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Mortgage Salo. i -kKKATt-T haVIng been nudo i tb condKion of 1 a certain mortfiagfl exectlted foy l'lleii Kuel of ;he City of Aun Arbor, ('ouuty of Waahtenaw and Jtateor tlichlgan toMactlnneli. Shotte and Borato I. Diddnaon, ol 'a,=lit( iinw Connty and State of a, on the thlrd day of May, i! the yc;ir of tmr e thonsand i:'!it hnndred and Buty-eeven, u.'l recorded In the once Jof the Register of or -ald oini!.y of rVaahtenaW, on'the -ílli day of Hay, A. D. 167 , al i"., o'cock a..m.. In líber BCof no tííu'j. page 4M. which Bald mortgagewafl ;i-ly Horneo K. Dtokfneon to Martinas L. Shntta m liit di.y of June. A . i'. ; ... : -ui rccordi'd ín Iber - of a&algnments of ntofrgttfree, on tbe 17th lay of November, A. D. 1870, at 0 o-cloek A. M.,on lage 501 and Bgalñ aesigned by Martlniu I,Khuttsto 'arins j ' ■ . ptember a. ). I (37. and recordad In the office oí the Regietor of teeds on tne lTth day of November, Ji. I87o,a1 lo'clock A.H.,inliber y of asslgnmcnt ofmortga_ri-, im p;i'M'.')2, nnd that thnre a dalmedto ir the date he.reof tbe sum of flve hnndred a.. inty-eeven dollara, alo an Attorneys lee of tvrcnty lvedollars ihoold any proceedings be liad to fore;losc tola mortga andno sull or proceedti :iw or in equlty havtng boen luid to recover thi debí leenred by miUI mortgi je. or uny parí thereof: Noticc ie berebj L-iven. tbat by virtne of the. power of ale m Bald oioi ;: contalned, 1 shill sell at public inctlon, to the hfghest biddut, ou the tweny-iift ay of Fubruary, A. 1). 1871, ai two o'Olock in'thc alierloon of tlwit lfVt at tlie froni door of tho Court Kousc, In the City of Aun Arbor, In the County of Washtenaw and stnte of Michigan, the. premiaos deBcrlhed Ín aald mortgage, as i Áll tliat certain piuco r parce! of land Bitnat in the City of Ann Arlor, n tiu: Oonnty and State Aforesald, and known andde" icrlbed aa followa, to-wlti Lot bumber thlrteenln liock niimber tWO (2) north of ran'je No. fonrteen iaat ín the eaatem addition to theClly oí Ann Aruor 'formerlvvillage ) Dated ,' November 18th 170. IXUJISA .T TICKNOR, Execotrix of ihe Last Will and Testament of Dnring Douglaan, DeC. Joiirí N. Oott, Attorney for the Esccutrlx. Mortgage Sale. DKr"ATJI.T having been marte in the condition of a cartaia mortgage exeooted by DorhskaN. Gregoiv ni iïnr M. Oregory of the city of Aun Arbor, BlfcbJKan, to Enoch James of tbe same place, on ttu; ílr.-t day 4! OctobertA. D. one thoaíand eifrht han ■ dreii aod sixty-throe.anrt recorded in the oílict of the Hegintor of Deeds for the County of Washtenaw and State aforeaald. ou tlie Ilfth dnv of October, A. i) iso:t, nt 7:'-'O o'clock I'. M. of sala day, in libur 31 of mortgagosi page 390 whlcbwild mortgage wa duly ftauUmea by said Eaoch Jamea to IlenryL. James, of Williamsbnrgh, Maatachoaetta, on toe fodrteentb dayof MMi'ch.A. D.184S,and recorded In the ofllce 01 tlte Heister of Dccd for naid Connty of V7aaht6ïiaw, on the 2d day of November, A. 1) 170, at 9 o'i:]nr-k a. M.,in líber 43 of mortgagea, page 826,on which pnid mortgage mul bond accompftsyinff toe name, tlicre is elaimod to be due at the date of this DOtlce the sum of olneteen hnndred and flve dollare, also an Aüiiri'iy'H lee of ífty dolían t-limld any proceetlings he taken to forecloíc the tamo, audiio stiit or prooaediDS in law r equltj havlng been inatU tntefl to recover the debt or any part thcreof: Notice ia hereby iv'ii that by vir'tne of the power of sale ín said mortgage contalneí), I f halt sell at pnbllo auctíoii, to the bJgneat birlder, on thc llthdiyof Pebroary, next, nt two o'doek I. M of Bald day, at the frunt door of the Court Hniiic. in the City of Ann Arbor. in .uairl Couuty of Waslitenaw. the premiftes dcBcribed in sald inortir-ie, ae AH that certain piece or pftrcel of land sltaate and bMng in tlie City of Ann Arbor. ín the County of Washtenaw, and State of Michigan, known and dew;ribMl n folIow8, to-wit: Lot niiiiïber one Ín block No. one notfh of Hurón street, in range tiro, according to ti..1' orded plat of the village fnow city) (f Ami Ai oor, being all thope iremirfes known as the Monitor Motel property. November 2d, 1870. 