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■J3EP0RT OF THE CONDITION OF THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ANN ARBOR, At Ann Arbor, in the State of Michigan, at the cloB ot' business ou the '2Sth day of December, 1970. RESOURCES. Loan and Disconnts $149,3r9 0 Overdrafu 355 s U. S. Bouds to secure Circularon 150,150 0 ütlifr BtockA, B uds, aud Mortgagc Ca per schednle) 150 00 Due frmn Redeemlngand Reservo Agenta fas per echedule) 3S,014 4 Due from oiIht Nutioual KnuUs fa pr ncbeiiiili-) 14,313 4 Due from State Hanks and Bankers (s pur scliodule 160 5Bankini,' Ilotiso $1G,C5S 72 Faraltnre aud Ftxtnret ï,ü33 68 is,ü2 30 C'urreut Expenses 2,441 80 Check aud o her Cash Item?, inchiding Revé une SUmps fas per echedule 1,480 45 Bills of other gallon al Baok 6.6SS on Practional CnrrcDcy líDcluding; Nickels) 1,-81 60 Legal Tender Notes 21,3f6 00 Billa in Transit 2.373 72 $4u&.D00 03 LTABILITIES. Capital Storkpaidln ïlso.oro 00 Surplus Pnnd 16,S29 40 ExchaiiRO $ fi'M 79 Interest 11,249 OS Prnflt niirt Los 4,658 43 16,036 36 Circiilatin Notes roceived from (.'omptroller 135,000 00 Anvmnt on hand 95 00 Anionnt with Oomp trailer tot barnlng, 00 1,095 00 Amouiit ftBttnalíng 133,00 00 Individual Uepoeits SS, 029 93 Ï405,300 68 I Johnnon VT. Knlght, Casliior nf " The First Na tionnl li:jtik of Ann Arbor," do solemnly swear ihal the above staiement is truc, to the best oí" my knowledge aud belief. JOHNSON W. KXIOnT, Cashier. Correct A'test. E WELLS, ) CIIAS. TKIPP. Diredors. J. W. KNIGI1T, ) STATK OP MICHIGAN, Conntj of Wathlenaw. Sworn t" and subscribed befcre me, tbis, üfth day of Jauuary, 1871. R. BEA1IAN, Notary Poblic DEOPLE'S DRUG STOxiEi R. W. ELLIS & CO. -A.3MN ABBOB COMBTHINQ NEW. CROCERBES CASH ONLY ! 1 OFFER THB FOLLOWING INDUCEMENTS TO CASH BUYEBS : . TEAS: New Prieel. OW Prlcc. Best Gunpowder, 1.65 2.00 Best Yonog Ilyson, 1.40 1.75 Fine Youug Hysou, 1.15 1.50 Good Young Ilyion, .90 1.00 Best Japan, 1,15 1.50 (iood Japan, 1 00 1.25 Fair Japan, .90 1.15 Best Ooloug, 1.15 1.50 8YRUPS ! New Prlces. Old Price Best Drips, 1.10 1.50 Best Syrup, 1.00 1.20 Fair Svriip, .80 1.00 Good Syrup, .65 .80 MOLA8SES-New Prlces. (Jld Prlccs Best, .80 1.00 Becond Quality, .65 .80 Third Quality, .50 .75 Cy A great reductlon In Crockery, Tble Cutlerjr &c. T. TAYLOR, 1303tf No.l3Stnth Main Street, Ann Arbor. O, 40 or 60 ACRES OF LAND FOR SALE. Choice Spot for Oardening and Frnit. Ono and ne-half miles from the Court House. Inqníre a tuis offlee. Ann Arbor, January 3d, 1871. 1303w6 Eatate of Georgo Sutton, 2J. CTATEOF MICHIGAN, Cotmty of Washtenaw, sa k-7 Atasession of the Probate Coart fortheConnt of Washtcnaw, holden t the Prohntc Office in th City of Ann Arbor, on Wednesday, the fonrth dsy o January. in the year one thonsand eight httndrcc and seventy one. Present Hiram J Henkes.Judge of Probate In the matter of the estáte of George Sutton. 