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The Cause Of The Decay Of American Womanhood

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How manv palé, hfeleps women you , see in the West - and in tho Bast, too, ! for tliat matter. Young, frcsh-lo' king j WOnen inarry, nnd in (ivo or teu years vou can ecarcely reeogniy.e tlioin, hile tli' ir hu-bauds look as well os mi the (iay of their wedding. One cause of (liis s éomplioated liousekeeping. When a mao undcrtukes a bu?iiies, he finóN learned wen ready to a,-sst lnm ; he fcoow wl at theie is to do, and soeures i he'p accoi diog'y, A yourg oinan goes tq hcusekeeping vcry ofien 1i bout aoj hulp at all or, pérbaps, witbooe awkwird girl, like the wi e in il is i e-peet. TIn-re are three meali to get, eery dy - that mef:n eooking - and tlieu comes the difhes to be wahed afier eaub meal Jt would take abnut forty five pieees f r breakfüst and .upper, and suventy for dinncr lor o f'amily ut' fivc - one li'indrcd and Hixty íive pitees to le carriod (rom the kitchen to the diniiiü-room evory day, washed and carried back If you have six roomg in your house there is one to be tlioroujihly swept aud cleaoefl daily, besides brushing up the ottiers, makise badn, briuing iu wood aud carryiug water. Twice a week there is bread-makin, tVFiuo a week yeat-making, one day wasliing, one daj ironine, pantrics and safos lo be washed out once a week, dairy work to be attended to, besides iunumerable jobs n tho vvay of preserviug, jelly-makini, piokling, cutiiig haraa, putting duwn pigs' fnet, looking overapp!es twice iu the winter, and making iiogthead cheese, minco-meat, a thorougb house cleaning twice a year, then sew ing on dresses, aprons, shirts, drawers, gowns &■., by tl e dozen. Tlien supposing the housolteppcr bas a baby - an average fix naonths' old ba by, that weighs about eighteen pounds. Suppose ehe haa tlis cuüd in hor arma tbirty timas a d:iy (a cross inf nt is takeu np more frcquently), and oden she is ohlig.ed to work with the right arm rbile carrying the Inirden of a baby abcut ith the left VVho sit that sayn ihere is nu' hing in gymnastics equrtl in Inrftnee to n mother's arms. Even when the day's labor is acoompüshad, and slie goes to bed, ehe s:ill holds her baby, and does not sleep soundly for fear of rolling on it or its gotting uncovcred ; she must atter.d tn lts wantH several times in the night, and must lie in a coiistruin vd condition for fear ot dNturbing it I h;ive heard women say thcy would give almost anything fora nht of undisturbed sleep, "with no care on the mind." Then iu the inorning up and at it again. Don't you see why women tjet palé, and why sometimos a Hule cross, and how thoir husbaads woouer that their wives don't look pretty, and d'tss well, and entertain them as they did before th?y wore mnried ? The wives don't reason on the matter ; they think it all the men's fault, and tlieu they turu cross, and so things go at sixes ami seveus - and tira i,'í'0 i ..,.., . w uiiibu a tfiouTd be liiken hol) of. I don't think that voting would help them much ; wo:nen's labor should be made a stndy. Iu the first plnue men must realize tbat it is a great labor to keep house A groat uiMiiy womea snik down uuder the vveight; then everybody says : "Poor ttiiuglshe alwuys was a weakly, good for-itotbing cre;iture !" and tbe "poor tliing" has been doiog more for the past ten years thau two women ought to have Lúe.


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Michigan Argus