1IKNRY JAMES, of said Uortgage. Jonx N. Gott. 12í)6 Attorney for Assignee of said Mortgage. Mortgage Sale. DEFAUI.T havhiK boen made in the condition of a certaln mortgage. ezeented by Andrew Service and -Mnry Service, hi wlfe, of the town oí Sharon, in the County of washtenaw, and State of Michigan, to .Marcua 11. Kowe of the earne place, on the tweiiiy-tifth day of September, A U ifi", and recordea In the ollice of the BngMer of Deeds for (ait County of Waahtenaw, OE tlie iith day of September, A. ]). 1866, ;it i(,1clock A. M. ot said day, in Líber 31 of Uortuair; on page '-"-'! . which f:iil mortgage wae duly aepighed by füid Marcus Ji. liowe to Samnel Cnahmas on tbc 6tn day of Febrnary,A.D 1S(5S, and recorded on the llth day of February, A D. 1868, at 10 o'clock A.M., in Lüicrl of Aaatgnmenta of Mortgages, on pase 66 ', and aflln atrsiiued by Samnel unehman to Iliram Hlgb of 8haron, niittv and State aforesald, on the 26th day of December. A. D 188, and recorded in tbe office of the Rogliter of Deeds of naid County. on the 'j.'th day of Dscember 180, in Uber No. 2 of Assignmentö of Morrages on pasre lïn, which Baid moitvr.'iLre waa asaln aangned b Bald Hlram Ilih ta Lnther Jaincs, of thecity of Am Arbor, County aforeaald, on tlm 12tta day of Jnne A. 1. 1SG0, and recorded i;i the ofllce of tho lïester of Deeds for said County. on the twenty day of November, A.D. 1870. at lóJi o'clock A. H, in Liber ' of Aaelgnmente' of Mortgages, on paye 657 . and that thcre ís claimed tobe duo at. the date hereoi the eum of one thonaand and twenty two dollaro and tweuty-three cents, also an Att .m-vV fee of twenty -five dollare sh mld any proceedlngi b had to íorecíose the K:une, and forther tnatalmmtfl :ne due on Bald mortgage, and noanit orprocecdiims at law or In eqmty banng been had to re cííver the deb' Becared by eald mortxage or any pari thereof; Notlce ia hereby givcn tbat, by virtue o the power of sale in aaid mortgage contatned, 1 hhal' feil at public auctton to the hLihbat bidder on the f.urth Say ofiMareh, I). Í8T1, at 2 o'clock lo the nfternoon of that day, at the front door of the Court llouee In the City of Ann Arbor, in t tic County of Waahtenaw, and state of Michigan, tin premlset described in f aid mortgage as, all those certain iiieceH or Kircel of lanrt duecrlbed n follows, to wit : The west l.alf of the Bontheaat qnartero sectlcn I w. niy-five. and the eaat third of the east halt' of lbo sonthweel aaarter of section twenty.fiv in town ttiree south oironge three eaett alau tin tontheaat qoarter of the southveat quarter of sec tion numbei thirty-one iü township nnmber three Booth of range nnmber four eaat (exceptlng om acre herctofore sod :o -lacob Srheblc} in thrt County of Waehienaw, and state of Mi ihlgan, accordlng t the I'nlted States Survey. eontainini; oue huudred and foriy-nine acres be the aame more or leas. Dated, November 28. 185 LLTIIER JAMES, Assifrnoe. John N. Oott, Attorrcy for Assiguee. 12S8 Mortgago Salo. DEFAUI.T having leeu made in the condition o a certain mortgage. exweuted by Wilüam Mol K-nkamp and Uary Uollenkampof the townablp 01 Sharon. County of Washtenaw, and State of Michigan, on the twenty-flftb day of September, A. D 1869. to Lulhcr J.inïes, of the City ot Ann Arlior County aforeaaidi and recorded in tbeoiflee of the Reglater of Deeds Tor said County ol Washtenaw, on the sth day of February, A U. ISTU, at 5 o'clock i' M. of raid day, in Liber 42 of Mortgagee, on pan sll. and that there Is claimed to be due at the date lieroot tbc sum of eleven hnndred and twenty-om dollaraand pightyelght cents, also an Attorneyis fee ol' Bfty dollars ahould any proceedinga be had to tbreelosi! thia mortgage ; and no smterproceedings nt law or in cquity havniiï been had to recover the debt secured by said mortgage or auy iirt 1 Notice is hereby given that, by virtue of tbe power of sale in eaid mortgage contained, I Bhall aell at imblicauction to the 'highesi bidder, on the twentyfifth day of February next, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon oi' that 1ay, at the front door of the Court Honsetn the City of Ann Arbor, in the Oonnt] of Washtenaw. and State of Hichlgan, the premises deacrlbed in ?:Ad mortgage as. ali tnose certaln pieces or pareéis of land descrlbed as follows, to-wlt : Being tbe west half of the BOUtheaat (uarter of aectlon niimbcr twelilyllve. (eZCeptlng ilve acres in the Boutheaat corner heretofuje soid to C. M. Fellowa), and tbe eaat thlrd of the eaat half of the soathweat quarter of eection 'No. twenty iive (SB) in townahlp nnmber three south of range nomber three eaat; also tbc Bontheast quarter of the