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jV OTICE ! The annual m&tl ng r the Ann Arbor u([ Lodj Miiiik lï ad ■ ::,.ny UI h held on Tuegday Janury -il, ISïl, ui - oclock P.M ■ t the office of jbll N Ooit, in Au u Aibur. to uluet bfficurs and raiiiitift othcr uecessas? bnsiuees. ÖHO. K. itASH, Si-crrtnry, Dated, DéC 22d, iftlO. ui lwï [ 09 tin il:.'i train gnlnii wcpt ''il i!ic tfttb of kniiiiT. A BLACK LRATHE DAG. [twaeprobabl tak-:i by nilBtnke jit Ann Arb" r Siaii'.n. It Is i( 110 valae exrept to he ownir A lih.:ral rawud will Uv giruu mi return lo the Ama Office 8. L. hjJUTII. Diird. Ann Arbor, Dec ITth. 1870. I801w4 rpiKST NATIONAL BANK OF ANN AEBOH. DIVIDEND NOTICE. The Directorb of 'Jiis 15;. uk bftTO )Ui dsy doclnied aSeini AdduuI Dividend oftlvc{5j [t-r cent t free il l S r.ii i:i) üblu lliu liiit'ty flr.t d::y uf Dtcem)■■!■. 1810. The Transfer lioiiks wül bc cloted froiu tho ïOtb to ihc ULh int.i Indoilvc J. w. KNIU1IT, Collier. Anu Arbor. IHc. l'Jlli. 1170. 01 w3 LiROliüT- BSST- CHEAfEST. Moore's Eural New-Yorker, Til E CiltAT 1LLU3THA1 Ll Mm AXD FAMILY MEM. F0KB0ÏHT0WN AND COUNTRY. Tina Famolb Joukal wbich euterM upon lts Twenty-Scond on lh 7t h of -l.'in . i ST' , is uot only tbe LAKGEST, BKST AND CHEAPEST , but by tor the LAKGESTCIROÜLATJNG JOURHAL OF IT8 CLA8 INT1IE WOHLD! National In Cliaractsr, Ab!y Edltud, Sui.oi bly lllubtiuicd auu Priuicii, il lm; BEST AMERICAN WEEKLY The Karal Nw-Yorker h beomo tho StaudArd Autboritj 'ii nu brancbea ui Agrlcalture, HorücalCUie, afee., thronghoul the Ouíon, nn is iuvaluablo tu City, Villaje op Bubnrban Cultivutors. As a Litoiiiry aiid Kamily Paper it is n favorita in niauy yi the beut famlllea all over tlie Oonüneut 1TS EDITORIAL STA FF Compriws the Bet Talent iu the land. For example, iih Dcpariment t Stteep ilusbnudry is odited bj Ule Ilon. IJi.m.v S. ïi'-NUAi.i., Authov ui" M The lJractical öheplicrn," aud otkvr Hanuaril work; wbÜE iha: of i uiry unsbandr; cobdacted by X. A. WitLEi), A. M , die Oe.-ït authority iheroupon. Amoug .the rocént accöftfelona ti it previoasly Boporloi Itoria) KLufl", are A. S. Fii.iku, (hite of llcanli and Homo.; jutltor tí severa! able and popular worka ou Hurticulturo, ete , as AesodfttG Bdlior ; T. Hakt Hyait, o) Cftll tornln, fis Bdilor of Pacific Coaett'6 artmeDt: ü. V Rii.eï, CState Bntomologfet ofMo ) h EncomologicaJ Kditor ; aud Otn. S D FIaiibis, ror iQaDy yeara pattt Fropiietor nud BsdIoi Editor oi tüo Ohio Fatiuur, m Oorrespohdliiit Editor. The irreat Gulargement of the Rutil last yoar. hu renciv.ii-il. it Docoesitryi f r conveiileacs of hand' iw aud rcaüiug, wheii bouuO, to publisU TWO VOLUMES A Y EAU Gommend ng Jannary and July, Eacb of the ScmiAmaial Volumes O'Utafos au much HcniNw, and muro and b-Uur lUudlratioos, than wc fonnerly gtivi in a vvhole ytar Í -and doublé what in os f of tü# cbtpage weekiics of tho Ramo cliws furuiah I ITis 1LLUSTRATIOIVS Are Numerono, Beautiful and Varied. Indeed, the Rc&Aihasnn rivaJin Ut sphwE - is uncqualed as au IIXUSTRATED RÜRaL AND PAMILT NEWSPA PER, Tboagh doubli i.sfürvuüí-izk-iiowcoiuhíii iii Slxteen Largo Paus oí Five Columns sacb ui.