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The Best Family Magazine in America, SUBÉR'S MÖ3VTHLY, Coaductod by J. G. HOLLAND. Xearl! &0,000 COPIES of First yuiuber SoM FOOR MAGAZINES IN ONS FOR $3 A YEAR ! UAVTNG PUBOBASED PÜTNAM'S MAOAZINE. HOÜRS AT HOME .ná tbe RIVERSIDE MAGAZINE, And sccured their combincd circnUtiou, as well as the beet contributora to all these uld favoritcw, in :i(liiiíi(Ji) to nblu corps of writerfl iu both this couutry andliui'opc, previously tfgatfud fjr .SiiaiitNKK'.s Mjwthly, we ui i; o w cuabled to offer THE BEST FAMILY MAGAZINE 15 AMERICA At t e Vorj Loiv Prjce f 83 a' Ïear-Xu Club H;n; s. The new mai;zine ia coi.diu-ted bj Dr. J. O.Holland CTimythy Titcomö), aaistcd by able ineu in all the ili'imrtmeuis, oud everj nuuiber is PROFUSELY ILLÜSTRATED ! Tfa Bditon and Pablihrs aro dnily adding to thoir meaua for renderlug tlia magmine attraclivo; and thelr aim will be to make each iiomber au improveuient oa ils predecessor. THE GRAND SERIAL STORY Of th year Is hy QKORQE MAC DONALD, tha rising atar aniong Engliab. wrltera. The NoTomber Nurober cantMni n original pocra of great beauty by WILI.IAM MORRIS, and the huglnutug of a brilliat atory ty KKBECCA HARDING ÜAVIS; a llumoroiis Poem, Jeremy Train- Uit Drive: tnd a nurflber of other etrtkiug cw.tflbu.. ious, The December numher ii especially rich In plctoittl and popular attractions. A Chariniiij,' TliaukKiviug Story ; au article of c;ecial iutercBt to Ea gincers aud all iuterentcd in gret public improve ments, on the Hoaaac Tunnd; Choico Hoemi, Kaays, SlorioB, Sketches of Street Scouca la New York. Jail-Birde and their fligbti : On to Berlín ; Article on tiniely topjea, by Dr. Holland, fcc , c. Also ah Illustsatxp IIl.mokol'jï Dipaetmet. The Grand Holiday Number, Of which we priat 100,000 OOPIES B'ith extra plcturea, eitra pagos, Chrlutraae storlcs, Chiistuias poema, Christmai. illustrationa, 1 MAS WUSIC AND A CHUISTMaS CAROL BY THE 1 EIJITOR, &c ., &c.,- wlll beoneof the most j ful numbers of a magaciue ever isaued to the public'X will coutaiii thu beginuing of a atory, lu lila most brllllant vein, by Hans Chris tian Anderson, In adance of its publïcation in Dcnpiark. Aleo, splendidl; ilhiatrated CUKISTMAS STORY unique in sceue and plut, by acelubrated vrriter. Alao au article contaioiiig uue of the ñneet sttrioB of Laudscnpe illustrations ever prepared in thUcouury, frora origiiml drawingu by one of the flrst of American artista. Other siriking ftaturee will be duly anndanced. NOW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE. MAKE HOME HAPPT BY A HOMDAY PRESENT OP A YEAR'S SÜBSCÜUTION TO SCRIBNER'S MONTHLY. 