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II PIIÍSICIA5S ! New YoKit, Aueust I5th, 1 86?-. Allow itio to cali your ftttchtion to niy PKEi'ARATION OF COMPOUND EXTRACT BÜOH.U. The pain ponen t parts are, UTTCHU, Lon Lkai-, CU13E13S, JÜNIPER BEK RIKS. Mode of 1'ueparation. - I5ucliu, in racno. Juuipor Berries, by di-ticlftt)OO to f.nn a fine pin. Cubebs extrncto hy ili-iicr!iii'iit with spirits obtailior from Juni per Uerries; very littlo sug:ir 0 ugfed :ii;l a sinall pr'pnrtion of spint. Il s more palatable "than any now i-i use. Iïuehu is preparcd ty Pnieeisis, i of n lark color. It is a plant tlint. ciiiits its fratrrnneej Mie action of u flmie destroya tl'is (its nctivo principie), íeaving a dnrk and glutinosa dcoociion. Mine is tlio color of incredients. The Rucliu in niy prepnration predominatHs ; tho Btnailest qnnntity of tlie other ineredieuts are; adde;!, to prevent fcrmentatinn ; upon impectioD it will lie fnund not to be a Tineture, na made in Pbarinn.'optT'a, nor is it a Synip - and tlicrefore can be usod in cfes whure fevcr or iiifinnimation exist. Tn this, you liave tha knowledfïC "f tbfi ingrediente, and the mmli' of prepnration. Ropins lliat you will favor it witli a trial, and tliat upon inspection it wül raet witli yonr approbaiion, W itb a feeling of profonnd nonfidence I BUI, vory ri?ppotfullv H. T. iïELMBOID, Cliemist M:d Druggist of 19 Years' Ex: rioiict', (From thfl lróat MannfáHuríng Chem isrs in tlio World). NovEMBBB -Í, 1854, " T am acquainted with Mr. II. T Relmbold ; lie occupied tlie Drug Stor ippositi! ïnv residnre, and was puccess ful in couducting tlie business vlier ntberd had not. been cqiially so bcfor hitn. 1 bave leen favorably impressec with h8 rharaeter and enterprise." WILLTAM WEIGIITMAN, Firm of I'owcis gikI Weigbtman Uunufactuting Gliemists, Nintl aal Brown Streets, 1'hilaJelpLia FLÜIO EXTRACT BUCHU! Kor wpflkneiR rihing from intíiñcretion. Tïieex liauslcd p'-wr of Nature wtiich are accomp;inie by eo na& alaiming syinlonifí, amoag vhich wl befuand,IadiflpOflitlooto exrtion,l.os of ilemorj WskofnlneSB, Horror of liiftease, or Korebodingso Kvil ; i:i (act, Uui versül Laesitude l'rontration, hu Iüability to euter ícto the enjomeuts of tocit-ty. TI CO1ÏIT1JTIÖN once ftffceted with Orjraric VcakfifF, recjuirtF tli :it'l of Medicine to strensrihen and inyigorate th ayptom, which II! LMBOLD'o EXTRACT BUCHU iu variabl y Ama . I f no t rt atinen t i 8ubmittedto,Co sumí t!on or Inftanity ensucs. HELMBOLO'S FLUID EXTRACT BÜCHU in afTectrons peculiar to Kemales, í-s unequalle! b anyother preparatioo ,ai in Chlorosis. or Re tent ion PalufulnenHor 3unpretinonof custoniary Evacúa tion.v LHcíTutíd or Schirrus .Stale of the Uterus, and a eompialnfj incidental to tbe sex, or dc]ioo o change of life. HELMBOLD'S FlüSO EKTP.AST BUCHU IMPROVED ROPE WASU Wíl! raiieally -ex termínate from the syatem díoease -. un: froiQ liabitfi of dÍHKipattún, at littlc espenOe Hitle or no bange in Jiet, no iumnvcnience or ex posare; comyletely supersedinjf those unpleasaní and dnnerous rcraedivs, Coya Iva andMtrcury, iu allthe# diseases USE HELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU in all tÜBaseN of these organs, wbibsr exletiqg ín maleor femalo, frm whatt'ver cause origlnatiug and