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Vernor Vance

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Washington (JkronicXc : a . ■.; 'jr-ine h jsvy and oí ' ■"'u allow me J , j. Woiuan ani cl Wlwhna ? j Wuraaii ba liever been to the United ■wilh wioe without di'Bgí-aeeal io a recpnt 'J'ha toast and tlio buceliaur constant boaet ii"sic:il rditeratior), couplü "tluhavo unwords, ppriiig fi nm the !nt lips of 85 that j ality, and aro burdenei witli sh-Xaie A man wlio can ging of wine aiM most em::i in Üie saiiKi bi'catb, iiioiiü wlifuo. It ia enee is disgraae, und wtose toiniean by tbo hition. A man who can forgtji had boen aml eister, or wife and (latighteesa of tiio wautonly engago in a reve'i do uot see how name of womnn iïa i" :- upoo tlieir ad■iloasures of tonclusion that thut veocrnbii controviyn lied. If you mean that my nbsiract opinions as to wbat was rigbt huve not been changed by the retuU of the war, you ure correct ; but if you meant to say that I do not n ;oept turóle resulta, ea3h and all oí tbem, and gaide my conduct as a citizen thereby, your ch irgo is incorrect. I can vrell eee liow a beaten party may be rcijuired t neknowlédgs tbat fact, and to engage bat he will forevor refrain frora attfcmpting tho3o things Hgain which wero tlio cause of the collisioD. B'ut it seems tö me that he would be quite a sorry dog, indeed, who should acknowledgo that he had for four yoar3 participated inall tl; o Jiorrors and calamities of civil war for a causo that had so littlo ruasen to sustaiu it that it had bccomo wrong as soon as two men and $10 proved too strong for ono man and $1. You also charge that "less than three weeks ago, in a speech delivered in Wilniiugton, he ([) said that he (I) never asked for a pardou, and nerer would," &o. It is sufficiei t to say, n reply to this, that the lai-t political speech I made in that ity was in August, 1864. So that is att orror, as is alao the coarse and profnne expreszon which you allego I uttered "some time ago," and which has beou denied by me again and again. ISut the charge which most concerns me of the many which you briug agaiust me is, that my gkirta are not clear "of responsibility for the inhuman treatment of Union soldiers at Salisbury during the late war." I am not disposed to disavow my sbare iu that great strugglo Howerer opposed te t at the beginning, it would be worse than uncandid ia me to deny that when forced into it by the action oi my State, 1 went into the war with all my might and persisted to the end. But I do deny that I exceoded in any way the bounds of civilized warfaro ; I do oluim that I fought that fight with mauliuess and humaoity. So far Lrom any respousiklity whaterer resting opon rao for the ill-treatment of prisoners, it is well known that they were exclusively under the control of tbe Confedérate anthorities. Notwithstanding this, when informed of the condition of these prisouers, I wrote at onoo to the Socretary of War and urged him, if it was possible, to próvida for their wants ; and I secured tho passage of iBact of our General Assembly, authcrizing me to furnish them ejpplies of blankets i nd olothiog on condition that I would make an arrangement with the Bedercl authorities to furnish simila supplies to North Carolina eoldiers in Northern prisons. Before this oould be effected tho prisonera were removed from Salisbury. The proof of this may be found in my oflBcial letter-book in oustody of the government at Washington, and in the aots of the Legislatura of North Carolina. Theindustry which it is said has been exerted in huntin my i . . miav"í aiú not, as whatldid do. And it seems aleo, that the actsrith whieh I am justÏJ ohargeable are urged as a reason why wuneety ghould ne?r be extendtd to me. If I had not oommitted them I Duumu neea no amnesty. Kor this reason I expect to ask for it. We, of the Soutb, have been told again and again tbal we must give up the dead issues of the past, accept tbings as we fiod tbem, and strive o improvo the future. This ia good ac'. vice trom onr Northern brethren. I, for ooe, resolve (o oonform to t, and propone again to particípate in the service and the honors of my countrv. Jntead of leDding me a help ng ban X nany who were loudest in their exhorntions begin to search througb that tbing of dead issues- the past - for reasous why I should not be permitted to iniprove the future; and a law, by which I am inade a degraded mau io the land of my birth, is held up before my eyts for a memorial and a testimony that the past ice tue poor, is ever with me! How can we thue forget it ? Will you, eir, help us ? Will the victors attend the funeral of thia past, and throw the first clod tipon its coffin ? If B0, I will engage that t will bo buried forever. Becauee we bold fust tho bond of faithfulness to esch other in tho shadows of defeat and humiliation a uo reason why, if permitUd, we sliou'd not glory iu the spleudors of the grcat republic. JJecauso we refuse to leave oö' mourning over tho áesoltion of our homes and the elaughter of our sone, is no reaBon why we should ro fu.e to rt-joice over the prosperily of the whola rcuuited land. Because we rernse to turn our backs ou the brave nd honest, living and dead, who followed our banners ia obedience to the doo trine of State sovereignty, b do reason wiy we should not fraternize with cqually brave nnd honest men who fought on the other side. I protest to you, sir, that I ain an obedient and law-observing' citizeu of the Uuited States; thnt I {inesce in aiid wiil maintain al! the legitímate resulta of the war; that I earaeitly desire the utiity and pt-rpetuity of the whole country, it prospcrity and Lonor. [ denre cerer again to see its t'ieat enetgies, ts vast resources, its 1lustiious soldiern, aud ts wiee statcsineu ngagad in tbe ignoble taak of selfiestruction; but fer?ently proy that crery stom of the wealth of ts 'bosom, aod evcry epnrk oí tho genius of its ohildren may be devotcd to the common welfare hencefortb and forever. And in ttteiUtiüQ f uil ihif, I p'cdgj (i fui h which stoed by a sinking oause through mirifortune and defeat, biight acd uutarsished - as my hittereet oucmy must tay- hecauso honor und duty roquircd it. Very respeolfully, hir, your cbedient eorvaot, Zedui,on B. Vance. To protect wood Dr. Reinscb reooinends tlic followitig plan : " The wood, unplaned, 'm to tie placed for twentytour liours in a liquid composed of otie part f concuutraicd silicato of potash (waterglas) snd Hirec parts pure wator. Afttr Lciiisr removed iiad dliéd for scvenal luya ihe wooH is ngain soakcd in llmliquid, and, alter beÏDg sgain dried, i paiotad over wilb n mixture of one prt of cemest ond four parts of the above liquid. WLeu ih ftrst coat s dry, lbo painting should ba repeated twice. Tfae paiot mixturo ehould b only made up iusma'.l quantiee as it rapidly becomes hard and dry. Wood thus treated beconaes iuflanimablo and does OOt decay under the grouad. ■ - . S.


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