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jttjtatóf jgittutnv. ' WM. M. SINCLAIR, OOVIMISSION MEROHANT IN GRAIN AND FLOUR, B,,OM l. 1S4 LaSALLB STEEKT, CUICAGO. M.vCK&SCÏlMID, k.nsns n Dry Oond, Orocerics, Crockcry, 6S 54%.mth Main Sweet, "C. A. LEtTÊU&CO., „„■Trn; ÍS DROOS and Medicine. Por Wtnes ndlJ-i"'1"" f0T M'lHri"r'1 '"'irposcs, Cij;ars&c.. HfclOffg"? Bloc. _ _ - a. WIDENMANN, MgHÖSBichangfi Broker, Real KrUte andFlre 'S So. asSoulb. Main Street. "" TKAC V W. KOOT, jhsniSSEI) Reeord of Wathiamiw Connt.snd IW1W& Kschantïe. Xo. 1 Qn-gory Block. "TlOÏÏHIS HALE, M. D. rnSXCE anti Office No 1S, corner Williams and rn M trcets Kc-rnlar office huurs. 1 tc 3 p il I Viivice and PrcKcrlptiona from fi to T P. M. L■ tntgnü to the poot. tfo " rTwTellis & co., ungelSTS, and dealera In Paints, OIls, etc No.2 Jut Hln Street, Ann Arbpr, ■ johíTkíck & cö., MUFRS n Furnlture of all k'miis, No.."2Smith M"' Streel, and 4 West Liburtj-, Succt, Ann Arbor. . p J. Q. A. SESSIONS, iTTORNF.r nnd Counsellor at I,nv, Real Kntatcíiiid Insorsncc Agent. Convevanclne and Cnllection of Clim nrumutly attemled to on liberal term. OfItetoDonnelyiiBlock, npstairs, Huron Street, Aun Arbor Mich. V. II. JACKSON, DEfTIST, encceefor o C. Ti. Porter. Offlcc,corne. ü'lnatdHroaStrcets, mm th Btor "f K. Willie&Co.Aiin Arljor, Mich. AiiKstheticeadmin Imredlf rc!;Mlred. W..F. BREAKEY, M. D. MÏSICIAN ANDSUKOKOM. oincc at restdence, ■nut of Bnron and Dlvielon Btreets, first door (Ustof Preabyterian Clmrch. Ann Arbor, Mich. E, J. JOHNSON, 0EAW.R 'N FIATS nnd Cnjis. Firs, Strnw OnmU QtaU1 rarnisblng Ooods, &c, N'. 1 South Main SUMt.Auu Arbor. 8]TH BEL A Ñ D & WHEDON, JiFF.iuöY:e':ir:imt' Agen j anddc&lcreln Kcal KsMIc. 0SifMui riiiron Street. Alo Bell firficiasa Sc;ui Wai iiik'h. W. I). HOLMES, lOÏNTfortbePlorenW Sewlilg Machín, and deter in picture?. Frimee, c. No. Kast lliinm Btwel LBWI8.5. RÍ8D0IÍ, ' IRAISB In Hardware. StoVes, House Purr.lsliiug Goodí.Tiu Ware,cfo. 31 South Mtin Street. BACH & ABEL, DE.tLBRSin Dry Ooortn , Grocories, &c, c. No. 20 Soath llain Street, Anti Arbor. SLAWSON & SON, 3R0CF.RS, ProvWon and Commiiwion Mcrchants inddraliTsin Water Lime, Land Ptuter, and Plasta l'aris, No. 14 Kast Baron Street. S. SONDHËÏM, f H0LRSALG anti retail dealer in Raadj Jtadc Clothlnj:, Clothf, Casslmerofti VcBtinge, r.r-d (iint' Furiihln;Oo(i(I. No. ;i South Main Street. WM. WAQNER, DEALER in Resdy Made Clothin. Clotli, Cassi?reeand t;tins, Batfl papa, Truiik?. Oarpet Bisi,4t.2I S "11111 Malu Sirei-t. GILMORE & FISKE, BOOKSEIXEItS and Statloner?, Medical. Taw and College Text Booka, School and Miscellaneous Boots. No. 3 North Main Street, Gregory Ulock, Ann Arbor. FINLEY & LEWIS, DEALERS in Iinolf, Shoes, Öaiter6, Slippeie &c, Ko. Slaat Huron Street. PllOF. DELOULME ïmra tht UnivtTsity oí Frnncc. frivcp private and tb'Tough lessons iu the French Taimuapc ml Litt-ninre, anrt the Latin tongue, and aleo in vocil aod imtninieDtal muhic. Fivc yeara expcrience in teaching these nud other brauches ot a llbei] etlucütion. A fnü coursc of the abuve stmliea givta to any tif 1 that may he frmcd. AnuArlwr,27th Uec-, 1S70. 