sonthweit 'juarterof section numbcrthirtv-ono fa) J in township nnmber three south of raime nnmber lour eaat, (czceptlng one aere her 'totoie BOld to Jftcob Si-heble; in the County of Washtenaw and staie of Michigan , according to the United States snivey, contalning one hnndred and forty four acres of land, more or lese. Dnted, Nov. 0, 1870. LUTnER JAMES, Mortgasee. John N. Gott. Attorney for Hortgagee WÍ8 Sale. DEFAl'LT haring beeninade in the condition of a certain mortgage exeented by Joaeph W, Walt, of the City of Ann Arbor, County of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, to James Treadwcll, Of the toiwiship of Ann irlor, Connty and state aforesald, on the oeventh day of .lulv A. i). 186Ï, and recordert in the Register'! offlet "t the Connty of vVaahtenaw, on the teventh day of July, A. D. l','. at ;".'_: o'clock P.M, in lilu'r 2'i' of mortgagei1! on pag'1 44, and that there is claimed to be chic at the date of tuis notice tho ram of four bnndred and sixty-nine dol. jare and twentytwocents, aleo nn Attomoy's fee of flftecn dollars "should any proceedinga le taken to foieeloee said nvrtpage, and no proceedincs at law or in eqnitv havfng been had to recover said surns ol money, or any part thereof ; Now, therefore, notice is hereby given, that by virtii'. ol .1 power of sale in raid mortgage contnined, I shall sel] nt. pnbllc auction to the lnghent bidder, on the I8th daj of Pebrnary, A. D. iti. at -i o'clock p. M. of saiil clay. at. the Irontdöor i Court House, ibtiii" the place wherc the Circuit Court for tho Connty of Waohtenaw aforeeaid ia held), the followng described pleera orparcel of land sltnated in the Cuy of Ann Arbor, and described as foïlows. to-wit : lïei'i" lots No one, two and three, in block six. in Brown k. Pnller'8 Addition to.the Villagn of Ann Arbor also etght rods square of land Mug norlh and adjolnlng suid block six. and fronting on Pontiac street ño a piece of land ttdjolnlng snifl lot earterlv and belnfr nine rods and six links in lengtb and foiir' rils in width, and adjolning the uorth line of said block six. l'iitcd, November 28d, li". .1 AMES TKEADWELL, Mortfragcc. Jorra N. Gott, 1" " Attorney tor Mortgagee.. Mortgage Salo. DEPAÜLT having been made In be condition of a certain mortgage made and 1 1 eented by Dorliska N Qregory ann fidgar M. Gregory, of the city of Ann Arbor, In the County ot Wnentenaw, and Staie of Michigan. tn I.yman 1). James. 011 thetwenty-lhirddayofAngnat 1S2, and reconied the samo d'av nt S o'clock P. M .. in liber 2:' ot mortgagea,page KS and thftt ther Ie now dne and nnpaid on said mortsaire and obllgation accompanylng the same, the siiin of hlindreil and one 66 LOC dollars, and to become doe, two thooaand dollara and Intereat at the rateof tenpercent. perannnm, seml-annnally, from tho 23d day of Angnst lust. on the twentytbird day of August, 1S71-', niso a reasonable Attoriey"a fee ahold any proceedlngi be taken to foi ha same, and no proceeding-i at law or in eqnlty having been had to recover the aame. orany art thereof i Now, therefore, notlce I I n, that by virtue of a power of sale in said mort gare contiiined, I Bhall seil at public auction, to the ïighest. bidder, on the twentv-nrtt clay of January ïext. at 2 o'clock I'. M of s'iiil day, at the frontdoor tftheOonrt Hbuee, in thecity of Ann Arbor, in atd Connty, all that certaln tract or parce] of land known and dewcribed .".s followa, to-wlt : LotNo. ne block nmpbor one north, In range twoeaat.ln ..f Ai'n Arbor, in the Connty of Washtenaw. nd s.ate of Michlean. !AN D, JAMES, Morta-airce. John ?T. QoT,Att'y. tor Hortgagee, l-'J3 PHYSimr PBESCHIPTIOSS I AOCl.RATF.LY ANÜ CAREFULLY PREFAPED BY Ji. W. VLL1B ■ 00., DRÏÏGGI82B. Mortgage Sfilo. DKFAI'LT haring i een made i q tbc comlítion oí ;i C( i'I.'iüi inii]-tL':'v - 'ti 1 nïiii t !' tln-reiu n power of sale f or condltii n broken, made by 'luirles Ohundlej and Blfca Chandler, hls v.