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An Aristocratic Wedding

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Tho Now York Tehgram has the followingnrticle relating to an aristocratie wedding at Lisbon. The groom is a oousin of C. H. Perkins, of Grand Hapids, and nephow of Mrs. L. D Halo, of tisis city. The brido, as stated, is a graud-daughter of tho late Louis PhilIippe, King of France : At Lisbon, on tho 12ih of November last. was Rulebrntcd one of the innst elegant wedding wliioh ever tooit place in that beautiful Spttieh ciry. The partios to the happy union wero Mr. Charles Allen Perkins, Assistnut Secretary of the American Lcgntion t Librn, niid the bride tho Prinoess Dona Maria Isabel Francisci de Bourbon, dmighter of her Royál HighoeM lho Infanta of Spain and of Count Gurowski. She in ikewise n niece of tho ex Quecn Dona fabel II. and ihe ex-King Don Frsriisco de Assis of Spain, nd grandaughter of Louis Phülippe. As will bc peen Irom the traniltion f the account of the inarriage from a 3panish paper, wtnch WO giv" below, he aflfair was nttended by both the Lmerioan and Spanish nristocraoy reient in Lisbon and its vicinity. The jride is a most beautiful young lady of ineteon. Sho wa oducated iu I' raneo nd at tho Spanish court, ai.d possesses disposition whose lovelinsg ii as capivating as her feitures. Ofconrse, Mr. ■"erkitis was not a littlo euvied by bis rienda at being the fortúnate suitor of a ovcly princess. His American p'uok nd dash, bowever, ])roved Bucceesful, nd he bore off the prize from a host of mbitious competitors. The following pnttinulars of the m;iriage nre trans'ated frnm the Diaro de Noliciai) of Lisbon of Nov. 3 3th : "The marriage of the Princesa Dana laria Isabel Francisca de Bourbon, ughter of her Roval Hiphness the nfan!a of Spain, Dona Isiliel Fernanda e Bourbon y Bourbon, and of Connt de jinrowski, Diuce of the ex (jueen Doun sabel II, and the exKing Don Franisco de Assis of Spain, und grandaughter of Louis Phillippe, with Mr. luirles Allen 1 ckins of tho United Statrs, took plaoe yesterday. Tho most ItimatO acquiiintauces of her Royal lighuess ouly were present. The ieigious ceremonies cornmenced with the ite of tho Roman Catholic Church at St. jouis des Francais, Father Miei oflïoiatng Afier which, at the Legation of ie Uuited States of America, the Chapain of tho United States steamsbip ranklin ])erformed the Protestant ceremony, on account of the brklegroom béng a Protestant. Their majeïiies lho x-King and (neen of Spain wero god)arents to the raarriage. The persons ireseut were : Hor lioyal Highness tho Señora Infanta of Spain, with her bo:i ; ne Marchioncss de Vanna, Vicountess Henezes, Vicountess de Torrao. with her aughters; Don Thomazin Guedes, Mrs. lunro and daughters, Madame Gould, he Uuited States Minister, the United -tates Consul, Admira! Glisson, United States Nnvy ; Commodore Hogers, luited States Navy ; the offioers of the Jnitcd States steamship Franklin, in 'ti 11 uniform ; Secretary of the Ilaüan vcgation, Secretary of the Bntish Lelation, Secretary of the Russi'in Legalon, Secretary of the Bclyian LngatioD, üount de Meequiteila, Teixeira de Vesoncelos, with many American ladies, wives of the offieers. The bride wore a jeautiful white gown, and appeared ery happy, convetsing with all the 5UC8ÏS present. Tho gioomsnion wore idrniral Glisson, the United States Hiaister, United States Consul, and ]ouni de Mesijuiteila. After the cerenonie1, the party proceedcd to the resienco of II. 11. II. the Infanta Dona Isabel Fernanda, whero a profuso and delicate lunch was provided, nfter which II R. II. and party visited the Unitod States steamship Franklin, lying in the ?aguf, whero Admiral Glisson, Commolore Kogers and the offieers of the flagLip were courteou in thoir warui recepion of H. R. H., as well as all of thoeo vho had tho honor to aooompany her in ougratulating this sympathetio uuiou f a young lady of royal blood with a citizsn of the most genuiüe of iep'ublics.


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