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pcir jpvcïttëcmcutsu iyOTICK! The nniinnl mcptinof Pnrpnt TTill OmetcryCompnny, o! A.n Arbor. wili hp h;ld al thfí ïore of Ooo.Ornvil!e. on Tnesrtay. Janunry 3d. 1871. at 2 ovloek P. t., for the elootlon of ofrtcers and the trMiit!ictiüU of auch other bnsineseas may come be tofelt. OEO. QRENVILLE.Clerk. Ann Arhor, Dec. 12th, 1S70. l.iontd A NEW AND DESIRABLB STOCK DRESS GOODSÜ FASSCY ARTICLES FOR SALE CHEAP AT TUE FARMERS' STORE. 1300wl Mortgago Salo. TifiFAULT baring been made in th condition of a I certnin mortííngc cxecnted by Edward Ryan, of Norlhflcld, Conntji of Washhtcnaw and State of Michigan, t uilliam S. Barry, oí the same place, on tht first day of August, A. D. 186fi, and recorded in the oflice of the Kcgtatcr of Deed for said County of W!thtenaw, on the fourih day "of December A, I'. IMS, at flvc o'clnok P. M of snid day. in liber 37 of inortgBgeBi on pnjre 2-8, which 8aid mortgage va& duly assicncd by snid William S. Barry to Lnthor Jami'S, or the City of Ann Arbor, County and St:Ue fiforesjud, on the fourth day of December, A. D. ISBii, and reconled In the office of the Registerof Decdu for sald ('onntr of Washtenaw. on tbc fonrth day of Deceralicr, A. D. ISCfi, at 5 o'clock P. M. of xniil day, in liber S6 of mort"ajrcs, ob pago 234, and that there U cUimed to be due at the date hereof, thti siim of onp 1 1 1 1 ui ;iik1 and fiphty nine dollirs and twvnty-one conts, alno an atlorncy fee of thirty dollars should aiiv proc.cdiiiL'S be bad to foreclose the sttmfi. and furthcr instaElments to become due on gaicl morti;n?e. ftnd no snit or proceedings at lsw or in equity navlng boen had to recover the debt tecuren by said mortpflire , or any part thereof : Notice is hereby given. that by virtne of the power of Hüe in saiü mongace coutiïlncd, I shall sell at public auctlODi to the hiheet bidder, on the eleventh dayof MarchA T). 1811, at two o'clock in the aftcrnoon of that dnv. at the iront do-r of the Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor, in the County of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, the premisee describfd in sald mortíraíre, as all those certaiu pieces or parcela oí land dcscrlbcd as follow to wit : The west huif of the northweut qtnirter of section twen ty-élght, and acres of the east half of the northwest qiiartcr ol said eecti n, heietofore di-eded by ,:tiit p:irly of the tlrst part to fald party ofthe'secnnd p;irt, all heilig in twnship "nc somh of ran;e six east, in said township f N'Tthfield, in the County 't Washtenaw, State of .Michigan. Dated, L)ec. 15th, 18T0. LIITIIER JAMES, A8signeo of said Mortgage. JonM N. Oott, Att' rney for Assigneo. 1300 Estáte of Nestel - Minors. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Waehtennw.iiii. ij At . session of the Probate Cou.-t for the Connty of Washteuaw, holden at the Pr.bate Office, iu the City of Ann Arbor, on Wednesday.theBevrnth day of i December, in the ycar oue thousand eight hundred and B venty. Present, lliram J. Beakes, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the Estáte of Sada J. Nestel and John F. Neutel minors. Obadiah Priest, Guardian of euld estáte, comes into Conrt and representa that he is now propared to ronder hls riual account as such Guardian and asks that hu may be p'-rmitted t rssign that trust Theespon it ! ortered, thatThuTsday, the twelfth day of Jannary, neit, at ten otlock in the forenoon, be asBigned lor examining and allowing duch aoconnt, and that the nextof kiu of said minors, and all other persons interested in said estáte, are requlred to appear at a sess-ion of said Court, then