-ife, of the vlllageof Clinton, in the Oouiity of Lena vee, nml State 'f Michigan, to PhlUnda C. Chitcdtor of the aame place, beartng dais tbe foarteenth day of November, bnndred and nixty-Uuee, opon certatn ■anüsdcscrlbed in a.d mortgage, lfa tolnffthe Boutheast qaarter ofsection numlrer thiitY-febroe (■;■!, iu tow ishlp number fooi Mj sonth o? range lotfr (4) east, contalnlng une hundred and fixtv acres of land, mon orlesa." nul "aab sittiated in tbe townsblp of Bridge water, in the Oonnty of Waul if Michigan" ure the payment of ttte imn of elght handreddolui in fur yeai from dau-. with Lnvweat payable :uin,vii on the same at seven per cent. per acnam, nd provldlng in cim: of nou paj ment of the Interist it shoald Decome principal . umi draw Interest ;t i afore&aid, and provldlng also tor ihi payücjit of the som of tweoty-ltve Solían as an AUorBhoald any proceedlnga be laken to foreclosc ' hu pafte, whir-ii mortgage, wiüi such power of ale, vasdniy recordud va toe office of tbe Reetoterof . ; tbe Oonnty of Wasn enaw and st:itt' of Miclii.'iTi. (tn '.'t)i day of December, A. J'. .i i n.iock i'. m , iu líber y' of mortgagea. on 59, ijy t): non-paymi m of the rhole tinoiint or the ]jrincijml i-uni , with the ann'ial nlerest thereon bluftu the )iint daj of S-ptem)ur, A. I) 1 9Cftt rtnd the nmonnt claimed to je uc thereon at the date of tlrts irotico belng ñflfl housand and sixty-ftte dollar and Uiteen cenle, !fl, j for principal and interest, tQgether with be Mid Him r tweuty-five dollars a bocd Attormry ee, and no snit or proewsdinfi having twen instïtutcd it law to recover the debt secnred hy fljrid niortgatjc, or any part thereof : Notlce 'm hereby glVou, tliat on Saturdaf , the 2ötfl Jay ot February, a. d. 18T1, nt ten o'dock in tho porenoon of that day, ai the Boatb door ot' the-Court Ui the CJlty f Ann Afbor, witliin and for the euil Couiity of washtenaw tffoñi btiuag ttte place f bolding tho Circuit Conrt ivithiu the County in wiiich tin: premjees io be old are tUaate)t enid mort{age wlll be foreciosed by a m!; of the mortgaged premUoi above dtíscribed, or pome part of them. at iititilic aaction, to the bighent bidder, fof carii, to eathfy the amount düe on paíd note and mortgage at the date of tiiis notice, with the interest thereon, and the costs. fees and expensei" provided for ineaidniortgae, and thoc alfowed by law. Dated, Anu Arbor, Novtmher, -Ist. 18T0, ]JHILINDA C. CIIANDLER, Colman k Rooi, ÜOTtgagee. Aityv for Uortgagee. law Mortgage Sale. WIIIíHKAS, (k'fai'lt has been made in tho conditioiiH of a certaín morteaLiu mude and ezecoted by Mary E. liuckman and Hilas C. Iiuckmau, her huwband, to Ohaiiefl Kellogg, hearing date the twen tieth (2i)) day of Octobu-r, A. D. 1800, and ree In the omce f the Reifi?ter of Deeda for tho Connty of Washtenaw. and State oí Michigan, iu Líber forly-om; f 41 j of Mortajies, on pae four hundred and niuetythree (403), on th seco mi dav of F-bruary, A. 1) lS'.Oi And tfhe'reas there remains dne and unpaid on said mortgage the siita o threc handfed and twenty alne dollrtrs and forty nlne cents Ci3'0.49). and whereas no auít or procecdiug, either at law or iu rqnity, has been iiiBtituted to recover the game or any uurt thereof; Now, therefore, uotice Ís hereby yivcn thRt by vlrtoe of the power of Bale in eaid morlgagecontained,andby virtue of the ctattrte in BUch cawi made and provided, I ehall ecfïl at public anction to tbc bigbeet bidder, on Satnrday, the twenty-fifth f26) day of February, A. 13. ltTI , at the hour of two o'efock In the afternoon of aid day, at the onterdoor of the Circuit Court Room of the Conntv of Waihtenaw, ín the City of Ann Arbor. Connty aforesakl. the premineM described in said saortgage, or so mnch thereof as may Ve necersary to entisfy the amounts dow due or to becoine dne on sa ld mortgage at the date of thU uoti(;e, toBther with the interest which nhall hare acerned thereon, an Atiornoy'8 fee of fifty ffiOj duïlara, as lii said mort gage provlfled, in case proceediug? be taken to f o re cioeo the game, and the cotia, ebargoi osd expenses allowed liy luw, and provided for in aaid mortgage Tw (Icicnptionlof aid premlses U an follows: All the followiiiL' cïiiflcrihed premisci, tdtnated i" ihc Connty of Waehteoaw, auii Stol .;n,to uii: the weet one-hnlf (w H) of the northweat onc-quarter (n w .'j; of Beetlon neven (7) town four f i) Boath of range fonr eaati contalnlng thirty acres Aleo all that part of the west half of the soüth-ciiet qaarter of section number ono (1), ín townabl] namber fonr (4) eouth of range tbree OQ east lyfn Bqnthwest of the River Kafain nnd north of thi Saline roadt contaiolng abont elght acres, said prop erty belng conveyed to Sllaa O. Backman by James Penuiman, by deed dated November 26tb, A. D. ISSS, and recorded In Liber number tblrty-alx DeeaSi page :-ím in the Register office for the Coanty oï Wiwhtenaw and State of Michigan. 