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WM. M. SINCLAIR, fOJíMISSION MER0HANT IN GHAtM A.TJD FLOÜB, .N 16 13 USALLE STREET, CHICAGO. - "MÁCK &SCHMÏD, ,_■,!■ jn Dry Qooda, Qrocerie, Crockcry, 'S 4 Soulh Main Street. """C. A. LEITEK&CO., iprS IX DRUGS and Medicinen, Pure Wines jiiiaor tor Medicinal Purposes, Cigar &c. 5„lOfi!.ry Block._ _ - áTwTd en m a n n, ■tchan"" Broker. Real Estáte andFIre 'Lnce A%t. Xo. South Main Street. - " TKACT W. KOOT, vinVSEO Rnrds of Waehtonaw Onnnty.and 5 Excluuü-. No. 1 Gngory Iilock. '""TlORÏUS HALE, M. D. „.gmrvfEud Ofllcc No IS, corner Williams md 'SÍíSm reets Regalar office houra 1 to 3 ijPidïfce ai Precrlptlon from 0 to 7 P. M. (Kidij. fref i?ratif to the poOT. 1S64 " irwfELLTS & CO., nrsGISTS. and laaien iu Palote, Olie, etc No.8 lp Street, Ann Arbor. "ÖHÏTlvÊCK & CO., -ilFIiS in Furnlturc or all kiüde, Ko.52Sooth 'm reet, "1 West Liberty, Sireet, Ann Jlkof. j! Q. A. SB8SIONS, iTTORNEYnod Coimix-llor t huw. Real Estáte and Inenriiice Airent. Conveyaudnj: and Collectlon of Cliims promptly attcuccd to ou terms. UftoUDonnely's Block, upatatrs, Hurnn Street. Aio Arbor Mich. W. II. JACKSON, DïSTIST, sncccssor to C. B. Portcr. Ofllce, corne. Üud Barca StreeU, over the store of R. WMis Co , Ann Arbor, Mich. Aniestlictics admin . f required. "W. F. BREÁKKY, M. D. (ITSICIAN ANDStTROEOX. Office at resldence, Baron and División StreeU, first door Ml Presbytcrian Church. Ann Arbor, Mich. ' E. J, JOtíNSON, PF.M.CT. IS HATS and Cp Pur, Straw Goort QaM1 TunbMog Goods, &c , Nu. 7 South Main Sliwl.Anu Arbor. NSmSLA ND. & W HBDO Ñ7, ÍPEiaiFirelüfarnuce Agenta mul dealer in Real Esute. OBttxon Hurón Street. Also êell flrst1 .;;; Hachinvs. VV. 7 HOLMES, WENT for the Flurcuce Sewiiis MacMne.and dcalor i Picures. Framea, &c. No. 3t East Huron Street 1.EWI8 0. BI8DaN, CALER in Hardwtre, Stoves, Honsc Furr.ishing Goodi.Tiu 'are. Ac. No. 31 South Muln Street. BACÖ & ABEL, DEILERS in Dry (loods, Grocerie, &c, &c. No. 26 Soalh Slaiu Street, Ann Arbor. SLA.WSON & SON, JOCERS, Provisión and Commtadon Merchants a dealer in Water Lime, Luid Piaster, and PlasKrPrl,Nn. 14 Kast Enron Street. . S. SONDHEIM, TíMIESALE andretMl de.-rter in Ready Made Clothim.plolhe, Castimeret, Vestiiiire. and OenU' Furiiiíuc'Good. No. 9 Soulh Muin Street. WM. WAGNER, DtlHR in KMdy M.ide Clotliing, Cloths, Cassi■ífwand Veetinirs,, Huta Cnps, Trunks Oarpet Bjjt.Jtc. . -I Suth MainStreit. GILMORE & FISKE, KWKSELLEItS aud Stationere, Medical, Law and College Text Bookü. School and Miacellaneoue JOk(. Xo. 3 North Main Street, Grcory Block, -1. n ii Arbor. FINLEY & LEWIS, ttUWi in Boot, Shoes, QaiUra, Slippen 3tc., N'j.iISaítIInron Street. PKOF. DKLOULME Univi-rsity of Prancf1. gives privnte nd sons in the Frenen Lauuut nnd LileMni aml the LatiQ tongae, aod aleo in vocal and wnmeata! muic. Kivo y_eara ezperlencc in teach. rad othtr branches o.' a libeial educatio. IM coiirBe of the abi;ve studie glven to any i-Wlbtt may be forraed. AnuArbür,2Ttti Uec, 18T0. 