to he holden, at the Probate Offlce, in the l'ity of Ann Arbor, in said Couuty, and show cause, if any there be, why the saiii account should not be allowed: And it is further ordered, that said (uarilliiii give notice to the persons luterested in said estáte, of the peudency of said account, and the hearing thcreof by cauaing a copy of lliiri onler to be pilblinhetï in the Mirhigan Ar. gxt a newapapet prhited anot drculatinp iu said County. threesucecssive weeks, preiiou to said day of hearing. CA truücopy.) HIRAM f. BEAKES, 13W) Judac ol Probate. Estáte of Hitnon Kunouse. CTATÏ? OP MICIHQ VN, County of ■ } At a session of the Probate Court for the Couuty of ffiuhlénaw, holden at the Probate oflice. in the City of Ann Arbor. on Friday, the nirr.h day of December, iu the year oue thousaud eight huudred and seventy Present. liiram J. Beakes. Judge of Probate In the matter of the estáte of SImou Kanoue, deceawd. ïdward !P. Allen, Arlnu'nïstratnr of said estnte, comes into f'ourt and repreneu'8 that he is now prepared to render his finni account as such Adiuiuistrator, Thercopon it is ordered, that Thnrsday. the twelfth day ol January, next, at ten u'clock iu the forenoon, be assigncd for exaroining and nllowimr such account, and thal the heirs at law of aid deceaed, and all othcr pcreons laterested in said estute are required to appear at a session of said Court thcu to be holden ai the Probate Olnce, in the City of Ann Arboy, in said County, and how canse, if any therebe, why the Baidaccountshouldnotbeallowed: And it is fnrther ordered, that said Administrator glve notice to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pendency of said account, and the hearing thercof, by causlnga copy of this order to be published iu the Michigan Argïu, a newspaper printed and circalutliiL' in said County, three successlve weeks previous to said day of hcarintr. tA true copy.J HIRAM J. BEAKES, 13Wtd Jndce ol Probate. Estáte of Lucas Kittel. OTATE OV MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw;ss. O At aseísiou of the Probate Court for the County of WaahteDaw.hokieu at the Probate OICce, in the dry of Aun Arbor, on Weducaday, the seventh day of December, in the year oue thousaud eight hundred and seveuly. Present liiram j . l!eakes,"Jndge of Probate. Iu the matter of the state of Lucas Kittel, deceased. Emauuel Manu, Administrator of said estáte, come into Court and represents that he ia now preparcd to render his final account as such AdmiuicThereupon it In ordered, that Tuorsday, the twelfth day of January, next, at ten o'clock iu the forenoon, be assiijned for examining and allowing such account, and thnt the heirs at law of said deceased, and all oilier persons lntorcsted in said estale, are mmired to appear nt a sesslon of said Court. then to be holden at the Probate Oftlcc, in the City of Aun Arbor, in said County, and show cause, if auy there le, wljy the said iiccuunt ahould not be allovred: Auditis fnxther ordered, that said Adminwcralor gWe notice to the persona interested in said estáte oï the pendency of said account, and the hearing thereof, hy causinp a copy of this order to be published iu the Mtrhiinm Argus, a newspaper printed aiulcirculatiugiu said County. threesuccessive weeks previouü to said day of hearing. (Atruecopy.) 