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licitó guwfm j _ , ; WM. M. SINCLAIR, MMISSIONMERCHANT m GRAtN AND FLOÖR, STREET, CHICAGO, (OH 1 ■ '■ ' ■ maCK .V SOHMID, r.irN, flroceries, Crockery, - .: Slrcet. riTKU &CO., il Pnrposes, Cig.irs&c. "XWÍDENMANN, ■■:'. lïêtsto r. !Fre ■ f No. ■.'.". So-.uh Mnin Street. VV. KOOT, Recordé of CftflTVty, and . No. I Qwgorj l.Iock. ÍREIS HALE, M. 1). -cinr;:"i '■ I S. corner Williams and Ki'juUi ollice honra I lo : froni C. lo 7 I'. Y. Lí 4, ft gratis to the poor. 1SM "-""ITvf. ELLIS & 00., . , 01!?, etc Ko.2 ■ '. ir. f&HN KECK & 00., 1 11 kinds. No. BS South Street , Aun Irt _ J. Q. A. SE8RION9, .it I,aw, Real Bstateand :iikíh and ('orieetion ot flpromptly attenced to un IÍImtiiI terina, of, Hurón Slreet, w.Tr. jao"ksoñ7 :psnrto C.T. Portar. Office. cnrnf ■■- Ktore if K. W ,.im Arlwr Mich. AuiestÏH'ticeüdmln ■,ir'(". IV. !'. BREAKEY, M..D. ON. Office .-.t roridence, [nrn aa nivislon Street, 8rt Joor un Arlwr, Mich. ; .Í.JOHNSON, IHATS aud Capu Fnra, Straw OooAa Goud, tc , Nu. T South Main Albor. SD & WHEDOÑ7, .-. 'iits aoddeftlerainKeal Ófflcaoi liaron Street. Alsu sell ftretines. VV.D. HOLMES, f.LVTÍorihpFIoreucc Si-vii.r X -H.iise.ana donler . Frarae. &c. No. í E.tat Hurón Street LBWIS C. RISDON, llir.ii ln Hardware, Stovee, Honse Fnn.ishing o fftre, Ac., No. 31 South M.tán Street. BAÜll & ABEL, ;ry Gooda, Grocerles, &c, &c. No. 26 tul! üsin Street, Anu Arbor. SLAWSON & SON, Proyibion and Commísíion Merchante ni4rt!ersin Water Lime, Land Platter, and Plae:'■. 14 Eiít Hr.roii Street. S. SONDHEIM, : sndretail dealer u ReadyMnde Cloíh-' CAwimere, Vostinge, aod Oentsur-' 'I. í;). 9 Huiiih Muin Street. WM. WA6NER, . Hade Clothhiï, Clotlm, Cnwi■ 'tinl'9. Ilats Cítp, Trunk, Uarpet t. I GILMORE & FISKE, :S aDd Stationers, Medical, Lnwand WW Test Rooks. School and Misceilancous i. 3 Nurih Main Street, Gre;;ory Block, uiirtior. FINLEY & LEWIS, nnnts, Shoes, Gaiters, 'SlippeiB &c, orón Street. R. TARRANT, "IB1 Fa8hionable Shoe Houce, Xo. 24 South a reet. PRC KEItY, ÜSSWARE & GFOCERIES. í.& P.DONNELLY 'flDftotca Urge stock of Crocbery .(ílassware "IWíie.Cutler.v.GroccrieB, &c. &c., all tob itunuíuilly low pricf ,,,.s.l!EÍitHurc:iStii!t,Ann Arbor. '' J.&P.DONNELLY. 'OHS G. GALL, DEALER ITT 1 AND SALT MEATS,. LAR7J, SAtSAUKS, Etc., ■ei and promptlr filled with the best ""loemarket. 31Eaít"Washington stret iÜÍÍSept. 