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$mml pólices tS. BCITFZrCK ADT7SKS COXST'MPTIVEt B TO OO TO FLORIDA JN WINTER. ILivixo for the last thlrty-fivc yoars dcvotca my whole tlnu: aiul attcntion to the study of lunK dlseases and cou■umption, I feel that I undersuind fiilly the course tliat ought to hc pursued to restore a tolerably bad case cf dlseascd lungs lo healthy soundness. The Arst and inost important step ia, fortho patiënt to avold taking cold; una the best of all places on this continent for tlils mirÍiosc.ln winter, is Florida, wcll down in the Slale, whcrc ho tcmperature Is refruïar. and not Bul'iect to snch variatlons as in moro northcm latitudes. ralaika is a point I can recommeml. A good hotel Is kcpt tlicre by I' Last winter 1 sawseveral persons thero whoso lungs liad ticen hadly diseased, but who, ïinder the healIng infliience of the cllmato and my medicines, wero getting wcll. Ono hundred miles fartherdovni the rivoris a polnt rhlch I would prefer to Palatka, as tho temperatura is moro even and the air dry and bracing. ïlcllonvillc and Enterprise are locatcd there. I Bhoiild give a deeldcd Íircference to Mellonville: it is two miles from river or akc, and tt seems almost Impossible to ttke cold there. The tables in Florida mlght bc tutter, and patknts complain at times; but that is a good Bign. as it indícales a return of nppctlte : and, when thifi is the case. they generallv increasc in flesh, and then the luru-'s must heal. Jacksonville, llibemia. Green Covc, and many other places in various parts of Florida can be eafely recomjnendcd toconsumptivesin winter. My reasoni for aaying Bo are, that patients are less liable to takc cold thero than whcrc thcro is a less even tcmperature; and it is not neeessary to sav, that, where a consumptivc person cxposeshiinself to 'frequent colds, he is cerlain to dio ehortly: thereforo my advicc is, go well down Into tlio Btate, out of the reach of prevailing enst wind nnd fogs. Jacksonville, or almost any other of the locallUea 1 btj named, will benefit thosewho are troulilsd witlt a torpla Hver, adiHrdered fitomach, tlerangcd bowels. Boretlni at, or cuuK'h; but, forthoso whose lungs are iliscaied, a mor Boutlicrn polnt Is carnestly recommeniied. For jllltcn vears prior to 18ti9, 1 ■wasprofessionally in KewYork, Boston, lialtimore, and Fhlladelphla every week, whero I eaw aml exanilned on an average fivo ïiundred iiatients a weck. Apractice so eztenalve, emLracinfi everypossiblc phaseof lung dlseate, h:is enaDled mo to understand tho dlsease f ully ; and bonos my caiition )n regard to takinB cold. A persen muy takc vast nuanUtles of " iichenck's l'ulmonlc Kyrup, Benread Tomo, and Wandrake TllU," and yet die it ho does not avoid taiins Jn Florida, nearly ewryhody Is BsInK PcliencU's M.inflrako Pili; for tho cllmatc is more llkcly to pjeduco bilious habltt wan moro nortnemlatitnaos. It Isttwellcstablishc-d fact, that natives of Florida rarvly die flrctn■umptliin, cspecially those of the soiithern pari. (Jn tho other hand, In iicw lingland, one-third at least i.f ilio nopulation die of this terrililo dlscase. In tho Jiiddlo Btátcs, it does not prevalí so largrly ; still Ibero are many thousands of cases there. What a vast percentage of Ufe would ho naved ifcOTwnmptivosvrrre ueatUyalanncd In regard to taking fresh culds as they are auout scarlet fever, Bmall-pox, &c. I but they are not: they tako wtaftt thevterm a littlocold, which they aro crcduinui cnough to'bclievc will wear off in a few days. 