no mftttsrof ho-jr lona: standing. Itispleasant Ín tate and odor, l ' lmmetliate' ín aetio"1, and mor1 strergtheninfi than aiiy of ihe preparations of Bark or Ir on. ThoRC Hnfírrin? fif in tr'kfn icwtttT li?Iic&le con■itit ti ti"is . pil en: e tli e reao#dy at once. Tlie reftdf-z mnul ha aw'-tre tbat, UowOveï sli glit m.y bethe nttpr.K of the tbóVe 01f(ft88, it is cer toin'oaffect the b'"'ily lini'l' ai-d reental powers. AH the ttf-o"1 ditCM4 8 rr;ij ni re theaid oí a I) tu re ti-.. HELMbOi.D'í KXTHACT Ilt'CHU is a greal Diurftic. Sold by Druggists Everywhere. Price $1.25 per Bottle, or 6 Bottles for $6.50. Delivered to any addrees. Desciibe Symptoms iiiall ccnmi"Tiijatioiis ADDRESS, H.T. HELMBOLD, Drug & Chemical Warehouse, 594 BHOADWA?, ISTew York. NONE ARE GENUiNE nless done up in steel engrave 1 wrapper, Wi'h fac-simMe of my Clitmical VVareliouse, and sigiicd H, T. HELMBOLD. 1 " PUYSIGIADES' PRESGBIPTIOlVSn AOCl'RATELY AND CARBPULLY PHEPAKED BY j R.W.ELL18 tV0.,VBUaaiS7S. JTJST RECE1VED WM. WAGIMER'S, A Largt aotl Cboic6 Htw I FALL AND WINTER O-OODS, lNCLUiUNC CLoriis, 0A8STMERE3, VKST1NGS, &C, .UATÍST 3TYLB8 4SD BSST QOALITIK8 WHICH UK W1LI. më,m üFüCTURB o erai Miï, Hi in the line of KEADY-MADE CLOTHING A NB Gents' FÏÏRNISEIUG Goods. BEST TIZ-JLmJE:,:; Also LAPIKi '.inci ENTB MOROCO O SAT(5HELS No.21 Sonth Mal Street- Kof t side. OALL AND SEE THEM, VILI.iA WAONER Ann Arhor, Pípt. I87O. A COMPLETE STOCK OF 1W Al KEH1E GOODS, NOW 15EING KECEIVED BY FINLEY & LlWiS. WE A8K THE PARTICULAR ATTENTICW OF BUYERS TO OUR LARGE STOCK OF1 Kip & Calf Boots, MADE BY HAND EXPRESSLY F0Í1 088 TRAPE. I do not wieh to infonn you, remitir, that Dr. Wqbderful,orany oiber raan, bas lijscovereiï a n-in-h that e. Liivs Csnsuinption, when tlie luogs ar LaIT consumen, in short. Wil] cure all dlsefcftM whothor of miad, body or estatA iaake men Hve forever, acil ïewve deatli to plaj fnr want of work ana la des] fn( ' to m.ikc our Sublaaarj enture a blissful Paradisí tu which HeavD iieolt' sha 11 be but aside ;h-w. Toq have heard enuli of tl) at kind of liuuibug-gery. But when I teil yon that Dr. ?ftge'a Catarrh IUmely wdl pos'iivety cure tUa wordt c:ie's of Catanl; in the Hoad, I ou i y assi-it tJial which Lhouaudr can t ■. ■ I .. st. I will pay $500 réward for a ca e that I i cure. A puuplitet givin% RTmtönu nd olher nforinatiii! sedl free to nny a-iiliei-s, Thit rtbteflyiB suld emdst pRuacusra en ai.l iiartsof TUE WOIU.D. Pricc öO F f ut Iy mftil, pOBQ)ald, on tocoipt "f si sty rrnt-3 . or f"r p-W-'ü .-►i foi t ■ ( illn.r.s. Bi .'. nrof c-wi(fr(.itf and wort hl&s iwitations. ieii tb Al n:v jiiivatf S1 üinp, which is a poiti v gpi&mitec í Oto uiueness ie upon the oattlde mippor. Rememboi tliHt thie Di'ivHtt i tu mp, isufd y ths tJnJledSlta-tci (Jovernmnt, rx prosnly for stnmping my milicines ha mv povtr.iit, nnme and address, andtite word V. S. Gertificftte of Geniiinencss," esgr&Tèd upon it, ' anJ ueod not bn mJAtakdü. Don'! be swindle;! bv tru.vcltTfl and tlicr-; rcpieciitin-i thftiDolTes afl l'r. Sago; I nm the oaly man now living that kas the kno wlcilfje and rijïht to jnanu factuie the G'VtiiineDr. &ige'8.GstftrTh Remedy, and I never traril U nel] thii medicine. R V. riKHCK.M I. 133 Séneca streel, Buffalo. K.T. 12fiO Mortgapo