2c S idjrwick Dean, Gunrdian of said cstato, come info Conrt mul n-proseiits that he is now prepare( tonndrrhis :irt Jircount as stu-h Guardinn. Thereupim it is Ordercd, that .Mondiiy.thethirticth da; of January InHant nt Umi o'ejock In the fore noon, bc Mwened for examlnlng amlallowin; uc account, and that ïhe nextof kinof auid incrnipeten and all other perrons interested in a.iid estáte, ar required lo uppear at a ReasiOll of snid Court, then t be holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, In Huid Coiinty, and show cause, if any thcr be,why the said account should not be aïlowed And it l.i fnrther ordered that Baid Guardian give noticc to the persons interested in said estnti of the pendency of said account, and the bearin thereof. by caanng a copy of this order lo bc pul lishedinth Michigan Argns, a newspaper priutet and clrcuiating in said Oounty, three eucecssiv weeks previoup to eaid day of hearhi". (A true copy.) JI1KAM J. BF.AKKS, 1303 Jiidüe of Probate. Estáte of John Peatt. OTATEOF MICHIGAN, Connty of Wai.htenw,6 O At a session of theHrobntc Conrt fortheConnt of Washtcnaw. holden at the Probate Office, in th City of Ann Arbor, on Satnrday, the thirty.firs day of l'cCümber. in the year one thoasand eigh hnndred and seventy. Present, HiramJ. Heakc8,.Iudgeof Probate. In the matter of the Estáte of .lohn Peatt deceased. On rendingandaiing thepetition, duly verifled.o Altha Mcrrithew, prayiug that she or" some othe suitable person may be appointud Administratrix of the estáte of snid deceasurl. Thereopon it is Ordered, that Monda; , the thlr tleth d.iy of January next, at ten o'clock in th assinecl fortheh(;arinofsaidpetitio and that the boira at law of said deceased, and al other persous interested in said estáte, are require to appear at a sessioD of said Conrt. then to b holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arhor aud show cause, if any there bc, why theprayer ofth petttionerahouldnot begranted: ADd itisfurthcror erded,thnt said petitionerive notice to the person interested in Bttld estáte, of the pendency ofsaid pe tiion.nnd the hearing thereof, by caKingacop; c this Or'lrr to t)e ublithed vn the Michigan Argui, newspvpet printcdaod circnlating in said Coitnt threc.ucces.-ive weeksprevious to said day ofhea" inp. (A trnocopy.) HIRAM J. HKAK1ÍP, la03td Judceof Probate. Estáte of John C. Depew. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Connty of Washtenaw, O At a session of the Probate Courtfor the Connt of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office, in th City of Ann Arbor, on Thursday, the twenty-nint day of December, in the yeat one thonsand cljfh hundred and seventy. Present. lïiram J.tteakee.Jndgeof Probate. In the matter of the Estáte of John C. Uepew deceased. On rendlogand filiufr tïie petltlon, BttTj TarMed.o Mary E. Depew, AclniiDistratrix, [raying that eh may bvs licened to sell certain real éstate wherco saïd deceased died seized. Tlicrcupoii It is ordered that Thnradav. th ninth day of T'ebruary next, at ten o'clock'in th forenoon,be assipned for the hearing of said pet tion, aud that the hcirs at law of said deoease and all other persons interested in gaid estáte are required to appear at a seseion ofsaid Cour then to be holden at the Probate Office, in theCityo Ann Arbor, mul show cause, if any there be, whyth prayer of the petitioDer shonld not be