'J'hey pay noattenttontoit; and heneo It lays tho fuundation for another and anothcr still, untll the lungs ore discascd bcyond all hope of cure. -. My advlco to persons vrliosn lnnps are affected, eren itlisntly lstolaylnastockofSchenck'sl'ulmonicsymp, Bchonck's Seawccd Tonlc.and Schenck's Mandrakc I'ills, and go to Florida. I recommend tbeso particular mcdlclnei becauío I am thoroughlyacquainted with their actlon. I know, that, whero they are used In 6t riet accordance witl my directions, tbey will do the wort that Is rcifltircd. ïhls accompllshcd, nature will do the rest. Tho phvsiclnn who prescribes for cold, cough, or niglit ewcats and Uien advises the patiënt to walk or ride out every day, will be Bure to Lave a corpso on bis hands bcfore long. ,, , , ïly plan is, to frivo my threo medicines in acconianco trith ihoprlnteddircctluns, except In somc cases whero n freer usc of tho Jlandrako I'illsis necessary. ïly object Is to givo tono to tho stomach,- toget up a good appctlto. .Itlsalwaysagood Bignwhcn a patiënt beKins to irrow liungry : I havo hopea of Buch. ith a rcllsh for fool and tfie craüflcatlon of that rcllsh, comes gooil lilood, and wltn it more flesh, which is closelyiullon-od by a hcalingof tho lungs, - then the cough loosensand abates, the crecplng chills and clammy niiht nraati no longer prostrate and annoy, and tho patiënt gets well, provldcd ho avoida taking cold. ► Kow, thero are many consumptive s who havo not tho mcans to go to Florida. The qucstlon may be askod, Is there no hope for such 1 Certainly there is. J!y advieo to Buch is, and ever has been, to stayïn a warm room during tho winter, with a temperaturö of about seventy desrees which thould bo kept regularly at that pinit by mcans of a thermometer. Let Buen a patUnt uike his excrclse withln the llmlts of tho room by walking up and down as much as hli itrength will permit, in order to keep up a healthy clrculation of the blood. I havo cured thtmsands by this Bystem, and can do bo again. Codf Bumtition is as caslly cured aa any other, if it is taken in time, and the proper kind of treatment is puiBued The fact Btands undisputed on record, that Schenck's Tnlmonic BïTOp, Jlandrake I'ills, and Seaweed Ionio have cured very many of what seenud to ho h.mcless cases of consumptlon. Go whero you will, you will bo almost certain toflnd Bomc poor consumplivo who has been rescuedfrom the very jaws of deaüi by thelr "ó far as the Mandrakc Mis are concerned, evcry body should keep a supply of them on hand. Thi-y act on i ne ltvcr bemr than cafomcl, and leave none of itshurtrul cirecls bchlnd. In fact, they are excellent in all cases where a purnativc medicine is required. If you have partaken too freely of fruit, and diarrhoea ensucs, a (loso of tlio llandrakcs will euro you. If you aro Buhject to Blek headache, take a doso of tbc Mandrokcs, and they will relieve you in two hours. If you wuuld uhviatetlio effect of a chance of water, (ir the too freo indulgenco In fruit takc one. of the Jlandrakes every nlght, and you may then drink water, and cat water molona, pears, appk-s, plinns, peaohM, or corn, WltbOUt tlio risk of beinff {nade slck by them. They will proteot tliose who live in damp Bituat'ions against cliills and levers. Try iImhi. Thev aro perfectly liannless. They can do you good only. 1 have abandoned my proftHWinnal visite to Soeton auil Kow Vurk, but continue to see patients atmy ottlce, ;o. 15 Niirth Sixth Street, i'lülaaelphia, every Siitunliiy, frora 9 A.M.,to3, p.m. Tnose wlu wi&h a thorougn cxaniiinatUm wlth the