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Now That The Returns Of The Recent

Now That The Returns Of The Recent image
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ieoria elootion renders t quito eeraio tlmt the Doroocracy oarriod tbat State by a haudsomo uiajarity, tud secured a mnjorky in eaoh br.mch of the jCixislature, the unscrupulons Radical )olitiuians whioh infest Washington, even during a holiday reoess of Coniress, are deviaing some muans of robiug the viotors of the legitímate fruits won at the ballot box. The telegraph, lierefure, BBBcitH that " tho Sciiaío Ju lieiary eommittee will meet on Satur lay preseding the assembling of Con5res9, to beiT argumenta on the Georgia Seuatorsiiip." It further allegeü that bere me four applicants : Hesarn. Hill liep.), and Milleb (Dem ), eleoted in 18GS, but whose claims the Senate never would consider, bccause it made the ousting of the negro legislators the gróund of more "reconstruction ;" and Messrs. WiiitIEV and Fariia.n, Kepublicans, eleoted in 1809, in whoee behalf ïtis claimed "that they were eleotod by tho ouly legally constituted Legialature, under tha act paased by Cougress in oonsoquenoe of Democratie usurpations." If Goorgia had elected a Republican Legislatura these claimauts nevor would have been heard of. Congrcss is a law unto itself, and political grave-yarda acd the skeletooa of dcad and gbne Hadicals are legitímate plunder, if need to wrest a Siale from the Demooraoy. In sevcral circuí ts of the State there are already morements for a división or recoostruction, and tho Legislature at ts coming session will ba asked to create two or threa more cirouits, with as ratny nnre judgo?. It is about time the multipiying of circuits was stopped. A oircuit judge can not eDgrge in practico to eke out bis pitiable email ealary, and he niay as well bo required to fill out the time as to be given a circuit that will oaly give him work for a monlh or two out oí the twelve. Tho talk about the interests of auitors suffering is bald nonense, for any lawyer fit for a seat upon the bench can do all tUe bu3nesa ia any circuit now organizod, and have plenty of time lejt for play and study, that is if praoticing lawyera will atteod to thoir own business and have their cases ready. Instead of an increaso of the numberoioircuits, let a conetitutioual amendment be 8ubraitted limiting the number of oircuits to not exoaediug ten or twelre, - we would prefer nine even - with decent salaries to the judges, and wo s'iall hear no more clamor for small circuits. The Detroit Tribune of the 24th iost , - Saturday last- had a oomrnunication eigned "Justice," defanding Seuator IIoward against a charge of "changiag front" on the San Domingo treatv. - was not in favor of the treaty submitted by Gen. GriunT, hut "offored sovcral araeuduieats" which were adopted, and then he voted lor it also. "Nor is he in favor of a commission to inquire into the policy of annexation." Justice," in this ose at loast, is oertainly blind, for tbe Tribuno of Friday, the 23d.,- as well as all other dailios,- had this paragraph imtnediately followiog the yaa and nay vote on the Morton resolution ordering that "commiasion referrod to : "Meaars. Howahd and Lewis (Reps.), wjo would have voted in tbe afirmativa, wjre pairei witb Messrs. Bayaud und Joiinston (Dems), in the negativo. Iiie schorao of a throe day eleotion, uader military supervisión, didn't give the Radicáis a great victory in Georgia. In fact, as will bo seen by a news dispatch iu another column, tbey met with a Waterloo defeat; and were thorougbly routed, 1 orse, foot, and drogoons ; and this, though ':the colored troops fought nobly," voted early aad often, and mob bod any of their number who voted the Democratie ticket. Moro reconstruotiuu is needed. A latb Washiogtoü epeoial to tbe New York Tribune being put through a condenser would read eomething like this : Senator Stimxek dida't mean any. tbÏDg by bis recent attaok on tha j dent; be takes t all baok and says ho never said t ; he is down on bis marrow-bonea, baa made his peace witb Grant, and iutendá to sustain all the odminiatration measures. "Everjthing is lovelj and tbo goose hangs bigb." And 83 tho Mas33cbusetta Senator is not to be deposed from tbe chairmaohip of the oommittee on Foreiga llcations. The Detroit Tribuut enters thig confesión in auswor to a charge made by a "couütry cousin" that Blair ia in the Interest of the Detroit ring and really a Detroit candidate : "In Detroit Gov. Blair is tftroog among the people, ng be is all over the State, but ho bas not n friend that we know of among tho Kepublican political managers of tbis city. He is not oven tboir third choice, aod at tliïn very moment tbey aro trying to combine the strenglh of all the other candidates ngainst him." If this be truc, "Our Blair" mny hang up bis fidle, for "the political managers" of' Detroit can beat him if they tciU. A cablecbam of the 27tli says that i King William and tho Princesa Koyal of Prussia havo protestad against the proposed tnarriage of tlie Princesa Locisjc with the Marquis of Lorne, aud that Queen Victoria haa replied, "advising them to mind thoir own busioess. " The Rev. Albrrt Barnes, of ' delphia, ono of the most prominont and widely-known Presbyterian clergymen in the Uuited States, diad on Ssturday ' last, aged 72 yoars. ' e In the Independent of the 22d irmt. 8 fouud the "valedictory" of Theodoue Tilton, for fifteen years connectcd w'ith ilmt journal, and for sovon years i tg chief editor. Mr. Tilton - if eitlier be or Mr Bowkx, his publi-her, are