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Estáte of Samuel J, Frecruan. STATECtríircinOAS,ConiityofWii8Íitiii At asosion of r'. ..,,.( f„r the o ; li nnw, hold Office L"2' City of Ani) Ai'.or. nu Wcflncs;!.iv. the l, '" day ofDuCi min r, in ;.],, vcm oncthouBanddSi [in:il ;ukI ."C. . "". l'rescut. llimin .1. Benkes, Judpe of Prohnt. Tn the matter (if the Samuel J ,'iu decenn 1. ' '"a, Rxecntor nuil Adminístrate t?'01 Certain reaiii!4'" , Tl"'" ■ ;'vn:'"'"-'I"'.íiiv. atteno'clockinUwiíoteMÍSi! af lair'DfMM W.'X Intere tcd in (aldciate . ■ qmrd toappearat n sosnltuiofealdCotirl thiiii. ■ In the City i -Ank } thcrebc. wíív the n. AnS tot rtutlerordercl, that sn'rt p . , „otirl.i,.1 aid p.nntii), aiiil IVu )v:mv.-jU:frcof hv Mn.i íripyof lilis nrd.T tobe pnbHshed in the l and cirenhtinjr v Zj" Connty, buctíísítc weckt previou is gtfii ! of hoanng. =raifj (A truc copy.j IIIRAM J. ISEAKE8 i"! J'U: Ol I'robte. Estute of Frank Jennings. OTATE OKMlCHI(:A,v.(:llllnl fWosM ö Maseipnof tÜelTOWie (;"Ht fnr th?. '' ofWashtenaw, holden al tie Probate oítofcSS City of Anii Arlx.r. on WedneiHlay, th rowt-üïi !' ,' Deocmiwr, in tho year ouethoa.iïïrtÏE tuuidred nud saventy. "" eW ProreBt.Ukïm .f. Bealfes, .7üí7"(. of Proba i Maria E-lennlng?, AifminlMralrix, pniyÍDgYhafíá! may bc ie. fed to spil the real mtate wherLfVÏ8 rt csed !!■.,! RdiPd, ror the pnrposo of dlitributïïi ol the procceds of inch sale amone the nerwni r Thereupo il le Ordered.thalThnrídav, thetw, ty-aUth iay of Januarj pej, ai ten „'ciock i„ tw :ncl foi the hearing of „u pelttion and MMt the heir atlaw ol (aiAmtm!? and .1!; dtlier persone Interested 11 Said f.t.i ie requircd to appear at a session orisZa!í tiion to benoMen al tlic rrohatr-oiiho v ■ ei,, , AunArbor, Ind Bhoictte, „■,.-, ;h,.r(. b, '. thepr:iyero the petitionef oftould not be -rjiiw1 And,it Is fiirtherordcied. tRt s.iul petitlonciIS tice totheperBOnsIntereeted in aaide tateolttinSf deney ofsald petltlon, ond the heartnp tnernflM a copy of this Order to be publiihed l2 1 ivtpuDcrprlated aodcircnlttlw I couuty, fonr eutcessivc weeki prrvloiiiS ifaul (Tav of hearing, " rnecopy.j HIRMJ. BEAKM, ':i"1 Jlldniol I'roliiii,, Kstate of Henry Bnwer. aTATBOPMICHIGAM.CoDntj ifWnshtcnWll ■ ' At a s(;sin of tliu Probate Comt for the Connr of Washtenaw, holden at the l'robate Olllce, in n. City of A-on Arlxir, on Saturday. the twentjjlitw (Uy ofNoyember, in the yoxv uue thouatd iiS bundred And scventy. lM UlraittJ. Heakes. .Tiu]L;e of Probate In the mutur of the Estatu of Uurv Bon tieceased. " On rtjadingaud niintho petition, flnlTve'idfd ni Hargaret O. )5o-t:r. AdmlnlstratrlT, prayln ih, ehe mny !)■ licensed u scil certain e-state whftV of :,;'l i tceascd df d stized Thorenpou Itisorderei), that Mondar, theslittn day 1.1 JttOliar nexi. at ten .o'dot'k in thc rM' noon be assigned for tlic hi-jrin;; of said' m.C tlon, and thal the heirjj at law of said il ;'. other DiTsniM tnternted liwidejtiil arereqntrea n 'ijipcar t a fession of snid Cnnri tliiiii tn bc liolden at tlie Probate Oilke iiw City ol Aun .'. -i canse if any th'crebe v.hy the prayer of tliu petitiouer fhiiiild not L ■ i : And U isfurther ordcml, that nldiid. t' r k'ive otice to the perf ona iuicreetcd in Hi .of the pendency of said petition. and th, rthereof, bycansinga copy of u wiier t llshod in tbe Mntïfm Argut,a nciww and circnlaÜDg in raid County, fonV im! CCSBÍ ve weeki prevlons lo s::ii!i!nv of hearing CAtruecopy.j Hl RAM .1. HEAKES, ]3'''1 Jiulye ofProhaW, Estáte Of S-.illy Ann Prav OTATK OP M1CIHOAN, ('oiinty of WashteBaw .. J Al a ses.