Keapirometcr vill Ic obftrged flvo dollars. The ItespiromcU-r declarea the exact cumliiion of tlie lungs; and paticnts can irartily learn vnctlier thcy are cuniblo or not. lïut I desire it dislinctly understood, that tbc valuc of my medicines dependa entlrey upon tlftïi r beine taken strietly according to dlrcctions, In conclusión fwi 11 Kiy, thativhen persons take my medicine, and tncir systems are brought luto a healihy condltiun thereby, they are not soliablo to take cold; vet no onc with uiscascd lunpscriii beara sudden chanco of&tmoaphere without the hability of rcater ur less irritattonof the bronchial tubes. Full directions in ill languapesaccompany mymeillclnes, so expliclt and clcar ihat any onc can use tliem vritliout consultiug inc, and can bc bouglit froin anj 4rugB""j. ii. Benrac, m.d., Ko. 15 Xortü Sixtll Street, l"lilladilllli&. JOHN F. HENRY, 8 COLLEGE PLACE, NEW YORS, "Wliolcsalo Affent. ATONE? CAN NOT BUY IT. FOK SIQHT ISPEICELESS Tin: DU1I0ND QLABSEB, Munnractnrei by .1. E. ipenctr Co., N. Y., whicli ure now olTerci to H public, are .r..nouiief] bv ail the celebrativl () ti Cllnlof llii' World to bc tbs Mit Hrfot, Natural, Artiliciiil lielp to the Imniari i r-r h::cwri . 'l:i- ■and untlr ttaeir own auparridon. frum min otCrytft] Pebbles, mcltfii tofirlhcr, and ilcrive thoi manie, " iJiamond, on nccount nf the ir liarlnes nd brilliancy. Vb Soienlific Principia "" whieb thev arp OODBtmcttd biin-s thfl ruic orcen irf.if 'he leu in frunt "f tlio eje, produo Inn a einar and dlutlnet viiiiin, n ia ttu natur&l, health.v iglit , and preTenting all unjlaaiit neniatiiiw, such s iTliminGting and vftreriog Q diiiru'sn, kc, jicculiar to all othArsln hm. ïl.. art-raounted in thfi KIN' -1 HANHER, it' tlEQiea of the best quality, of all inittfria la uaed for th t pi Ttaeir hn:Jii anddnrablUtjcannot br nurpasied, CAU1ION'. - Xon ijen11'"'' nnleKfl bMirlng tlieir trade mark stampei! on cvery fri J.C. WATTS k URO.. .Imvrlors ;il OtirUn5, ar olcacents lor AXN' AUKOR, M1JH., iiotn irboo j thpy can onlv he obtHÏnrd. 'l'he gotdn are Bot uppllcd to Podli! DËÏÏ1Ö1T ÁbmTWHKTS.' Tht eard$ in thi column are rdl af legitímate len te.rprise$. fïo-nc of a qucstimwblc character accepted IVlicliigaii Machinery Depot. G. WORMER & SON, ÖO, 1O1 and 1O3 JefFerson'Avenuo, Dealers in n 11 kinda of WOOD AND IROX WORKING MACHINERY. DETROIT, MICHIGAN. 1297-3ro. Iry (iouds, Wholesale. ALBERT PIERCE & CO.. WHOLESALE JJKY (OODS 35 woodward avenue, detboit, = miohigkaj 1207 m3. rU)R SALE- tt7 ,000 ACHES of VnluablT PINE AND FABMING LANDS, ON' TIME, At Prlcps Kanglng from $2.00 TO $10.00 PER ACRE. WHEHK LOOATBDi fi.SSS acres Pino L&4fl on the Wisconsin Rlrer. 7,'50 acreRon thoCheboyan River, Mich., leasing to Cheboxgnn o'r DunftHD. 3,000 acres on Thunder Bay watm, leatiiuj? to Alpena, 1,300 acres ou the Mnnifitec River. 80 acrrs on the Titibawassfl River, 2,CrtO aorea In Qladwtn county, Mich., for f .rms ftii'l tltnber. 1,272 chotOA mineral and hnrá timbar landa noar Ontonanu. 1,600 acres prairie laod in Nebraska, imnr ilio L'nion Pacific R. R. 400 acre on the Au frauïde Eor full dcHcription. prict's an'l tirina, F#ni fr circular. DAVID PBE8TOK ft CO., Bankers, Detroit, M. nETUUIT M)COM0TIVE WOHKS, U MACHINE SHOP AND F0UHDEY. MiNCTFAOTÜHERB OF High & Low Pressure Engines ForBoatfl, Propellers, S.iw Mills and Mining Purpose. nOIïKRS.of allkiodKand üizes for LoeomoÜrei, Sieasnpr and Sa w MüIb Heaters, Mudpipee.Breechins;, ííc. , fee , Irn and Bras f ('astings of erery de wnpttoo Oüarine for 8W Mills, Grist