11IKAM J BKAKES, )300# Jadeof rmbato. Chancery Sale. IN PURSUANCE and by virtae of a decree of the Circuit Court for the Couuty of Wasbtenaw, in Chancery, made on the twenty-eighth day o 1 September, A. O. lsïo, in the case wherein Hannah Lonise Sackett is complainant, and Solomou Van Fleet, John Costello and Kiran Costello are defcndantB ; Notice i hereby givcn. that I shall sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, ou Saturday, the twenty-eighth day of Jannary next, at eleven o'clock A. M of snid day, at the front or outh door of the Conrt IIoum! in the City of Ann Arbor, in the Uonnty of Washtenaw, in the State of Michigan, the following described reul estáte, to-wit : The eonthwest juarter of the. Konthwcst qaarter of section number two (2; : the southeint qnartei of the southeast quarter of scetion nnmberthroc f8) ; the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter ofsection number ten tío; thenorthwest qjiartcr of the northwest quarter of section uumber eleven CU), all in township nnmber one (ljsouth Of range uumber four (4) east, containlu" ono hncdred and fixty acres more or loss, and the north half of the Southwest quarter of the southeast quarter of section number eleven (11} In township ono f'; south of range four (4) east, oontalolnc twenty acres more or less. the wholc constitutiug a farm, beiug in Washtenaw County and state ui' Michigan. Datcd, Ann Arbor, December lñth. A. D. 1S70. SIBI.KY G TAYI.OK, One of the Circuit Court Commissioncrs for Washteuaw County, Michigan. E. C. Skaman, Solicitor for Complainant. 1300v6 Finost Assortment of Toilet Goods in the City, by Estafe of Bí-nry Bower. OTATKOK MïCIII(JAN.Coiwt of W.inhtcnftw,sa. C At i rüslo of the Probate Court fur the Countj of Wavhtenaw. holdeu t the ProbAtt Oiflco In tl City of Ann Arbor, o Snturday, thu twenly-sixth dny of Noverobor, in the year uno thoBBtfM cight huu'lrt-ii lod MVenty, l'n'sont, llirauiJ. Beakca, Judfi of Probate. In Ui' matter of the EsULe of HtLry Bower, dyceiirifd. Ou remHng adíI ftlin'thr potStïoTi, rlnly vcrlflcd. of ■VlnrAfüt .. iiower. Adrainirtrairtx', r-iyln th'it ho ntny bf llouuwi to ell certain rciiï uatale whcreof PftiiJ floccai'tl (llrtl Kt'ÜluiCl Thorebpon it isordered. thntMonday. thositceuth ilay of Juuutiry uext. nt ten ,OcloCK iu the foredoob he uKpitsued for the hcnrii) of said ]ctiti -n. and Hm the heirs ut luw of s:tid rleceaeed, mul u other uprson interestcd in saUlvötute, irerutiulrud to oppear at a MsaiOD of sid Conrt, the n be holden n tlc Frubate OMce, l the City ol Ana Arbor, :iinl how canse H auy therc bt, why the pnywt of the petittouer shotild not be rentad i An'dit isfurther orderuil, thnt saldpctitioiH-r Kive not ice to the penoun luert'Bted iu enid estáte. of the pendency of aald petttlon. nnd the hcarimr thereof, hy ciuining a copy of thï order fco be publitíhed 'm the Mi.hijfan Arqutn. newjiapcr, priuted and circulatln in nnid ('ninty, four sllcccsmÍvu weki prevtous to smiddav of heariuir. (Atruecopy.i iilliAM J. BEAKES, 1300 .hi.lur of Pnhate. Estttte of 8ttlly Ann Pray. OTATE OF MICniGAN,Oouuty of Washtennw, w O Al a 8Miou of the Probate Court for the Couuty ufWii-htenaw, holden at the Probate office In the city of Aun Arbor, on Monduy, the twelfth day of December, in the yeur ouc thousand eight huudred and fsrcnty. l'resent, Hinu'n J. Bo.iketJudi,'e of Probate. In the matter of the catule of Sally Ann Pray, de ceapd. (ieoreS. Wheeler, Admluistrator of ial5 catate. comes iuto Cotirt and represent that he is uow frepnred Ka renCer Iiík timil account as such Adminstrator. TherunponitleOrdéred, that Saturday, the fonr teenth day of Jauuury. nest, at ten o'clock in ihc foreuoon be aaaigned for cxatnining nnd allowing auch account, and that thu heiraat Iííw of said deueimed and all other pereonttiuteredted in sald estáte, are required toappettr at a 8HionofftiüCourt, theü tobe holden at the Probate Offlce. in thu City of Ann Arlwr [neaidCounty.uiwlliowcAuacifunytherc be, why saidaccoiinttu)iild bot be allAVed : And itis further ordcred, that sn Admiuistratorivc notice to the pcrionftinturustiuUn nald estáte, of ttie pendency of siiid account, and the hettrinu thereof, by cauMiiK a copy of Uiíh order tobe publihedin the Michigan Arijuna uewspnper printedandclrculating In saidCounty, threc 8uccesive weeks previoue to H:ii'i day of hearing. (A tmecopy.) HLRAM J. BKAKES, ISuütd of Probate. Estáte of Deïia Chapman. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of WssTi O Ata ees?ion of the Probate Conrt for the Conn ty of Waehtenaw, holden at the Probate ottlce, in tlie city of Aun Arbor, on Tiioeday, the slxtb day of December in the yearoue thousand cicht liuudred and aeventy. Present, Hiram J Beakci, Judc of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Duim Chopman, deceftflüd. On rending and flling the pot i tl --n, dnly verifled, ol Maria Ltmiin. prayinti that u cwrtain inatmincDt now on ftle in tliin Court, parportlng to be the lnt will anl testament of said dcensed, mnj be ndmiited to probate and that 3he or Home other siiiiable person mny ba appointed Adminiütratrix w;th the will annexed of said deceaeed. Thereupon it ia onicred, fhat Thnr?day: the twelfth day of January uext, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, bo apslgned for the henríu; of said petition. and that thu leñatees, deviecs aitd hcirs at )tw of tald doccased, and :ii! other peruo:K iuterestcd ín evl estíite, are rcqnlrcd to appear at a Hession of said Court. then to be holden at th Probate Office, In the City of Ann Arbor, and show cause, if any ttierebc, why the prtiyer of the petitioncr shonldnot bc tïrAiitcd : And hïsfnrther ordered. that aidjwtiiionergfve Dotice to the pttsoni intoreeted in aaid (ttitate, of the pundeiK-y of Raid petition, and thehenriü th T4-of, by cnaiug a copy of this order tobe puh1ihcd in the Michigan Ariist a newspfiper prlntwt aud circubitin in fnid C'ounty, threo snecessive weeks to tdá 1ny 01 hearing. (A tiue copy.j HIRAM J. BRAKK9, 1300 Judt'e 01 Probate. Conimissinners' Notice. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Connty of WaBhtenaw.ns; The undersigned haring been appointed Iit th Probate Courtfor naid County. Commietúoncr to re-ceire,examineand adjust all claime aud demaudsof all persona :r_'uii!st the úntate of Hema K. U:ige late of caid Coanty, deceaeed, luTcby give uoticc thut aix monthB from date are alluwcd, by ordt-r of said Probate Court, fnr crédito to present thuir claims against the estáte of safd deceased, and that ttiey will meet at the, late reside ce of fluid deooAMd, in said County, on Saturday, the twenty-fifth day of February, andMonday, the twclfth day ot Juiie, next, at ten o'clock A.M. of each of aaid dnya, to recelve, examine, and adjnst said claims Dated, Dmonlmr lüth A. D. 1870. 1300w4 _ %?$ISÍL%g' }commu.ioner.. Comruissioners1 Notice. STATE OF MÏCIÏIGAX, County of Washtenaw, fis. The nndergipned having been appojnted by the Probate Conrt for said Connty, Commjssioiiersto receive, rxaniiu'1, aud adju t all claims and demand- of all perpons agninnl thtt e-tnte of Charlo Stuck, late of eaid County, decened. hortby Live 00tlce that eix months from date are allowed by order of said t'robate Court for cruditora to preaent their claims agninst the itate of eaid deccaued, and that they will meet at the office of C. H Vancleve, Ín the city of Ypsilanti, in said Couuty, on Saturday, tlie sightaentn day of February, and Thuredny, the eighth day ot Jnoe, m-xi, at ten o'clock A. M. of cach of snid days, to rceive, examine, and adjust aaid claims. Datad, December th, 1870. 