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How They Bathe At Venice

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ITeie I am rcmiiided ofao ether plensure of modern dwellers ii Veuetian plticos, whicli eiiiilJ hnrjly liavo haen indultad by tlid patrioiand of old, ftnd wbiob is tiardly i'.uagi.iable by penplo nf this day, whose front doors open upon dry laúd : I mean tu say the privilege of sea-bahiü from duo's vji thrèübdlu From tho begianiDg ot' June lili ínr ii.t Septembor 11 'lid cumils of nniu aro popuUtid by the ampbrbious bojs whci alamor abuiít in i hu brioe, or p iae tlu'int.ilves fur fur b leap ftom v.n tops u' bridaos, or bhow tlicir fine, stataesqae fi .'ures, bruuzed by tlie ardent aguiiiBt the facíiJe ot emptjr palaeiis, whure tiiuy h?ver nmoiig t lia mu-ble ticuip'ui'tís, and meditóte i heud'org pluugo It is ouiy ti.o Vonfii;i:i l;idt-a, n ip'i w''U do not 'eharu ibis h ui Ijful ;i:.i iSttlllttBti l'.u !rr j OÍ' fullllÜBri, Hko H iiiHiiy plttinp, doniCoiio di-aKo, leil fyctb thwir q'alifl tiumlá, lenohing fiiü i'tlo otiei tu shjin ;y the aid of various iloáts, ftod dfilighiiug n . nbolei ut tlio ltgr (tjiukünus. - Ijsu t'ue tiila cojiies in fio-h and trjiig fiom tila sea the water in ihs Uniiid ('anal i-i pmu Mnl refresJaiop ; wíd at tliuio timos it is a siuuUr plcasare t') !' ip l'roi:i (iiio'ri ;io : ep iulo ttie tv; il a, uiid ai.iiJ ; bal( hi)iir, yïy iu-.rii.ü -!v, aiiio:)í Ol'í peigbbon t. ere. The Voootiaii Í . u.: g-drsa ie a mere fketob of tile paútüli ons of ordii a y 1 ie ; tiid uhtn I usjd to aloud uMHiour bíloüiiy, aml s u BtUDB betrdcd head duckiüg mo a ptJite sal.i.utioii l'roin u p iir of bruadt biown sliruldera thai ) oliowed iilmvo tho Wfttelr, 1 was not always abls Ui i"'g ''■' my acouittutacee, di'privcd ut' his t'uot.tioq- ideut.ty i.t ' olothe. Uut l alwi.ys kn.:-.v 'rt ia I aiutolj coa;i;l general by u vuit esp :dsj of baklnces upon immmmÊËmÊËÊti6' and t must be owncd, ïaog forra oí Hocial assetnbly disudvantages, a no )1 an iaa' ctacle. Tho Vanei Froreneo, they bathed, wer otner menl' to the bath hour IIs g90' l'alaei', whero the o clook in a.'oodpart- -i" . -istomod to live and, pos I )lYVer over sioce he was LHtcMont,MlVP]v Fof hU __ cim'ea atu two e&8s Jiyr V;V uüinterruptedly ïho priesa ( í(jiV í- ooq. Wlieu oolnst two y ca: J r'des at ooon to teiOBt jroi half an hour ing raatiOT w.eep, - .' takes a horseoralions did uot 4 i_öt of Ver8ille, Thore is no good ruaeou bis coueir. i-houkl not comniand, relativT PTïTV mnnerativo priees to the grow. fs either por'or hoof. In ihin country thero is an absurd aversión to muttob. Uood mutton besideH Lüinu' toc.lisonio and palatable food, is said to bo the healthiest food t'tiat man oan eat ; at least ii% leas healthful tban beef, aud íar moro 30 than pulk, aud if mora attention was paid to rai-sing shcep for tho shamblee, - bieedin the best broeds for that purpose, and proriding rich and uutritiuus pqsturos for tbem, - it would not be long beforo a uiuch gretttcr dcuiand for mütlou wüuld spring up thau nat crisis. Wc regard it as titnply a question of tiino that mutton will enter far moro largely, as a food product, into the business ot tarming, tliau it uow doea. 'i'lio demaud tor nutton will inereaso witli populiitiou, and wilti tliis inorcased domnod mui e atteotion wiil bo direeied to produeiug sheoy of bettor (juality for tho butoher, and thisio turu mll beget it■[uiry as to tho manacciatiit of f asturage for i-hoep. A supplv of nutritious ricli grass s indispen-ab'e to SU'aid to próvida t)is beyoad peradveutuve, will necessi;:io [ayiog more attentioo to uiider-diiiinirifr, top dreraiug, and ■rly mnnsgiog grazing li.nds. The producti veiiLKá ot tho grass lands or pastures ff Eugland, alwaja furniehes a themc for xvinark to the Aüierioaa whp eees (ben, wuile the (.ovcriy ofoura as a geueral tliiutr, is ever a matter oí surprise to tho English farmers. The drjnesa of cur cliiuste as eomparod willi Huil i.i' Eogland muy. io boiu mcasuro, account for tbc differencé, but with pi"(,or managemoot, aud tho eare beatowed on grass lands here that is praotiend thore, we beüeve that very little dillürencö botweon ihein vvould be inauif !-t. il aadmLtted thiit sheep return a lurgï atuouut cotnparatively, of iertiliziog maller to the aoil, aud benae they a:e very tien employed to aid in the recupeiation of worn out lanus. Their use, u t'.iis bohalf, together with other jud:cious appliaucen, asseediag to grasaes, top-dreisiug, drain.ige, etc, is an infallible remedy for exhuustod ëoüh, and the Burost way oon.i'uiitly to inorease tbeir fertrility to the tnasimum of produoiivu capaeity. As regards Lreeds best adapted for mutton, vmious experimenta have beea tried to produce thö best type, with varying results. An English f::rmer who has givcn the Buhjeot muoh attec io:i, croísing tlio most appioved muttoa breuds. tliiuks that coupling Cotswold ra:us with tíüiithdown ewes produces tho best results.


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