-ekiy,- the KipaLÍo btill furhïshud at ita tormer pricü : ITS MARKET AÏÏD CROP REPORTS Are fall and rellablo Remerober tliAt it ia nota monthly. bot the LARGE8T, CHEA1 B81 aii-J BESO [LLUSTTUTBÜ WKJSKLY,- and that it oomprisea, i u unft . a gif flter vuriety o Í Readtog, ' Ice Knravingu, dfce.. than ie givcn in half t d zen urdinary papera. far Noxt t? yonr local paper MooftB'a Rural ia the o:.; fur Xvuieeïf) Fíin;ily ihí FrieEde, TERM3, INDTJCEMENTS, Etc. TBRM8-f3a Year of 9 Nnmbew, nnd onlj $9.50 hi Club r Ten. ïbta Qaartor'e 18 Nombera bent KliK1. to all who sobacrlbe f r iSTi i u ur befnre Cbrlttmatf, 1STD. Üur Club Indocementa fr li7l nre dentada specimens, Premium Litis, &cM sent fieeto all formlugClabs,- and we waat a live Club dgvut iii cvory Tówn. Aiidrees D. D. T. MOORB, 1801 41 Park Row, New York. AtUohinent Notioe. STATE OF MICHIGAN, The Circuit Court for ihe Conuty .of Waabtenaw. Henry J. Mi-Ier nnd CoracUufl Pareosa iw. Qrcando A ulier and WIHtam H. Harding. Notlce ie herehy iriven. chatón the 12th day of Norember, A. f). ISTO.awriï oi Attachment w::m Ibeued out if s-dl-l Court at the snit of Hoid Plalotlffii -i lt a i 1 1 $ t the huids. teoeiaoDto, uods aud ciiutt hfjj of aaid defeudajQt, tot üm turu of two haudred aud rixty-aeven 21-100 doüars, wUJch writ waa rêtarnablti Xovi-mber '9th, l5Tu aud rcturncd not personatt; aerred. Diitetl, December Hbt, A. I). ISTrt. JOSUN A KLODGET, 130lw6 Pjaaüff8' Attorueyi. Estáte of Frunk Jenninga. SrATBOPMlCHIGAN.Comitjof Waahtnaw., t a ñcs.síüii of the Probate Court tor theCount of Washtennw. bolden ut the Probate Office, Inth city of Aun Arbor. on Wednesdaji the foorteent dity df December, in the year one thonüand eigh hundrcïT aud soveiity. Present, Hintm -i. BeakeSiJadge of Probate. In the matter of the .estáte of Frank Juuninga deceaeed. Ou ri-iidini? and filfne the petltlon diily veriflfdo MarU K. -en&lnL8i AcunluUttratrlZt prnyinir ihateh muy be lic use(1 lo Bell the rea4 estáte wherc-f pa dcci-aseddi d eeized fur the pnrpoee of dlfltribatlo ol th proceedö of sneu UÜe amoug tho persona iu terested in hjiü estáte. i upou it is Ordercd, that Thursday. the twon ty-H-xth oay of Jauuary next, at Keu o'clook in the lurenoou, btt awignëd i'or the hearing of saic peililoQ, and that the hdrs at law ol eftïd d ■■ ae iiiid ii il otht;r peroDfl Lnterested In said e-state are reqoired to appear &t a sessiou ofsuidConr rlicn to be holden at the Probate Office, in the city o Au Arbor, and show cause, if auy thore be.wh tiif pr.tycir of the potitioner Bhoiild not }e grauted AiuUt isfurtherordered. thatealduetltío-Dergiveno tice totliepersou&interefítedinsaidestíite oí the pen dency ofsald petitfoo, and the bearhw thereor n canemg a copy ofthie Order to be pabltshed lsth ,a newtpaperpriuted audcireulatin In saïd couuty, four Bnccessive nreeke previcuti ald day of hearinsT. CA tra e copy J UIRAM .T.13EAKES. 1-1 Jadae'OÍ Probate, Esfcnto of Lvi Biahup. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Countyof Waahtónaw,sfl Notfee Is herehy giren, thatby an order of th Probate Court for tbe Coinity of Wat-liteuaw, mad on the nlneteenth day of December, A. J). 1870 i raoutiis from that date were allowed for crditor t present their claims agarast the et-tate of Lhv Bishop, late of f-aid Cnunty, decoasod, atid that al eredltora f BS d are required to presen rhcir claime to tsaxd Probate Court. at the Prnbat Ofilce, in the City of Ave Arbor, tor examlsatton an allowaucc on or boforft the tventteth day o June nest, and that such daimB will be heard befor sajd Probate Court, on Tneeday, the twenty-flrst day of March, aud uu Tinisdüy, "the twentttfth dny of June, next. alten o'clock iu tho foreuoou of each of thoee days. Uated.AÜn Arbor, December lOih, ISTO. HIRAM J. BEAEES, 130iw4 Jude of Probate. Corumifisinners No'ice. QTATI-: OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, sa. i; The undersignect, baring been appointed by the Probate Ui art oi said County, O' nuni slo&en to recelve, examine and aJust all claimfl a ud d maqdi oí all p(Tí.ons aainct tho .rt: t c ol John Uaaon, lüt of tatd Connty, deceased, hereby glve U' tice thftt gfx mOQths fr ni than are alliwcd by i-rder of siiid Probate Oourt, for crudltorfi to preeent thHr claims trainst the estáte f aid deceaaed sndtbaithey vrill meet Bi ;ii" reeidence of aron Child, In AnnistB, in said Couuty. on Snturday, the twenty fiftM day of Febraary, and Tueaday, the twentleth tiny f Juuc ïiixt, at 10 o'cl'ick j . M. of tach "if thBe üays, to receive, examine aud adjust unid claimi Lated, December soth, A. i. 1S70 1301 ConuTiissiouers' Notioe. STATE OP MICHIGAK.Oonntyof Weebtenaw,ia Tho underelgned, having boen app. inted by tbe Probate Oourt for said Conuty, O mraissioners to rect-ivi-, examine and adjQSi all claims nnd demande f uil per DSttcainst the state of Ujrich K eder, lat oí aid'C-uiUy deceascd, hereby givc DOtlce that six mouths from date are allowed, b} ordar of said Probate Oourt, foi credltora to pixecnt thclr clama aniosttbe estáte of sald deceaMd, and that th&y will meel al the resiilence of Aarou L. Feldkump, iii the townahlp 'f Saline, in unid Conuty. on Saturday, the twenty-iiflh day 'i Fobruary, and M'uulny tbe Lineteciith day of June next, at li o'clock A M., t' each of said days, to receivu, examine, aud udjust said claims. Uated, December Wth. . I ÏSTO. I3oiw4 BIM80M mSSLBÏ, )CommiB8ionorS. poiTcASH YOUCAN BUY Lumber, Lath and Shingle AT A BARGAIN, AT THE YARD OF C. SUTHERLAND & GO. A uu Arbor.JanuaiT , Ü70. 1252 i EW GUODS AT THK FARMERS' STORE WK ABJC NOW OPK-N1N; A tífl E AT Va it IET Y os1 NEW GOODS ix trates win, iib FtuNi) FRENCU and GERMÁN PLAIDS, MEKINüS, BMPJiftSB CLOTH, IUISU POPLINS, BLACK MOHAIR, BLACK, BLUE, AND BROWN YELVETKENS. BLtfEB B A K 0 AINS IN" BLACK SILKS Tttuu havo boeu kuown fur tnauy jeara. A FÜLL ASSORTMENÏ OF BLACK DRESS GOODS OU HAND. DOMESTIC -A.3STD Paisley Shawls, HO3IERY and GLOVES. rtOO PAIRS Ludic' Kidi at Oue Dol lrtr, wort!) ÍI.50. í}00 PAIRS SeawlesB Kids at $1.75, i)00 PAIRS Aiexander Kids at 81.90 i wurth J2J10. qOO PIECE8 Prints at 10 Couts per Yard. "ILOAK and Dress Trimtnicge. "OONNET aod Sash Kibbons. HEAVY Brown Sbentinjfs at 10 ets. j'2 et , ud 14 cld. for tl.o Boist Brands. "OLACK SILKS at the Followiog : PRICES, IIJM) WORTH $5.25. PRICES, J.flll WOKTU S.50. PRIiKS, 1.75 WOKT1I Ü.Tó. PKICE3, 2.fO WOIiTH 3.00. PRICKS, 2.25 WORTH 3.50. HRICB8, ÍÍ.0 WOKTU 4.H0. PBICBS. 