8PKCIMBN COPY, SO CENTS. Canyaaaers wanted everywhere. Soribner & Co. 1SWW4 664 BROADWAY, I. Y. "jyjTONEÍ CAN NOT BUY IT. FOK. SiatlT IBPRIOELES8 THF, DIAMOND GLARSKS.Mnnufactuiedbr J. E. Spencer Co.,N.Y., hleb re now ulTcrcd to the public, are prunnunoefl bv alj celébrate OpttcianKcf thu World to be th ÜOt Prf#ct, Natural, Artiticitil help o the Iiuidmd ■;(■ 6Tf knowo . 'i'liy are round unur their uun upcr?M0O, f rom miuuteCryítal JVbbles, meltd logether, nf) derive thei r il. i i ■■ . ' ' 1 ' iitiiji i,,l ." on accomt of their har iMH nd hrllliftncy Th Síñentifio principie on whicli tl.fv ure coDKtructcfl lirinun tfafl core or centre of 'he lt'im lireel y iu front of tb ee, pro'luctng h filiar ani diattnet vlsloo, % In tb om-taral, iit'Kltliy Right, and pricnlin all nti p I ♦;. ■ n t xciivn. tioriH, Kuch n glirauitirinK lt11' waverni( f eight, dÍ7.7ÍnertS, &c ., pectiliitr to uil Pthrp ia DSfl They are mounted in the KINIÖT MANNKR, in fi&meft of the bost fjuality, of all mutoriulti used for thit purpose. Tbpir linUh and durnbility cannot be nuriasPf5. CAUTION'. - None jieiiuinc unlers bftaring thoir trade mark. stamped n arerjr frame, J, C. WATTS h BRO.( .lew]er and Opticiao, are ■nleapenU for ANV AKROK. iiiJli., from wbom they oan ouly b obtaiod. Thete goodi ara ooi lupplied to rrdlrc atan] price. 120171 DETROIT AÍVEITISÍ1EKTS, T%4 cardi ín ts column are all af Itgitimate enterprite. No%e of a queationable character accept ed. ftTicliignu MnpUinery Depot. Y70RMËR & SON, Ot), 1O1 and 1O3 Jefferaon'Avenue, Pealera iu a)l kiuda of WOOD AND IROS WORK MACHINEEY. DETROIT, MICHIGAN. 1297-Sui. Try broud, Wholesale. ALBERT PIERCE & CO., WHOLESALE JJKY GOOÜS 35 WOODWARD AVENUE, DETROIT, = 3VlICia:iC3-A.lSr' V2S7 mS. TfOR SAI4E- -47 ,ÍUO AOMKSof Vuluable" PINE AND FARMINQ LANDS, CW TIME.At rrice FtAiiijing froni $2.00 TO $10.00 PER AORE. WHKRK LOCATED: t,3B3 acrrg Pine on tho WiscnnnEn RItt, 7,250 aeren m theOhebojgan RYer, Mich., leadlog to Chebnj jran r l'uncan. 3,000 Rcrn oí) Tbunrier Buy wntt'rn, leiding to Alpea, 1.3C0 neren on the Mnnistee líivt-r. 850 acres on thc Ti t iba was nee River, 2,1200 tortl in (iln-Uvin eounty, Mich t for f ruiH ari'l timbar. 1,272 rhoícft mineral and hard timber UntlR near OntnnuKnn. I ,íW0 eren prairie 1a n1 in Nbranka, near thf l'nion í'.iciflc K.K. 400 nertf on th Au Sauble For full desenption. prU Ctíb ftníl tfrrms, p;ii(1 for circular. JiAVII) PRESTON & CO., Bankern, Detroit, X. ETHOIT LOÍOMOTIVK WORKS." MACHINE SHOP AND F0UNDEY, MiVCÏ'ACTl'UEKö Ot' Hieh & Low Pressure Engines For Hoatf, Propellers, Saw Milli and Mining Pur ÏHHTKUS, of all kind and sixes for LncomoUren, StcHüicrs mi'! f5v Mttts Hateri, Mu]piptBrech. Inga, fre,i fe" . Iron atid Hraas OaitiDa f verj deocription. iJoariu for Snw Milla, Ürf dt M illn, kc . Un ton l'lAiierand Wood Workina: Uaoblnery, Qreat North American Gang, made entïrely of Iron, aud theiiunl tyleof Shw Mili Gaoi PeP Khí.i of all ktnds dooe un short notice, nlghlor iay. Work oa lArned aad Conffress, from Third to Fonrth KU., Ofiice eor. frn j and Thlrd Stretn. C,]I.