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With the January nutnber, ihe Fchctio, now on our tablc, enters upon a new volume and a new year. It wou ld seem inipossible to make a more valuable compendium of forcign current literature tlian the Ezlectic has ahvays been, yet increased attractions are announccd for 1871. The Beid of selections has beeft enlarged so as to present every aspect of coiitemporury thought ; without deviating (rom its elevated standard it wtll be' somewliat more popular in tone, and the valuable editorial departments have been rcmoOelled and ei - asedso as to embrace every posstblé topic. For the man of llterary culture, for whoever would sue ood, sound literatura in the hands of his family, for every one who is Interestcd In the Inrger aspecta of ïnodern thoaght BUCh is are not tKated of in the ordlnary magazine, the Eclectic is a desirable publieation. And the January eamber is a very good one for subscribers to commence with. Itcontainsa beautl lul steel engravlng called "The Florentlue Poet," and lias no less than tweoty difierent anieles ; atnong whicli are American ] [11inor, The Present OonditlOD of China, Bulwer's Life of Lord Palmerston, The Suii's Corona, Bianca Ca pello, Tlie Fiji blanda in 1868, 180Í and 1870, Sketches of the War, Plns, Tyndall on Imaglnntlon in Science, Military Onius, Alfred de Musset, Ger man Constancy, three or four excellent poems, a erial stovy, and many other excellent papers, besldea tlie editor's department. Tlie Selectie is publlshed by E R. Peltoït, 108 Fulton St., New Vork. Price, $2 per year; single copies, 45 ets. - The Edeclic and the A.KSUS, ?5.50. LippincotC Magwne opens the yesr witli a n amber tlmt maintaius its reputation. We have: The lied Fox an Indian tale, by Clara F. Gaernsey; An Americaii's Cliristmas in Paris, by Celia Logan Kelloírg; Whoffl all Things Name, an exqatalte Moliammedan legendary poeni, by Helen Bostwick; The Panhellenic Dreain, an exposition of the Eistern Question, by Stephen Poworg ; A Trip to Dahomey, by .1. W. Watson ; Hathtway Stange, a spirited story, part i. ; Life, poain, bv M. II. K. ; Scriljbles aboiú Rio, by Robert M. Wulah ; Ireue, a story of southeru life, partiv. ; My [lousekeeping in Rome, by Paullne Henry ; The Industrial and Financial Eflects of the Franco-Prusstan War, by David A. Wells ; Old and New, poem, by E.lïar Fawcetl : Jioys, by A. i. Penn ; Our Monthly Gossip, with some capital thlngs, and Ltcerary Review, a list whlch warninls our opening sentence. f4 a year two copies, 7. Addres J. B. Lii'i'iKCorr Co., P.iiladelphia. - IJppinctjti and the Akgjds for $ö. Tlie Chrislmas Lotket, a holiday nuaber of Old and JV'ic, comes to our table a few days after the feast, but is none the less vvf!come. It is gotten up in the same beau tiful style of typogr.iphy as Old and New, but with a special cover appropriate to the season. Iudiided in tlie contents are: Looking íor Jesús, a Chrlstmaa Legend, (poem) by J. Freeinau Ciarke; Stand and Wall, a Story of Christmas, by Bdvrard E. Hale ; A Catholic Legend, In Rhytne, fiom the Gonnau, by Chas. T. Brooke ; Clirlstmas Eve in Germany.also from the Germán, by C. C. Slmckiord Bethlebem, a Pllgrlmage, by Lucrctia P. Hale ; Father Time, by llawthorne ; Chilslinas, " The Young Child's Festival," a plea for chiklhood, by lli'iiry W. Hellows ; The I'iincess's Story, ui Aiabesque, by Richard S. Greui;ugh ; The Joyful Sound, Ijy Robert Collyer ; The Survlvor's Story, with theear marku of Rev. E. E. Hale, and poems by N. Noyes, Mrs A. D. T. Whitney, Mrs. L. J. Hall, aml oth' ers, and a Christmas Carol set to music. A more v.iluable postscript to a Christmas gift can not be made for 26 cents. For sale by all Ikiok and Njws dealers. We Siw a Cuim.