33C2tf QR 0 C K E U Y , ÖUSSWARE & GPOCERIES. J.& P. DONNËLLY "(H9torraIariretack of Crockery , K lai-swarc 'WdiWare.Cutlery , Gr.icerit-B. &c ft c. all tob "MaluDumiallv low prlc „ N'o.iaEismurfnStieit.AniiArbnr. "tttf J.ftP.DDNNELLT. JOHN G. GALL, ?RESH AND SALT MEATS, LAÚD, SAUSAGES, EU., Orden sollcitia and jiromptly filled wlth tbehest " In the mnrkct. 31 KastWashlngton atnet. Aon Arbor, Scpt. 16th, 1869. 1236tf 1 IVERY AND SALE STABLE. J. AXTKLL, Cürner Italn and C'atharine itreets. Horsen board'onremonabletermn. Second hand buKgtes, ent" nd hand harneas for gala . 1 Míj I Manatacturcr of Carriages, Buggies, Wagons, WnSLEIiHlSof evi-ry tyle, made of the best l(("l,aDdwarrantcd. Kepiiirinj,' done pjomptlj "Minees reaaonahle. Detroit Street, near ]{. K. "("Unn Arbor, Mich. lïïiiyl VMBER YARD! C. KRAPF fn ''"RI'1 oll stocked Lumber, Van!, on Jefki,' "'■'" tlie "'""' l'rt nt the City, and rill PMn.tnntly ..nhandansxcellfntrarlotyof lumber. SHINGLE8, I.ATFT, &O. ,,kh.twil"eoldalow aeoan be afforded inihis t),1ur1.'1lira''i P'icessuch thatooooentedto go te . OONRAD KRAPF, Arbor. 18(59. 8stl LosFi ' ihi,7,r; Í m-A':K LKATHEKBAO. It truprobolno,.i y""sl:lkr' "'Aun Arbor Sttilinn. H 1, WllbJrf A liberal reward glvcn on turn tn the Aeqi om.. Ditod 1, ,v 8. L. SMITÍI. "Mod.Anu Arbor, Dec.lTth, 1370. 1801w4 A. WIDERÜVSA5MN, REAL ESTÁTE AGENT. .nn AHnoit, Míen. OFFERS FOS. SALE z 5:1 eres of Intuí , witliin nno lialf mile frim the city tobo sold in wbolOjOT i arce!, s foltoffa : 24 acrc "n tocti'.n 1", Ih '■■ touri of Al-D Arbor lM-r.lcrin k til tlte psm mi Infe road IClMftlg to floVnwtls' I M''r niin.-.:iml 011 Ihv fop h in 1SK iteres sltnatad on lh noríhweat comer of th Óol-ham roíl'l and t lio saii! Onrnwell Knctory rod. TTIiip i" "nc oT tli Iian(1stmes1 .ítuiitinnín tho neigbbortiood '-f Ano Arbor.) 13Jíacr Improved lnd jolnlng tlie above 15,'á acre and frontlhc Gorliam Koad. Furty ncrrgnf First CU Farrolng lAná, witli S""! OrdwH .-'n'l Barn, S'í raile rrom üif Uourl Hotm.un tlie upiier nixlioru I aci-'-'Flanil witli n oeiv twn ftory frame houíoon Thompson. Epocr tVborapaou' ídjion i tn Cit}' of Aun Arbir . 7 loto of Zí creech,on Thompsün.Soor &Tbu:n] Bcn'fl AtiditíüU. II :iit" oflanl. witli a splcnilul groTC, Joihing tlio Kirtmta's l'ark ou the rí. 1 Hbone tur] ]Jí lot of land, witli Bern, ''"í'1Ki'cii' n, Crri!ii:i lliun'.an.l a uumbiT of nioil,in [mprovements. 011 Uie nortbwest corner v Fonrtli uní! l'arfciu:. Si Pet8. I HiawkadLotlntbctd Wr on Soutli I.ibertjStrrct. 1 House .iml 3 Lot n thc 2d Wani, near 2J Ward í -il . ■ 1 j 1 IJoUSf'. 