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New York, Jan. 3, 1871. Gold declincd a littlc to day aud closed at210í being J lesa thau for three days past. The market for goTcrmnent securities decllned a little on a seuaatlonal report from Washington and closed strong at the declincd prices. Money mnrket still qulet and easy, at better ratos for borrowers than lnst week. Tlic flour market lias takcn a little apwárd start on the conclusión of the holiday relaxat.ion. Prices have hardly been lïxed at any quotable advance, stil! everything points to a realization of the expectation expressed last week fora better stato of the trade and a larger margin for Western míPerá. Coinmon to good extra stands at $G.15 to $6.30 ; good to choice at $6.35@G G5. White western extra at $7. Wheat is active at an advance of l@2c; new spring being held vt $1.42@1.45 ; red and amber at $1.4(f@1.50; Michigan vvliite at $1.62. The market thus shows best for medium grades. Ofl7,500 bushels recelved in Liverpool withln the last 3 dnys, all bat 1,500 busliels werc American. The Htock on hand at that port, altogether, is 303,000 bushels, aguinst 801,000 year, whlcfa looks wcll for the trade, and prices ought to advnnce within the next week or teu days. Holdera crlll doubtless makc note of this and govero themselves tccordingly. Corn dull at 80c outside for white, 7G@78c for No. 1 mixed. Oats steady at 61@62c for Westurn. Receipts very light, to-day. Detkoit, Jan. 4, 1871. The shipping demand for live stock is about tl:e same as last week, and local prices a shade poorer. Butchers are cautlous, and some sellers ofl'er at a slight decline. The quality is not good this weck, aud only forty head were lsft yesterday at the closü of market bjmrs. Wheat shows a decided upward ter1.1' "cy with the assuring adyices 'from Llvejjjjlol aud New i'ork, and tiiere is a general' &nd active demand for shipping grades. The fair demand for flour of medium grades continúes, but the market remaius quiet, except in inquines at prices far below sellers ideas. Better offers are expected with confldence. Amber is in good demand at $1.22. Small lots were taken yesterday on change. One car amber Michigan at $1.23. More was oHered at same rate without takers. There is a fair inquiry for corn and OKtS for shipping, at prices unchanged. Dressed hogs were iu good demand by packers but prices declined at close ol change to 7c with few buyors. Bntttr nnd eggs remain at last nreek's quotations, with little demand, choice butter aud fresh eggs 25c per lb. and aiul per dozen respectivcly. Apples areless Ürm at $2.00 for hest. Buckwncat flour $0 per 100 lbs. Market flrm and demand active for (eed at $19 for coarse middüngs and $17 for nran. 1 car flne middlings, $25. Potatoes are nominal at (5r$ 70, and only a local demand. Mess pork is weakcr and lard indemand for pcculfttive purposeg. The poultry demand is light as wel! as is the supply, turkeys dressed 14@15c ; geese 9c ; chickens 8@10c. Game is scarce and the (Iemand light, the market not so well supplied, as the game laws and the flrst of January have put a stop to the supply in some liues. y ARBOR IMtOULCE TI ARK ETS. Arous Office, Jan. 5, 1871. Woquotf1 thie aftcrnooD np follows i WHEAT- White. I15c : Red. 100c. CORN- 25c. OAT.S-alci.34c. DEANS- 120. DU'rTER-25c. EGGS-22C. LARD- 13c. HAY- $6@$13. POHK- fi rIKT.OO. A I'PLES- 3.iO60c. POTATOES- 50c. CIllUlvENS- 'Je TURKEYS- 12c.


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