- Nothlni soemod to all it pariïcnlarly- rather pnlo- not Inclinad to plny. nor ent. Stiomed to feel had all over eometimes - tirej cnsily - wot roally fick -uoui,'h to alaim Ha parents, but Kradually blllng, losin vitality. Komt w knew iliat the child va poisoncd by malarin, and jnpt enotlgh infected to iroduce those dcadly infliieiice upou the vital forcea. Have vu: got euch a child in the family ? Yes. Thcn 111 teil on? tut- that l'lciId Swect Qulnlne will eradicate 0Try trawofthe lnfrction in ton days. Sold by Elxrbach & Co. ttr Plmpln on the Kuco, Eniptions, r.lotehes, Sr rifiilMin diíííiasfií, and all sores Brhdng froin Impon blood.are fured by Dr. Pierce'B Alt. Ext. or dolden Medical IMscovery. For Urom-MMn, Larjngltit and all cvi're llnjrorlng OOBgha nothinc cqnalu It. It cleanses, jmriru-s and ptiengtbena theeystiTn. Aa au Anti'Illliouo or liver medklne and for habi'ual cimutipalton of th bowels ie works wonüorful cures. 'old by drnggi8ts Sounty (o Soldiere. Thosc who oiilisted in 1S51 on the flrst cali of President Lincoln, and who were honorably diecharged bcforethe expiration of the term of their entistincnt. are entitled to $100 each, as boniityAndtoldiersenllitint; undcr act oT July 4th, 1S64 are to be allowed the nnpaid fuiitaimente ofbounty if they wro discharged by expiration of servico Theabove classes should make application to tbe undersined. M:.rch-2lth,lS70, WM JOHN K. QOTT. Bounty and Claim Agent. Pit. SCÏTENCK ADVTSES CONSUMPTIVE i. TO GO TO FLORIDA IN WINTER. ITaviso for tho last thirty-fiw mn devotedmj wholo time and attcntloh to the stutly 01' lung diseascs anti conumption, 1 foei tliftt I understand fuliy tlic coursc 1 ought to bc purjued to restore a tulerably bad case of dlMaaed lunes to healthy MOñdnoMh The flrst and most important Btep Js. furtlio patiënt t avoid takfnjrcold; and the best ufall placea on this continent for thl nurposc, in winter, is Florida, well down in tïie State, whero, the temperature is, and not subject to such varlatlons as in more northorn latitudes. ral.itka isa point I enn recnminend. A good hotel is kept therc by Peterman. Last winter I saw sevcral persons there ■whose lunjjs had been brully diseased, but who, underthe healIngTnflaonm of tho cliiuate and my medicines, wcre gettink' welL One hundred miles fartherdown the riveris ft polnt Trhich I would prefer to l'alatk.i, as the temperature is more even and the air dry nnd bracing. Mei Ion vil Ie and Knterprise are located there. I should givu a decided Íveforence to Mellonville: it Is two miles i'rom river or ake, and it seenis almest lalpoMible to take cold there. The tables in Florida mi(.'ht be better, nnd patientscom- plaln at times; but thnt is a good bign, as it ludientes a return of appetite : and, whon this is the case, they generally inervase iti flefth. and then the lungs must heal. Jackhonvillo, Illbernia, ireen Cove, and manv ether places ín varióos parta of Florida can be íat'ely rocommended to consumptlvesin winter. .My reasons foi sayinfí fio are, tliat patlcnts are leas liable to take cold thero than whero tln-ro ís a leas even temperature: and it iü not necessary to oy, tbat, whero a connumplívo pftrson exposes hlroaelf to Sreqoent coida.he is certain to dic Bhortly : ilurrfore my advice is, po well down luto tho Htaic,out nf thereach of prevailinff cast wint! and toga. Jacksonville, or almostany otherof the hrcalftie I liave Tiainoii, wiil beneüttbose wlio are troubled with torpid J i ver, a disordered stomach, deranKed bowcls, ore tlirnat, Or cough; but, for those whose 1 u:i-_-s are discast,d,amor southern point ia eamestly recomniended. 