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NOTHEÍl ARRIVAL OP WINTER COODS, AT C. H. MILLEN'S. TJfcSEFUL AND ELËOANt"" GOOI'S ;FOR Ohristmas and New Year's Gifts. AT C. KMILLEN'S. jVTOKE Jf THOSE Paisley Shawls ! ! HANDSOMER THAN EVER A.ND LOW IN PRICE! AT C. H. MILLENH T)UY ONE JFor a Chriatmas Gift. TJUY ONE For Your Wife. "I)UY ONE For Your Daughter. BTTY A New Drcss for a Cbristmas Öift. OU y A New Sack for a Gift. RUY AÑ Elegant Sash for h Gift. B'UY A llandïome Embroidered Col' lar. "DUY NICE Warm Gfcea lor a Gift. TUY A Dress Tattern of our New A MERICAN Black Silk- Cheap. Jrx. BUY A Piece of Sheeting or Sbirting for Yonr Wife. TUY Soraething Usoful as wcll as "ORNAMENTAL for Your. rylFE, Children or Friend, and "RUY Them at O H MILLEN'S1299W4 DELIABLE INSURANCE, AT THE OLD AG-KISTCY OW C. H. MILLEN. VV'ho hasfornearly twcnty yen, and who Btiï representa the Home, of New York, CAPITAL AND SCBFLU8, NE A RL Y FIVE MILLIONS. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, N"early S2 5OO OOOThi Company parücipatee n itïPoIici8 with the usured. City Fire Ins. Co., Hartford, CAriTAL AND SURPLUS, ALL LOSSES FAI11LY ADJÜSTED aud PROMPTLY PAID. C. H. MILLEN, Agent. ISWdS FILE REMEDY. WnriKi's Pile it.1,1, h:i-. aerar fetled (o ■ven ni o nc (;.. r.) l„ vrrv wort ose o IsHnci, ltchinp or Bleeding Pilan. Tmsp. who ar fflieltd abwiTd immadlatrly rail on iheit orunii and eet WaR.yir'j Pm KnDOV II ís iirps.;i fn the Piles,an'i not rfic'Htiiiiended to cure anr ftthe JiueHee. Jt ha ctirt-H innny rasos of ottr tbirt yenm tandinff. Price 0u Dollar, lor sale br drueciats evervwjure. DY8PËP8IAWarner'a Dyppia Tonlc i preparad exprpssly fur Dj?ptics an.1 thnar aufferintr with habitual Costiveiifüii. It la a lifbt siimulating toi ic and n spleiidid appetúer; It trenethen tbi' utom. acíi and restoT-a Ihe dipeMñe orgn8 to íheii hcmllhy State. Weak, nervoni and ijpeptc peraons bou Id ue Wakf.b'8 D?IPIia Iomc For Alo bv druïjristi. Prlcedne Dollar. COUGH NO MORE. Warner'. Congli Babuill hraline. ofeeningHnd expectnratiiix. Tile extrao. rtinarv it epaaesm in inim diatcl.y rcferving, and rVentiially curingthemiat(.btintt cases of Uougb, Colda Sore Tlmiat, Broncl.itis, Inliuenia, Catarrh Hoarivneaa, Asthm acil ('onaiimtinn isalrmslmcredlhlo. o prompt ia the relief aJ certin ta pft.-cts in all case, or any affection of he throaaml luntrs.that thonaands of ph aierana are dai!jrprecrilng it , and ara and all sav that itll the moít healiugand expectórate medicine known Onedofe ala;s aff.rda relief, an.t in mot cases' ono bottle effects a cure. Xold by dr.iSKit, in lrgel,ottlfi,. Price One Tollar. It i Vmr ow" faultif .voustill cougli anüsulTir. The D.ílssni -II cure, "AVXXE OF LIK The great Hlnod l'urificr nri Dolicions Urink """' Vllium Vllii-, nr Vin of I,f-e s free from pnisonous drug or mpiiritie. benKprepaied for lio ro.luirp tiniular.t I ■plndld pplllfr ami tonic, nnrl thj fine thinüir. the wori.lf,,r,ur,f,-n(tthf blood. II the most plpnsant and riplicious arlicle ever ofTrpd to hf public, far superior to brandy. whiliv,wne nlttcr, oranv othfr rUcle. It iinn.rt honi'hy and hc-apcr. B.,lh njs,V or lámale, ,nunK ar o ld can aketheWineof