8al property to be solti. snbjec to the p&ymnt of the bum of three bondred and ftve 71 -100 dol lam (305.T1, aud Interest fromOct 30, L8W,belng fortbei inetall menta doe on said mortgage. Dated. Dec. 1, 18T0. J2Í8 CIIARLKS KELLOGG, Mortgflgee. Mortgage Sale DKFAT'LT baring ben made in the coudition o b mortgase execated by Pa;rick O'Kuef and Mary OTEeetf hií?wife,to LesterLatimer.datei Aniíiist ÍTth, A.D. 1868, and recorded In the Regis terS office for Waabiennw ('omitj, Michigan, on the lSth day of Anguut, a. I), 1SGS, in líber íiR of mort gages on page 479 f bv which default the power o Bale eontaroed m païd mortgage becamc operatlve and no prK-.'etlfncs iu law or equity hnrinjr been in BÜtnted to recover the debt cenred by said mortgage orany ]art thereof, and Ihe Bum of two hondrod an niity-tlve and 22-100 dollars beinc now claimed to be doe apon sald mortgage NOuCe ia thert'foro lierely given that said mort f age will le foreclosed by a palé of the premise Bftcribed i'i sald mortgnge, or pome part thereof to-wit: All of the followhig described land situatti in the l ity of Ann Arbor, Michigan, on the norti ti(le of Hurón Kiver.vir. : aonuneactBll on the eae eidc of Traver atreet or 'futtle roa m it i1 markei in a a map of Ann Arbor made by D. A. Pctribone inl4,utthe iiorthean corner of a picce of ).tud formerly belongtag to Dwlpht Kellogv, and knowu as the Clart lot ; thence eafiterly u ngnt snglefl wit) said street or rond on the north line of said Clarl lot sis rorts : thence northerly Ytarallel with eait Kt.ret't. foor rode : theucewcpterly parallel wltb aalt flrst Une six rods, to said utrecl; thenco soutlu-rl along the éast line of said gtrect foor rods to tb place of begtnning being the panu; ])riiuises con voycil to Bald Fatrick O'Keeff by Patrick D ana wife by deed, dated Pebrnary Sftth, 1864, ai pub dne, al the Oonrt Honae, in -the City ol Ann Arbor. in snid County, on the lSth day of February nextj at noon, Dated. Xovembcr 21st, ITO LBSTEE LATIMER, N. W. CnrrVFn, Att'y. 12'jT Moiígaííee. Comrnissioners' Notice. QTATB OF MICHIGAN. Coanty of Washtenew.M ö The anderslgned baring been appointed by th Probftte Court for haíc! County. Commissionersto receive. examine and adjust all claims nnddeimindeo all persons acalnst the esteta 'f Samuel li. Woleoti late of aid County, deceascd. hereby give notice tha six mnnthnfrom date are allowed, by ordvrofsait Probate Court, forcreditors to present tbeir claim against the estáte of t ald ileceased, and that the wlll meet ftt the residence of lid deceaned, in Shai on, in said Coanty, on Saturday, the twenty-elgbtl day f January, and Tuesday, the nixteenth on; ol'May, next, at ten oVlock A. M. of each of said tlHjs. to reoelve, examine, and sald clalnu Dated, November lOth A. D.1870. 12'.!üw4 Estáte of Thomas J. Olcott. CJTATKOP MICHIGAN, County ofWaehtonnw, u iJita session of the Probate Court for the Oouut of Washtennw, holden i tbe Probíte Office in th City if Ann Arbor. on Satuvday. the flfth diy o November, in theyenrono thouaaud elght hundre and fcventv. Present. iliram.T. Beki, Jndge of Probate In the matter of the estáte of Thomas J. Olcot deCi'flKed. John D. Olcott, Administrator of said CFtate eomea loto Coiirt anti represent that he is" no preparedtorfnder his lnal account as suca Admlnl trator. Thcroupon it i Ordercd, that TMonday, the twenty sixth day of December next. at ton o'cl-ck iu thefori noon, be assisned for examininj; and allowin' sik account, and that the heirs at law of Sftld decewwd and all other persous intercPted in saíd estáte, ar requircd to appear at a nuton of said Court, Uien t be bolden at the Probate Offlc, In the City oí Am Arbor, in mid County, and show cause, ifany ther be,why the flaid account phould not be allowed And it is further ordered that eaid Adminitrnto glTe noties to tho persons lnterestfld In said estáte of the pendencv of said account, and the hearing thereof. by cansina a copy of thia order to be pub lished in the Michi'inn Aryus, a newspnper printet and circnlnting In said Connty, three successiv weeks previous to eaid day of hearing. (A truecopy.) U1KAM J. HFAK1.S. 1295 Jude of Probate, Estáte of Samuel K, McMath. STATKot-MICHIC.AX, Countvoi' . Atamsdonofthe Probate Conrt forthcCount of Wanhtenaw. holden at thelTobateOflico in the city of Ann Arbor, on Thnraday, the lirst day o Boccmber. in the year