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tö ñrnnrn Nsw Yokk, August 15th, 186P. Allow mo to oall your attention to my PREPARATION OF COMPOUND EXTRACT BUC1IU. The component parta are, BUCTITJ, Loxc. Lkak, 0ÜBEI3S, JUNIPEll BEKRÍES. Mode of PiiKPARATioy. - Buchu, in vacuo. Juniper Berries, by ditillation, to form a fine gin. Cubobs extraoted by displacement with spirits obtained from Juniper Berrios ; very littlo sugar is usad, and a small proportion of spirit. It rs more palutablo than any now ia use. Buchu as prepared bj Druggisti, ia of a dark color. It is a plant tht emita its fragranoe ; the aotion of a fíame destroya thta (its nctire principio), leaving a dark and glutinou decocción. Mine is the oolor of ingrediente. The Buchu in my preparation predomínate ; the smallest quantity of the other ingrediënt are added, to prevent fermentation ; npon inBpection it will be fonnd not to be a Tinoture, as made in Pharmacopoua, nor is it Syrup - nnd therefore can be used in case whure ferer or inflommation exiat, In this, you have the knowledge of tlie ingredientg, and the mode of preparation. Hoping that you will favor it with n trial, and that upoa inspootion it will moot with your approbation, "With a feeling of profound eonfidenocj I am, very rospeetfully. H. T. HELMHOLD, Chemiat and Druggist of 19 Ye&rs' Experienoe. (From tho largeet Mnnafaoturlng Chem ista in the World). Novkmbkr 4, 1854. "I am aequainted with Mr. H. T. Helmbold ; he occupicd tho Drug Store opposito my residnce, and was guccessful in conduoting the business whero othera had not been equally so before bim. I have been favorubly impressed with his oharaotcr and enterprise." WILLIAM WEtGIITMAN, Firm of Powors &nd Weightman Manufactu'irig Choinifts, Ninth aad Brown Stroot, rhiladelphia, FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU! Forwealtiim aritlng from indlcretlon. Theexhausted power of Nature vrliich are accompanieí bj 50 maur alarming sjmtumi, amoag whlch wlll befoand,lDHpo8Ítlonto exertion,Los uf Memorjr, Wakc(ulnes, Horror of Disease, or Forebodingsof EtII; lnfct,Uni ïcrsal Laisitude Prostratioa, aud Ioabllityto enter into the enjojmtnta of eoclety. TI CONSTITBTION once, "ctíd with Orjanfc WeaLnesí, require th ald of Medicin! to (trengtiien and luTÍgorate th sjBtem.-Whicb UEI.MBOLD'trEXTRACTBUCHüin variabl y doc. I. no treatment U subnaitted to,Co sumptioQ or Infiar.ity enpuci. HELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT 33IJCÏ3CIJ iu aíTectt'-ns peculiar to Femtlea, U uneqoalled b anyother prear& in Chlorosis, or Rdtentlon Paír. fultufgaor Suipreionuf cutoinury Er&euation Ulcerateil or Schlrrua Stw.ö of th Utroj and complaiuts i&cidental to the itz, or daclína o chfinge of lif. ■B HELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU AND IMPROVEDD' ■; WASH Will radinally cxtorminatefrom llie gygtem diaoaee aiiKing from habita of diasipation, atüttlo expense little ornochange in ílet, no fnfiODvenience 'r ei poRure ; completely supcrsedinif those unpleíiBan and dangerous remedies, Copalva aud iíírcury , in alIthcssd.acaBes. USE HELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU Ín alldiiraaesof tbcse organs, whetber esisting I malcor