1 Ilouseand i Lots.nrar Ihc M.C.R.R Depot. (lacros oflkndln ttlSOBIh Of tb Platp of Missouri, ncar tho Hanoibal frt&ltntpll Kailruad. City I olB near 2d Ward Solio. lHouse. A. WIDENMANN, FQREIGN EXCHANGE BROKER, ANN ARBOR, MICH. SELLS AND BUYS ERAFTS, ISSUES LETTERS OF CREDIT ON ALL PRINCIPAL I'I.ACES In GRKAT HRITAIN', CKUMAJTY . KKANTK. WITKRI.AN1, etc Uy diwci oontitvtlOBS ttli Kuropfl ngtble maja tTer M fair rutes sin; Nc Yorü H'-UM'. r.t'üiciut'rr. [ am bot Rn Rfront of ;iny heust' In i)ñ ooani rv . bal I :im havfug dlrecl cuiumunication wtlh the Mt Uouteslo Europe. COLLECTIONS IN EUROPE BY l'OWER OF ATTORNEY OR OTHF.RWISE, WII.L BE PBOMPTLY ATTENDÍ.D TO PASSAG.; TICKETS per Stoamer to anl frem X-w York to all principn] purls t I wlil tend'fefijto'lirwsi From New York to Soutliampton, Ilavro, London, Iiitnicn, r Hauiburgí lst CIbss. ÜüClafs. Stfirncc, srjo. ÍT-J. tSSinCold. Return tickets. ÏÏ5. 125 61 " " Prom abov placrB to New York, lst Class. ttCiU. 3i! Olafg. SISO í"2. SiOiuGoid. Cabin, $0 tn $100 Currpncy. gteerage, Í30 iti Currcncy. Froni Liverpool to New York, Cabin, ?100. Steerage', tST. FIEE INSURANCE AGENT Portbs IIcwBrJ Invurance Co., in New York one of the okk'st HnU beet GbmpaniM in the country. Tlie Tentonia InCBfftMe Coropanj in Ohivt-lani] Tlio honorable hikI iile maan gement ot' tiii?. iu.iLttation litj.í made it one of ilio most reli.ilile Firf Insurance Compa nifr. íd the V. . lTyl CHAS. A. LEITEK & CO., CHAS. A. LEITER & CO., CHAS. A. LEITER & CO., CHAS. A. LEITER & CO., No. 1 GiGgory Bleek, Ne. 1 Gregoiy BJock No. 1 Gregoiy Block No. 1 Giegoiy Block, ZW Sign of the Gilt Mortar tar Sign of the Gilt Mnrtar tW Sign of the Gilt Mortar 5 ES" Sign of the Gilt Mortar HA VB Jl'ST OPKNED HAVE JUST OPKNKD HAVK JUST OI'EXEI) HA.VK JUSÏ OI'KNED a'hO TPinest Stock oí The IT'inest Stoelt o U'he li'inest Stoc'Jc oí THe Kineet Stook oí DRUGS AD HEDIC1KES DRUGS AKD HEDIG1KES DRUGS AKD HEDHMES DRUGS AND MEDICIExS IH THE CITY. Ilt THE CITY. IN THE CITY. Ilf THE CITY. PURE WINES AND LiaUORS l'.ir M.-licin.i] Purnou. The Popular Tatcnl MftrilLlneBo( tire ny , nuil cver (hing k(pt in a firiítc!aM Iruc store. Aa EXCELLENT BRAND OF CIGARS. TBY THEM. Role Agenta In tlie City for Otto .t Reynilcr' celebtotbd SL'RGICAL AND DERTAL INSTRUMENTS. ["SPF.CIAI, ATTEN1ION G1YEN TO THE CQilPOUNniNOOP PHY3ICIANS' PRE3CHIPTIONS au.l rAMII.Y UEDICINE8. 1286 QR. JC B. To BTBB, DZNTIST. Office in the NEW BAKK BLOCK, AMN AEBOE 411 Operatiocs on the Natural Teeth PERFORMED WITH CARE. TJNSURFASSED FACILITIES AND EXPERIENCE SETTING ARTIFICIAL TEETU, TO GIVE KACII INDIVIDUAL; Dcnt'irct of tht proper thu, thape,color. firmnese and na al exprcition. 1244 JACOB HALLER, 22 HTJRON STREET, CBA8T OV CpOK'S HOTEL. ( LADIES1 FINE GOLD WATCHES, GOLD AND SILVER American and Swiss Watches, (ÍOLD AND SILVER CIIAIXS, JEWELRY, CLOCKS, &c o. ÖOLD IPKJsTS, The Pcrfcctert Lnzaru & Morris SPECTACLF8. 8ilver Spooot, etc. l-8yn3 OCIAL PABTISSFESTIVALS aud WEDDIAG PARTIES Can cet very CUoicc Cake , Ico Cregta Ojetera Acón ahurtuotkc t the CITY ABCADE. CLAKJC i CUOrSKY,


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