SalD. TLFAUIT havinji been made in th" endition of a U certain mortgage eiecated by Edward Ryan, of Northtiekl, Conuty of Washhtanaw and State "i Michigan, to willinraS. Barry, of the tami on firet dny of Anglist, A. D. 188, and recorded in the c-tHce of the Reneter of Decd ior safd County ir Waebtenaw, on the fonrtn day 'of December A. 1). lSiiti. at tive o'clook V. M ot xiid riuy, in Itbei SI of ïaortKajres, ou pape ü3, whioh eaid mortgage tu duly aasignad by aaid Wiiliam S. Bany to Lu ther Jame, of tho Öltjr of Aon Arbor. Coonty and State aforeimi'J. oji tile fonrth day of December, A D. 1866. nnd recorded in ihe office of the Iiieter of Deeds for Halfl i'onntv of YVashtenaw. on the fonrth. day of December. A. D. 1SC0, at 5 o'clock P. M of said doy in llber 84of mortgagcB, on pa:e 234, and bat there 1 claimed to be ttne at th date ereof, the sudi of one liioiianfl an.1 eighty ninedoll'ir? and twunty-uue cents, aleo au attomoy fee of thlrty dollare Suonld dv proceedlDge bv had to forcclosc the urne, and further iniítaílnieut.-í to become dueon said moitgtie. and uo jni t or proceedfnge at luw or in equity bavlng lieen had to recover the deut t-uourea by said mortgaire.oraiiy part thereoi : Notie is aereby givi n . that by virtne of the power of #ale in said eontnlned. I phall sell nt public anrtion, to tin' hlirheel bidder, on the eleventh dayof.MarchA D. 18T1,at two o'clock lotheafternoon of that doy, at the lront do r oftheOonrt Iouse, in the city of Aon rhur, in the (Vninty of ViisiiiiM:aw and State or Michigan, tin; premlaesderrüH-ii in airl mortgage, ns all thoe ccrl .:" i r parcela ol land dexcrthed as follotra towlt: Th veel ïiulf oí' the oorthvcsl qnarter i f 8ectlii twen y-ciht. and Pmr acres f the east half of the nofthteet qnarter ol sald sectl u, hect"fre dceded by aid party of the flrst pari to said party of the 'secnd part, all belne In t-wnghlp sonth of range ix eat, in said Mwnnhip "f Northficld. iu the Cvuuy "f Wahtonaw, state of Ulchle&n. Dated, Dec. 15th, 1S7U. I.UTIIER JAMES, Assignee oí enid MortiraKe. N. Oott, Attoruey for Assiguee. 1300 Mortgftgo Sale. DEFAl.'T.T haviug been made in the condition or a.certain mortgage, ezsented by Wil mm Molenkamp and afary Molleukamp, of the towii haron, C'oimtv of' Washtenaw. and State of Michian, en tile twt'iity-tit'ti". day of Beptettbor, A. I). ii'.' to [.utlK-r J.iiiii-n, of ll:e City ot Aun Albor. oanty aforesaid, and recorded in' the ofiicc of the ejíster ol' Decds for sald County ol WashtonaWt on leSthdayof Fcbiuary, A D. 1870, at B o'clock 1'. . of aaid duy. In Llber 4'2 Qf Mortgagest on page 11. and that thore i.4 clatmed to be doe at the date ereol tía srrii of eleven hundred and twenty-oae ollarpand eilii.y-,nht cents, atno r. i Attor'nev'e se of tifty dollars Hlunild any proceedlnga had to n-eclose thla [hortgage ; and no snit or proceedinga tlaw or in ejalty hanns been had to recoTer tbe ebt ecenred by anld mortgage or aïiy part thereof : ötlceis hereby giTen tbat, oy irttië of the power f sule in :ii.l mortgae eontr.ined, 1 ehali eell .