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Cirouit Court Rule, No. 103. NO ATTOBNET shall be deeined tohnvctappenrcd in any civil chuso appealcd to tMs Court frora final jiuliíincní reúderefl bj Jtisticcs of the l'eace, until such Attomey tshall have entered his appearance by rule in the comraon rule book. The foregoing was pted as a rule of Court, December 3 lt,J 870. l:t 1 JOHN J. HOBISON, Olerk of the Circuit Court, Washteuaw Co, WASHTEHAW MUTUAL FIRE INS. CO. NOTICE. Notice is hereh? givety thai a meeting of themcm bora of the tVashtenaw Mutual Fire Insnianoe Ccm pany v.if] be held at the Court House, in the city 01 Ann Arbor. un Kriday, the tenth day of February next, at H o'clock Á. AL, to cod rider the amena to the Charter, Arttclea of Aisociation, and By-Lftwaof aaid Oompa&T, vhlch are proposed by the Committee appoiotedto rerife the isme, and to adopt siiL-li umeiidmiint to euch Charter, Artlclea of A - ointioii, aod By-Laws, au to such meeting shall scein ezpediftnt. An Arbor, Jamiarv. lOth Ï8T1. J. O. LELAND, President. KÜft'T. McCOLL, Director. 1204lf W. HAB tLTON, Sccretart. Estáte of öottliöb Ueckerle. QTATKOFMtOHIGAN, Conniyof 0 At a senloQ of the Probato Court for the Couuty t)f ';lsllte: bolden at tiu; Probate Ofllcc, in t'uc City of Ann Arbor, mi Moiulny the bioth dayof .rmuary, ia ttio year oue thoiiBandeiht huutlredaud v one. Present Jlirain J. Bekcs, Judf;e of Probate. Iu the matter of the estáte of Qottliob Ucckerle, doceasedt o-i read DS and fliingthepctitlon, dmly veriAcd of Maria C. Ueokht rie, prayiuK thatacertaln Instrame&t dow on flle In íhis i oart. porportintï to be th last w il l auil LüsUmont of said uecea&ed muy be admttted t probate, aud ihat ihe may le appoiutcd Executtix thcheof T&ereappn it .is ordered, that MondayUhe &ixth day pï Febnmry, next, at ten o'clock in tluforenoun, 1 e aaslgned i'r the hearing of eaid petition, aud that the leñatees, de visees and huirs at Uw of aald deceased, and all othcr persons intcrested in salí aetatë, ure reqnlrod to appear ataeüsin of sald Conrt, tlicn to be holden, at the Probate Ofllco. in tilt City of Ann Arbor, and bBoW cauue, if any there bï. wliy the prnyi-r Ot the peUtluQer shouli not be granfed: And it is ftirther ordered, tbat.n:ü'1 petit'onerglve noticc to the persons interested in saldestate', ut" the peadency of sald petitloni and the hearing thereoft by canstbg a copy of this order to 'm' ptibUfthed in the Mi-hi-jmi Argu a üewupaper urluted and circnlating in Baid Connty, ttirocsucccssive prevlons to eaid day of hearinff. CA truecopy.j HIKAM J. B1ÍAKK8, 130i Judire of Probate. Kstato of Diantha Jones. STATKOF MlCIIIGANX-ountj of At :l sesslou of the Probate Court for the Count] of VVashtdnaw.hoMen atthe Probate Offiée, in thi City of A mi Arbor, on Saturday, the sevt-uth dy of January, in the year one thoasand efght liundred and sevruty-one. I'; VM'ut, Iliram J. Tíeakep, Judge of Probate. Iu the mafler of the JEst..te of Diautha Jones, deceasöd. On readingand filingthepetitUin, dulyveriöed,of Philüiider -ï Jones, praylng that he in.iy bc appoint■i Admlnlstrator of the catate of múá deceased. Therenpon it is ordered, tlnit Monday, the pixth day of Pebruary neit, af ten .oVlock in the (oreoood be aeslgned for the hcarlns of sald petlAon , and that the heirs at luw of miid dece;ised, and all ottiefDOWi ns interesled Insaidestatei ire required to iippoar at a sesaSon óf said Court, lien to be holden at the Probate Office, in the City ol Ann Arbor, and show cruise it' any therc be, whv the prayer of the petltioaer should not be [ranttid: Andlt ísfurther ordered, tht saldpett.ioner íííví notict; to the pc reo na interested