13C2tf QR 0 C K E R Ï , íUSSWARE & GPOCERIES. J.& P. DONNELLY "Mmtotcalarirestock of Crocker?,'lasiware , Ornceriet. c.,'c.,all U b lnw price-f Ifó.lSBisi Murcuue1 .Aun Arbnr. U!?í J.k P.OONNEI.I.Y . JOHN G. GALL, n DEALER ITT f&ESH AND SALT MEATS, I.ARB, 8AI7KARKS. Etc, "' ■'■■' olicitort Hndpromptlv flllcrt with the best '"" In tBe Ihárket. SI Kaat'Waahington strret "Arbor, Sept. lfth, 1S9. 1235tf [IVERY AND SALE STABLE. J.ï AXTFXL, 'MrMaln ma Catharine itrect. Horwa board'Ureáíiinableterm Second hand buirgles, eut"" i búid harnees fóría'.e. 12ïjl J ARKSEY, pF: n Manatacturcr of "arriages. Buggies, Wagons, BSLEÍflIÍ8of cvcry styla. made of the best 'b4 warmnted. Hep.iiring done pjom#ítly 1W.. ce' 'M'onahle. Detroit Street, ntnr K. R. ".AnnArbor.Mich. 127Oyl JjVHBBR YASD ! „ C KRAPP '"lo!!"1?"1 wo" to:kd Lumber Yard.on JefI,,, ,."' Iníhe ou th part of the City, and wil] """litly onhandanexcelleDtTirietyof SMÍNGLEH, LATH, &C. "iketW"lbeold"1"ran afforded in hit i(trJitrtndPr!feiiiich thatoooBeneedto go te (li. OONHAD KRAPF, "Arbor.Oet.Ht.1869. 9881 f LöstT" " 'fwLïh Vi?0 trin Koinir "n th 15ih "t ),; kBI':4CK LSATHF.'ÍBAQ. ItwasprobBíií.bm"uke"tAnn Arbr StatLm. It Is ZTflZTLoi 8SS? rewlrd A. WIDENIWANN, REAL ESTÁTE AGENT. ANK ABBOB, MICH. OFFEBS FOB SALE : 53 aeres o f land, irithin Imlf raí le from tlie city, tobe sold in whotai or pareéis, as follows : 24 acres od -ectton 19, ir. tlie tova oi AnnArbor borderiuy m tfae on the lomí ltn'liip t Cofawvtls paper milis, and on Ihf ROO ) 15L acre tutd on tta DOrthwWt cornrr of the (iurliam road ni"l (lu wld Coniwl] Polotj rod. fTh's is (ne of the handsomest situations in ih oaigbborboodof Ann Arbor.) 3}-í aeren im]rored land JolQ[Hfl the abovelrï;' licres and frooting Gorhain Rod. Forty acreinf First Class Farmini; I.Hhd. wtn gooá Orclmrd nnd Barn. '6í milcn from tho UDUli Iloust . on the upper Pixbnro road. 1 acre)flnd vrith a new tvvo utory framp hounp on ToOfODSOOi tl'O'T & llioiiiphoii't. adüinon tü the Cilj of Aun Albor. 71oU of Yt acreeach.on Thompson, Spoor iTbompucu'n Additiou. 'j hitos oí lDd, with a aplendid grove, joiniop tbe r'irenifii'H Park on the t-et. 1 HoOM and 15Í lots of lau.l, witn Barn, WaehKi'clxn. Carnaiif Himn , und a nnmbt-r of uxnleiii Uuprovnient8] on Ih Aortbweii corut-r of Fourtli nn.l Packard Btreet'í 1 House üd Lul ii tlie 2d Wrd, on Po"th I.ibert Street. 1 lloupe nnd 3 I-Ota in the 2d Ward, ncar 21 WarC School House. 1 Houieand4 Lots.nearthe M.C.H U Depot. 20 aeree olland In tb spatb of th PUte of Missouri , near the Hanuibal 4-.S1. Joseph Uallruad. 