-iuu of the Probate. Conrt for the Comii tti aoktenatr, holden at the Probate office in tii city of Aun Arbnr, ou Monday, the twrlrth iït or December, in the yenr one thousaad ei'ht h& dred and ■-. Present, lliiam J. ücake, Tud"e of Probate In the matterof the estáte of Sally Aun Pr.'r 1 oeaeed. "i,r (ieorps S. Wheek-r, Administrator of said cslii comes iuto Conrt and representa that he U imi pri pared tu rmücr his ftial account as each Athnn. Btratur. "" cnpmitisOrtTereti, that Sattirday. the fotrda of Jannanr, nèxt, at en o'clock in tke forenoon he aeslgned íor csámlolDg and allonii Bnch cconnt, and that he heirs at law of snld d? caieed,and ■ , „ üidcaMi are reqnirea to appear ai a session ofsnid Court.thrt to bo hoklen at the ProUate Office, ia the Citïof Aid Arbi.r 111 gaUConoty and showcaose if any ihcre bt wll3't:i at8honldnotbe:illon-ed: Aaditi further orderetl, tliat sai.l AilminisIrator-iTeootkt to the persons Interested in said estáte, of the tn. dency f eaid accoout, and the hearing thereof l caniM( a oopy of thi order tobe puhiislicdiii'tli tperprintedandcireoUtbn Qotuity, three euaseeaive weeks prcviuaj'ti ai ■! !.iy of Hearing. CAöpaoeopM niïlAW 3. BBAK8S, ''"M JadseofProbaU. Estafe of Dcli-i Chnpman. OTATE OP MICIHÜAX. Conntjof Wluen.w.B f w Er""' "f fh? P"lt9 Couxl fur thc Coi" tyof WsshleMw. holden I the Probate offii fc y of Ann Arbor, on Tnesday, th íztt I ín of December intheyciuonc thousand ei"ht tú dr i! ir.-'. Beventy. " i i t, HJram J. Beakes, Jndse of Probate. Iu Me m:itter of the estáte of Delia Clunimii On readtog and alin he pettMon, rtnly Tcriuce.of M"1 : Ing tlmt i certain nutruincntno on lile m tina Ccurt. pnrporting to be the Inri will and testament of said drceaeed.maj he admiuri to probate, and thal slie or gome other snitable pent roaybc appoüitwl Ar!muslr.itrix irith tic inDexed or euid dec .- Thcrcti]on it is or.iercd, that Thnrs1T.tü? wel üey of Jairaary next, at ten o'clock In he forenoon, twassígnedrortticfteaifngof eald petitibn aniit thc legateea, deiiaee and huir at ):iw oh nM deceaeed, and all other ier8o:is intertsted in nii estáte, are required to appoar at a stioa ? .'ACo".rl vthcn t0 I)C l"'den at the Probate Office, in tne City of tnB Arbor, and how , canse, jf aay there be, why the prater of the pol. tlonerihonianotbeeninted: And it is fnrther . dered, that s:ud netitioner gire notice to the peno intereated m said cstaie, of the pendency of uil pctition, andthehearinirthrrrof, bvransinca eew ot thiB order to be pnblished in ihe Mi ciloan Arw a newspaper printed and circalatloe iu said CouBtr, threo suTOPSsive rcek3 to -aiil day ot hearhiE f A trae copy.) HIRAM J.BEAKES. 1"" Jnflgc ol Probt. Estáte of Nestel- Minors. ' OTATE OKJUCHICAX, Ccunty of Washtenav.iK k' At a gesnon ot the Probate Conrt for the Countr of WashtciKiw, holden at the PMbate Office, tatte City of Ann Arbor, ou Wvditesday, thescvcDthtaof December, in the yeaj oue thuusaud ei-hthnndrei and iitventy. Présent, Hlram.I. Beakes, Jndire of Probate In the matter of the Estáte of Sada J. Nestel ind John P. Xestcl. minors. Obfidlah Priest, Guardian of eaid estáte, como iiito Oonrt and represtnts that he is now nrepiRd io rcmler bis flDal account au ?nch Guardian !iid aka that be may be jj -rmiited to mstur, tlinf trust Theronpou lttsordored, thatThnray,thewdli 3y ol JaHhary, rieit, at ten o'clock in thcfurr neon, bu ál