la said istaw,ofthe pendency of sald pet UI on, and the Learlntr thcreof, bycanstnga copy oTims order to epnblUhed in the Mi:in%an Argus,% nviepaper, trluted and circnlatlng in sald: Coimty, threc suct'SKivc weckí previous to paiddav of hearin.. tAtrnecopy.j HiKAVi J. BEAKES, lyo4 Judgo of FINANCIAL. NEW 7-30 QOLD LOAN ! OP TDK NOBTERSI PACIFIC RAIL RUAD COMPM Secnrcd hj Fint Hortg&ge on Itnilroaa sn?. Land Qnnt. SAFE, PHOFITABLE, PERMANENT. We cffer for sale at par and accrued interest the rirst Mortgoge Laad Grane Go ui Bonds of the ïorthern Pacific Kailrond Company They arefree 'rein United States Tax, and are isuucd of the ollowing denominatious : Coupon. $100, $500, and $1.000 ; Kegistered, $100, 500, $1,000, Í50Ü0 and 10,000. Vih the ttmti i-iilirc confltleuce wiih which wc comcuded Government bon ds to Capitalista and Peo)K'( wo n owt aftor the fullest iiivcstigaüou, recomoend Uiere Northorn Paclflc Railrond bouda loonr ruléis and ihe general public. GroUl Payinent - Both principal and interest are payabte in Ani'-iican gold coin, nt the ofnefi of Jay Cooke & C.,Nev York Uy- thff prlndpal at the end of 0 yean. and the in oreuL fat the rate Of eevcu and ihrcii-teuthspcr cent. per antium) halfycnrly. ft'rst of .Tm.uary accï Jnly. 3?erfeot Safe ty.- The bomis wcarenowacll ing, are secured by x lirst and only mortgage fin all the proyerty and righw of the Nrthcrn Iacillc Küilroacl Compaoy, wliich will embrace on the completion of the work : 1. OverTwo Tuouand Miles of Road, witlt rolling (ftock, buildings, and ullotheroquipments. 2. Over Twcnry-ttvo Thousand Acres of Land to every mile of finiahed road. This land, agricultura] timberecl and mineral, nmonntinp in all to mre th:in Fifty Million Acres, consista of altérnate sections, reachiiix twenty t forty ratlce on each side of the track, and extendiug in a broad fertile btlt from Wisconsin through the richest portions of MiDnesoía, Dakotn, Montana, Idaho, Orejón r.nd WashiuL: ton, to Pnjjet Sound. Whilt; the Governroent doen not directly gnarantee the honds of the lioad, it thus amply provides for thcirfutl and prompt pnyment ly an unreservcd Santof land, the most valuable ever conlerrud upon ;i (fieat naUonal improvement, rX'lie IVXoi'tsaiSO - Tl e Truetccs nnder (he MoitgagO, are Ttfwiri Jay Cooke of Phiiadelphin. and J. Edgar ThoniBon, President of the Pennsylvania Centrarilailroail Company. Th-y will direct! and permanent! y represen the intereüie of the Firs Mortgage bond holders, and are reqnired to ace tha iha prorteds of htnd sales are need in jmrehas-ing c,n. cnnccUing the hott'U of the Cvmpany if thcy can h bought befo re ma'nrit ai not more tlian ten per Cent, premium ; otherwisc the trustees are to invest the proceeds of land salee ín United States Boads or Real Estáte Mortgages foi the fnrther scenrity of Northern Pacific bendh lüers. Also that íhcj have at all time iu their control, as security, at leaat 500 acres o f average land to every tl.COQ of oní-tnnóin ftrst bonds, beMrtes rail ruad itself ant aiiíi all it.s pqnipiiienta aud franchise. I'rofitableneBB.- Of conrse nothtinj can b eafer than the bonds of the United otates, but ns ti Government 9 no longor a borrower, and as the Na tion'e present work Ís uot that of pFOMtTlOK iiws. Utence, but thatof dkvklopino a continent, we r mitxd tliOKe who desire to iocreasc their income am' obtaia a moreperrainent ínvcstmcut, wliilowtUlha ing a perfectly relíable aecurity, that : United States S-i'O's at thelr average premium yie the present purctaaaer lees tbau 5 'i per gold interest. Should tliey be redeemed in five year?1, and specie paymeDts be resumed, they would realiy pay only 0í ier cent., rr if in thre.