leniale, from wliatcrer cause origlnatfnff andno matterof how lontt standing. Itispleasan in taste and odor, Immedmte" in actioi,and mor Btrergtheningthan anyoflhe pNparatTona tfl liar or Iron. Those'auíf?r:tig froro brollen fo-wr. or delicate con fl ti tnlions, procure tbe remedy a t once. The reader must be aware that, however sligli mtiy be the attïchof the above Reanes, it i cor tainíoaíTect thobodüy bealth and mental power All the above di seaie rcqulre tliealdof a Diure tio. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BÜCHU i a grea Diuretic. Sold by Drxigglsts Everywhere Price $1.25 per Bottle, or 6 Bottles for $6.50. Delivered to any adöiees. Deaciibe Symptoms in alljccmni-nicatlons ADD11ESS, H. T. HELIV1BOLD, Drug & Chemical Warehouse, 594 BKOADWAY, New York. NONEARE GEJMJIJNE nnless done np in steel engraved wrappej', WiU fac-siniHe of my Chemical Warehouse, and signet! H. T. HELMBOLD. "TÏÏSiCJAIIS' PBBSCRÍPflofi= A.OCCBATELY ANU ' CARBPULLY PREPABBD BY iï. W. ELIAS & 0O.,DRUQaiai8. :-■ .- fcssi -'-Vü't tJ?wggTi F?gJ E5SÉ5S3 P555 Fr% i nowry'pubuc; ANO LJ4cijJ W GEMERAL í__it_.jy CONVEYANCER U -.L_J 7jJ7P; .,:,.'"!;.T '"■'" 'i ■WT"r".1 J-'..Í"T REAL ESTÁTE EXCHANGE ! ! Tlicui:JTslKncil liaringa perroct Kccord hlstorv nt I f Heai Batata l'itle a tina ;ity, aml in thi' Minty of Washtennvr, tkeilípl3ur lo nnnuno. g to the poblictbat i will exnmiiw tille. give ')■ raclsof Eeal fotuto tille, iniike oeed .mortirii'í-í, iitraotí aml ollier lgl pipera on tile horlcsl ,tco: Will lsi mate salo nf City properlj añil mía , rent lmuscK, and frttwloi mortiftLH'. ïer.1! wiitni;!i hii.tiiry ufUeal Estáte titi'-, will rilltctthatbl Bookn Uksln Tai TltlM aml H ctiiteral matlen wlilcli timcli eeh partleutar ilverip ion; an'l 11 in'vtiie, nncleaC r modern, which i]n-ar to be st 11 .subsistáis of record ut the prexont uie. I oi?er the folloiring Real Estafo rr ale : o. 100. Tli Malony House nd Lot on División Street. o. 101. Hnuic :r.d l.ot n Hiscoek' aJilltion. íiiceía.000. o. 102. TwoStorjBrlck House on Spring Street, o. 103. Two Story Wood Houí on Spi-ing Sticet. o. 104. N'ice House. Lot aud Earn just west of College o 105. Fine Hnnae, Oat-house, BarB and .lacres of I..ind,V.ter Fouut,&c- ver desiruble Fropettj. o. 106. Umine and 3 acres of Land incide corpora, t ion . No. 107. Hon nnd Lot justsouth of theUiiiveriity building 'o. 108. 15 í acres of Land eaat of the Unirorsity Ciound.i. 'o. 109. City Lots nearly opposite Pr. Chaso's Prlntlng Ktíiblmhuient. Vo. 110. OnoTwo Stoijr Wood Dwelliug on St&te Stree. Vo. UI. One elegant To Storr Drlok llaui.ii near UniTeraity Square. Vo.112. 30 acres wlth building just northof the City. Xo.113. One Two ytorj Houae jast aorth Cemetry (irounda. No. 114. Two Brick Houtei irast 8de of Unvrtj Square. N'o. 115. 6 acresjout west of the City. No lio 3 acres with building just wst of the City. Mo. 1J7. 160 acres with bull'linirs and inp royement 5 uailes uorth - good í-ituation. So. 118. 3'0 acres - fine farm In Shiawaasee. Xo. lid. 2,000 acres of Wild Lvidn in the Counlies of Wayae, Munroet S.iluaw and 3hia waasee. My Abstract Books arepottedto date. NT. lvíO. One elegant Three Story TIuiMing oa iiurou Street, west. No. 131, 175tcrosoa idjle Road to Ypsllanti. STo. 122. 