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Sfftña pttö& PIÍ. SOBSKCX ATiVIXES COXSUMPTIVE ; TO GO TO FLORIDA IN WIKTER. HlTlKO for the last thirty-five yoara dcvoted my wnole time :uni attentionto iho etudv oíIuiik dJseasea and consumption, I feel that l onderstand tully the coturno tbat ftughtto be porsnedto restore a tolenibly bad case cf fllsoaaed lungs Co beatthy Boundncss. Tbc ürst nnd nwet nnp irtant Btep la, fortho payent to avuid taklm.' cotd ; ana Un; best f all placea on th continent for this jmrpose,in w;ntcr, in Florida, welldownin Uto state, wfieTO tne temperature is regular, and nut subject tosucta variations as in more noriiiern latitudes. Palatkaisa pollrt i can renomniend. A root hotel is kopt there by Peterman. Last winter I sawsevcrai persona there vliose langa had been tmdly dlseased, imt whq, underthe healnik' tnfluenoe uf tlic cllmate and my medicines, wero gct tiüí welL One hundred miles farther down the rivcrU a point wiiienl would prt-íVr toPalatka, as thc temperatura ia gore even and the air drv and brating. JMt-llonvillc and Enterprise are loc d enere, I Miuuld give a decidid preforenceto Meilonvlllo: it i3 two miles from rlveí or Kikc, and it seenu almoat EinpojMlble to take cold tliere. Tho tablea Ín Florida milit be beitr, and patíents complaln at times ; but that u 8 good Blgn, as ít íudicatt's a return of appetlt-e : and, viten ihis is the case, tliey gencralJy lncrcase in flesh, and then the luoffl must heal. Jacksonville, Hlbernla, Green Cove, and raftnyotbcr placesin varióos parts of F4orlda can be eafc-Jy recommended to consamptlvesin winter. My reasorïs foteayInf so are, that panenta are losliaMe to take edil there thanvhere there is a lesa even temperqnure; and it is not necessarj to saj-, tbat, -vhf-re a consumptlvo penoa oxposes bJmself to frequent colda,be s certaln to dia tb'n-tly: UnTvforc myadvíce is. jio well down into the Ktate, out of the reach of preval Ing eftst winda and fos. Jacksouville, or almit anv othcrofthe locatltfes I have named, v-jil benefit those who are troubled wilh a torpUl liver, a dlsordered stomach, deranpcd boweis, sore ttaroat. or cnugh ; but, for thase whose 1 unga ure dlsetMd, a mor sootbern potntis earneitiy recommcndedi For lift een yean prior to lS6tt, I wasrofoasIonaUyin tw Vork, üoston, lialtimorc, and l'liiladelplila every week, where I saw nivl txaminctï on an average ilvo liundfcd patlenta a week. A practico so extf-nsive, emLraclní every pi BSlble phaso of lung disensc-, ha en&bled me to undcrstnml tlic dueaae fully ; and henee my caution In regard to taklng cold. A person may take vast qnantltiea of " Bchencka Tulmonic Byrup, Seswecd 'J'nnlc, stnd JUandrakc rilla," and yct dio ií he'docs not avoid takinu' cold. In Florida, nearly everybody is xising Schenck'sManflrake i'ills; for the cllmate la raoro liki-ly to ]ntino bilious habita thr.n moreiiorihornlatitudiü. It isa welleetabllflhod toet, that natlvcs of Florida rarely dlo ofconsamptlon, cepeclally thou of the sontheno part On the othiT hand, in New Esgland, onf-thii-d at le.i-t of ihe populaiion die of Ihls terrible diacase. Jn the Mlddlo States, It does not prevalí eo lurgeiy; Rtül there aremany Ihousanda of cases tLtre. "Whnt u vast percentage of Ufe wou ld bc sa ved ifconsnmptl ves vero as tasily alarmcd Ín renard to taking freah eolds as they are abont scarlet fe ver, small-]ux, A:c. ! but therare not: they take what tiity tiim a littlecold, -vhlch thcv are crcduJoug cnouh tobelicye-wUlTvcaroíT ín a few aun, They pay noattention to it; and henee it lays the foundation tur nnother and anolher still, untll the lungs are Uiscased bcyond all hope of cure. My advice lo persons tvIiosc lunps aro affectod, even Bilgutly, is tolaylnastoek offichenck'sPnlmonic Syrup, bchenck'sSeawecdTonic.and Schenck'sïfandrakerilb, nnd K'J to Florida. I rccommend thesc particular medíCines, because I nm thoroughlyacqualntid with tnelr ítetion. 1 knoiv, that, where they are used In strict accordanco wlth my dlrectlons, they wl 11 do thc work that Jsrequired. ThU accomplishcd, imtitrc will do the rest. The pliy.