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Western Nomenclature

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Closely allied to tho study of hiatory is tliat. of the origin of naiues, and tboro is in it a wonderful faseination. The following brief UiteijtfDt wül show from wh. t a trifliug incident a name may bo derived - espeeially a western uamc : PreTioug to 1831, thcre a nolhinij on tbe r te wln-re Chioitf,'o now etunds but au Indinn poat, which w.'s tirivtn nto tlw (roand at tha corner of Maiisoii and Denrborn strceta. The prMeál Post Office marke tlie spot and ooojmeraoi'uten the o!d name About the year 18-10, a party of young ladies, bulonging to a Michigan boardiug school, cmue acroag the lke on an enoruious raft - Whon they bad biihed in the pelluoki itream that now pours ita crytal waten iüto the lako, they startöJ to returu, wticn a lad chief kuowu as Longjon reiV; red to the doparting niaiÜH as a Sbecarpo. Hiuce the HU, Thcre is auother veieion of tbe ori gm of tb. ci'j's mm whioh sto'.e that a good Iudian named Uujr Keil Toe Bee when about to immolate a fowl for biï diuncir, on one occasion, ropented of hie inurderous iuteut aud retotred to ;;■■ hungry, exolttimod, ns be let it fly, - "Cbickv go I there ia room enough in the worlii for thee sud me." The first story, however, is bast authenti'.-ated iliohigan, as is wdl known, is ouly a onrruptiou of the name of Father Mifce Egan, au Irih Catholic prieet, wholiv-eJ uud toücd, and was fiuhüy sacrificad by tbe Iuiiiang, on the nite of the projuut oity of Detroit. íowa is ouiy a ouphonioua ndaptation of the pyinbolio lotters 1 ü. A. which tho Surveyor General of the Uuited State, in 1S35, ord.'red to haTo iusoribel on all the quartor seotioi) p.ists in tkat teiri'orv. Tho iuitials stooj for the f-.iinlisr Latia ipuixim, JVonmm omnium audices which, fretly tr.inslated, rueans, - "Go ia and win." Some mijiiHnts saw the cabai?tio DBcriptiou all nloni; the rosdnid , aüd they twisted th ir.itials iulo a nfime for their State. It ivas a tjappy tliou;ht. The cupi'al of Wi-oonsio dcrived its name fnm a curious rirüimislanca that ooourrod in !be time of.he moui4 bnilJer buodredl of yeare befor3 MuP'arland went thero to live. An architect Huved a womau's lift ut the ris!; of bis owti, from a savaga attnck a of brar, nLioli made her bubbind fuiiuusly jealous. - Whcn he camo homa from hia mound building, end scertnined what hail be?n do:io, he sharperuid bis trcwel and went for tho destróyer of bis happiness. A medical man, observing his momentary frciizy, grRppled with nd threw bim, crying to tho neighbos, "Mad. ice rtn I' loa was applied to tho soaln, and ha iifo of hi benefactor was saved. Ever gince the place hag been called Madison Milaukea received itg narao frcm an euiiüent predüces'or of the pedestriau Weston. This tretnondous gtridor was oalled, in Is melodiosa native toi'gue ''Mile waukee'1 bccaus? , to Ihs iutiui'c doüght of hil trainer, Hor. Soreeloy, h? could malie a mile iu four minutes, with out break ing. 1 ho uauie of öupenor was q li'.e obscure in its origin, aud the olution orilj yiuldeil to the most perg feteot hdcI patiënt ioqaïry. Even Chiulevoi iim uot rjjeotion it. It rtm tbt the Chippewas who inbabit the íouíh Wftatérn Bhore of the lake were fi.rniurlj n;ovt wretched thsn now - the tquawn vaare ragged, and tbe pappnosos mrti biiua'iii; mul wheu Caryer ouiao tliroiigh h na tublished a charity s nip bouo ncar ih ■ wcgtern exlrimity. Tlio bpggardl b'ave tioolifd iü with tullir giiger-brcl brood and for mout hl the benevole:t sutlrr who was lcft in charg'j of the extabüaiiuient stood cd h barrül head nod bout ed duily to the ssstmbled tliougüdr, :Soup ! llour y're I" Tbig wan tuken up and corruptcd by the igoortot abo; riinstï, and üually booauie Superior. It is uot neoeisury io cay that Kenosha w:i ostned af:or the Wetlera gme of "Kono," or that Wionepog iï a i!eduotiun ol the ploaaant gume of crib bagé The original of the name of Selina wil i be obvious to all thoughtful rcadorg wlio rcmember tliat it has bseu a opto riüiis hIhvo mirkefc. Michil maohiuao 9 au Indinn uame aud origiuitod in a tuaching diííliVgu between two little Pottawatlcimiis i tbe dead of winter. One bxbj cora plaiued Ihat bc wi!8 huDgry.opt havicg tiad a di op of dinuer, wlieu tbc othtr oalmíj repücd, ';My ciiilly-ica can se couiuiodate jou " The juvenilo benevo leoco Waa so wonderful tliat it readered the phraso inmortal, and tho whole of it waa mailo the name of acounty in Miohigan. Of late years, howovcr, this irreverent generation has lopped off tli last few syllnbles, epoiliüg the harmony of tho cxpression, and entirely Bacrifici )g it s cffectint; moral.


Old News
Michigan Argus