to be beliovod - retires volunturily and "with many regiets to both parties." Mr. Tilton1 "fraiikly" says : "In some of my politica], socUl, and religious viows, I diffar frem the proprietor; not, perhaps, widoly, but suiliciently to render it desirablo, both for him aod for me, ibat my future utterancea in tbis newspaper should be made on iry individual respousibiüty, 'uut not as apenliing its editorial voico." It is to bo boped tliat at lisagt the "social" views of the Independent will be improved by Mr. Tilton's retiring, and that shonld anothor MoFarland oase co our in New York li'.orary circles t.hat journal will not bo the orgun of a loóse freelove. Mr. Tiltos uitiinatos that Mr. Bowen 8 hereafter to edit his own paper, and Mr. Bowen ays "our plans for the future" will be made known "in our nezt issue." - A floating paragraph lias it that Hev. Gii.bkrt Haven, of Zion's Iltrald, Boston, has been offered 810,000 a year to take the editorial chaire of both the Independent and the Brooklyn Union, the latter of w'_ich, however, Mr. Tilton says is to remain in his oharga. Tuk Spotswood House, Richmond, Virginia, was burned on Ghristmas morning, the iire origiuatiog iu the lower story. Tbe woather was intensely oold, and the stcam fire engines froze up, so that nothing could bo done to stay tho progresa of the Eight or ten per soos, women and men, guests and em ployes of the house, were burned to death. Others made their escape by jumping from upper windows. All lost their olothing, and tomo had to seek new quarters, bare-footed and in the g'tuation of "Flora McFlimsey of Madison Sipare." Their suÉFerings are picturod as great. Several adjoining buildings were also burned, and the losses are very large. Apter tlie holiday vacation a desperate attempt is to be made to chango tbe Senate Committee ou Foreign Relations. Su.mner is to be deposed from the ohairmanship, and Patterson s to go overboard with him. lleasou : tbey are not in favor of buying that half island known as the Republio of San Domingo, with its alligators, earthqiiakës, cañebrakes, and mixed und barbaroua races. Not being relatives of "the Govern ment" these Senators should learn to "bend the plianthingos of tho knee, that thrift may follow fawning," both in the honora of place and the stealiugs-in of "the ring." The Courier of last week had a leader on the Senatorial question. It waan't for Jacob M. IIowakd, eulogized Blair, and detended t'other Howahd from cer tain attacks made by his Republioan op "Kansas Bill," our cotemporary is a good deal iti Ihe fix of 'ha Irishman who sung of t-vo magnetic belles, "O, I conld be happy wltli cither, With t'other clear cliarmer away." Paris bas neither been bombardad nor starved out, and afluir abroad are without material chango. Fightin continue in various seotions of France, wiih no dispogition on either side for pesce. A plot to assassinate King WilLIAM, VON MOLTKK and BlSMAHCK 18 rcported frustrated ; and thal's abont all the fragmeutary columns of cable diapatchea amount to. By order of Gov. Baldwin, a gpscial election is to be held n Detroit tomorrow, to fill-a vacanoy in the city delegation to the House, caused by the death of Hon. H. J. Booklkt, elected in November. The Bernoonits have nominated Hon. Lkvi Bishop, a prominent and well-known lawyer. Tho Republican candidato is VVuliam C. Hoyt. The Legielature will meet in regular biennial sussion on Wednesday next, and soon the war now waging - n the ltepublican ranks- uver the Senatorship will be fought out and peaoe reetored. - The Suprema Court also meeta in regular quarterlj ses-sion, at Lansing, on Tuesduy nexfr. We have on our table a copy of the Michigan Almanac for 1871, conipiled by I Chaülbs Iv. Backus, and publlHhed by the Advertiser mnd Iribune Compnny, Detroit. It 9fi closely and neatly printcd pages are flllerl with matter of general aml local interest. First, the astronomlcal calculations, by Prof. Watso.v, aro for this locality, and secondly many of the tables, like those of distantes on our State railroads, list of postofficcs in the State, popnlation' and vote of each county, city, lown and village, lista of State an.l connty ofliccrs inembersof the Leffislntiire, &c, are not foWMl in easteru animáis or Umanacs. Every business man of whatever branch, trade, or professiou ou-ht to have a copy. Price 15 cents. Tho December number of tho Manufacturer and BuiUler has a table of contenta which wlll cotninend t to every reader, espcclally if lie bu au artisan or incchanic or Interested in the progresa of inventions. There are fourteon illnstrated anieles, including; Anlrnproveineiitin Steam-Pumps, TheMIistory of Art and yEstlietics, Vul-' I canlzed Rubber, Simple Life Saving Arrangement, Fine Machine Tools, Road Steumers, Protcction for Houses, lm provementa In House Warming, The Solar Engine, And The Allen Engine. Tliis list of topics wilt gire an tdea of the scope of tlie work. It is haiuisoinely prlnted, and eiv-L'ft 32 pages and 96 columns montlily tor $].í0ayear. Addres Wkstkkx & Co 37 Park líow, New York. The new 8edative, hydrate of chloral, is likely to result miichievously. It is' said to form a compouod witti tho soda of tho blood, Ihus diminishing its coag. nlability. Henee the continuous administration of tho drug tends to produce decompositioq of the blood, po that in o8n of a wound or open blood vesso! tbo tiemorrhfigo would be very difFicult to arrest, There would begreat caution required when t ig ueed in niidwifery or surgical operations. I


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