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Definitions, Causation, &c.

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Man Steiiüng. - Reducing men to the con 1 1; un of slavts. Slave ISícaíing. - ElevaMng slavis lo th condition oí vun. Cause of Man Slcai'ng. - Tho Love o' Mnney. Cuntes of Slavt' Stcalng. - lst. Freí Blaclís, acting under ihe influonce ofsympatlu. (i, Free Wlutes m slave States ítin inder the htflnence of euvy or resentrpspulment. 3J. FNnntic?, acting under tho viionn-y ]nn, that ihey onht to love Iheir neiglibfrs as thpms-eives. 4th. Tlie Free States, ho vinof eslnblislied Freoilom as ilie undnmentul Inw of tlieir terrilory. 5t Tde Cunadas, no provisión exislinp in them forUio reiuru of'runaway8. Otli. Slaveholdera, whn üivc rendercd themselve very unpnpulnr with heir labo re rs, in rcfusinj w;ies to thei - 7lh, The Slaves, who, 8irange lo tdl, hsye ound out tliat by llic due exercise of tlieir ocoinoiive?, ihcy can tninsform Lbcmselves ino men. JRrmrdyfor Slave Stral ng. - The Hibstiution of uagt3 fbr uhppng. - C n. tierald.05 The iVionroe Gazette n zealons Whifi, a per, in cominenting on the political transac ions of Jast yeur, sayd: "Hot] we the waters of Lethe at our conrol, there are sotne deeds recorded in the bis ory nt' lhcJ;isl yp'r, that we would lave uilli he oblivious current, till not a sllable could e Iruceri fo teil the lale of' infumy lo future jes, wliich honest men miglil blush to look pon." We dn't doubt Ihis at all. The Editor vas probübly thinking qf the 'lGarland Fot cry, ' and iis kindred falsehoods No woner he vvialies ihem in obliviun. The Detroit dvertiser doubtless oppreciatca his feclirge.


Signal of Liberty
Old News