-t nbllc aoctton t ■ the blgbest bidder, on the fbnrth ay of Maren next, at t o'clock in tho afteroonof that day, ut the rrout door of the C'ourt. ■ Mi-i in thefity of Ann Arbor. in the Connt of Vnshu-iiaw. and Stuie of Michigan, the prei escribed in Baid mortgage aa, all thosc certain ■ parcela Qf Innd deflcrioed aa followa, to wil ■ ïg the wesi half of the southeast qnarter ol' sectlon ambnr tweDtyflTe, Ccxceptlng ave erna n the mtheast ooraer heretofore sold to C. M. Fellows). ld the oaat tbird of tbe east hdf of Bonthwen uarter of Bestión No. twenty flva (28] Intovi uniber three vontfa of range nnmber thi ie eoutheast Qnarter ofthc Bocthwest ■ j i m r ; i ■:■ offieculi iHUnbi'l tliirty-onef.1!) In tOWBSblp nai.ber threc ni ib of range mimber fonr east. Cexccptlng one ere heretofore old to Jaco) ScbeblaJ in the Ooiinty Í Wiinhtenaw and State ol' Michigan, acoordlag to ' Qnitad State BBTvey, oontaimng one hundred and forty fonr acre? of land, inoiv or leSB, D.itcd, Nov. 28, 1870. ' I.UTIIER JAMKS, Mortnafree. Joun N. Gott. Attorney for Mortgaeee. WW Mortgage Sale. lKFAl LT havlng bien made in the condítlon of 2 w ccrthiu n . - ■„ ■ viceand Mnrj Service, hia wife.ol thetownoi oiulu the Conut.i ni w ashtenaw. and State ui Ijrnn. tu Marais II. Rowe of thu same ■; :pUmber, A J i-i;r.. ■ ffice of tli ■ K ■.■; (t r of i i ■ f ir eaid - of September, a. ]. iSfo.eAPlí dock A M. oï n gold mortpnid Marcut II. Rowc to Srtnmei Cuphman on the i bh áaj i I v. a i. ■ D thö ilth ilny of Febrnary, A D. ÏOS. at lOu'clock A.M. .ín Líber 1 of Aesignments tïf M(ri::i'_'i-s, -n . nert by Sïiiüiii-l Cashman to H aron. Countj eaforesald, on the ■_■■' tl flay o! Di cember A I 191 8, rh il recorded In the off! ■- of Iho !(■: I Deedfl of ai'! Conniy on M . I, jvhich sald nmni'iiL1-'1 w;s i:-:i:n RMljrn 0 !'■' -.lili Hiram High to Lathe . uf Aun Arbor. Connty aforeeald, on the I2th day of .Tnnt, A, i. '-"'■. and recorded in the o Regis tefof Deede Ibrsaid County, on the twentj November. A ü. 1670, m lh ■■ o lot .. ■ . .m., i;i fiber '2 óf assignmentfl of M 057 - and the . .!■ ;it the date hereol the aam of one thoasaiid and twenty two and t w-t't cent?, nlto ao Ait rn v's twenty -five dollars eh uM :■■-.;. rocoedlngsoe lirtd U) lorecfore the Ba me, and forthor Lnptalraents nae drie oh wild mortgauc, nnd uo rail ccedines'al law or in eqnily havinp been had t recover the dvW secnred dj saïd mol U njjre or any part thereof: Notice fa heren; ftfven tnat by rlirtoe r power of saleln eaid mort ga ■ Ui sbali peil ;U pulilic auctioo to I l bidder on the fotntli (l.-iy of Vtarch. I). ï-Tl. ut S o'ciock In ' lie nrtrnoon of that day, .-it the fï 'nt door of the Court Hocsc n the ""ify of Ann Arbor, In the Cbnuty cf Wnshtenaw. and stuit; of Michigan, the premteee deaciibeci In vald . ill tbove ccrtatn or parcele of land deecrlbed a follows, to wíl : The weel half of the Bontheast onarterof :i twenty-five. and tbc o? et thlrd of the enst half iif Iho M.ailiwcsi nnarter of section twenty-flvc iti towii three etooth of range three ea(t; also the .-(nuin-;5i qaarter uf the i narter of seotioii numbei tiiirty-onc i townsbip nombar three souih of rango nnmber four cftt (zcep'li acreheretoforesodio .lacob Bcheble}lo theConnty uf Vashionaw. aud State of Mlchlcan, accordlns to theÜDlied States Siirvov. contalntng one himared and forty-uiae aert n 1 ■■■ the enme moro or less. Datod, November 28. 