1 For fifteen years prior to 1861), I was professionally ín New York, Iloston, Baltimore, and J'hiladelphia every week, whero I saw nnd examined on an average fivo luindrod patiënt ti week. Apractíce so extensivo, emtirochiK every possiblu phase of Huik distase. Una enabled me to unders'tand the diücane. fully ; and hm:e my cautlon in regard to taking 00KL A pereon may take vast quant ities of " Schcnck'a l'ulmonic .Syrup, Seawcril '! 'miic, and 31andrakc l'ills," and ye,t die. il he tlucs nut avoid taking coid. ín Florida, nearly cverybody Ís nsinír 8cbenckajfanflrako l'ills; for the climate is more likely to produce blllous habita than more northeni latitudes. It is :i wellcstablisbed ffict, that natlves of Florida nircly dic of consumption, especially tliose of the&outhrrn part. ün the other liand, In New Kngland, one-third, at least of tlie. population die of this terrible di.suase. In the iliddlc does notprcvail so largely ; btfll there are many tbousanda of caaes there. What a vast percentage of lifc would be saved if consumptives were aa easily alarmrd In regard to taking fresh colda as thcy are aboutscarlet fever, small-pox, Ac. I but theare not: they tako what they term a llttlocold, whlch thcy are credulous enough to'believe will wearoff in a few da-s. They pay noattentiontoit; and henee it lays the foundation for another and another &tilit until thu lungs are diseased bevond all hope of cure. My advicc to persons wliose hmps are ftíTecícd, eren sllgntly, U tolayinaBtockof Hclionck'sPulmonic Byrop, Schcnck fiSi'riw'eedTcnle.ftnd Sciicnck'sMnndrake Villa, and go to Florida. I recommend these particular mediclnes, becauso I sm tlioroughlyacqtiainted with thcir action. I know, that, wherc they aro used in strict accordance withmy diroctlon, they wi II do tho work that isrtujiirt-il. This accomplishcd, nature will do tbe rest. Tlus nhyaiclnn who prescribes for cold, cough, or night sweau, and then advise the patiënt to walk or rido out cvery day, will bc urc to have a corpse on his hands before long; JVIy plan is, to givo my threo modicincR tn arcordanco with the pviiittd directions, except in fcome cases whero a freer uao of the JUandrakc 1'ilLsis neceBsary. My object is, to give tone to the stouwen, - to get up a good appetite. Itfsalwayagood muii lnn a paücnt beglnu to crow hungry : I have hopea of such. Witb. a relish for food, and the cratlflcation of that relish, comes good blood, and with itmoreliesh, which iscloielyfollowed by a hcalingof tho lunp, - then tho cough looscns and abates, thecreeplng chilla and clammy night sweats no lonper pnetrateand annoy, and tho patiënt gets well, provided lie avoids taking cold. üow, tlu-ie are many consumptlvea who have not tho incans to go to Florida. The fjiiestlon may beasked, U there no hope for such? CerUiinly there is. SJy advlco to such is, and ever has been, to atayin a warm room during the winter, with ateuiperaturo of anoutaeventy degrees, whlch ühoxildbe ktjitregularly at that point by means of a thermometer. í-et such a patiënt bu exerci#wUhin the llinits of the room by walking up and downswnuch ns hls strength will permit. In order to keep up a liealthy circulation of the blood. I havo cu red thüusnnds by this system, and can do so again. Coneumptlon Is as easily cured as any other distase, if it is taken in time, and the proper kind of treatment is purMii-d. The fact etamis