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The sterling of the Truc Americnn secms !o have heen the signal for n general discussion of the Slnvery qoetion in f h ís Stn:e.- The tone of ïhe prjös sliows that the sloveholders nre alnrmed. A vvriter in the Georgetown (Ky.) Hernld says: "It is nlmost n ciaily occurrenre to henr, upoi) our slreets, gentlemen of' the first reHpectability, and slavehoklers too, or tome ot them at lenst, argünr i favor ofthe. emancipntion of slnvery in Kenmcky. Now, thot-e very gentlemen live in n Slave State, wheie lavery has been hamled down to us by our fnrptathers, tlie Lnws and Consiitiirion; and their interestsnre iden'ified with ilieir neigbbors; nnci I, for one, think tliat 11 sucli conver.sntion nn.l public npeeches areiincalleü (or, nnd oupht n't to be tolpratcd by any pod cilizn that wihpp pence, pnwperity and happine3, 5o our belovf (1 counív nnci Stnte. For with al! tlieir talent nnd argumenta, they will not be fible to r.onv'mce onecitiznii in Kentucky, that it would be to thcir interest ro eet lis or her nperoos frpe. Tl)en what is to be the rcíiilt of all tuch converpaiion and speeches? Why, I wi)l teil yon; II only makes the slaves disaatisfied and reülles.and will cause thousands of Mripento be laid on tlem in order to keep them in proper eubjectioi)'. And furt lier, il wil! cane hnnd'üds to be epnt to o foreign land, vvhcrrnö. if snch lunauctil noliniis had nol bren ifistFimnífted by ïbéde fa naticp, or, bb they öiyle tbemselvei, eninncip1lionists, by nil such orfiTiniPïïWJ nnd speeches, thpy WÍH ld have rein:iined saiisficd with iheir inafitera and their s-ii uittiiui in Ken tucky."Anotliei paper snys of the True American: 'Wc nrc nstonished thnt some of tlie lendng papera in the Suite spem to connive at thr principies avowed in ihi.s pnper. The rr.idn'clit incendia.-)1, in the net ofa-iplying torches to a dwélling, miglit with as mnch propriety, demnmi u be nllowed to perpétrate his cri:ne, osa publici:on like this lo claitn tfie snnction of llie rommuniy . lts circulation enn do nol hing bul miscliief, and raay give being 10 sucli u train of events. ns vvill fil! the land willi mournin. Such, and kindred publication-", siionld be stippressed by lerislaiion on that Kiibjpcf. If Bccordjngf to oiir Iqwf, it is a peniientiarv ofit'iice to eniice or aid a sh ve tu leave his Inwfiil owner, and etscape out of the State; wlmt pnnisliinent onpht to be annexod to iheoffencof advoentinp, and diísemnntinfj principies, by which .-laves mny bo 'iii''nced and rxited lo lenve theii ownors. There is nu probnbtlify thaf nny publicaiion of this kind will efiect its objrct, bui it rnay do mnch nijtiry to both master and eIavt, aiu! greatly disturb tlie peace (.f society." The Hopkinsville Gnzettc pays: "Wp see every whpre throuo-h the Statn a il si oi' irin to di.-cus ilie fciibjecs of'a Convpn (ion, Kmoncijntitin, S"., and knmvinrr thp diecordnnt nrid infi mmttble matprials nf whirh ourjocieiy is componed, it must be confessed we dreod thp re.-n'i."


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