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JUST EECEIVED WM. WACNER'S, A Large and Cboice Stock oí FALL AND WINTER Q-OODS, 1NCLUDING CLOTHS, OA8SIMERE8, VE8TING8, &C jLATEST 8TYLKS AND BB8T QÜAL1TIES WIIICÜ HE W1LI. MANUFACTURE on term to tuit, and in the lint of READY-MADE CLOTHING AND Gents' FURNISHING Goods. BEST S3 T Y H. IS .3 Alto LADIEVndGENTB MOROCCO SATCHELS Me. SI South ! Street- Fsnt ld. CALL AND SEE THEM. WILLlAlf WAQKIR, Ann Arbnr, Sapt. 1S70. if yoü Want a "tip top " hat or cap. jf yoü want A WINTER HAT. TF YOU WANT A STYLISH HAT, TF YOU WANT LADIES' FURS, TF YOU WANT GENTLEMENS' FURS, TF YOU WANT Good Eobes - for Cash. O-O TO A.. A. TEERY'SIS South Main Street Where jou wlil also flnd ft full lineofQent'i Fumfnhlng Qoodr. Aun Arbor, December 1870. 1249yl I du unt vrifth tu ioform you, reader, tbat Dr. Wmilerful, or any other man, has discovered a remedy tbat curt CmiflumptioD, when the luogi are half consumed. in short, will cure all dineaseti whethcrof mind, body or eitate, make mea live foreter, and leavt) death to pla; for want of work and in deslgoed to malte ouf sublaaary tphore a bhinfut l'aradite, to which Heavtn itielf nball be but a síde show. You hart heard rnouh of that kind of humbugftery, But when I teil rou that Dr. Sage'a Catarrh Rmedy mllpoêUivily cure the wurot caae of Otarrh n the Headf I on! y awcrt that which thousauda can tentifp hq. I will pay 9500 reward for a oase that I cannot cure. A pitmphlet gíring RTinptonu and other iuformation sent free to any addrusH. Tblt rein ui) y is SULD Bf; MOST DRUGG1ST8 IN ALL PAKTS OF THE WORLD. Prlce 60 cent. Bent by mail, postpaid, on receipt of sixly cents, or four packaa for two dollam. Bwware of counterftitê and worlhlcse imitaticn. Sea that my prÍTatv Btamp, which in n poiiitfTe guarautee of Cen uineness in upon the outside wrpper . Renirinher that tliis private Stamp, isoued by the UnitwdStatft Government, exprftsly for Rtampin my medicinen. has my port ral t, name and addrcttR, and the worl U. 8. Cert ificate of Genuinenens,1 'nKrhVt''' upou it, and need not be mistak. m. Pon't be windled bv travelers and othr repreaenting themelves as It Sago; Iamtheonly man nnw living that kas the kno wledge and riïit to manufacture the Qmuine Dr. 8 age's Catarrh Remedy, and I utvr travel to nt-1 1 thia medicine. R V . i il He;. , i . u. 133 Séneca street, BuRalo, N.Y. 12U0 PHYS1CIANS PBESCRIPT10NS ACCURATELY AND ' CARBFTTLLY PREPABED BT R. W.ELL1S & V0.,DBUG0I81B. DETROIT ADHBTKElÑnS. Th. eard$ in ihi col'tmn ara all of legitímate enUrjtrite. JVoic of a guestionabU charaeter acctpted, iyj icliigaii Machlnery Depot. G WORMER & SON, 89, 1O1 and 1O3 Jefíerson Avenue. Déniers in all k inde of WOOD AND IRON WORKING MACHINEEY. DKTHKIT, MICHMiA.V. 12971. rry Gouda, Wlioles-ale. ALEERT D PIERCE & CO., WHOLE8ALE DllY GOODS 35 WOODWARD A VENTJE, DBTBOIT, : MICHIGAN! 1297 m3. pOH 87,000 AC11ES of ValuIblT PINE AND FARMING LANDS, ON TIME, At PricA Ranging from $2.00 TO $10.00 PER ACRE. WHEBB LOCATKI): G,3fi;i aero Pino I,andit on the Wiicnnsin Rlrer. 7,'í5n aeren n t he Cheboyfran RÍTor, Mich., leariing toChebojgin or Puncan. 3,000 ncres on Thunder Bay waters, teadlng to Alpeia, 1,900 neren nu the Mnnistte Kvrr. 550 acres on the Tltibuwansee River, '2.2íU aerea n (íla'hvin countv, Mich., for f rinn and ttnber. 1 ,27:2 choicfi mineral aod hard timlier Unrli ncnr OnlDnaenn. 