1300 CHVRcilILL H? VANCLBVS, } CommissioncrB The Best Family Magazine in America. scribirTIionthly, Conducted by J. O. HOLLAND. Nearly 50,000 COPIES of First Nutnber Sold ! FOÜR MAGAZiNSS ÍN ONS POR $3 A YEAR ! II AVINO PUKC1IASED PUTNAM'S MAGAZINE. HOURS AT HOME and the RIVERBIDE magazine:, And peenred thclr combined circulfttion, as well a the bert contribatora to all these uld favoritos, in ddltion to the nble corps of writen, n both this country and Kurope, previously engagd forSoRiuNKR'tf Monthlt, vte are iiow enabled to offer THE BE8T FAMILY MAGAZINE IN AMERICA At t c Verj L.OW Prlce o( (3 Yeir- Ho Club Itiu. . The new magazine ie cor.docted by Dr. J. G. Holland {Timothy Tltcomb), awiiüied by able men in all the departraents, and evcry number iy PROFU8ELY ILLUSTRATED ! The Editors and PublUhers aro daily adding to thcir oieniit" for rf-mltTiü the uiAgnzine attractlve and their afm wül he to make each nnmber au iinproYeoacBt on U predeecseor. THE GRAND SERIAL STORY Of the year is by GEOROE MAC DONALD, the liWEg star among Englieh writers. Tho NoTember Nnmber contain nn original poem of great hennty by WILLIAM M0IÍRI8, and the beglnning of a brilliant story by REHECCA HARDING DAVIS; a üumorous Poemt Jeremy Train - His Drive; and a nurubcr of other utriking contributions. Tho December nnmber is espccially rich in plcto rinl and popular attractionH. A Churming Thanksglving Story ; an article of especial iuteruet to Eugineere aud all iiiterested in great public improve ments, on the Iloosac Tnnml ; Choice l'oem, Essay, Storles, Sketches of Street Scones in New York, Jail-Birds and their flights : On to Jterliu; Articlrs on timely topics, by Dr. Holland, &c , Ac. AtSO AU IlI.C8TRATD HUHOXODS DWARTMKIT. The Grand Holiday Number, Of whlch we print 100,000 COPIES ffith extra pictnres, extra page, Chrietmas storics, Christmae puems, Christmas Illustrations, CURISTMAS MUSIC AND A CHRISTMaS CAROL Bï THE EDITOR, tc , &c,- will boone of the most beautlful numbers of a magazine ever issucd to the publicIt wilt contain tho beginuing of a story, in hls most brilliant veiu, by Hans Chris üan Andersen, In advance of lts pnblication In Denmark. Aleo, a gplendidly illuetrated CHRISTMAS STORY nniqne in scène and plot, by a celebrated writcr. Also an urticle contalning onc of the flnest series of Landscape illustratlons ever prepared in this country, from original drawlngs by oue of the flrst of American artlsts. Other etriking features will be duly acnoanced. NOW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE. MAKE HOME HAPPY BY A HOLIDAY PRESENT OF A YEAR'S SUBSCKII'riON TO SCRIBNEK'S MONTHLY. SPECIMEN COI'Y, 30 CENTS. Canrassore wauted everjwherc. Scribner & Co. HWw4 iö BBOADWAY, N. T. I NOTHEIl AR1ÍIVAL OF WINTER COOD8, AT C. H. MILLEISPS. [tsefuiTand elegant" oooisifor Christmas and New Year's Gifts. AT C. H. MILLEN, JVIORE OF TUOSE Paisley Shawls ! ! HA.NDSOMER TIIAN EVER Aisrr LOW IN PRICE! AT CKMILLEN; T)UY ONE tTor a Christma Gift. TUY ONE Kor Your Wife. T)UY ONE For Your Daughter. BTTY A New Dress for a Christraas Gift. "DU Y A New Sack for a Gift. mJY AN Elegant Sasli for a Gift. BUY A Handsome Embroidered Collar. TUY NICE Warm GloveTfor a Gift. DUY A Dresa Fatterü of oor New MERICAN Black Silk- Cheap. BUYA Piece of SheetiDg or SLitting for Yonr Wife. "13 U Y Sometbing Useful as well aa QRNAMENTAL for Your ryIFE Cbildrep or Friend, and "DUY Them at C H MILLEN'S1299W4 DELIABLE INSURANCE, AT THK OLD AGKNCY OW C. H. MILLEN, Who has for nearly twenty yearg, and who ctU reprcsenlt the Home, of !N"ew York, CAPITAL AND SURPLUS. NE A RL Y FIVE MILLIONS. ftmtiwuM, few fj0fe, CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, Nearly $2 500 000This Company participatie in Us Policici witU the nsured . City Fire Ins, Ca, Hartford, CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, OQ OO,O O O. ALL LOSSES FAIRLY ADJUSTED and PROMPTLY PAID. C. H. MILLEN, Agent. ttMal FILE REMEDY. Wnrnn'i Pile itm dy han never failed (not even ioooe to cure te very wort cases of Blind, hfliinp or Rleeding Mies. TIuie who are Hi'ii.t f (1 flt"5)!i! Miiint'iïiati-Iy e;iil on tbeir nru t-t.'