MÜIh, &c. Union l'latier and Wond Workiiijf Macbinerj, Qreat North Amt-ricftn iïani;, made entirel of Iron, and theufiiint Htyleof Sfiw MilWíans ft?' Hcaus of all kinds dune os ibort noticc, nlghtor ay. Wnrks ou Larned and Conpreri, from Tbird to FnurthSta., Office cor. Larned and Third Streeta. C, H.BL'iII,,Prort't. 1). n. PKIIÏCE.Sec. nnd Treas. J. V, BAKTLKTT. Meclianicnl Sup't. ÏKTROIT STRAM PANCÏ DYEIG U ESTABLISHMENT, 42 Congress Street, East. Fa noy Iyeing done on Filk, Woolen and Mfxed Goode of all kinds, flrKt Kvery deacription of Shawl cleane d, dyed and Gents GarmenU clbaned or Iyed in the very best manner. tioodsaent !y Lxprvs promptly attended to. ARCHP. GRANT. KSTAKHSHKD 1?64. James .i;:!.s, iJealerinall kinds of MACHIWEBY AND SÜPPLiBS, DKTnOIT, . . . MICH. 29 Atwater St., botweeo Hatos and Randolph Sts. MACHINK SHOP nixl Brana Foundry Do you wnnt Snt class BRASS WORK 0R BRASS CASTINQS Iron Pipe and Kitting for Gas, Steam and Water. Blgh and Low PraSnire Stoan Entinen and Boilers. Ilrwhouse and iHstllierjr Machiutry, &c, Eend for Circular and Prloe Hat. JAS. FL0WER& BROS,BruBb iStM Detroit N . 1!. - Al 1 kind oí Sttsam Heat ing done. Ij RUIT TUEES-Apples, Peon, Plums, CbcrriM, Piaches, (ïrapevines, Curra ntn, GofiRclierries, KjiHpbor rit-s, IÏUckberries, Strawberrie, &c. All ot the abave at low rates by t!ie thouMBd. Ornamental Trres and Phruba, all the varieties suitable for our climato, wil! be foand in ítreat abundance. Holland Bulbe, just importad, of bst qualiïy. Greenh"ust 1'lautn. Vogotnblc and FlowerSceds, &c. Adarces, WM. ADAIR, Oetrolt, Mioh. i (AKlllACiK MANliKACTlütERS Vv JOHN PATTON & SON.g ' A't' offoring the lnrjífet and best ap-tortnu-nt of CARRIAGES AND BTJGGIES, IX THE irISTj At Greaüj' Retluced Trices. All work mjio ' under our own ■aptrrfxton, ind Fcli.y V.MinSTRn. F.ictfry ftn'l Wnrernomp, comer Woodbndge and Brusb Street Detroit. Xi DEES JSl. TT JET. 3F2 FL o SHOE FINDINGS. Tanner's Oí1sjScc.Geo. E. Curtís & Co., No. 118 JofTdrson Avenue, Detroit, Michicran FWKT2IIOHK íií CO.. Wholeaale Dm1H in Crockery, (iJIassware, China, GAS FIXTURES, LAMPS, FFLTJXnO JAR8, Sed. IMPORT ASSOUTED CRATES FOR THE TIl.UlF. 100 Woodwsiü Avenuo. Detroit. JAMES G-.L.A.SS Se BDEtO. Importcrs an'l Ocairr in LEATHER AND FINDINGS, 11 Grand Rivor Street West, DETROIT, MICHIGAN KfAHBLR-aKO. V. UERIJHO, 78 Congress 1Y1 ctreet, Fast, Detroit, mnnufiioiurer oí Dluo fítono Blata Marble M&Dttpg, imitation of nll the rare coloreé Marbles, such as Ëgypti&n, Spauinh , (i.iUffnv (roen, H roca tul le, &c. ÜKTKO1T BIJLMA II U TAULE (tlanuf actor y - QsoBCU Smith . Ifft!cr in Fronch Carnm and FoorFoot Blllittrd TabUi. lí-ijf atoll1, Pisïpoo ílnlo , ' DvtII AmoiiKt Tai lorn " Tab le . Kirt )ries giren by Éltch, rftnt? P.iir !ñ7, 'RS( '0U '70 T IVE GEESE FEAÏHERS FIBST QUALITT, Constan ti y ou himd autl fureaie by BACH Sf ABEL. Finost Assortmont of Toilet Goods in the City, by FURNITURE. J. KECK CO. Manufacturera, wholesa'.e and retail dealers in TnxjR]sriTTJRE AND UPHOLSTERY GOODS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. We (VI annfacture oiir sromls and will not be Undersolfl by any HOUSE EAST or WEsT. UNDERTÁKING! We Keep Coustantly on Mand a full asortincnt of ■VS7"OO1D, METALIC, OLOTH COVERBD CASES .ISTID COFHNS which will be sold at. prices bo LOW as to defy all Competition. Sales Room 52 South Main St., and 4 West Liberty Street, MANUFACTORY ! Corner of Wllliam and "WestFourth St. J. KECK & CO.


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Michigan Argus