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Frm the University of France, givos private and th'Toujih lessotm in the Fmich Laognage And Iiterature, and the Latín tongue, nnd alio in vocal and instrumental moaic. Five yoar's espericncc in teaching thoso ;m] other branches oí a liberal edncatlon. A ful! ooune of tho abuve etuüies given to auj c!a-t that muy bft fornufd. Aun Arbor, 2Tth Üec, 1370. 13C2tf TnOLE DO, ANN ARDOR " AND NORTHERN R Persons haring claims ayainst the T. A. A. & N. R. R , are requested lo urcaent tham bef jr Jaimr lst, ISTl. 1230wL SILASn.DOUOLASS.Pre. Attachment .Notice. IN TUE CIRCUIT COL'RT for tue C-nu-ty of Washtenaw. Ellen Mead, ihüntifv, ■. ,him .Mead, defendant N tic is hcrely 'ívül, that on the thiril ümv of November, A. D. 1SÍ0, a .wdt of uttachnient ftKiiiutt the goud nd clmttels, lands nnd leneinenta üï John Mead, was Issned out of the Circuit Court f-r the Coanty of AViwhtcnaw, in favor of Ellen Mead, plaintiff, aainst John Mcnd, defendant, for the Btim oí six bnodred dollars, nnd returnahle on the slxtta day of December, A. D. 1STO at tcu o'clock iu the forenoon. i':iti-(i, Auu Arbor, December 2itli, 1ST0. COLMAN & KOOT, 132w6 Attv's for PlalntiL Mortgagu Sale. DEFAULT havlug been made In the condilions of a certain ndenmre of mortgage, eacecuted by. Augustus Bond and Hattie -M.Bond, his wife, to Davirl ürowu, beariuíf date the nincteeutb day of Oetober, A. J). 1 04 and recorded in the ofllceof the Register of Deeds for the Oounlv of Washtcnatr and State of Michigan, in Huer 83 öf mortgages, on pae 00, on the twenty third day of November, A D [SU, whlcli siid mortgajre was assigned by êaid David Brown to JatnesT. Morton, by written ussinment, boartng date Fubruary Cth, lSt5, and rocordcd in IIImt B8 of mortgaj-es, on page 2'JS, In said Kcister'' office, on the fourtecüth day of Pebraary, A. D. 18 5, by which default the power of tale contuined in enid murtgae ha become operative, and Do snit or proceedin? at law or in ennncery baring been instituted to recover the amount due on said mortgige, and there being now chiimed due on eatd motgage and note accom. [ panying the asme, the Bnrn of even hundred and I twenty two doüara anü twenty-sii ceuts, as well as the furthcr inra of ftfteen huudred dollars wilh terest from October l'Jth, 18;o, eecured and to become dne on saiil mortgage, and alto the further sum of fifty dollar fta an At torn e v fee cu this foreclotmre expressly agreed to be paul in and by sald inorrgiige as often as any proceedinj; is takeu to forecli'ie tbia mort gage, either at Uw or in Chance ry ; NotiCL'thereforo. is hereby (iiven, Jhat pnid mortgaiic will be foreclnsed on Mouday, the twenty-sev entb day of Maren next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of eakl d;iy, at the couth door of the Conrt House, iu the City of Ann Arbor, in 6iiid CoiiTity, fstiid Conrt Houc being the place of lnldii-V' tne Circuit Conrt for the Couuty of Wasbtenaw), by a 8ale at ptir-lic aution, to the I hlghvtt bidder, of the premi-ses dc8cril)cd in said mortgaffO, ior eomuch thereof as hall be necessary to satisfy thf aroount du e on paid mortenge. with reaoiutble costa and expenses, and the interest on [ fmid mortg&ge, togethor with an Attorney fee of ' fifty dollars provided for in ad mortgas:e, ánd pnbjeci to the payment of the fnrther Htnn of fifteen hnndrfd doltaru with the interest tbere n from October I9th, 1S7;', y't to bccome due thereon, which mortKflged prvinlees aro descrlbeQ la said mortgae rs follows : All tbose certain pieci-s or pareéis of land sitiiiiti'd ín the towiublp of Saline, ftf'the Coanty ff (Vnshteaaw and iStnte of -Michigan, de tertbed as fDllowB, viz : the southwest quarterof I tion Iwonty-one in townphipjbur fontn and ranino ' ft ve eist, iu tho State of Michigan. exCdptlnc ton f aert-s ofl froni