pranted : - And it isfurther ordt.rcü, that Baid petitioncr t;i noticc to the persons interested in said estáte, oí th pf'Milt'ucy ofsaid petitton,atid the hearing thereof,b canfringacopy of this order to be published in th Michigan Argvt, a newspaper printcd and circulatin in said Connty, four snecessive weeks previous t snidd.iyofhoaring, 1IIRAM J. BF.AKES, Atrnecopy. Judeof Probate 1303td Real Estáte for Sale. CTATE OF MICHIGAN, Connty of Washtenaw, si J In the matter ol tho estáte of William V. Grant deccased. Noticc is hereby given, tliat in pursuanc of an order granted to the undersigned, Bxecot of tha estáte of faid doceased, by the Hon. Jailjre o l'iobate for the County of Washtenaw, on the thin day of Jannary, A. D. 1871. thero will be solt at public vendue, to the hlghet bidder, at -All porta Excliange, in Ih9 viiiage of Dcxter, in the Cóunty ol Washteuaw in said State, on Tue-day, the twenty-first day of Febrnary, A. D 1S71, at ten o'clock in the forenoou of that dny fsub ject to all encumhrauces by mortirage or otïi?rwise exlstiug at tho time of the death of said deceased th following described real estáte, to-wit: Lo nineinblock iiineteen ol tho village of Doxtcr, in said (lounty and State. Dated. January 3d,A.l) 1S71. 1303 GEORGE C. PAGE, Exccntor. 8yéet Quihi?e f flü K HECENT IMTKOVEMEnV k liopllces the uso of the Bitter Sw.phate (;i'INE, wi:h wliii.h nll are fanülar. Dose for ilosu, it is vc7'.3ajF2..A.:]xrax3K3 FUUV.JOUAL IN EÏERT WfiY TO BITTEíqUININE, AST) I.IKE IT IS TUE OXeJ GJII.At, POSITIVE and V.f1 It,IATti CURE FOükll SISEASES of MALABI0Ü8 (BUQ1N. Fo fc and Agüe, Mntrrmit trilt Fevcr, Chill Fcver, Remittcnt FeverJ Billón Vrxfr, DnmH Vcrnc, and tl lont; trnln of disorders fqiowing theso hen ncgleeled. SVTEET QCIISIIVE I 19 mido golely trota Pwanrlaa Bafk, '(so Is lifter Quininc.) thcroforo Is of VKctablo orlm, ftnd not a Alincrni poison , h4 on tlio comfary is provod to be one of the oleinent founb ln tlio blooü of all healtby pr-í-ons. STTEET aüEVriVB I ncts i nn antidote to, (as well ni a curo for.) iltalarlnl or mlnsmAtic pollo, tho ulis(ir]itlon if which by the UitiltI euuses Jtii'r)iltti-nt. Fovers, etc. Tho oulylaUvantago (-liiuu'd for I stteet QnsrnrE orcr tfcp uso of oiil Bitter Quininolis the entira absence oftbat Intensa, prrauuiit bittneKs, whlch i'i tlio líUtor s anlinsurjnoutíiblc obetaota to its tiste witli mt j)erBOnsj and ftlw aya WiUj cliililre.n. 1 shef.t venase tfí lia two fonns - In Povdcr for the Lse of ahyíiriiiiiii atul DnipRtsts, und Fluim, for U5li A fainily and Ibr tlio gcnerul-liblA. teWns, Farr &&, ( mufacturin6 cKEMian, A I vvkv TonK. Jf For Sale by Eborbach & Co., druggiBts, 12641 Go toR.W.ELLIS & CO's for choice Wines and Liquors for Medical Purposes . RELIABLE INSURANCE, AT TUE OLD AOKKCV OW C. II. MILLEN, Wtao ha for uearly twentj yeare, lid wlio stiil cprescms the Home, of ÏSTew York, CAPITAL AND SURPLUS. NEARLY FIVE MILLIONS. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, Nearly S2.5OO.OOOThis Companj particípate in it Policio witli the nsured. City Fire Ins. Co., Hartford, CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, SG OO,OO O. ALL LOSSES FAIRLY ADJUSTED nd PROMPTLY PAID. C. H. MILLEN, Agent, 1299m3 Düï YOUli Looking Glasses OF W. D. HOLMES, Ann Arbor FOR KKASCMS. Fint, becaune hc kcps the beat of ïmported Glass and a good üHsortmeaiof square and archtou i'ruiur.s , a lid sella OHE AJP 1 Seeonrïly. becausethey blonp to his business. H mak e. them ft RpeeUlty, (Joe.i li is ownivork, and can alFonl to sell Tblrdly, Beaupr hff manufactures thera, amJ can and tv i tl setl t!io CHEAPEST 1 of anyonelnthecity. Healso sella PICTURE FRAMES! Tbcbeapest of nnybody in theState - as far as hear f rom. MCE OVAL FRAMES FOR 6O CTS. Picture Cord, Tassels & Nails! FHR.VCH I,AS8_t,j tbelightorbox- ForPictnrea orfor I3COTTÍ313: GIjAZING t 3 KAST IIIHO.V STREET, ANN ARBOR. - - - MICH. IlWtf FILE BEMEDY. Wanur' Pllc Kt-nudy ha neverfailed fnot eren in onccKio)to core te very wort enne of Illind, ïxhip 01 RleedinK Piles. Ttiose wbo are 'afBloted shi':'i nu i'.iíit f-iy cali on thftll ornint and get WAKTWB?É 1'iik Hf.mkI'Y. It ia fxpressiv for tlie Pile, And is not rocommended to core any other .litfiise. lt ha curcd rnany canon of o Ter thirty years Trice Oue Dollar. Kor (tale by rfrup.ciats evcrywiifrC DYSPEPSIAWarmr's l)jtpsla Tonlc i prepart-'! nprcsaly for Dyspeptica and tho?e aulferinft with habitual It is a nliifht kt imulatin r toi ie and a splendiii appetrzer ; it trengthens the stotn ach and restor-i the digestiva orpn nx to theii hcallby state. Weak, nervous and dypeptic perBons should ue Waksfb's Dïn-sMta losic. Tor ■ale ïy dnurgiat-i. J'rice One Dullar. Wiinicr'ü CouLt& iialunm Ifl healin, snftening and expectora t i ug. Tlie ex tra 01 dinary powtr it pi.siessps in imriinïiaiely rcl'eving, and evt-nttially curing the most obptinatt cae of Couglis, Oöldt, Sore Th roa t, Bronr.Jiitix, InUuenxa, Cntarrh, Hoaríeneím, Asthmn nnri CoBI umption isulmf si mcrcdlblfl. o prompt ie tlie relief and certain its rfTrfcls in all the above cases, ot any ntTectinn f he thrnji and luns, Dint thousands of ph Bician.s ar1 iaily p rescribfng it , anO one and all say that ït is the most Uealiu grand experto rating medicine known . One doje alwayp u(T .rds relief, and in most ca.fs one bottle elTect-f a cure, fcjold by drugpints, in Urge bottlft. Pric One Follar. It is onr own fault i f y 011 íitill cough ami suffer. The Balsani will cure. "WTNÏE OF LIFE. Tlie groat Bloo4 Pnrifii-r ná Peiicioim Drink AVHriirr's Vlnnm TltBB, #r Wln of L,irc ïr free from any poiitonons drugs or impurities, beinR prepftid for thdse who rfquiro a timulart. I is a Aple&flid Rppftfzfr and tonic, and tha fines th in e ir. the wiriï fr purifying the blood. lt is the most pleaeant a-nd dntictous ariicle ever offerpd to Iho publir, far superior ln brandy, irhisky , wjne, bittere, or any other srttcle. It is more healthy and cheapfr. Jloth ma Ie or female, oung or oíd , can take the Win e of Life. lt i. m fact, ■ Hfe pretterrer. Thoft wlio Wlh to enjoy good hffllth nn-1 a freo llow of lively ppirits, will do wel! to take tlie Wine of Life. It in difTertnt f mm nny thing ercrbor.trein use. It is notd by druvei ; 1 by II rpoc table saloons. Price Oi e Dollar, in quart bottlos. "3SMMENAGË)GUB7 Wnrner's Kinmtmigognc !