16th, 1S69. lS3Stf [Nf IÑD SALE STABLE. landCatharinestrec'tB. Bor$e lioard?f"11')'e'erni8 Second hand bUKciei), cutí''r"e8 for sa'.e lfeïyl ARKSEY, Manutactnrcr of irrjages, Buggies, Wagons, h.J LElüIIS f every style, made of the best llirÜL arrantel)' Rop'iiriug done juomptly fiTÍ, 'sonahle. Detroit Street, near R. K. CfborMich. 12T0yl [VUBEIt YARD ! w„g. KRAPF """Sliu ní wsU "tk'l I-umber Vard , on Jef'etii,1,l"ll"! '"'" par '■' theClty,na will LUAíO " hlnl!aIle:ot'lltntTarlet}of shíngles, ,,,. LATH, %C. rtK_ " ld as Iok asean be afforded inthie sion "Pr"s!ieli that noone nceJto go to irk o CONRAD KRAPF, --l-Ut.1869. 9861 f 4CGÜ8T loth, 1870. WWHEATFLOUR ípror qualtiy, at the ARBOR CITY MILLS. ' UCUvred In any part of the city. Terms JMUndeilo" Ora0r B0X at thc P8t 0ffiC0 J. T. SWATI1EL REAL ESTÁTE AGENT, AKX Aür.OR, MICH. OFFEKS FOE SALE ; 53 acres of Iknd, -.vitliin omc half itiilp fr"in Ihe city, tobe sold ín ' íiol . ';i parcela a followa : 4 iteres OH p?1i"n 1!'. ir tlie tnun of Ann Arbor borderlvy en tbe 't"1 '1( ha lt:t'1 íf"4iiijí tf Cornxalla' ...:.. r uílla, asd on iho mli ou rituatedon Ihe oortbweat oornpr of U;e (orliaii. ni:i'l ■■'"■; ''■■ IW CorownlJ Fndorj r-M,l. (T'i'f I Mieof t'10 IiiH'1si[ti(-i .siluaiiolK. in the Dlgbborhood of Ara Arbor.J 13'íacre iinprovrd 14 joining the rtOTl acres and frontlng QOrbum Rood. Tatty of K-r-t ClM Fnrmir.i? l.nii'1. wit.'i jood Drolisrd uní Bun, 2X allí from (hu Loott lpiust , on th1 uppor Dlzboro road. ■ere oftand wllh a neir twp ntnr] Fnmhnwn Tlii.uipM'11. goor & ThonniWun' ódition tu Hi CttJ Of l"n Albur. lots of Zí acre ench, on Tliompsoupoor &Thowpscn'.s Aililitiou. toraaofland, wltb a plendid groT, jolnlng tba Firenien'a iJrk on thu S iti. ]i. ■!!.■ and I'; lot r lana, wíta Barn, WaebKUcIipd, CaniHgoHonie.and n number of modem iiriirc' Iba nortbweat corner ol Pourth an l'aokai dStrfi a mi LotlntheZd VV.irl, on South I.ibmy Si i i-t. Boue !H11 3 ms, in t!ic 2d Wanl,i'car2.nV#rl School ÜOQ80. Ilmití-am! 4 ;.otí,ufar tho H.C.R.R. Depot. O acres oflacd In tbe sou'b of thí Plato of Hlst o mi , naar t he UaooibHl írSt. Joaeph Jiailroad. ,B naaurSd MTardfiuboolaouae. A.WIDENMANN , F0RES6N EXCKANGE BRGKER5 AKtí AHBOa, MICH. SELLS AKD BÜYS EEAFTS, ISSUES LETTERS OF CREDIT ON ALL PKINCIPAL PLACES m QRKAT BS RMAKT,FBANCK,5WTra. BLANO,ete. Si 3 (Streel conDeotiona with LLarop3 iiable me to nffer a i'aii r:ten is my N Yors ;..,, , . KciiM-iniifr. I hui DOt an MtDi Of ;n.v boUSS ti t!ti f.un ]■. . hm l jiiiï havliig direct eommu aloaton wiiii int !)i"-t bousenio Euraye, GOLLECTIONS IN EUROPE BTPOWER OF AïTiiIiNT.y OH ÖTHERWIBE.WIIi ,ik i'iuiv.l'ïl.v AITFNDfcB TO PASSAÜ.. TICKETS prr Ptï'aiïKjrio anil frem Npw York lo all priociuil twrisot Europa 1 wIllaendMjoüowB! Frnin í York to Soutliami1'0") Havre. LondOB, ii BH&6D . I r Uauibn rir , 1-t Clua. ïiiriasK. Sii tlïo. 7'. 