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!i-!hiic nfthe sij:!{' Teachers' AsseclaUon. The anuual meeting of the Static' Assoi IATtON UK MfCttlOAX, WÜl be tli! at Ypsilami, December 86th, 27th and 8th. The ssoclatlou witl meet m Mou ay evenlng, au ■ :] W;dnesliiy iteriiüOti. Teachers from :iil portions ol lie State are conil.illy luvltod to aunnl. ■'..;■ tbuM! vvho ilenl re lt,eutti'tiiinienl i!l )v pro vl ded froeof expeúM. A.Utlressc8n xpected iVoih Prof. .1 W. Barkcr, Pro8t. of lie New Vork Suite Teachers' A.ssoclaluu, Prof. I) ('. öcovlHe, hupt. of Bay City jcbooig, Froí. A.. ilanly, Supt f OwosWO 3ch Is, Prof. Qrlinib, Statu Normatöchooh Frof. W'. H. Payne, 8upt. of Adrián Schools, ?rof. J. F. Nlcliols, C?s Scboo), Dutro} ?rof. James Jacklin, Detroit 1 1 tr : i School, 'rof. I). Puliiam, 8npt. Ypsiltiutl Scliooi?, leu E. [lolden, Eilltor l)!-!!!! Daily Post, mul lion. L. T. Ives, of Detroit. The weet hij proiufses to bo on ttttracUvu aucl lnStl'Uttive o:ie. . - The si'ini auniiiil meeting of the Mlehgan Assocation ofCounty duperliitenttuiits Isaisotobc hi'KI ut Ypsiliniti on the 28th m. 1 :"Jih The prograiuiua lucludes uu opening address on Wednesday eveiitng, paptrs by Supt. Willakd, of Mjuroe ; S;.. Bitemak, or Lenawee ; Supt. Latía, of Allegan ; Supt. MuDQE, of Clinton ; discuaslous, irte. The SuperlutendenUi aiul Principáis of f tlic Beveral schools uf t!ie Stute are inviteü to be preseut. Mesirs. Jam na Sdtton & Go., pub l.sherbt of The Aldine, aa illustiated mouih ly journal of 10 pages, which in text and eiigravins is au liunor to t!ie art typo gniphlcal, have pi-oduceil for tlie l'hiiinix Inmrance Cvinpany, of Iirooklyn, a beautiful and unlque caieitüar for lbTl, a copy o which we have recelved througli Messrs Suthehlad & Wiiedon, local agciits o tlie company. Kacli rooutbly calendar is upon a separate sheet or "it;i:, aiul cacl set iu au approprlatc border, or border ap proprlate to the scasou vrould, perhaps, bc the better phrase, that is to Winter, Spring Snminef and Fall. These borders show the master hand oí au artlat both in desigi aul workinauship and do credit to the gen eror.s Hbtrality of the company as well as to the taste and skill of Jlessrs. Süiton & Co. Tute calendar proves that our lnsur anee companics need not longer go ahroa fur their prinling - unless for au tawdry work. - ■ We should be pleased to recelre 1 h Aldin.


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