40 acres on South Road with Buildings and tuiprorementi. No. 123. 2J0 acres on North Dextoi Road. 1% miles iut, wilb improvemeutii; N'o.lS4. And hi-.ich other liysl Kslate aot Uyrii) included. Thote are many old mortgaijGS iu Wasbteuaw Coun. ty uoiiiscliftrgtd of Record , nnd the laws of I. imita tfons is to MortgRges is di-fleront f ruin th&t aplica ble lo Kyal EBtate. TenuKof Coinmisaion 'on sales of Real Estáte, one prcent. f ftle made. Ratos for search of Keal Kstate Title 6 cents per ynr for Ieetls and six cents a yoarfor Mortgages until chnne of notice. lf o charges will be made forexaminatinn of litlc, xnaking papers or, to parties IvndtBg money tbrougli me. Moucy wanted to loan on unincuinbercdRoftl Estáte from one to five jears, at 10 por cent. interest netto the lender. Ann Arbor , March 20, 1870 THACY W. ROOT. tf t H ï W g z 9 B o I 5 " In b S S . 0 ü o H S hl a JH fq 3 l I HEI ü o 3C 2 e rn o5 j w ffl g rf a i s f L, io CO ■ M li 1 "i S ri i n o 8 S 8 ' ! ffl n S O I2 JUST EECEIVED AT WSVÏ. WACNER'S, A I,arLe aiï'l Choic Stook ol FÜLL AND WINTER goods; INCLLIll.NO O LOT II S, 0A88TMERE9, VESTINGS, &C. iLATEST STYLES AND BBBT QUAL1TIK8 WUICH UK W1LI. MMUFACTU1E o term to suit, and in the line of READY-MADE CLOTHING AND Gents' FUENISHING Goods. AloLAniES'ncliif:NT8 MOROCCO SATCHELS No.Sl BOOth MIb Street- E5t iA. CALL AND SEE THEM. WILL1AM WAGNKK Ana Arhor, Sept. 1870. 4 COMPLETE STOCK OF iw ai wmm GOODS, NOW BEING EECEIVED FiMLEY & LIWIS. WE ASK THE PARTICULAR ATTENTION OF BUYER3 ÏO OUR LARGE STOCK OS1 Kip & Caïf Boots, MADE BF HAND EXPRESSLY FOB CDI TRAPE, I do not wish to inforni yon, reader, th:it Dr. Wonderful, or any other man, bas tiUcovcred a Temed; that cures Cansumption, whm the lungs are half consumed, in short, wilt cure al] dlM&Mfl whethcrof mind, body or catate, ranke men live fcrover, and leave deatli to plaj for waot of work and sdesined to make our Bablmary gpliorea blmHful 1'araJise, to wbích Heaven iiilf fíliall ba but a B(le sliow. Y(u hava heard enouRh of that kind of humbugpery. But when I teil you that Dr. Ságtfa Catarrh KauieUj vjtll potitively cure tho worst cases of Catarrh in the Head, I only anert Uial ffbtefa Ihoiisands eau tetifp ft, I will pay $500 rewarl for a oai0e that I canmt cure, a pamphlet ving fivrnptoms aöd olfaer information sent free to any fcddrew. Tliii rcmcdyia SOI.D B;MOST DRÜQQISTa IX ALL PARTS OF TUK WOKI.D. Price 50 cents. Sent hj mail, postpaid, on recelpt of sixty cents, or lovirpackaee for few o dollars. Beware of couiUcrfiits and xoor ?$ imitatfons. Seo tnntjuy private Stamp, which is a polÍY6 gUAfftnt oí Genuineness. U upon tbe outside Wfïppflr. Üenitmber that thig private Stamp, (ahoed by tiie [Jni{edSiati iiovernment, oxpresfily for stamping my medicines, has my portrait, unnie and addjrefls, andtbewords U. 8. Certifícate of Genuiueneps," cngr&ved upon il, and Deed not be mistaken. Don't ba twïndled bv travelers and others vepresonting thenuslves as ]t. Sage; lam the only man now liviiifc tbat kast!..! knowledge and rigbt to tuanufaclure the Gtnuijie'Dv. Sage's Catarth Remedy, and I never travel to ell this medicine. R V. PÏKRCK, II. I). 