uuttspotod on record, that Schenck's l'uhnonlc Syrup, Mandrake I'IUs, and 8eaweed Tonlc have curca very many of what seemed to bo hopelcss cases of consumptfon. Üo wherc you will, you ■will be almost certain to find some poor consumptivo who lias been rescued from the very jawa 01 deaUi by their 8u far as tho MandraJcc Pilis are. concernid, cverybody should keep a supply ofthemon hand. They act on tho liver botter than cafomel, and le.'tve none of lts hurtful ciTccts behind. In fact, they aro excellent to all casca ■wliero a purgativo ïnctlicine Is rcqulred lf you havo partakeritoofreelv of fruit, and dixrrhuoa vnsuus, a doao of the Wandrukes will cure you. If you are subject to sick headache, take a doM of the. ftlaiuii-nkes, and tliey will relitve you in twohours. IC you would obviatethú effect ofachange of water, (r the too freo indulgencc Ín fruit, take one of tho Wandrukes cwry night, and you ïnay ihvn drink water, and eat "water melon, pcars, apples, plums, peachea, orconi, without the risk of bei 11 g sickbv tliem. 'Jluy will proteot those who live in damp Bituatlons agalnst cliills and fevers. 'i ry them. Thcy are perf eetly harmless, They can do yoa good only.. I havo abatiluiiel my pmfissiunal visita to Boston and ïïew York, bul continue to see patients at my oftteo, JSo. j 15 North Slxth Street, ThilaJelphia, every Satürday, from 9, A.M..t"3, p.M. Those who wlsli a thorough vxnntimation with the Kespt ruïne ter will bc churged llvo dollars. The ltespiromelcr de;larcs tbe exact condiltoïi of tho lang! and patienU c;tn readily learn whether they are curublo or nut. Hut I desire. it distinctly understiXKl, that the value of my medicines depends entirely upon thtir being taken strictly according todirectlons. Iu concliiMon I will say, that when persons take my medicines, and thehr systems are brouKht into a hcalthy condition thereby, they aro not &o liable to take cold; yet no one with diseased tonga can bt-ar a sudden chango of atnioAphcn without the llability of greater ur lessirritatinn of the broncblal tubes. Full dlxeottone in all languages accompany my medicines, so explieit and clear that any one can ose them without couaultlng me, and can bo bought from any irugglsti J. II. Schenck, M.D.# Xo. I5'orth Sixth Street, l'lüladciphia, JOHN F. HENRY, 8 COLLEflE PLACE.NEW YORK, W Jxolosalo Agent. jyJONEJT CAN NOT BUY IT. FOK 8IQHT ISPBICELESS TUK DIAMOND QLAÜSLt), Mnnn'actiir ad bj J. B. 'encl Co.,N. Y., whieli re novuiráred (o th public, re prvDounoadbj all tb celebratel )ticinof Ibe World io be the Mout PerfVct, Njlural, Arilirinltnlji t" hiitna n i- everlcjiown. 'Jhy aritgrounA 'inner thRlrown miprriHíiri. Irom minutpcryatal l'piiblon, mpltp.l togthr, and Juriva tli ei r iiAinc. ' ■ Dlamood, on rtcrountnrtlipjr hardn'H n'l hrilliancy The S:ifiilitic n whn-h thev Hit rííiiistructed bi ups tït' core orceu tre cf he lPiih 'iirrct l n front of tli" ey, proiluc Ing a olaar anj dlutlnet Tlnion, is-in th.' mtural. healthy Rilit, and preTeatlnjf allunpleaaant Reiuui tuniH, such ut jrlitnmorine jind wn verinp of sight diziin'NX, kc, prculiar to all otlit-rs io hm-. Thi-y are mounted in tbc FINKJT MANNKR, In fjami-n ot the best quality, of all mnieriuU u-;eil for that pur"!01-"". Tli r finili anddnrabilityeannot bt urpasse'K CAUïION. - s'onr orennfne unlrR bMilng thrir tradc mark stampol on crery frame. J.C. WATTS BRO., JewelcrsandOpticiani.M-f noleaüpnta tur ANK ARBOR, MIJK., from wlivi, they can only be obtained. Tlie6e goodi are notsupplied to PedlerK atan? pricf. !267t1 '


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