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New Yoiiií, Jan. 10, 1871. Gold Is Stroogec than tor several weeks, nd to-day closcü at an atvnncc of }[ h'i than hefore noted - 111J. The nioney markot Is the same, and loaos are easily rrauged at G@7 per ceiit. Government ecoritles weredul) to-day, a sii'lit reacion in the market from prices and business nlitig herctotore. In the London market Lmerlcan securltles are qulet and steady, and at Frankfort our bonds ciosed at ü-ij.j @95. BreadstnlTs in Liverpool are firmer. Of recelpts of wheatthere in tlie last three ilays :"i-G or 1'ZfiOO qtiarters ot 8 bushels eacsb, were American. Flour remainu qnlet here at the slight advaoce ludicated last weck. Coimnon to choice extra mnges as liili s fö.68, for white western extra $0.75@7. The showing is better for the conmiou and lOWftl' than for liigher grades. Shipplnu grades 0@(i 25. The wheat market opened steady nd closed very flrm, and with an addltloual advance of l(2c over last qnotations, new spring being held ai $1.43@1.4ft, red and ainber $1.47@1.C1, white Mlch. $1.52 - half a cent better.- liye is ilull añil nominal. Corn alittle ketter, nuirket tlrin n:)d dfinamt ('air, at an advance of lc on each grade. Oats dnll at '.c. advance, western 6Ü@GS);.'. Affuirs under the new tariff ragulatlODE, which gave considerable U'ouble last week uuder t.lie rulings of süme of the subordínate in the custom house, aro beginninj; to work better and prices are adapting themselves to the new order of things. The woo! niarket lias bad nn activ; week and a large aniooot has been bought by consumera, wlio anticípate hlgber prices aoon. Iloklers are flrno lor tivo reasous: the easing u] in the money market, and the fact tha there is vury ittlc western wool ol any de sirablc grade to cutnn forward. Westen wool on band iï snfely 1e hiiihcr thun a the clot' ol the year. Dressed hogs ar firm at $8(8.2o per 100 lbs. Detiioit, Jan. 11. Ouing to the over snpplied Kew Tori cattle market, tliere was this week no Shlp ping demanil, and prices held at the decline before noted, best quality at $.2i), thlrd ?3@3.75, second Intermedíate. 50 head are left over. The floiir market opened this week vcry quiet, no very large stocks on hand and very little receivéd. Mills in the State are shut down generally, only the better qnalities of low gradea In dcmand, and seiling well at $5. Choice white $G.5O for oue small lot, this grade rules nt$C.00@ 0.25. Lower grades $5.75. Dealers aud holders are hoping for better times. Wbe&t still looxs better, and holders ask a further ad vanoe of 2@3c, making a total adyance of íí@5c over last week. Fancy white $1.40, amber $1 23@1.24, extra fine at 1.34 offercd and 1.30 asked. Shippinc demami lilit; for Treadwcll and No. 1 white, fair. Corn is a triflc weaker, dcmand less active at .rK@5flc. Oats - fair shipplng demand, sales at 41c. Barley qulet at 1.45. Biitter reinal na cj niet with little demand, and no quntable change for two weeks, choice selling tbr 24@25o. Ko change in cheese, factory I5@18c. Cranberrlfs lorrpr, iO(g' Vi per bbl. Bnckwheat flour lower, $5 5.75. Beans plenty and in light demand. $1.05 for choice hand plcked. The mild vreather and a fair Rhlpplnfi demand has advanced ajiples 15@20c per bbl., ?2 85 has been pa ld to tennis. Dijled apples (ie. Potatocs remaln quotably without chanRe, haviiüj had a si i ir h t rarlatlon during the mlddle of the week, demand local, but wonkl bc active slionld fair weatber fo Bblpplng set In. Feed nnchangéd. Dressc Iioïs have advanced 10@15 cents over las week, and p&ckers now take nearly all offer ed at $7.10, and even 7.20 was reached in one or two instances. No margiu reinains forshippers eastward. ASÍ AR30K PBODICE n.lOEET8.. Anaus Office, Jan. 12, 1871. We quote thisaftorooon asfollows : WHKAT- White, 1l5c. : Hed. l(!0c. COUN- 22rói55c. OATS- 31c@34c. BE.ANS- !20. BUTTSR- 240 EGQS- 2cc. LARb- !2c. HAT- $e@13, PORK- $6 53$T.C0. A I'PLES- SS@60c. POT ATOES- 50c. CaiCEBHS-M TURKEYS- 12c.


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