-t and iet War.vrh'm 1'ii.k Rkmkpy It is expressly for the Piles, and Is not rficomraended to cure anr otlier .5 i se a i f. It has c 11 rel iiDiny ca of o Ter thirtv yc:i ro Price Oue Dollar. ï'or ia Ie by ortijrtriat everywhpre. DYSPEP8IA"" Wnrucr's 1 -spt (híh Ton le i e prepare ex pre8ly for Dyspeptic and thone suífering with habitual Costiveueita. it is a olijfht Htimulating toi.fc anda npIeDdid appetizer ; it BtrengthenK the atom aeh añil rectoral tlie digeMive oriran to iSelr healthy stuif. Weak, Dervoua and dyspeptie parsons tthould uae Waksik'.1 I)vs)'xpsia Tomc. Vor sale by drn?giHi. PríceOue Polfar. COUGH NO MORE." Wnrncr's Cotttk lïnlsam is healiog, aoften ing and expectora t ing. Tne extraoidinary power it [jMH-'-i'sseB in immediately rebeving, and erentually curinp tlie moat obstinate caséis of Congha, Coldt Sore Throat, Broncbltitt, Influetiza, Catarrh, Hoa Tstsne i, AsthiiM and ConKumpticm is almrst incredlble. So prompt is the relief and certnin its ■ il'. ■(■[■- ín all theabrve ■:.■ . or any affect un of he throa and lunt;?1, that tbousands of phvsiciano aro daily prescribing it, and one and all ay tbat it is the most healiugaad ex pee torat Ing medicine known. One dose alwayg affjrds relief, and in moett cartet one bottle cfToctD a cure, 8old by drugfrists, in Urge bottles. Prico One EoIIar. It is jour own fault if youatill cougb and suffer. The Balsam wil cure. WI]NrE OF LIPE. The great Blood Purifltr and DeliciouH Driuk Wnrner's Vlmnn Vltn , r Wlne of uris free from any poiAonous drugs or impurities, be ing prepared for thone who require a stimulact. I lei a nplendid appetizer and tonic, and the fines tin uk' in the world for purifying the blood. It is the moet pteasant aud delicious article ever offered to the public, far duperior to brandy, whiky, wlne, bitter, or any other arttcle. Jt is more healttiy nd clieaper. Both tnale or female, oung or oíd, can take tbe Wineo Life, It la, in fact, a life preiierver. Thone wbo wih to enjoy good health and a fre flow of livt-lv spirits, wilt do well to take the Wine ofl.ife. It ia different from any th'mg everbefore in use. It is "oM by druggiMts ; also by all reHpec table Hatonns. Price Ore Dollar, in quart bottlcs. EMMENAGOGUE.' Wamer's Emiuniagogue Is the unly artiole knciwn to core the Wtiitef. (it wiïï cure in everj case.) Where is the f.irnii.v in whtch thisimpnrtant medicine D oot TiaDted? 31others, thi" is the ffrealexl bleesiOR everj otTered jon ( and you xbouid imniediately procure it. It is alao a uro cure for Female Irreularitie, and' mav be depecd upon in every case where the nioothlv tlow has been obstructed through cold or diseaae. Sold br drugiriAts. Prioe One })ollar. Or sentbj mail onreceipt of One Dollar and a Qaarter. 610 State Street, Chicago. PAPRAND, SIIELEY & CO. Wholesato Agenti, ForsalibjEberWh & Co., and R. W. E11Í8 Co, JOTICE! Tho anunal mestine of the Wmhtnnaw Connty ' Agricultural and Horticnltural Society will be hela at tbe Court IIousc, In iho City of Ann Arbor, on Tueedav. the twentleth day of December, A. D. 18T0, at U A. M. of said day. 1S99WÏ T. CRAMER, Secretary. pEOPLE'8 DRUG STOiíjíi R. W. ELLIS & GO. A.3ST3ST A.HBOR.


Old News
Michigan Argus