one tliouand elght hundre and seventy. Present, Iüram .7. Heakop, .Indire of Probate. In tbc matter of the Estáte of Samuel K. McMath deceased. OnreadincandfllinRthepetition, dtily vcrified.o Charles Fleming, prenog that a certain Instromen now on tiio in this Court, pnrportina to be the lap will and testament of snid oeoeMSdi nmv be admit ted to probate, and that he and Caroline ueHath ma; be íippoir.ti'd Bxecntora thereof. Tbereopon it l Ordered, that Monday, thetwentj tlztb day oí December, inst., at ten o'clock in the fore nooBf 1h asslnedfor the heaiükg of saidpetition, an that the Jegattïert, devisees and heirs at law of said de . and all other persona Interosted In said estáte art reqalred to apjjear at a sssslon of said Court, thtn to be holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, andshow cause, ifany there be, why the praj er of the petitioner should not bc granted : Anditi further ordered thatsaid petitioner rivenotico to th persons lnterested In aaJd estáte, of the pende Bald petttlon, and tbe beartne thereof, bycansingi oopyofthla Order to be publlshodtn the itiekigat Argutt :i aevsp&per printed and clrcnlaUns; In sal) Oounjy.throe aticcessive weeks prevIouB tosaid day of heariiiL'. Atrnecopy.) HIRAM.T. BBAKE8, l_;i;trd Jiidte otJ'robate. Estáte of Myroa McLaren. ' STATE OF MICHIGAN . Connty of Washtenaw.p h At ;i sesslon of the Probate Conrt for the ('minj fWashtenaw, holden at thePmbateOSlce, In the City of Ann Arhor, on Honday, the twerty-eiihth lay of November, li the feu one thousaml elgh lunclred and seventy. !ent,HlrmJ.Deafces,Jndg of Probate. In the matter of the Estáte of Jtyron McLaren docea'i! On readincand filinü the petition, duly vcrified.o Georjre W. Turnbull, praylnj; that so:ne suitable leraon may be ippoillted Administrator of the es:ate of said deceascd. Therenpon 't irt ordered that .Mond.ny, tbe twentyiber, next, at ten tiixlock In the orenoonfbdasBlgnèd for the hearina of snid peti on. and that the hetra al law of said deceased and all other. persons Inl sald estáte, are reqnlred to appear at a session of said Court, hen tobe holden at the Probate Office, In the City ol tiii Arbor. and show cause, if any there be, why the . f the petitlonei shonld nol be aranteaíí further ordered, thatsaid petitioner irivc not Ico to ttie persons tpterested In sala estáte, of tbe lendency ofsald petitlon.iind the hearina thereof, by aiulngacopy of this order to be pnbOshed in the liehigm Irruí, anewspRpar printed and drcnlatlng n snid Connty, three snocesslTe weeks prevloaa to alddayofhearinR, HIRAM J. BBAKB8, A truecopy. Jizdireol Probate. GotoR.W.ELLIS& CO's for strictly Pure Drugs and Mediemos .Painte ,Oils, &c. Estáte of Ulrich KodT BTATJ-MiF MICHIGAN, Connty of w ' O Atasessionof the Probate Court í ,,' .fWgghtenaw, holden at tli,.j'r„,' ''O City oAnn Arbor. on Taesday, the ttiSfi day of November, In the yearonithJïïSö aundred and serenty. ne "loueat.iVÍ'í Present, HlramJ0ekea,Jadkêof ii v In the muiter of the Estntof üiri'!;t'. OnreadlnganaflllflgHièpetltloti d„i ' Rosina Koedor, praj ■ 'r',,m'iVF,rltrl on inay be appointcd Ad min !lSÏ('h? state of snicl deeeaeed. u"nitrtri, ;i CTdred,thatMond.i ,k iber, neut, at tei „& thtlt. assigned rorthebe'artneor..i?1fc mxlthai the hclrs at law of aid di-cc.Jrt pwl!l rsoua Interested in sald éstate stí íoappear at a sesslon ofnaid Coiml .!"W lolden ui the Probate Office, n the Citrnf jl tokl ind show canse, ifanythefe bei whtthenir'WJI petltlonershouldnotbegririitefli Anriiii.rJ)teri5 irded.thatsald petitioner give notie {th" ntereetedln sald estáte, of the pe.ndenrv , ftltk etion.and the hearing theresf, 1V caöslin ? " h tbls Order tobepobllihed In Ihi JhS'Vc'í nowspaper pfltltedand circnlating M vKi1'.!' threeauceeBsive weeksprevlons to eald y ?ïl'i Estáte of William V.GÍÜ 1 QTATK OP MICIIIOAN, County of Wanhi r ,i' ", "'■"'"" "f tlu' Pr"i'te Court for tfr1 of w aahlenaw, holden at the Probate OfflÜT" City of Ann Arbor, on Monday. the twent ' nti of November, in the year one tliniiandïi!?tdi dred and seventy uuelWtli I rcsnit . IM: :im J. Bcakcs, Judi;e of PrnK i lu thenntter of the Kstate of WiDUth v deceased. " nn On ronding and nllns the petltlon, duw...,, OeorjieC. Pace Executor, prajln tint h, ' ■■ llcertnin real eslate wcerenf JSI censed iMed salud, íbr the purposeoT diitrii ■ 6' the proceedc of such ealc among the nerion c'1 ted : sïrtd estarte, persoo, : Therenpon H is onlored, that Tuertar ik day of Janunry oext, at ten o'clock In the ion, "'í isslgned f..r the hearing of satd iict'tlun mi.