ÜUULtPr't. I. K. PEIR0K.Sp. nd Tren. J W. BARTLKTT. Mchanlcai SupH. DtCTUOIT STRAM FANC1 DYEING ESTABLISHMENT, 42 Congress ötreet, East. Faicy ]Y8Íní don on flik, VoWn mvA Mixed (rDoda of all k-lndg, ftr-t cIibs. Kvpry denoription of .HIikct-In fK'iiiud, dyed aii'i repu red. (jenti Oarmontn ctnanel or I)y1 o the xry best ntaantr. GoodflBeat by Express proiaptlj attndtd to AKCHD. URANT. I'mtaklishkd 186é JAIHK9 JKKS, I)nlf r in all kindn cf MACHINBBY AND STJPPLiES, DETROIT, - - MICH. 29 AtwaterSt. bctween Bites ai Bti((olph SU. MACHINE 8HOP ■■' Brau Foundry I)o you want flrut claia BRASS W0HK 0R BRASS CASTINGS Iron Pipe and Fittingu for Gas, Steam and Watr. Uih and Low Pressur# Steam Knines mul Roilert. Brewhonae and OHtillery Machinerjr, Ac, Send for Circular aml Price JAS. FL0WER & BROS-.e Brh Btii Detroit N. B. - All kind cl Su-mi Heating done. FRUIT Apples, Pean, Pluma, CherrioB, PeacheR, Grnpevineg, Curra nU, GooiteberrUs, Haxpberries, lïmukberrie, Straw bñrrien , All ot t h abore at Io-.t rata bj the tbouKand. Ornamental Troes and Shruba, all ihe Tarieties suitable for our olimate, will be found in (■Tffnt abundnnce. Holland Bulbs, j ust itnported. of li' quality. Greenhouse l'lanth. Vegetable and FlowerSeedi, Ac. Addrei, VM. ADA1R, Detroit. Mieh. njVRRlAGR M.WUFACTURKKS L JOHN PATT0N & SON, A'íí uiTiTinpr tho lareit And bent aaeortroent of CARRIAGES AND BUQGIB3, IX THK WEST.) At Gfeatiy Keduceil AM work inm1 ' umler our owd mparriaion, and FüX&x Wiraktbd. Factory aud WürerooinSi curner Woudbndge and Bruah rttreot, Detroit, Xi DEI -A. O? I-3C L3 X=t SHOE FINDINGS. iTanner's Oils? Sc. Geo. E. Curtis & Co., N'o. 118 JefTerson Avenue, Detroit, Micbivan FWET9IOHB & CO.. " Wüoïvaiiïe Dii&Iers io Crockery, Glassware, China, rtA3 FIXTURES. LAMPS, FRÍJIT JAR8, ScC. ÏMI'OKT ASSOHTED CRATBS FOR THE TRADE 1(10 Woodward Avenue, Detroit. Iraportera aud Dealen in LEATHER AND FINDINGS, 11 Grand Rirer Street West, DETROIT, ..... MICHIGAN MAKIil.K- GKí). F. MKHf.INO, 7K ConreNi ltret, Fatt, lietiuit, mmiufactirer ot Blue dtono Slnto M.iri-: Maotle, imitation of all the nn cülo n ' larbla, "nch as Kgrptian , Sjan ivh (ialaiTHV tii-n , Brocatelle, &c, DEfiTROÏT IIILUAKI) TA.BLH Mftnnliicl tiry - fi KuKt.K Smith. f'enlcr in Krnoh Carotntind Fuur l'ocket Hillui-rd Tahlea, Batratelle Pigeon ilol, uOarU Amongst Tailors" Table FlMi priic-s giran fey Mich. ï'tHte Fair '67 , 'H8, 'tty '7( OÜUIAL PAKTIES," FESTIVALS and WEDÜIXG PARTIES Can eet very Cholcu Cok, Ice Creara Oystere &c on Bhort notico ut tho C1TV AHCADE. CLAJIK & CROPSBY. GotoR.W.ELUS&COV for atrictly Pure Djrugp and Medicines ,Paints , Oile , &c. ■ . . 1' ' ' .- '.'■''


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Michigan Argus