25in(lold. Return tickets, l-r. 1L5 (il " " ?rom above DlftOffl to I?ew York, lt Cías. ïdCltn. 3dClaf $12e T2. MOdn GoM ' ('abin, 50 t. 31(10 Curroncy. gtcer;'m-, 30 ü Carrenoj From Liverpool toNew Vorlr.Cabin.tJOO. . rage, Mi. FIRE INSURANCE AGENT ?or tle Clovrard IriRiLcnrce Oo-i lo New Vork ono ' of ibe oidet iii beat Companlds in theoouotrj. Tlip Tentonti tninnoea Company in Clerflftod Tti e bonorableand nafe muu gemeni ol tliis insUtutlon biu Hinde i t one of the incsl reliabíe Pire Compani?fl in the Wt. 1257yl CHAS. A. LEITER & CO., CHAS. A. LEITER & GO., CHAS. A. LEITER & CO., CHAS. A. LËIÏBR & CO., 1 No. 1 GreLory Block, No. 1 Gregoiy Block No. 1 G-regory Block No. 1 Giegoiy Block, tW Sign of the Gilt Mortar 'r-s" -1 E" Sign of the Gilt Mortar 3T Sign of the Gilt Mortar C Sign of the Gilt Kortar IAVK JOBI OPSNEü HAVE JIST OPKNKD HAVE JL'T Ol'KXED IAVK JL'ST OPENKfl Ilie Finest Stook oí The Finest Stock of The üfirfcost Stoolf oí The ITinest Stock oí DRUGS AKD MEDICINES DRUGS AP MEDIG1ES DRUGS A.D MEDICIMS DRUGS AND 1EDICIESS IN THE CITY. IN THE CITY. IX THE CITY. IN THE CITY. PURE WINES AND LIQUOHS Kor Medicinal Furjiosrp. The Popular Patent -f HMdtf, and everything kept in a firatclass Drug Store. Aa EXCELLENT BRAND OF CIGARS. XR"5T THKM, Solo Agents ín the City fur Ütto Si Reyador's celebra, ted SURGICAL AND J)ENTAL INSTRUMENTS. ■' V K8PW3IA1 ATTENTION OIV1 N T(i THi: COMPOÜND1N0 OF PHYSICIASS' PRESCRIPHONH and FA"III.Y MEDICINES. 1266 iii. c. b7pö rter, DE3STTIST. Office in the NEW BANK BLOCK, ANN AEBOE &.11 Operations on the Natural Teeth PERFORMED WITH CARE. UNSURPASSED FACILITIES AND EXPERIENCE SETTING ABTÏFiCÏAL TEETH, TO GíVE KACII INDIVIDUAL; Dtnturtê of tke proper sixes kapt,color, Jirmnesnanc na al expreaeion, 1244 JACOB HALLER, 22 HXJRON STREET, (EAST OF COOK'S UOTEL.C LADIES' FINE GOLD WATCHES, GOLD AND SILVER American and Swiss Watches GOLD AND SILVER CHAIN8, JEWELRY, CLOCKS, &c. o GOLD PKNS, The Porfocted Lazanw & Morris' SPECTAOLKS. Silver Spoons, &c. IL91'm3 T IVE ÖEESE FEATHERS FIKST GiTJX.IT"!T, Constant] yon hand andforealcby B ACE ABEL.


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Michigan Argus