampilvo ■who has boen reacaed Trom the very jaiva of death by their BML 8o far as the Mandrake Pilis me concerned, every body Khould keep i supplv of them on hand. Tlu-y act on the Üver better Ihancalomel, and lnc, none of itshurtful cfiecta U-hmd. in CacttUie] ui in all cases ivbere a purjjative mediciné i-- requlredi Ifyou have partaken toofreely of fruit, and üiarrhoaa Muaea, ■ Soae of tho MandskkeawUl care you. Ifyoa are aabjeel u hick headache, take a dose of tho Handrakea, and they wlll relieve you in twhoura. ït yon wuuii obi katetho effect of a changa of water, or the too freo Indulgence In fruit, take ono of tho Mandrates every night, and you iiKiv then drink wat.T, and eat water melona, peara, applea, pluma, pcacheatorconi.wlthot the rir-k ofbeing made ftlck by them. They w 1 11 proteotthote who Uve in damp altaauona agalnst chilla and fovera. ïry tbem. They are perfectly Earmleafl. They can io you good only. I bave abandoued my profóaslonal i.sitstu Boethnand New Vu.k, imt continue [ bob patlenta atmy orlk-e, Ho. 15 Kortli Sixth Btreet, Fhiladetphlfl every Bataroay from 9, A.M.,t3, )-.m. Thoee who wlan a thorough examimatiun wlth the fcteaptrometer wiU bo eharged Öre dollars, 'i be Beaplrometer declares the exact condltion of the langs í and patlenta can readlly leam nhether tin-vare coraDle ornot But I deslre It dlaünetly uni, tiiat the value of my medldnea dejiends cntirejyupon their being taken atrlctly accoralng tadirecUons. In conclusión, I will .ty, tluti wiim persona take my medicines, and tholi syateina ar! broui,hi intu a healtby condltion thereby, they are nol Bollable to tukt' coldj yct no pne with fllaaaaed langa can beara Bodden cbange ofatmoephere without the UablUty u( greatex or K-ttdirribatlonof the broncbial tutees. Kuil dlrectlona In all laiiKimnesaccompany y.. . olaea to cxplicit and ciear iliai anyone can oae them wiijji'ut tüiDsUltlnji Jiie, juid can be boughi from any írui;l;lBtj. H. Somi.atM.D., Ko. 15Xorth Blxth Btreet, J'liiladulphUi. JOHN F. HENRY, 3 COLLEGE PLACE, NEW YOBK, PHYSIGIA2MS' PRE?CR[PTiOS ACCURATELY AN'li CAREFÜLLY PR3PAEED BT Ii. W. KLUS & C0.,DmrQGÍ87f!. J ÜSTE ËCJEXVËD" WÍVS. WACNER'S, A I.urge and Choioe Stock of FALL AND WINTER G-OODS, ÏN'CLUDIXO GLOTIIS, CASSIMERES, VESTINGS, &C. JjATEST STYLES AND BEST QÜALITIE8 WHICH HE WILI. MANUFACTURE on Urms lo suit, and in the linof EEADY-MADE CLOTHING ANK öeats' FUENISHING Goods. BIDiSI? J3 T "$T Jj 353 ,B AlsnLAMEVaBdGfiNTS MOROCCO 8ATCHELS No.21 8outh Main Street- Eat(d. OALL AND SEE THEM. WILUAM WAGNKR, Ann Arbor, frpt. 1870. T ADIES'FASHIONAÜLE 8HOE HOUSE. .- TAHRAKTT 24 Sao th Main Street , Dealer in UDIE'S BOOTS AND SHOES, THE NEWEST .STYLES I3ST Kid, Calí, and :Cloth, A ' u ; hand,and Stock and Work Guaranteed. IF YOU WANT A. BDOÏ, _ A.. GAITKB.] íA. BXJSKIN", OTt IA. SDPPKB, CALL AND EXAMINE HTS STOCK BKFORE PIR CHA SINO. PEICES LOWER :han the LOWEST. Ë. TARKANT. Ann Arbor, Ma j 1870. I do BOtwIah te iiiiorm you, reader, that Dr. Vnderf 11 1 , or any other man, las dlflQOVnd a renifniv that suru uiraHamptlonj who tin', liraga mr haft oooBumed in shot t , wil i cure a 11 di86ftBH win i hor of inind, body ut state, inake ill#n [lïe forevpr, and leaTfl tit'iith t ptrtv for wanl of work Jid is .li-sjti'.] to inakc oursn iluunry sphere a b'issftil l'ar:i . .vhich JI.-HVi-n Ltnelj sball tje but asidonhow. You haT4 li;i ril (DOUjtll oi (hut ;inH of hnnibitsrery. Bnt 'tif 11 I teil fon "-fiat Hr. Page's í'atarih EUroeii; mU positi-reiy cnrt, rlu V0T8C 08898 ,of Oarrh in tbe Uead, I only annerl tha1 ttblcb tnoluands eau tetifp .ie. I nül pay S.ioo reward ffor i paso thnt I, cannttt '■urf. A punphlet íívin svmptoirl ;nl othflr itiformation mdI frae toaQr addrvu, IbH remedyis SULD BT, H,-T DRCGftlSTfl IN A LI, PARTS OF THB WOHID. Prif f0 ernt. Pent lv mail, iotpnM, on rprrïpt of ixiy cents, or (ourpankagtia for two dull&rs. Ueware of GOUnterftUê avd tnorfhtetv imitatiovs. See that iny privatv 3tHDip, wbfab is po.Mi i v {iiamitM ( (ï-n ufnenesa i pon the oatnlde wrappvr. Ketncmbcr that tliïi private Ptaini. lsod by ' fi" tTnited Statfi uveriini"iit , c prc'.-ly for Stamping my m"licine- ha mv pnrlralt. nnnif and addrav, aodthoirordi U, S.Certifïcati' of GeüulDcness,11 engraTvd udod it, ml Deed ii"t !■ mistaken. Don't he sw1nUel hv 1 rnvi'ici1 :i?)'i otbWi rt-prt-vfiuin tbemaelTei u Dr Sage; I am the oíMy man now living tliat kn the kim'.' iedgE umi iï-Ut U: m nufiict ure the GrnuhteDr, ■ ml I oever trltv-l to seti tblsnie K rIKKCKiY i. cc ntreot, liuiT-tlo, N. Y.


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