Bitjned lur examlnlDg and allowine 5sci account, and that the next of kin of said minors mi all other persons interrstrd ir, said estáte, are rcuaired to appear :;t a sesMon of said Conrt, thcD lob holden, at the Probate Ofllcc, in tlii' ritv of Ain albor, iu said Coonfy, and ch'ow canse, if it theri: lic, why tho said aceóimt shonTd not bé allowed: And it is fiirthor ordered that MÍJ Gnardlan gIVé notke to the persons intereslri m said estáte, of the pendeucy ,f said atcouit, and the 'hearing thero'or. by eanslncr a codt of this onlcr to bo published ín the Til i chinan A" '.■■i. íi newspsper prlute;! and circnlatine in siW County. three raccesatte weeks previotw to said dsf of hefl tAtruetopy.J HItïAM .7. BEAKKS. 13" Jndffe of Probate. Estáte of Simen Kanoiiso. OTATE OF MICHIQAN, Cornity of Waehtenow.sO At a sessmn of the Probate Courl for the Connt? of " üsht.iuiw, botdea ni lbo Probate ofllce. íd ttf Cityor Aun Arbor, on Friday, the nin:h day of December, iu thayeatone thousand ci"hthuDrri -and sevoniy . Present. Iliram .'. Beríkes. JMge of Probate. ín thí matter of the estáte of Simuu Kauonít, deceaeed. Edward P. Alien, Admiotetratoi of sulü csta'.f. comes floto rourtaad Represen 's that he 9 nowpret v:i I r. Therenpon lt is ordered, tliat Thursdaj. tH twelith day of Jüümiry, next, at ten iÁIoi in [h6 forenoon, b exAmiDing t lllowiiut si.di accourt, aiu! thai the heirs ' law of eaitl dwea-sed, aod all otlier persons intercstcil m s:iil estáte re reqoftéd to sopsion of eaid C'ourt tht-n to bc holden at tb Probato Office, in thc City of Ai.n Arbor, n íií Oounty, and canse, if any therebe. why th Bftidacconi)tshou)dQthea]}oved : And K i'afnrther orflered, that e tralor gh-e noties C tïe persons Interested in áaid estáte, of the peldencyofsaid account, and the hcariiié thereoï,V chuelnga i ipy of til order to bo pwblishcd in tH in (r;ií, n nvwapapn prtnted aml cinIfftlng -n 8aid Connty, three sucefdyive weck previous to stild day orheariBc (A trae copy.j 111HAM J. BEAKB3, lïCÖfd Juilce ot l'roliate. Estáte of Lucas Kittel. CTATKOKMICIIIUAN'. Coituty of Washtrnnw.' O At a eeaêlon of the Probato Oourt for the t-oiioV oL Waahteuaw. holden at lhe,P_iolntc Oftxe, In the f cfty of AnuArbor, nu Üvcdiiosday.the Beven th W of December, in the yenroue theosaad eightÜW drert ami seventy. Present Híram .ƒ. Bealrep, -Todge of Prohnte. I n the üítiic Estáte oí' Luc:it KittcJ, o I céaeed. . ;iol Mann, Admlatstratoi of su id eet come lutoCouïtftod rpresttata thot ho la now jr,e" pared toreuderhisfiur.l accoitut :é such Ailnuii18" trator. . Thereupon it Uorderefl,thatThorsoaj, thetww1 day oí January. next, at ten o'clock íw the nooi), bt! o&aigned for oxainhiin :ind allowB Bach account, mui that the Ufiirs at law ofía, decQft&ed, and uil oiher persoaa Intcreeted In 9il1 i-stitLi-, are rcqnired to appear it asosaionof Bt Couvt.tlu'n to be holilen al the Probate Office, in City f Aun Ar!)or. in áaid CoaiHy, nnd Bhowototï if any tlieu: bt. why thu saul luxunt shuuld not M álTowcd: Anditia t'urlhor ordorcd, that sald ' mhdstrator SflTe aoti . ■ tnterwt Qajdcst&te oi the peudency of s&itl account, anöw tu-reof, hy a copy of lh!a order to be pnblished in tht: Michigan Argus, a oewípiP' printfl tiudcirculatiug in pftid poi ■ Bucee1 n o eeka previous to ;s:i: CAtmecopy UIUAi .T TÏKAKES, 3300' (Pndu-oof Pjwbtef GotoR.W.ELLISA CO's for 3trictly Pure Drugs and Medicines ,Paints , Oiis, &c. . . - -


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