Ufe. It , in fact, a life pre.e" r. lh..e ho wi-1, In PI,j,,j. „fl health and a Croo o-,.f ipirlta.wfndo to Uk tha wiaa f LU; II is dilT.frrnt from any thlng cvorhefore nuse. It ioldbyJrug(rl1;iilo It tlre.p. ablesaloon. Pricf (II e D..llar, in quart b.ittle.. EMMElJAGOGIJEr 1 arur't Emmunogogne i tlif onlv artinle ll"" 'o the Wl.itdT. (il II rurp 'n nm ce.) Whereia tho fetnll In which thia important medicine i not antod? Mothor, thiain tlii Kreatt blPFíinjreverj-ofrerídyou.nml you xhuiilil inimo J)rocuro it. It .aln ■ mrp ciir for Peínale [rregoIarltlwi.aBd mn.v be depead up„n n ,„„ OU Klicrc' tn montbir llow han ben "hstniclcd I irouph coldordifjR. Sold b.v dngrhta l'riec Hollar. rientby mail onreceiptof One Do]. rnnd tj.iarter. OIO Btrmt, Chlaago. PAHRANI), SHELET & CO. Who!eale Agrat )etroit. I Forsale by Kherbaeh Co, and R. W. KI lis Cc TyOTICE! The nnnnnl mi-ettnp o! Korost Tlil] Comany. ol Arbor, wlll he helrt at the ore of o.OrenTllle, on Tnesda.v. .Tjinnary 3d. 1S71 nt " nek P. M., for the eltctioi "f ödicers and the isnction of auch other business s he eit. OEO. GRENVIIXE.CIerk. I nu Arbor, I)ec.12th, 1870. 1300K] ZZUZIT" Go to R. W. ELLIS & CO's j for strictly Pure Drugs and Medicines .Painte . Oils, &c. (JEW GOODS AT THE FARMERS' STORE WE ARE S'OW OPENING A GREAT VaUJETï NEW GOODS IX WHICH WILL BE FOCND FKENCH and GERMÁN PLAID8, MERINOS, EM PRESS CLOTH, IRISH POPLTNS, BLACK MOHAIR, BLACK, BLUE, AND BROWN YÉLVJÍTEENS.1 BETTER B A R G AINg Mr BLACK SILKS Than havo been known for many jtui. A FU1XASOKTMENT OW BLACK DRESSGOODS OH HAND. domestic -A.isrr Paisley Shawls, HOSIERY and GLOVES. 00 PATRS Ladies' Mida at One Dot ]r, VfOJthíl.SO. í00 PAIRS Seamlesf Kid al $1.75 ■ Worb$2.2S; ' 206 PAIRS Alexander Kids nt $1.90 OOO PIECES Priuta at W Cdi peí A Yard. f "1LOAK and Dress Trjmmings, OONNET and tíah llfbfcen. HEAVY Brown Sbeetings at 10 efe. HU ets. , and 14 ets. for tbe Best Brandt. "DLACK SILK8 at the Following; PRICES, KM WORTrf $i.s?. PRICES, 1.60 WORTII J.50. PRICES, 1.75 WORTH 1B, PHICES, 2.00 WORTII .M. PRICKS, 2.25 WOHTH J.SO. BRICES, Í.50 WORTH 4M. PRICES. 2.75 WOKTH 4.3S. ;00 PIECES Tycoon Reps at 25 ota, woxth 3.r ets. ! CO HIECES Black Alpacas at tb lol. J lowliigl'rices: .10 CENTS, WORTH $ 35 CENTS, WORTH .50 40 CENTS, WOHTH o 45 CE.N'Td WORTH .65 0 CENTS WORTH .7 55 CfNTS WORTH .TV 60 CENTS WOKTH . 66 CKNH9 WORTII .90 70 CSVTÍ WORTH 1 o 75 CENTS W0R1H U 80 CENTS TORTH .M SPLENDID LINE O'S BLACK, BUI k BR01 1T1I, „ SAT.N VELOURS, COLORED S1LKS. st fr A LA KOE STOCK OF ■ CARPE TI NG, ;; WÏ11CH WK WILL SELL AT o - 3ST. "5T_ PBICES. r i Groceries, Black and Japan Teas, Young Hyson Imperial Teas, Brown Sugar, Coflfee A Sugar, Rio Coflfee, Java Coffee, And a Full Line of other Groceries. ALSO A GREAT VARIETY Of Other Ooodü ton immer to montlnn. which have been bought witliin the last ten dy at tht LOWEST PRICES, AND nU BK SOI.D I CHE AP FOR CASH. It will pay all tboso wbo wish to porchase Goods in THE NEXT THIETY DAYS TO CAtL AT TlfE FARMERS' STORE BEFORE MAKING YOUR PÜRCHASE3 AS Wh ARE BOUND TO SELL. Ann Arbor, Deo. 2!d, 1STO. G. W. HAYS.Snpf.


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Michigan Argus