ï1'! derlsees,and l.ülr at law of sáid líu?1 aiiil a;l other perrons Intcrested 1d snld eMst" quired to appear at a session of raid ConrL th "" holden, at the l'robate Oflice, In the IHtï of i M hor, and show canse, if any Oiere be,-6 k '[ of ihe petitioner should not be pütnted' a '' fnrther ordercd, that a petltloner eire nnii '' persona loterwted In id estáte, of the nm7lcl naid petltlon, and the hearing thprcof bv , '' copyof this order tobe publlchert in thejf'W newipaper prlnted mul rij-culatln t, 'I Comity, four euueeesire weeks previouetif uuV of hearing. ""Si. tA truccopy.) ÏIIHA?i.T.REAKM ' '-■' , JadgejMfga, Estáte of Thomas Ágin. QTATE OF MICHIGAN, Connty of Wdshtn,. 0 At a session o f the Probate Uonrt for therüi of WaBhtenaw . holden at the Probate 0IT.ce iJT1 city of Anu Arbfïr, on Moaday, the foartMotb of November, In the Jear one thousand ebbf fi' dred and cventy. 'h' ■- Present Hirain J. Briakcs, Jndge of Probate In the matter of the Estáte ol'ThomMAoi ï ceaned. ' "" " James Sage and Mary Agin, Admlinstratnuof. estáte, coffle luto Cmirt :iifd represent thaiuJ, now prepared to rcuder their final account ■ I Adminif trators. " Thereapon H is ordered, That Monday. the tw day of December, ne.ït, at ten o'cloet in the', noon, be assigned for examiniDg and iljn such acconnl, and that the heirs at la o(V5 deceased, nnd all other persons Interenttd In estáte, are reqnired to apjienr at aeííiono5 Court. then to be holden at the Probate Office i? City of Ann Arbor, in said County, andshowaïl 1 f any thcrebe, why the said account shonld wZ allovredi Andltla furtlier ordered, that ulij ■ minhitrators give notice to theiiersonsinteraw aald estáte of the pendency of said account mlï bearing thereof, hy cansisg a copy of thij „h. be publlabed in the Michigan Arrm, a iiew(.í prlnted and circolating in said County. thrpescít ive weeks previous to said day of hearing (Atrnecopy.) HIKAM J BEAKB JttdireofPri,. Estáte of Jonas W. Glcasoñ! OTATE OF MICIIIOAN , Oonnty of Waahtenn 0 At a session of the I'robatt: Court for the Coi I of Washtenaw, hoHlen at the Probate Office.ins City of Ann Arbor, on Frlday, the clermih ,, of Noviüiibe.r, in the year one thoueanü eigbiW' dred and eeventy. Present, Iliram J. Bcakes, Jndge ol Probjtt. In the matter of theestate ol' Jonas V. (ileun deceasu-d.. On rcadlnfï nnd filing the petitlon. duly Terileiii Charles Kingsley and George R. Palm'er.Adnii trators of said estáte, praying that the dover Jane B, Gleason, widow ol said , deceased, inthti catate wljereof aaid deeeased died seized may b h i 1 h (1 to hur Thereupon it is ordered, thnt Mondsy, the twd day of December next, )ir ten o'clock in tatfe noon, be :iHÍLrnc(l for the hearing of said pet: and that the hcirs at liuv of eaid decejued.i all other persons tnterested in said estáte, in quired to appear at a session of said Conrt, thecti holden, at the Probate Office, in the City of Am j, bor. and show canse, if any thcrebe, why the pnju the pe'titioner i-hould not be gTanted : AnduM ther ordered, that said petitioncr give notice U: persons interestcd in eaid estáte, of the penóeiq said pet)tionland the bearing thcreof, by camñ copy of this order t be paollshed in tbeJfin Arfiu, a newipaper, priuted and oirtulating irnii Connty, three snccesslvc weeks prcvioustotei of hearing. (A truecony.) HIRAf .7. ISEAKES. 1Í96 Judgeof Ppibjn Estáte of Herman K. Gage. STATEOF MICHIGAN, Countj of Wnrtteut, _ Ataeeaelon of the ProliuieCourtfortliiCoR of Waehtenaw. kolden ut the l'robate oiï, In tí City of Ann Arbor, on Wednesday, thesinewkb; of November, In the year one thousaiid eighi bat dred and M-venty. Present. Hiram J. Freakes. Judfieof Prohste. In ihe nutter of the Estáte of Herman B.Glfl. deeeased. On readinpiand flllngthepetition.dulyterileti' Ruth A. Gage, praying that she and Russfll Wa$? may be appoiuted Admini-trators of theeiUliil saín deeeasedi Then-iinnn it is ordered, that Monilay, thelwiKi day of DMember next, at ten ,ovlock intlxfa noon asslgnod lor the hearing or ?aid iettlon, nnd thal the. heirs at law of ílií 1 Basedi and all other persons interested ÍD?aidett are required to appear at a session of said Cit. thon ti be holden at the Probate Office, lift City ol Ann Arbor, and show cause if any thtrtii why the praycr of the petitioner shoiild nol t grauted : And it ie further ordered, thnt Hupt tioner give notice to the persons interested II !