1870. LUTHRR JAMES, Autgnee. John 0(ït?. Attorrcy for Assigr.eo. 12fl Motgage Süle. DEFAULT ha ving been made In Uio condltlon of acertain ra mtalnlng tbereln a power of sale for conditi b broken, made by Charlea Chandler and Eliza Chandler, hia wife of the villsge f t liiitiT,. ín tho ( ■■ iiniy of Leun wee ) and State of Micbiean, to Pbiliada C. Chandler of the iamè orín ' öat the fourteenth day ofNo een hundred aud Pixty-thrcc, upon curtaln lands described is suld mrtgage aa beins ííj;: Boutheaat qnarter of guction nximber tbirty-thrce C;t:ij,in towQsbip numbet four C4; Boathor range nnmber lour C-i) ';ist, coutainlng one bnndrod nnd Mxty aeree of land, more orleu.1 and "a Bltutiïed In the townsbip of Bridge wn ter, in the Oonntj of Washtenaw and ötite of Michlgai cure ihe payment ol the sam of eleht hnodred doll:ire in foor yearp from date, wltfa interest payable annnally on the eame m seres i!:r cvnt. per annnno, and providing ii case of non-paymeni of the Interest li shoald tfüoomc principal, and draw int the r.ite aíoieíiiid, and providing alo for th payment of the snm of twenti ftve dollars h au Atior!._ [■.-,■ Bhotild any proceedlnga be taken to forcclouc the iame( which inortgaffe, wlth sach power of sale, waednly recorded in lae ollice of the Register of ■ i the Oosntj of Waehtenaw and Sute of ■!. on the Othday of December, A. I). 18" 3 ;" í -. ucluch i'. M . tu líber 5ï of mortga page ■'■■■"■. by the non-jiaymesi of the ' w hole nñiotrni i . with t!if i -■ d y of 8 ■ tie amoant dain bu ene thercon aï the date of thu notice boluj a ad ö en cents, ,16j for principal and Interest, togeth r with the aici sam of twenty-flve dolían aa Bnch At-torney uo auit '■)■ procecdiufï ha ut law co recover toe debt secured bj sal or -■:! '■ pan thercof ; ce t bereby givoi t!:íii en Saturday, I : (■ otF'bruary, a. 1. ïE71, at teu o'cloek io the forenoon of that day, the Eoutli door of ihe Courl : I ■ ■ iu tilt Ciry )l Aimi Al bor, with in and for the sald Oounty ol Washtenaw Cthal belng tho pli of holding the Circuir Court tthiu ihe Coaaty in whtch the preToisi -: u be w ld are Bftoatc), said morc;i sali; of rn.: prvmïi's above describcd r Bome part of thetn. at pubïic anctton, to the highest bidder, forcaab, to jat[fify the araount duo on .-lit! noteand me claie ofiiis uotlce, with Ihe Interest ibcicon, and tho coste, jee, aad expenses proríded for insaidmort■ ' those i'.l.i.v.'cl by law Datcd, Auu Aibor, November, 21 9t. 1370, PHLUDA C. CHANDLER, Cm. man & Kooi ."! ■ : Alty'ö for Hortga; . 12Ö8 Mortgage Sale. 7" ' ' ':lil bePÓ made io the condi? í dons of : ceitaln mortgage made and oxeented by atan K. Hackman and Sflas C. Knckmaiiiher hasband, to Charlea Kellogg bearing d tte ihe twen tleth (ojday of "October, A. D. LS81, and recorded iu iti' office of R Doeda for the County of Vi ashtenaxv, and State ol 'h M :an, In Liber forty-one (41) of Mortj je lour hundred and n!nei three(4öit) on th eecond day ofFrbruary.A D 18.0: -vü'! vnereaathere remaiDB dne and nnbundred and trine dollars and fortyntne cents ti and wherea$ do 8ult or pri her ;;t lawor In cí;:í'v. !,.■:.