2 City I ot near 2J Ward BcnoolBonM. A. WIDENMANN, F0RE1GN EXCHANGE BROKER, ANN AEBOR, MICH. SELLS AND BUYS DKAFTS, ISSUES LETTERS OF CREDIT ON ALL PRINCIPAL TLACES In GRFAT BIUTAIN' . (SKKMAXY.FKANCF, WITZERl.AM',etc. Uy direct cmiDectioDH with Borop coablemetn offer a fair rutes san New Yor HoUMi liemember, I aro DOl nn iijrent of any bOQBe in thiw c-untrj , but I Hin ha vinp dlroct couimunication ivilh tlie best houBCsiii Euroi'e. COLLECTIONS IN EÏÏROPE BVl'OWER OF ATTOBNKYOB OTHERWIfiE, WILL BE PROMPTI.V AITi NDKD TO PAiSSAG TICKETS per Steamer to an.l from New York to all principal portsot Europa 1 wiilsendasjoilowa: Froni New York to Southaroplon, Havre, I-ondon, BitfDien, or Hamburg, lst ClasB. üJClass. BteorRie. $120. T2. $:SinGolQ. Return tickets. ï!5. 125 61 " " Frotn above placeg to Kew York, lt Class. 2dC!a. 3iClnt. $120 $"2. $40 In Go ld Cabin, fSO to SlOOCurrency. gtcerflge, 60 iu Currcncy. Froni Liverpool toNcw Vurk. Cnlin, $100. Btaen(e,tST. WIDENM A NN, FIRE INSURANCE AGENT VISXIT AKBOR, Fortl:e Howard Int-uranco Co , in Npw York One of the oldeut and best Compank'b in tlie country. The Tentonia Insurance Company in Clttvpland Tlie honnrable and safe njuiuigemcnt oí litis Infltt' tuiiou ha made It one of tb mogt reliable Firc Insurance Companies in the West. m?yl CHAS. A. LEITÈII & CO., CHAS. A. LEITER& CO., CHAS. A. LEITER & CO., CHAS. A. LEITER & CO., No. 1 Giegory Elock; Ne. 1 Grogory Block No. 1 Gregory Block No. 1 Giegoiy Block, CS'" Sign of the Gilt Mortar "■. I ZW Sign of the Gilt Mortar tS' Sign of the Gilt Mortar %2 tW Sign of the Gilt Mortar C3 HAVE JL'ÍT OPKNED HAVE JUST OFKKED HAVE JUST Ol'KXED HAVE JCST OPEN'KD ITie ITineot Ptoclc oí The KineBt Stock; oí The Fiaeet Stook ol The Fineet Stoelt of DRUGS AM) MEDICINES DBL'GS ARD MEDICINES DRLGS m HKDIG1KES DRUGS AND HEDKÏtXS IN THE CITY. IN THE CITY. IN THE CITY. IN THE CITY. PURE WINES AWD LIGUORS Kor Medicina] Purpofiep. The Popular Patrnt Medicines of the dn y , And e verything kt-pt n a firstcIh8k Jrui Store. An EXCELLENT BRAND OF CIGARS. TBY THEM. Sole Agents in th? City for Otto At lleynder's celSURfilCAL AND DENTAL INSTRUMENTS BT ESPECIAL ATïKNTION GIVKN TO THE COMI'OUNflJNO OP PHYSICIANS' IMlKSORIPTIUXü Hiiii KaMII.T MKIHCINK.S. 126B )R. C. B. PORTER, DEKTTIST. Office in the NEW BANK BLOCK, ANN AEBOI! &11 Operations on the Natural Teeth PERFORMEV If'lTH CA KB. UNSURPASSED FACILITIES AND EXFERIENCE SETTING AKTÍFÍCÍAI TEETÜ, TO GIVE EACH INDIVIDUAL, Denture$ of the proper sizt .. t-kape ,calr, f-rmveseand na cl expration, 1244 JACOB HALLER, 22 HÜHON STREET, (KAST OF COOK'S HOTKL.C LADIES' FINE GOLD WATCHES, GOLD AND SILVER Americao and Swiss Watches, GOLD AND SILVER CHAINS, JEWELRY, CLOCKS, &c. i. ÖOLD PKISTS, The Porfectoíf J,niapftB & Murr8' SPECTACLF8. Sllver Spooni, &t IiOOcaS wOCIAL PARTIES, FESTIVALS and MMH PARTIES Can et-t very Cholee Calce, Ice Cream Oyeters&c on hort noticc t the CTTY ABCADE. CLARK is CROrSET, '


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