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Nilsson's Concerts

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Tlioso lio falli-d to hear tlic "Swedlsb NJghtiogalc" o' iliis geueratioti ut hor eouceru in Detroit ou Fridáj aud Batunlay eveuiogs of last week, ralssed one of the raret aml most rieflned of musical dellght. aNo uch siugtT has appwiKi) ni llitse parís witHiu Mío memory of uuy WÜu art; ttiil joaug. To compare bar wltli the oilicr (amoua ülDgen la Ule, l'ur sin; belong.s toa different claao. Pahi.iw lias a fjreat-i-'r volume ol voicc ; OaULOTTA PaTTI lias a muru brlllluut iiaütery uf vocal il fflcultles; mul ilios KSMiOOO iis a.s lasciuatiny Sinllea, Wlllcll, vilh llKiliy, pttM as musical ouuils. But Nii.sson hasgeulnt iUffercut irom anj of liiese singtrs, and bo!ons;s to a olas apart. Slie is tu be associatuii unly Wltb Jic.N.w Lino and Mauhkan, and iiiat small numUer til artisis whose art is ouly ilout lu llicir uapimtton, IltT vo.ce is perftci in it clearntwa and lts puritj it bas oever k false, liurnh or bOalcy lone, l)ut U s suiuolïi us the sound ot liilliiig Water or the nnisic of ft silver bfil. Il ims cumpas euougli tor uil ueeds of hannony, though it does not riso verjr liijjli or run very low. It Is at ouce sharp am.1 llquIU, as guod for a langhlugsoug as tut a crying song, ud it is mainnjuil vyltliout Btralulng ur paimui elTurts oven in the most Qlfflcult passage. It Is a perfect uaturul volee, educated to U)8 point, nml at home in iiny kind of music, Wltb vulumo to awaken tliu oboes, and with warbllug to nake tte alghtlugalea Jealoas. Hut tlic volee ol'Xii.ssos U only half of horebarm. She tinga wllh her boe umi eyei wltb lier wiiole penou, as well as wllh lier opon lips aiul lier Iraincd iiiynx. Shc is au actress ot' rare power ; and tveiy one wlio beara lier musí Riel tlio nbsurdity o! conQnin sucii inaivellous dramatic expressioo to sorapj of opera or sliglu bulUds and fanciful kissiu sons. Ölic isauartlgt full of suutlmeut and passlou, ot wüose couulcnance Hiere is au ever Tarylng plsy, whose oye lights aud inolts and sparkies, In Bympatby vit!i the sentiment and tono ol lier song. More thau any slugerofour time doesNiusOM belong tu tlie lyric stage, and it is preposterous that she should be traveling arouud the coüutry as merel y the cliiei attraction 11 the programmes ol a "concert troupe." In dramatic genius she Is tnperlor eren to Jknry Lixd, as is also in gruce of feature. Her sin lies are bewltclilng, and captlvaies tliose whohave no ear for music. One is ashamed tojudge such a daughter of song by tlio ordinary rules of musical criücism. On tlie Friduy evenlng concert she sang, " Una voce" frora the Barber of Seville, giving ncw meaning to tluit worn and torturad air, and the fumous cavatina froni Traviata, "Forte lui," add Ing to boln as encoré one of lier Swedisii sonys, iu which lier voice and marnier Interpreted tha seutimeni to those .vho coalü nol follovv the worrls. Her EjDglinh song was tlie exquiaite "itsi RoseofSuiHiiwr" ; and lor au tuiore she gave the toucliinghomely "uiiiistrel" bailad of the "OW Folkê at llume." There 'ere many molvtened cycs amonj; tiiose who Iooked and listened, and almost forgot to applaud in tlieir synipatliy with the weary one, longing for home. Tiie Saturday eveninji concert gave more scope for her dramatic power. The fatnous singer was well supported. Miss CarTi the contralto, has a fine voicc, admirably cultlvated, and very flexible. BjUQHOLl'a tenor lose's nothing with age, and never was more mellow. He yas in a happy íaood, toa, and spared the audieuce those obstinate scowls iu wblcll he so often shows !iis vezation. kiigeh, the baritone, sane creditably iu Uis diiets and liis trio Irom llusaiui'g Muss. Aud it was pleasant, as 011e saw the Qelglan VibüJCtiímps, tu recüll tho time, more than a (uarter of a cí-ntury ago, when that same graceíul handlhig oí the bow brought out 'roía the violto thu sarue haFiuonies, so nent n their olsssical llnisli. Alature lines of 'tature, aud a close black wig, have not esseucd the cliarin of that loving uuion of lie playcr with hlü instrument, whicli every one noted iu tlie performance of the vuiuig man. Nguar Bososi's piano accoin)anirneut was so eooil that ono liarrtly missed the orchestra wbicli ought to go vith acompany so exceplional. We are iudebted to James Vick, florist and seedsinan, of Rochester, N. Y , for a copy of liis "Floral Quide for 1871," au illustrated catalogue of flower aud vegetable seeds, bulbs, etc. It is a handsomey printcd 100 page pamphlet, aud contains Migraviugsof aiuiost every desirable flower aud vegetable. There are two beautiful colored plates, and 300 woods cuts. Au edition o( 150,000 copies has boen priuted, ind each customer of Vick, for 1870, will receive ouo frec; all others can procure a copy by enclosing 10 cents. A üerinan editiou Uasalso boon published,


Old News
Michigan Argus