ca-t siile thercf; nso tu'cnty acrw (ff trom the nortb. end of the cat half of the nortbwest qnarler f sectfon twenty-cisjht. and ton acres ofl" from the nurih end of the west bal f of töe wu8t half if tho Dortheut qnartör of sectton tweneii;ht; al! in tuwnsliip four HU .uih and range five cast, and contamina iu all one hundrod arrl eihty acres t land moro 'r leu ; which two last descrlbed pareéis have beea dl#charged from sald morigave and will uut be boUI by virtue thereof under this notice. Dated, December 2Sth, ](t JAMES T MORTON, t Aeio;nee of Mortgaec. Colman, Root & Kinn, b Attorneys íor Assinoc. JJOS rMOTICE ! Thennmml meeting of the UmArlior nnd Lod f Plank H'iiid Compiiny will he held on Tiu'sdav, -Ini uary 3(1, 1ST1. ot J o'clcrck P. M . at the office i ,Iihn N Oott, In Am Albor, to olect oflicfrsani I trans-let other neooBsan DnsUiess UEO. V. KASII, Si-crctnry. Bllted, Dpc. 2'2d, 1870. ISOlwï ' J OST ! From tbell'JIO tr.lin EOlov weft. on thc Hth of December. A BLACK MïATIiEK UAO. It v:is probablj taken bjr mlatake al Aon Arln r Rtaflon. It Is of do vaina oxctpt to the ownvr. A ii -r.ï rewird will be giren on return to the Acora Oltice B. I.. SMITII. Datcd, Ann Arbor, Doe. llth, 1870. i;;i4 Finest Assortment of Toilet Goods in the City, by Estáte of J. Philip Schenk. STATE OF MICHIGAN, OonotyofWashtcnaw, At a seoriOD of the Probate Coiirt for the Couuty of Wuxhteuaw, holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, on Firdav, the sixteetonth day of December, In theycarone tlioueaml eititbuudred and seventy. rifflcnt, Hiram J. Beakep, Judge ol lrobate. in the matter oí tlw cntatc ui J. Philip Schenk, deceasedOn readïnR and fllfnfl the pntitïo-n, duly verifird, of John Sclienk, Admiuittrntor dê boni 'f, xrayin that he may be UoenMd to rll tbe real cátate wberof Hiid deccased died nlsed. forthe pnTfHx: of diatribulion of the proccetls of sneu uale auioug tlfc pereoiif) interested in (tnld CBtnte Thcreupon it is ordered, that Mondny. the thirtieth day of Jnnuary noxt, at ten o'clock In tbc fnrenomi, bE BUig&60 for the heftriBg uf aaid petition, and that toe hiúTa at law of said dect-apcd, and all other persons tnterosted In said ('state, are requircd to appeur ut a sesnion of satdCourt, tbeit to hc. holden, at the Probate Office, in the City of Aun Arbor, aDd how canse, if any therebe, why the pray r ol the pctitioiïCT howld notbe tirnntcd : And it furtht-r ordercd, that a:üd petitioncr ive notice to the peraouH interestud in eaíd estáte, of the pcndency ot iald petiUon , and tbe bearins thereof by cnuetng a copy of tbls on'i-r t' be paSllshed in thtMiehigar Argüid A n'wíipHr. yrintrd ;md Cbcnlttfog insaid County, four snecessire weeks previoas toeaid daj of hearing. (A truecopy.) 1I1RAM 3. BEAKKS, 13ü'i Judjieof Probate. Enlate of Samuel J. Freeman. STATE OF HICHÏQAN, Conuty of Washtenow, U. At n session of the Probate Conrt for the County of Wnslilt'iittw, hofden at tlie Probate Ofllce, in the City of Ann Arbor, on Wertneaday. the twenty-flret d:iy of December, in tho year onethoueuml efghl hnndrcd and sttvejitj l'rescnt. llírany.?. Beakes, Judpe of Probnte. In themntter of thï KuUte Sumuel J. Freeman, dcreiistrd. On reiidinir and ftlinsf tlie peiition. dnly verifled, of WUIiam Geer, Rteeator fTï Administrator, prajln(ï that he may be ïicenfjcd to sell ceruin reul catate whorof snid dcceaiirrt diodseited. Thercupon it is .ntïered, thnt TTnirsdny, the secnnd day of Kiihrmti'y trn o'clock in the foreuoon be RssÏLcned Tot the hcnriiii; of nnhi petltion, nd that tho legateep, doTteesaad hrirM at law ofsaid deceased, and all othcr persons ínterosted in said estáte, are required to appenr at n eessfon ufsaid Court, then to be holden, at the l'robate Office, in the City of Ann Athor, and show cause, if any thure le. why the prnyer of Ihe ictit.ionor hoiild not be gianted: And it Ís farther ordcred, that iuj etïtioner give notice to the pernons inlcrested in -nid cHtate, of the pendency of Huid petition, and the hearing thereof, by cíinfiiifí copy of thi order tobe pooUshod in the Micftvjan Artnt, a newspaper printcd and circulatin ir. said Connty, foiir Buccessive weeks prerious to eaid dny of heannf;. CA trnecopy.) niRAM J. BSAESS, 130Ü Jnde of Probate. Estáte of Sumuel K. McMath. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Connty of Washtenaw, as, Notice is hereby given, that by ftn order of the Probate Court for theCounty of Washtenaw, madeon the ütïth day of December, a. i. 18Ï0, síx months from that date were allowed for creditors to present their cluima afjainst the estáte f Sninnt-I K McMath, late ofaaid Cotxnty. deceased, and thatallcreditors of said cleceased are required to present their claims to said Probate Court, at the l'robate Office, in the City of Aun Arbor, Por examlnation und allowance, on or beforc the twenty-pixth day of June, in-xr, and that snch clülms will be heard before said Probate Conrt, on Saturdny, the oleventh day of March, and Monday, the twcnty-ixth day of Juno, next, at ten o'cfock in the forenoon of each of thoee dayB. Datcd. Anu Arbor, December 26th A. 1STO. UIRAM J. BEAKES, 1302w4 Judííe of Probate. CommissionerB1 Notice. STATE OP MICHIGAN. County of VTeshtenaw.Ks The nnderfined, ïmving been appointed by the Probate Court for etiiii Cunty. C-'mraiesÏDiiers to receive, examine and adjnet h clnimaund demande f ail persona agftiost the estatfl o[ l'lrich K"edur, ïale of eaid C 'unty deceased. horeby give notice that six months from dn te are allowed, b order of said Probate Cotirt, f ' i credil' rs to pfueent their clama against the estáte of enid decenwd. and that they will meet at the residoncc f Aaro L. Feklkani[, in the township of Saline, in faid 'Swturday, the twenty-fifth (Uy f February, and M-nday the nineteenth day of June next. at !■' o'eluck A M., of cach of said diiTs, to receive, exiunine, and adjust Baid claim. DatcU Derembertth. D 38TO. 13O2w4 ipiRST NATIONAL BANK OTP A.TXN ABBOE. DIVIDEND NOTICE, The Directora of tliis ïiank havo thisday declared a Semi Anmml Dividend f fr) per cent , free of U S. Tax,pnable the thirty-first duy of December, 1870. The Transfer Bookswill bc cloecd from the 'Oth to Ihe SOlli iilBt , inclusive .1. w. KNIU1IT, Cf.êhler. Ann Arbor. Dec. )9th, JSTO. 13012 MBW STOKE On State Street! oppositc the Northwest corner of the Uni versity Grouuds. The umlersianeil wouM Invite the attfiilioD of the pulilic tu hls choice lot or TEAS, COFPEES, SUGARS, DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN FRUITS, CONFECTIONERIES CRACKERS, BREAD, CAKES, ETC , ETC. rE3L,X3:i FLOUE KEPT CONSTANTLY ON HAND. Hm rooiU are of the BET QlfALITV, anil nll are cor.liatly nvited to culi anj examine for tliemielvcs. H(-fcla confllcnt thjlt tbey will bo pleaned both Wlth goodg and prices. The highest Markot Price paid for Choice Butter. 1 S. HENDRICKSON. ABn Arbor, Xot. 85, 1870. 1297tf JJUY YOUK Looking Glasses 0Ï t W. D. HOLMES, ÁnnArbo POR KKASOUS. Firt, becanne heketpsthe btnt of Importad Gis and a guoil assortmenlof m]iurc ond arehtop friiineH , aadüelU CÜEA.I I Secondlj-.bPcauBethey t.olonfr to hi buíloesn. He nakes them a ppcinllv, iloi'.-his nwnwurk aod can atford tft noli' CHEAPER I TMrdlj-, Bccniín he mtn ti factures them , and can aud l[ scll the CHEAPEST 1 of idj one Intheclty. Un ilso kpIIk PICTURE FRAMES! The cheipcto(anyboily n theState- ánfora heard f rom . ÑICE OVAL FRAMES FOR SO CTS. Picture Cord, Tassels & tfails! FRE.VCH ;i,ASS_., thellghtorbox_ ForPlotureH orfor BCOUSB I 3S KAST HURÓN STRKEI, ANK" ABROR. -- - MICH. ; Go to R. W. ELLIS & (JO's ' for choice Wines and Liqunrf for Medical Purposes .


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