í the onJy artlcle knotrn to euro Iht; White (it wjll curp in every cite.J Where is the fmï;y ín which thta important medicino is oot want cd ? Mothcrs, thi" is the gre ates t b)ees ing erory olfcrcd vou , and y o 11 shouM imnif. Üatviy procure it. It ifi abo a ure cure for Fcniaie rreffulirities, and mny be dppeart upon in every case where t'ie monthly flow has been obstrurf d hrough cold or dinenar. BoM by drugeists. Price One TioIIar. Or sent by mail onreceipt of Ooe Dolar and a Qaarter. 610 State Street, Chlctigo. PAPRAND, SHELEY ik CO. Wholesale Agfnts, Detroit. For nale by Eberbach & Co., and R.W. EIIïs 9z Co, A UGÜST lOtb, 1870. NEWWHEATFLOUR euperior qnnltiy, nt the ANN AKBOR CITY MILLS. rery nïce boltod Corn Mofll, coarse Meal. Orslinm "lour - jood secood quallty Flour at low price,- Crackcu W heat, and all kinds of Feed, at lowest nices, and delivercd in any part of the city. Terms 3ah. KT1 Orders left in my Order Box at the PostOíflce iromptly attended to. 12K2 J. T. SWATTTEL pOR CASH YOUCAN BUY Lumber, Latli and Shingle , AT A BAR6AIN, AT THE YARD OF C SUTHERLAND & CO. AnDArbor,.I.inuiirj,18;o 1252 GotoR.W.ELLIS& CO's for strictly Puro Drugs and Medicines, Paints,Oils,&c. EYV GOODS AT TH FARMERS' STORE WE ARE NOIV OPENl.VÜ A REAT VaRIETÏ NEW GOODS IN WHICH W1LL BK FOÜND FKENCH and OERMAN PLAIDS, MERINOS, EMPRJSSS CLOTH, IRISH POPUNS, BLACK A1OIIAIR, BLACK, BLUE, AND BROWN VELVliTEENS.' BETTER B A R G AIN8 IN BLACK SILKS Than havo been known for manjr jrnn. A FULL AS30RTMENT OP BLACK DRESS GOODS OH HAND. do:m::ejstio jjsti Paisley Shawls, HOSIERY and GLOVES. 200 PAIRS Ladies' Kids at One DolUt, worth$1.50. 200 PAIRS Seamless Kids at 81.75 vrorth $2.2.1; qOO PAIRS Alexander Kid at 81.90 - worth$ q00 PIECES Priuts at 10 Cents per Yard. HLOAK and Drcss Trimmings. "DONNET and Sash Ribbona. HEAVY Bmvn Sbeetinga at 10 et., ltji cl., and 14 ets. forlht Bet Brandt. JgLACK SILKS at the FoIlowÏDg: PRICES, $1.50 WORTn Í1.SS. PRICES, J.BO WORTH S.50. PRICES, 1.75 WORTH S.Ti. PRICES, 2.00 WORTH J.0. PRICKS, 2.25 WOBTH 2.50. HRICES, S.SO WORTH 4.00. l'RICES. ï.;5 VOBTB 4.S5. i00 PIECES Tycoon Reps at 25 ote., r0 PIECES Black Alpaca at the fol-J hïwing Trices: 30 CENTS, WORTH 0 35 CENTS, WORTH .Í5 40 CENTS, WORTH 6 45 CENTS VORTH .65 60 CENT8 WORTH .70 55 CtNTS WORTII .7i 60 CENTS WORTH .S0 66 CKNTS WOKIH .0 70 f EXT3 WORTH 1 00 75 CENTS W0R1H J.l SO CENT8 ffORTH 1.1 A SPLKNDID XJ.NE OW BLACK, BLUE & BROWN VIMËTE1S, SATJN VELOURS, COLOKED SILKS. A LARGE STOCK OF CARPETING, WHICn WK WILL SELL AT PBICES. Groceries, Black and Japan Toasr Young Hyson Imperial Teas Brown Sugar, Coflfee A Sugar, Rio Coffee, Java Coffee, And a Full Line of other Groceries. ALSOA GREAT VARIETY Of Other Goods tno ntimernus to mentloo. whïb hare been bought withïn te last ten diyi at tb LOWEST PRICES, AND WILL BE SOLD CHE AP FOR CASH. It will pay all thoso wbo wih to purcbnse Goods in THE NEXT THIRTY DAYS TO CAI.L AT THB FARMERS' STORE BEFORE JIAKING YOTTR PCRCHASE3 AS WK ARE BOUND TO SSLL. Ann Arïwr, Dec. Sïd, 1STÍ. G. W. HAYS, Supt.


Old News
Michigan Argus