ïiditn who prescribes for coldt courIi, or nipht sweats, and tiien attvises the patiënt io walk orrldfl out every day, wül be sure to havo a corpsc on hia hands befo re long. My plan is, to give my threo medicines In accordanco vrith the printeddirections, exeeiit In eoine cases whero afreertifte of tho Slanclmke Pilis is necessary. My object la, to give tone to the stomacb,- toget up a goud appcUfe. itisalwaysagood slgn when a patiënt begïna to grow hungry : I have hqpcs of such. With a relish for lood, and the irmtificfttion of tliat relish, comes goml lilood. and with Hmoreiiesh, whlchisclosclyfulloweit bva hcalingof the lunfis,- -then tnecoui-hloosi'nsand abate, the creepitifichills and clammy nijiht sweats no Jonger prostrateand annoy, and tlic patiënt ets well providcd ho avoids taklng cold. How, tbcre aro many consumptives who have not tho means to go to Florida, The questfon may br asked Ia there no hojie for flueh ? Certalnly there ia. il y advlcu tosucb i:-, and ever bas been, to stayin a warm room during tlie winter, with a tt-mperatuie of aboutaeventx degrees, whicli should be kept regularly at that point by means of a thermometer Let Fuen a ])tient take Lis cxercisc wlthin the Jimlta of tlic room bv u-.ilkinií up amí down as jnuch as his strength vlll permit. In order to keep up&licalthy circulatioit Of the blod. 1 have curca Üiousancïs by this bystem, and can do eo again. Conaiimption }s sa easlly curcd ax any otlier diaease, if it in taken In time, and the proper kind of treatment ís nurened. The fact stónds undispnted on record, that, Kchrnck's Puhnonic Svrup, Mandrako Pilis, snd Bes W6ed 'ionic have cured very many of whatseemed to bc hiteless cases of consumption. Go where you will, you ■will be almost certain to find sorao poor consuinpiivo who has been rescued irom the very jaws oí' death by thtJr Use. Ho far ai the Mandrak c Pilis are eoncerned, everybody snouiti Keep a auppjy oí mem on nmiü. Tliey acton the livor bet ut thrui :;iU':nel, and leavc none of iUhurtful effectB behhuL In fact, theyaro excellent in nll cast where a purgativo medicine Is reqaired. Ifytm havo partaken ton freely of fruit, and diarrlicea ensnea, a dose oftlia JMandrakoa willcurcyou. If you are subject to riek headache, tnko a dose of the Mumlraki'Vand tlu-y will relieve you in two liours. Il' you would obviatothe ci:'i-_'"l i.facliangcufwater, or tlic loo freo indulgcnce In fruit, take ono of the Mandrukes evcry night, and you xnay then drink water, and eat water mftlons. ij ca re, apples, planuL pcatlic-8, orcom, witbout Hifi riek of beiiir maae Blek. by tbem. Tb,ey will piot 1 tbow viioiivt-Ui damp sltuaiions ftffafalBfi eljills and fevcr?. 'l'iy thrm. Tln-v .ir jioi ft-i-tly harmless. They can do you good mly 1 bav abandoned my profeWloiul visiis ïu Sostoo aiid Kew Vork, but continuo to M6 patiënte atmy oflice Ko 15 North Slxtta Street riillndfliiliia, tvery Batnrday Orón 9, A.M.,t'3, ï'.ji, Those who wlsha thoronh cxfuniuiatiu wlth the Raqtbromdter W1U bo. obargeo fivo flijjlars. Thfl Kuüj)ironiütt.r declares the exact conditkn of tlie luiifrs; and paticuts erm reniiily Learn wbether they are curable oraot. }ut i dealre itíüstinctiy underdtood, tliitiilic valuc of my medicine dependa tíitucJyupon thtlr being taken strlctly accordiiiff todlrections. In i mola on. 1 wil) wiy, tbatirnen ftenons tuke my mediciiK's, nnd thcirp.vHteinsarebroufilit into n hcalthy ii therebT, tliey are not aolinble to tako coldj vt no one v.-.ih diseftged lungscíin bt-ara suddenclmncc a atinosphere without the liability of greatur or less irritatjon of lbo bronehial tubes. Full directloiiH in all lanuaecsaccompany my modJcines, .-o CX pi lei t and clcar tnat any one can uso tnèm wltliout coaaultiiig me, and can be bouht íroni any C.!lf. 1-' L. ■ J. II. Scük.vck, M.D., No. 15 ïortU Sixth Streel, riiüaüfclpUia, JOHN P. HENRY, 8 COLLEGE PLACE, NEW Y0E2, "Wliolosalo Agfenl.


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