■ estáte , of the pendency of said petition. n4 Cit hearini: thereof, ny cansing a copy of this order bepublLshed in the MúJiigan Argut.l newsjip!, printcd and circnlating in said Connty, three cessive weeks previoiiB to saidda of hearinc. (Atruecopy.j Hl KAM .1. ISEAKtS, 12M Judee of ProIxHEstáte of Burnott- Minors. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Connty orWashteim1 At 1 session of the Probate Coiirt for the Cuf of WashCenaw, holden at the Probate Office. ii City of Ann Arbor, on Saturday, the twt-Iftl Uj' November, in the j-ear thousand elghllnuO and stventy. Present, Jlirnm J. Beakes, Jndge of Probite. In the müttiT of the Et:ite of Francés II. Bm and Kate üurnett minors. Minerva A. Beckwith, Guardian of tala ■ comes into Cotirt and represe.nis thnt she liw prepared to render her ñnai account as saca w dinn. .,i Thereupon it is ordered, that Monday, thf WJ flay i' December, next, at ten o'clock in [ noon, be Mslirned lor cx;tminin;andaliowiDi!2 account, aml that tlie next of kin of saiil minoiij all other persons Interested in sald estáte, arereiBT" to appear at a session of said Conrt, tlwi w holden, at the Probate Office, in theCltToiW .Arlmr, r.nil show canse, if any therc be, n? the said account sliould not he allowed: " is further ordered, that sald Guardlnii girf fc to the next of kiu of said minors and uil otnerpn; sous Interested In said estáte, of the pendeKi" ■aklacconnt, and tbe hearing thereof. "J '"".J cojjv of this order to be published in theJl'r: Argus. a newapaper printed and circulaties: ■ Couiity. three sucecssive weeks pro lousto im of hearing. „,rm {A true copy.) niRAM J. BEAKB. 1290 Jnuge of P" Estáte of Mary E. O'Hara. CTATE OF MICniGAN, Countyof Whten. k5 At a session of ths Probate Court for tne ww of Washtenaw, holden at the PiobateOfflce. j City of Ann Arbor, on Tuesday. the uw" day oi Xoj'enlier, in the year one thouMn" V hundred ad seventy, . l'resent, IJiram J.Benkes, Jndge of PronateIn the matter of the estáte of 01UB deceased. . 1(jj On rctiöifk'SKl flltag the petition, dnly wnHi JohnOCIIaKi{Vi.ving that he or some otna j abli) ]n+son. 'nfty bo appoiuted Adminstrt"" tbeiesyte of snid deeeased. .. „10 . 'Hier?r.pVu4ti.'jói'-dri'd,:hnt Monday. the tt' dáv 0 DecStBÍfTítíSC at ten o'clock in "'.L noon' o aasfened for tbe bearing of sWï33 and tbat the i rs I law of snid dfccaeed, iMhi-r ]ücoñ üïVereFtedin said estat, aret.ti lo apiiear at a i-ession of snld Court. tne ' holden, at the Probato Office, in the Citr 01 at Arbor, and show cause, if any there be, , T praver of the petitioner should rot be u'rantM. tl to forther ordered, tbat said petitioner P"Li to the persons interested in said estáte, "''"'i dency of said petltlon, nnd the hearing tlww cansingacopy of this order to publisheö ili-higan Arfiu, a newspapcr printcd an(Kin:ti in sald Connty, three successive week pre'10 sald day of hearing. tjviKE?. (AjtmeeopyQ mRef Estáte of Levi BiBhop. STATK 0PMI0IIIOAN, County of Wahtn _ At a sesston of tne Probate Court fortw -"J of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate """I. (jt City of Ann Arbor. on Thursday, the ten thrtn ' ji rember, la the year one thousand eight üuoui iñt, nirnm 3. T.ckes. Jndge "f,r,r0'f'Wi In the matter of the estáte of L-vi """ deceased. , ,_ rim'1' o„ readlns "nd flliiiR the petition, dnly"t Marcare! iv. Blahop, praying that ""'3V o may be appolnted Admiiustrators 1 estáte of ai'd deceused. ,y ,#& Thi-rcnpon it is ordered, thnt Monday, tne 1 , day of December, next, at ten oei „ the forenoon, be asslgned rr the aeanj f! ■ald neütlon, and that the heirs ' tj3 sald deceased, nnd all other persone '"S aldeetate, are roquin-il to appear '""rroiiK sald Conrt, then to be holden, at tho 1 ri ( n City of Ann Arbor, and i"'"w,. 'l'; ';,lithere be, why the prayer of the pe mi " ',,,( not he irranted : And it is fnrther orden " - petttlonerglve notice to the persons '■■!L sald estáte, of the pendency of sald 1" , „ri the hearing thereof, by cansing a copy ' "„.pip" to be pnbllshod in the MickiQm Arg, ; "' r ,rlnted and drcnlatlng In sald Connty, ■" ss?"1 "áKgSSSsGotoR.W.ELLlS&CO' for choicoWinosandLiq(ltf for Medical Purposes.


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Michigan Argus