2."5 WOBTB 4,. 200 PIECES Tycoon Kepa at 25 ets. worth 35 ets. crO PIECES Black Alpacas at the ful -? lowiug l'ricca: 30 CF.NTS, WORTH Si Hú 0ENT3, WOHTH .65 40 CENTS, WORTH 60 45 OIKTO WORTH .63 S0 CENTS WOBTB .'0 Í5 Cf.NTS WUR1U .76 Cu CKNJo WORTH 0 P5 CENTS WORTH .90 70 CENT3 woitTIl i oo 75 CENT3 WO KI II 1.1 89 CENTS ffORTH i M A. SPLBNDID LINE O1P BLACK, BLO & BROWiA VfitVBTIBI, SAT-N VELOUR?, COL.OKED SILKS. A LAR GE STOCK OF CAIIPETING, WHICH WE WI1.L SELL AT KT PSIOES. Groceries, Black and Japan Teae, Young Hyson Imperial Teas, Brown Sugar, Coffae A Sugar, Rio Coffee, Java Coflfee, And a Full Line cf other Groceries. ALSO A GREAT VARIETY Of Olher Ooods too Dumerous to mcnllon. whici huve ben bought witbiu tbe last ten útxjá at tho LOWEbT PRICES, AND WILL BE 8OI.D CUE AP FOR CASH. It uill pay all those wlio wish to pur. chasu Goods ia THE NEXT THIRTY DAYS TO CALL AT lllJt FARMERS' STORE BEKOKE MAKINC. YOUR FCRCHASE3 A-i 't AKE BOÏÏND TO SELL. nu Arbor, Deo. 2Sd, 18"0. G. W. HAY8, Sap'. A NOTHEil AKlU'VAL OF WiNTER GOODS, AT C.H. MILLEN'S. rjöEFUL AND ELEGANT ooo: s;foh Christmas and New Year's Giíts. AT Paisley Shawls ! ! HAND80MER TIIAN EYER -AJSTJD LOW IN PRICE! C. PI. MILLEN'fl T)ÜY ONE tfor a Christinas Gift. BU Y UNE tfor Your Wife. T5UY ONE For Your Daughler. BTTY A Now Dtegs for a, Cbristmas Oüt. ÜUÏ A New Síick for a Gift. 1UY AN Elegant Safh for a Gift. BU-Y A Haudisomo Embroidered Collar. DUY NICE Warm Glovei for a Gift. IUY A Dre8s t'attèrD of our New A MBUIOÁN Búck Silk - CLeap. BUY A Pioce of Slifceting or SLitting for Vilr Vifo. TïUY Sonietbing Usefui as wcll as QRNAMENTAL for Your VyiíÉ, Ohiltlrao or Friend, and BUY Them at 1299W-1 DÊLIABLE INSUKANCE, AT THB OLD AGKNCY OB1 C. II MILLEN. Who has for ncar]y twenry yeare, and ivho bU'A represeius thu Home, of New York, CAPITAL AND 8ÜEPLTJ8, NEARJLY FIVE MILLIONS. CAPITAL AND SURPLCS, KTearly 82 5OO.OOOTtais Companj paniciputes in iti Poücies wilh the Diared. City Rre Ins. Co., Hartford, CAPITAL AND SÜRPLUrf, ALL L0SSE8 FAIKLY ADJUSTED nd PROMPÏLY PAID C. H. MILLEN, Agent. tSMmt :píue remedy. Warner' FUfc itcniMly ha uever failed (nut even in one rase) to cure t .e very wort case o BHnd, ltchtng or Meeding Pll, Those wLo are affllcitd ntafKiTd immedlatelj cal) oa tlielr ai uggisi H.11H irot WjI.BKWíi PlLl It is xpreftslj foi the Pilfi, and i.1 11 o t leoommended tu cure any other lisense. It has eured matty canea oí' over thirtyears Trice O' Dollar, lor alt; by druegiíU everyw t r'. DYSPEP8IA.'