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LmPZJj, Novemt-ev 20, 1870. Editoh Michigan Argos ■: The rent thaukgtfltTbg il i mu r can b foiiiKl only in tlic homes of Xcw lvijjlaml, wuere [rum year to yar the oíd (unll.v fcablo must be tinfftHteA widt-r aml ttidcr, and the ch.iirs froni tlie "front room" brongirt out as the sous and daujihtore her in tlie rooms wliose walls ti'i beHr tïte a:;ir.s nf'.icU-d in "iliu (lay.s of IlialiciouS limoeence ; and Vherever tlie New Eugl.iudei' is, tlie return of tliis day biluga kiIisfaetion, if for ik otlur reason than; it revives cite meinory of ear.U-r oceaslous lïut, becldts the seutlhièutal graüflcation, tliere Is auoUher inore material souice of pteasura irblch lic enjoys in coininon with all otlicVs, :nrl il. s soinetimes dlfflcult tn teil ;x) whicli lie Ört rofor as the appolnted lime üraws uear. On thu even In jj of thanksglvtng 1ny, I happvntHJ to hu one of four BtudcutB from Michigan, who vvero sittini; at slip). er m'ounil a little titblc in a restaurant ut Leipzig It wus suggested that, to fay tluleast, it was not pralseworthy that no steps had been taken to brlug tlie Amerlcans together at dliiuer, aml we deteruilned that a tliai)ksivin; 'iimier shotild be eateu if we vrerc obllged u do it alone. Tb ree of us Uien visiteit aiul invite'l theotlier Amerieiiu Hiudeuts to join us, aiul aftervvarilaengaged a room and dlrioer to be provided at tl. e best Liutel In the city, nnmely ; the Hotel de Pruise. At two o'clock the next day the eompmiy whicli assembled was coin posed of Prof. D'Ooe, Mr. Bush, Mr. Moses, Jlr. Scott, Mr Jay, Mr. Morse, Mr. Btearnee, Mr. öeymour, Mr. Lexow, aud Mr. Dennis. All were college graduales bat two; tliree from the Uuivcrsity ol Mlcuignu ; tl. roe from Vale, one from Princeton; one from Westero Reserve College, and the two others liad been it least Freshiucn. Prof. D'Ooge was called to the bead of the table, and as we guthered ■round and thought of the earlier meetings of this day, a half sad expression passcd over tiie tnce of each ; one lönn was missI ing ; the turk'y bad fat led to come to time To gve strenjífi! to endure such a misfortune wine was brought on, aud then " al went merryas a inarriage bell." Afterdin ; ner Mr. Basli, oetebrated as i immber o the ttieeCiub In liis character as Fres.h man, sat at the p:.ano, "and college üoiig.nere suug lor au liour and a half with u eullmslasm whicli no one can feel who has not knoivn that peculiar experience of a college Ufé. After the college songs cnm: " America," and thon, when the frlends nt home had been remembered, we pavled a ix o'cloek with " Auld Lang 8yne." Our dluner was not perliaps so grand ai uffair ai that of the Amerlcans in Euiiin where about a buudred and sixty met, bu ' it was just sueit as the student is lltted to enjjy above all others. We parted good uaturad, and each In his right niind XkW K.NGI.A.SDKn. L.ETTE11 FHOM PJ1OF. WATSON. Beri.ix, 1870, Xov. 30. Mï Dear Sir : Bcfore I lelt Ann Arbor I promised to wrlte a letter for the Akqus, but so far have not had rt convenicut opportuuity fo doiiig so. I wrlte now simpiy to teil yoi that in intelligent clrclea heie the Opinio prevuils that ultimately tlie Prusslans wil replace the iapoleon!c dynasty on th bbrone of Francs. Tlie security of Öer niany is to be sccured by the terina of th trcaty to be made ; but the welfare of al' both the French and the Germans, require a stablc goverument In Fraocc, and tiis i is tliODght eau only be secured by the re turn of Napoleon to power. I eau assur y ou that I have heard this view so oflsi aud so conüdently expressed, that thcre eau be no doubt that it has lts origiu in offlela quarters. I see everywhere the most active warlik preparations going forward, and I iufe firom what 1 have heard hcre that tlie loas es of the Germaus have been terrible al reacly. The hope is expressed that ptace may ooa be negotiated, and that war may not laBt longer than the close of the year. Contrary to what is generally asserted tliere is plenty of false tclegrapliic news circulated hcre. Wheu I was at Cologne th landlord rushcd iuto tho dining room ex claiming : " Pirit is taken, the neici is offi cial" ani1 hcre in Berlin 1 heard this morn iug tliat theariny ol the Loire had surren dered to Prlnce Frederick Charles. ïhes reporta ivere of course unl'onuded, aud wliui consequently doubts were expressed as to the correctuess oí other news received, th answer wat: " Just wait till wehearlrom Wilhelm, _he neyer lies." Bisraarck is the hero. The Germans do not like Napoleon, but Bhould Ulsmarck think that policy demanda his rtstoration they will acquiesce without a murmui ïhe confidenee iu his judgmeut aud hi patriotlüni is universal. Yery trnly yours, Jamiis C. Watsos. P. S. - I go from here to Italy via Vienua and Trieste. I have received au invitatiou to go from Naples to Sicily in a Britis' fiigate, and have accepted lt. I am try ing to see au tmich of Europe as I can ii the brief perlod of inj visit to Europe a this time, so that reaily I have very üttl time to tvrite, aml jou must pardon me i I fail to Wrlte you the promised letter o greater length. I have beeu most kind!; received at the Observatories and Univcrsi ties whcre I have visiteil, aud I have ha unusual opportunities for seeiug placea anc objects of iuterest.


Old News
Michigan Argus