-■ ieeu iuBtituted to recover the same or any pan thereof: Now, therefore, notice h hereby priven ihnt by vtrtne of the pover Dl mJj In taid mortgagecontainedandbrvirtne of tito statute in snehcaees made and provided, I shail scll at public atiction to the bighesi bidder, on Satnrday, the twenty flftb [2B1 day of February, A. J. il71 , at the b,onr of two oVaock In the alternóos ofsfild doy, at the oiiterdoor of the Circuit Conrt Room of the Connty oí Viubtenaw, in tibe Oftyof Aon Arbor. County a nreeaid tlmprí'm-'ec? desenbed in paid moi or so muh ther ofa may be necesnary to i ', the amounts now doe or to bccome due on said mu. tgage at the date of thle noiice, together with theinterest wbich shall have acerned ttucon, au Atiorneye fee of fifty (öO) doJIare, afi Uj eald inortgage provldedi in case proceedLogs be taken to forecto&c the :iiivn, :ii)(l the coetoi charges and exp nees allowed by law, nnd providcd for iti sairl mortgage. The deserfptionlof sald prentlsea leas folio ws: All Lhe foUowing described premlses, ituated in the Consty of Washteuaw, and State of Michigan, to wiï: the west one-lüilf (w y) of the north-west ono-ciuar'rr (n w ',j oí seetton povph (7) town fonr (■i) eonth of range fo;ir e$t. contaioing thirtyrtcres. Also all that part of the west hall' of the soath-east qnarter of sectioo uumber one Cl), in fcownshfp uamber four (4) sooth of range three foj east lying sonthwest of the River Rafsin nnd north of the Saline road,con(alnii '..'■ property belng conyeyed to Si las C. Rucknun. by James Pnnlman, by oeed dated Norembèr 2öth, A. 1). IfiSS. and recorded in Líber namber thirtj Daadiii page wm in the Rflgister's oflice for the Ooant; of svashtpiuuv and State of Michigan. Said proper iy to bo soló% snbjêct to the payment of the sum of three bandred and fiv 71-10(1 dollars (■■ tö.1 1; awd hiterttsi from Oct. 20, Id9being i'urthcr iustnllments dn on brW murtgage Dated. Dec. 1, 87fl 18 CHARLES KELLOGG, Mortgageo. Mortgage cale. f,EF.lTLT h&ytrg been made ie the condition of - a certuin mortgagc executed by Ellen Knel of the City of Aim Tbor, Connty of Washtenaw and State of Michigan r Martinns l sh;ii; and Horaoe K Dlcklnson, of Waphtenaw Connty and State of -in, on the third day óf May. in the yearofonr Lord one thonsand etght hundred and sïxty-sevon, and recordedtn the office of the Register of Deeds Ibrnatd t'owiitv pf Washtena-w, on the 4th day of May, A. D. 16ÖI. al 9H o'cock A. .m., Ín Hoer B6 of mo tgage, page 480. which said mprtgage was as- ': (1 by Horaco K. Dickiueou to Martinas L. Shntta orithe Aretdiy of Junc.A. D. Möt, and recordedin líber 2 f assicttmento of mortgagesi on the ITth day of November, A.D. 1870, al 0 oclock A. M.,on page 651 ,and agaln awigned by Martinas L, Shuttsto lariu8DoaglBJE0,OQ tbeJSttb oay of September a. l. tot. taan recorded in the ofilce of the Regí tor of üeeds on the lTtb day of November, A. i;. i8T0,at 9 o'clock a. M., in Iihor 2 of assïgninent ofmortgaree,on pago ■"-, and that there i claimen' to be duo nt the dato hercof tho s:nn cf üve hupdred andeeventy-sv0D dollars, alao au Attorne '- i twentyflvc dolían shonid any proceedings bc had to fotedose this mortgae, ano no snit or proceedings ut law or i ii eqnity haying been had to recover the debt eeenred byeaid mortgsge orariypart thereof: Ncüa Is hereby given, tfiat by virtne of the power oi s.-ili1 in süííI mortvage contalncd, I sli'ill seïl ;it public anctlontto the hicheet bidder, on the tweny-AftsMay of Enebraaryi A. T). 