-' Warutr'n lyhppia Tonlc is preparad ex pressly for Dyspeptica and tbon iuffrlbn with habita] CostÍToeB. it is a nKtfht siimolating toi ic umi m iplendid spi'í't ztr ; it s(rDgthenfl the utom ach and resto n e Uit digefcUtd 1 rga oa l tlieii healt by s t ;i t +f . Vtak , nevous and iy Kpeptic peron shouJd ue Wabkfb's DTerpA For 8il b.y viruiíit' . Pnce One l'ollar. COlJCm NO MORE Warner'i í'o:ih ItiiUum ík bfRling. softaniüfc; ;iiil Expectora ti og. Tue oxtraoidlüarj power u pogsu.sfts iu iiiiiiu (lintely relit'vmg, ani BTQntuallj curing the niust ubhtJiiAtí' canes o f Coughs, Colda, áure, Tliroat , H .irn-iiitis, Iiiflufnz , Cutnrrli, Hoarïlin6, -V í 1 1 j 1 j i ,t jiiiii ('m 1 DO] lii n is Inn sí j 11 - oredlbie. o prompt i tbe reiiti' and eertaln Iti rífiítts íd a II the abvp h, i.r iiiy uíFectiuD of he iliroa nuil luDgs, tli.ii tbousaodfl uf ph'Sloiftoq aro íftily p rt'-scribing it , nd One and all say that it is the must Ue&liugam] epn ;t oraí ing medici uf known. One d,OM alvrüjB 3 .riU relief, and in most caces ono bottle Tectíi a cur. Suld by drugistB, in large. huttles. Pflco OüC It is your own fault if youstill OOUgb audsuffer. TUv HaUsuiwill C U I . "viyrK of lifL:. The great Bluod Pitrffier aud Dtlíel ou Drink Warner' Vhiinn Vltic, or "Wliic of Ilfe fre frui any pOlsoilOIU tintas or impu ritie, beiDg prepftied fot thos who requirfta ítinmlart. I iíí a Hjilonli4 apptiir ami toaic, and l'no finen thiojr Ja tbe wofid for un f ving t he bJood. Jt i. t íih 'inogt plensant and Áelioioug arLicie ever offered to lhepubUo1far superior. to brandy, whisky, wine, bi ttorSi or any 11 the r iirt'cit'. Jt is moro healíliy ani clieitpí'r. Hitth ü]e t,r femáis, ,rüuiig or oíd, can uke ího Wine of Life. ÍC is, ia fáot, n I i fe presrTijr. '1 lióse wbo wiüh t' finjoy fítfl liraltli nd a fre ii'w of li vely spirits wlll do wel! to tke the Wino ofl.ife. It is different from any tbing evfirberor in use. It r. nu'1! bv druggiiti ; alno by al 1 ren pee tab le Miluonit. Frico Oí e Dollar, in qurt bitile. EMMENAGOGÜE. Wai tiei's Kiiunciingogui! ís the only article kn-iii to cure thi" WhJteB, (ii wlll cure i 11 every caae.) Where ia Che Famiij íü -.Uiicti tbls Important utidlcioQ If do! w a 11 ied ? Motlicrs , t his is tbe irretest bluseinif every olTt-red tou , and you hoii Id inum. diately prooun it. It malso a ure cure for Fetuate 1 r i'gu l; , aud luay be dopa.'.d upon in every crw trbere tlie moutblv How has boen obstructed througli 00 Id or dimase. S'd by druist Priea Onis Mollar. Or nent by mail on recuipt of Ünt Dollar and a QLiatter. lili' State Street, Chivno. PAPEAJÍD, 3HELEY & CO. Wholesale Agents, Detruit. For sale by Kberbach & Co., and R.W. Ellis & Co, ÖTÏCË! The annuul meeting of Forest Hill Cemctery ComKiny, ol Ajn Arbor. wlll be held at thu Mioro of co. Oreuvilk', 011 Foesday, Jauuary 3d. 1871, at 2 j'cluck P. M., for tho elec.tioii of oíiiocra and t !l+í rniipiictiuii of auch othcr budinesbas muy como bo GKO. GRENVILLK.Clcrt. Ann Arlior, Dec,12th 'üTU. 13uOtrt DEOPLE'S DHUG STOxvr. R. W. ELLIS& CO. AlïiTSr ARBOR


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Michigan Argus