133 Séneca streel, Buffalo, N.T. 129Ö Chancory Sale. TN PURSUANCE and by virtno of a doeree of the JL Circuit Court for the Coanty of Wasfatenaw, in Chancery, made ou the twenty-tihth day 01 Sep? témbor, A. I). 1TO, in tbc caw whcniti Ilamiait Louise Sackett is complalnant, and Soiomon Van Fleet, Jolm Costello and K iran Costello ftre de (end ante ; Notlce i hereby givcn, thut I shall eell at public auetion, to the highest bidder, on Snturday, thu tweuty-eighth day of January Dext, at eleven o'clock A. M, of saidcUy, at the front or eonth door of the Court House, in the Citj of Ann Arbor, ia theCountyof Washtenaw, iu the B&ate of Michigan, the followlng described real estáte, to-wit : The southwst quarter of the socthwest quartcr of section number two (2) ; the eoutheast quartci of the sostheasl q 01 B6Ctlon nambérthree (:j ; the aortheat qunrtcr af the nortbeast quartcr of scctloo nnmber ten ( U) ; the nortlnvtst quartor of the northwest quarLcr of section number eleven tllji H i'1 townsbip number one(l) southof rango iiumiK'r four (i; east, containin.ii one huudred and tixtyacves more or 1688) and tim ïtorth half of the southwest quarter of the sontheast qnarter of eectlOD number eleven 01) in township ono (1; south of range, Tour (4J east, containiug twenty acres more or less, the whole constitutiují a farm, being in Washtenaw Ootnrty aml State off Michigan. Dated, Ann Arbor, Decombcr 16th . A . T. I8TOÉ 8IBLEY U. TATLOR, One of the Circuit Courl Commlssionerfl for WashtejQttw Cvunty, MlcUlfian. E. C. Skavav, Solicitorfor Compliiinaut. 1801 w8 Attaohment Noiïco. TX THE CIRCUIT COURT for the Coanty of WshX tcnaw. Ellen Mead, ptalntiffi v$, John J■:i, defendnnt. Notice is heicby tiiven, fluit on th day of Novt-mber, A D. 1870, a writ of attüo ,. ril agnfiK-L the goods and cimtteis, landt nnd teñamente of Johu Mead, was Issued otit of the Gír alt Couit rr the Gcanty of WanJiteniiw, in faTOf of EU(n Mead, plainilp", agaiiut John Mead, diejdtfADt. for the Rum of slz lumdivd dollars, and returnableon tho 8ixth day of December, A. 1). 1870, at ten ": iu the foronoon. Dated, Aun Arbor, December 24th. 1BT0.Í OOIiMAN & root, 1302w6 Atty'a for Plalntiff. p O T I C E ! Notice ís hereby cfiven that I forbid the pa} ment of tlie follOWlng nulos to any person beulde inj seïf, the fnnie havinii bfén lost by ma o-r stolfiii froin my possession : One note oí' t-iiíht ilolínip, signad by Tilomas Deunisou ; one note oi aovoatyiflvo dollara, dnteó Vvb'v, lfi;). aud slgnod by WUliam Potlérton ; one note of scvcniy Uve dollars, !;:;L-rl Jan. Iet, IS11, and Hlifiied by Wil í;:i Rogere; ot:.: note of two hundred dollars, given by Richard Shcrkian, 01) whloh tbere 18 pald íífiy dollars; One note of one hmulrcd dollars, datod l1eb. 22, íGít, íind slgaed by Ueorge W. Colé ; and one note of forty dt.i;. ted M'iy 1S, 180, and Blgned by Jncob ñ. Osle. All of taid noles were gtrn to me and Ikivr not becn tegallv transferred to any one. l)ntcd, llanibuig, Nov. 2s. jro. lïnswfl WILI.IAM TOKGUE. T IVE QEESÊ FEATHÈRS PIRBTQTJALITY, Constantiyon hand and for ealr by BA CU fr A BEL. Go to K. W. ELLIS & CO's ! ; for choice Wines and Liquorp for Medical Purposes . j


Old News
Michigan Argus