187t, at two oTclock in the afternoon of that dav( nt the tront door of the Court llttuse, (u the City of Ann Arbor, ia the Connty of Washtén&w and State of Michigan, tho premiíc descrihed in sai tl mortfxage, as : All timt certaln pfece or parce! of land vitnatw in the City of Ann Arbor, In the Coiintya,nd8uiteftfore8ald1snd known auddeBcrlbed ns follows, to-wlt: Lot number thirtecn In block Qttmbertwo fij north of range No. fonrteen oasl in the eaatern addltloc to thcOiiy oí Ann Arbor [formerly villagn ) Dated, November 18th t8T0. LOUISA J TICKXOR. Execnlrlx of the Laat Wlll and Testament of Darlos Douglnss, Dwe. John X. Gott, Attorney for the Esccutrix. Mortpfftge Sale DEPAULT bavlag ben mndc In thp condition of a mortgaee executed by Pat riek 0Eeeff and Mary O'Keeff fiïs wüo. to Leuter Lattmer. dated AugostlTth.A.D 1868 and rccrtled In the I ter's ofñce for Washteunw í'oniiíj. Michigan t:t the 18 th day of Aiutm. A, 1). 1868, m Ilbei 88 of mortgages , on page 4T9 , by whlch flefimlt the power of sale container! in said nortgage became operatïve. and no proceediosQB i;1 law or ejnJty baring hoen in Btttnted ii recover the debt peonred by êtttji raortgage 6r any part ihëreoL and the snm of two hand forty-flve and 22-100 dollars beiut; now dalmed to be ■n Bofd raortgage : Nouce is therefore bereby fflyen tlmt said mort-. gage win be foreclosod by a sale of the pi' deacrlbed In saïd, r eomc part thereof, to-wlt j All of the following desertbed land ritnat ñ in the ('iry oi' Anu Arbor. ifichlgan. on tin north pide r unron Rlver, vïa : c ünmencing on the easl pide of Traver street or Lnttta foad : it ia mnrked in a n map oï" Ann Arbor made by I. A. Pctrlbone in 18íí4, at the northeapt corner of a piv.vr. of land formerly bf Ion ging lo Dwight liellouft, ifnd known is the Cl afe lot : Ihesce eaaterly -it rlgnt anirteft wit aaid stföet or road oñ tho north line of ;ti;i Clnrk lot six rodtf ; theuce northerïy piiralU-1 vith ?;üd street four rofl; thenco wéStérly parajlel with ald first ïlne elx rode, to s;iid ptroel ; thënce southerly along tl11 easl Hnè of said streel í'unr rods to the , place of beginnhijr, being Ule same premiaes , veyed to said Patrlck 0Kwff by Patrick Donovan ■ and wlfe. by deed, dated Pebrnary 26th, 186 1. at , lic vendne, .-i1 the Conrt Honse, ha the City of Ann , A rbor, ín enid County, on the lKth day of Vübnmry Des I . ;.r Doon. ( Uaied, November Sist, 1870 LBSTEB I-ATIMKR, N. W. CnrKVFH, Atfy. 190t MoitaseO. , V0TÍCEI . S N't'i'o is bereby gl ven that 2 frbkl the payment of the following note t any peraon bealdea myself, the same havlng bewi ïoet by mo or stoten from my I Ion : One note of eight dollars, Klgned by c Thomu Dftnniion; onenuif oi e Hars, by, ISfiO, and ftigned by Wíl Ham Potterton ; ■:i' y-i; ,.- dollars, dated Jan. Ist, 338, and Btgned by wilUain Rosón; uo note of two handred m by Richard Bhoridao, pn which there U paid ttfty dolían; one note oí' one handred dollars, dated Peb 22, 1869, anti eïfioed by Geoi se W Colé and one note of forty dcllarg, dnted May 18, 1869, and slgned by Jacob D. All óf aaid notos were glyen lome and havo not been lepally traasforred to any one. Dated Hainbuig, Not.28, i-ro. U-uu' WILLIAM TONGUE.


Old News
Michigan Argus