1,800 aero prairie land n Nehnnka, near the Union Pacific R.R. 400 acres un theAu Suuble For full description. prU ceaH'l terni.srni] for circular. L-AVIDl'KtSTON & CO., Bankem, Detroit, M. I-.ETROIT IAK3OSI0TIVE WOIIKS, U KACKtNE SHOP AND FOUNDRY. Mi.NlKACTl'RERS OV Hieh & Low Pressure Engines Kor üoats, Proptller, Saw Mills nd Mining Purpopen. BOIlF.RS.ol ill kind and ie for Icomotire, Stesmer aml Sar Mills lieatcr, Mii.Ipif, Hreecliings,c..kc. Irtn aud Brass CaAtings ot every le Mrlptlon. (iearinf fi.r Sw Mills, Grist Millo &c l'nlon l'laneranl 'oor! W'nrking Machinerj-, Gret N'ortli American Sanif, made entirelr uf Iron and theiisual styleofUnir Mili Kinni W H'pii. o! all kinds done on hort notice, nljrKtorcaj. Works on ÏArred and ConrM, from Third to FourthStn., Offlce cnr. I.srned and Third Streeta. R, H.BLUL. Pr.s't. I). R. PEIRCiS.Seo. nd Tfeas. J W. BARTLKTT. MechaolcslSup't. DKTROIT STRAM PANCt DVBIKG ESTABI.ISHMKRT, 42 Congress Street, East. Fa'icy njelnit one nn Slik, Wonlen and Mixed iooda of II kin s , fi r st class. V.vfiry de-Hoription of 9hawls cleanrd, dyed and repalrud. tienta liarmnts olnaned rr Dyel In the very Nest manner. tioodsÉunt hy Eipress promptly attended to. ARCI1D. UKANT. ElTAELlSHED 18S4. JAMES JKNKS, Dealer in all kinds of MACHI1TERY AITD SUPPLiBS, DETROIT, - ■ . Ml( II. 29 AtwaterSt., letween Batee and Randolph Sts. MACHINE HOP and Brax Foundry. Do yon want nrst olaBS BRASS WORK OR BRASS CASTINGS Iron Fipe And FlttlDgs for (jas, Steam and Water. High and Low Pressure Steam Kn.-im-s aud Boiltrti. Brewhouse and nistilli-ry Machinery, ftc. Send for Circular and Trico Lint. JAS. FL0WEE& BROS-, 89 BrushSt., Detroit N . H. - All kinds o( Steam Heating done. FRUIT TUEES- Applei, Pean, Pluma, Cherries , Peaciies, GrapeTlnen , Curra n tu , Oooscbcrritfg, Km4pberrÍvRt Blickberriex. Strawberritn, kc. AU nt fie abve at lovr ratos bjr the thouflfind. Ornamental Trees and Shrubg, all the Tarieties niitable for out olimato, will be found in B-roat abundance. H"Itand Bulba, just impnrted, of best n:tli tv. Greenhouse Planta. Vegetable and Flower Seeds, kc. Addrra, WM. ADAIR, Detroit, Mich. CA U UI AGK I1 V M." li1 AÍ-TI! R K HS JOHN PATTON & SON. A e ofTering the larest and best nssortment of C ARRIAGES AND BUGGIES, IN THE TKST. At Greatiy Redaced PrfoH All work made under our own supervisión, and Fnx.LY Wauhantbd. Fartory and WarerooniB, corner Wuodbridge and BruKh Streets. Detroit. ÏLm JSS -A. TEïf Í53 XL SHOE FINDINQS. Tanner's Oils' SCc. Geo. E. Curtis & Co., No. 118 Jtsfforson Avenue, Detroit, Michigan. FWETMOHE ál CO.. Wholeaale Dealera in Crockery, Glasswaro, China, GAS FIXTTJRES, 1AMPS. FRUIT J-A.R.S, SzC ÏMI'ORT ASSORTKD CRATE3 FOR THE TRADE. 100 Woodirarrt Avenue. Detroit. JAMES GLASS 5b BBO. Importéis añil Dealers In LEATHER AND TINDINOS, 11 Grand River Street West, DETROIT, MICHIGAN ABI,lfi_GEO. K. MKH1.ING, 78 Congrei. treet, Faut, Detroit, inanufacturer ol Blue Stonn Slate Marble .Mautles, Imitation of all the rare colorea Marbtüf, Much as Egyptian, Spaoish, Galaway Green, Drocatolle, &c. DKTIIOIT Itir.l.IAHI) TABLE lllRiinfactory- (Jkokok Smitu, IValer in Frunch (NriMiiand F.iur Pocket üilliard Tablea, Bagatelle, Pigeon Hole, "Kevil AiiiMijst Tailor" Table. Kirstprizc given by Midi. StntiFair 'UT, '8, 't) '70 SOMETHING NEW. MEMK0NK8- A OOK, (SK.XT FHEK), CONtainincu newly-dlscovcrud cnre lor rnany dis easee withont nuinc nudiiltirs, of interest to all Addrcat Urs. & stjüKL, No. 37 West Slat SHrcct, New York City. 129w4 Goto R. W.ELLIS & CO'b for strictly Pure Drugs and Medicines ,Paint8,0il8,&c. I:"T"T FURNITUEE. J. KECK CO. Manufacturera, wliolesale ani rHail dealers in FÜRNITTJRE AND UPHOLSTERY GOODS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. We Manufacture cnr roods and wili not be Undersold ty any HOUSE EAST orWEsT. UNDERTÁKING! We Keep Constant ly on Hand a l'iill assortment of ■rOOD, METALIG, CLOTH GCrVERED CASES .ISTÜ COFFINS which will be sold at prices so LOW as to def y all Competition. Sales Room bl South Main St., and 4 West Liberty Striei. MAIMUFA CTORY ! Corner of Wllliam and 'WetPourth St, J. KECK & CO.


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Michigan Argus