}cara, oniy Z% per cent , as the present premium wontd meauwbile be sunk. Northern Pacifíc T-SC's sclling at par in enrreney yield the investor 7 3-10 per cent, gold íntereet absolutcly for thirty years, fret front Unittd Statet tax Sl,l''0curreucy invested now in United States 5--0s ■vill yield per year in gold, say $62.00. $l,?00 curreney invested uowin Northetu Pacific 7-3t's will yield per jear in gold, íf 0 30. Here ie a (lifTerencein annual income of ncarly onehird, besides a difference of 7 to 10 percent, in principal, wheu both cluases of bonds are redeemed. ■ The Road 3STow Huildine- Work wa begun in July last on thecastern yortionof the line, and the moncy providcd, by the sale to atockholders of somesix mUMons ol the Company's bonds, to builtl and equip the road irom Lake Superior across Miuncsota to the Ked Rivcr of tho Efortfa- 488 miles. The gradlng on this división ia HOW well ad vaneed, the iron Is betug rapliiïy laid: scveral thouaand men are at work on the line, and about the first of Au gaat next, this important ecctiun of the road wil] bc in full opcration. In the mean time orders have bren ent to the laciflc coast for the cominea cement of the work en the western end in early Spring, and tlieivrifter the work WÜl he jmshed, both eaatward and wfstward, with as much epeed as may bc consistent wlth Bolldtty and a wiee economy. lieceivablefor Lande -These bonda wiïl be at all times rectivable, at 1 10. !n payment for the Compfiny's lamldtat their loweet cash price. Boncle JExcHn-neeable- The regiátered bonus can be exdianed nt any time for coupons, the coupons for regibtered, end both these can be exchangcd Tor others, payabks principa] and interaet, at any of the principal flnaocial centers of Europe, in the coin of the various European coïintrics. Uo"v to G-et Them.- Yonr nearest Bank or lïankcr will supply these bonds ïn any cíes tred amount, and of any needed druomination. Pereuus wishing to oxcbangti stocks or other bonds for theac can doso ivith nny of our ageuts, vho wiïl allow the highest current price for all marketabte secnrities. Tli4)!se living in locaíiües remóte from bauks may send money, or othcr bonda, dircctlj to n by ex pross, and we will sentí back Northeru PaciÜc boude at oor own risk, and without coat to the iuvestor. V-yr fnrther information, pamphlets, maps, etc, clï on or addross the nndersiyned, or any of the Bunks or Bankcrs employé d to sell this lu;ui. FOU SALE BY TSE FIRST NATIONAL BANK, THE SAViNGS BANK, MILLER & WEBSTER, BANKERS, Ann Arbor. Mich. And Bankcra penerally throiishout the State. i;:04 g O M ET HING NEW, CROCERIES FO i CASH ONLY ! I OFFKR THE KOLLOWIXG HIDUCEMENTS TOCASHBUYEKS:; TEAS: New Trice. OM Pricos. Best Gunpowder, 1.65 2.00 Best Young llyson, 1.40 t.78 Fine Tonng llyson, 1.15 1.50 QooJ Young Ilyion, .00 1.00 Best Japan, 1.15 1.50 Good Japan, 1 00 1-25 Fair Japan, .90 1.15 Best Oolong, 1.15 1.50 SYRTJ3PS i New Pricee. O11 Pricos Best Diips, 1.10 1.50 Best Syrup, 1.00 1.20 Fair Syrup, .80 1.00 Gooü Syrup, .05 .80 MOLASSESNew Priccs. Okl Prlccs. Best, .80 1.00 Second Qnality, .6" .80 ThirU Quallty, .50 .75 IW A grcal reduction In Crockery, Tble Catlery, T.TAYLOR, 13O3tf No. 13South Mnln Streot, Ann Arbor. T IVE ÖEÊSE FEATHE R S PIBSTQTJALITY, Sonstantlyon hand and forrnlc by B ACE ABEL. GotoR.W.ELLIS& CO'b for strictly Pure Drugs and Medicines ,Paints , Oils, &c. pEW GOODS AT THE FARMERS' STORE WK ARE SOVT OPENIKÜ A tiREAT VaRIETY NEW GOODS IN' WUICII W1LI. BK FOÜSD FKENCII and GERMAJT PLAIDS, MERINOS, EMPRÍ5SS CLOTH, IEISH POPLIN8, BLACK MOHAIR, BLACK, BLUE, AND BROWN VELVETEENS.; BETTER B A R G AIN8 IN BLACK SILKS Tlmn haTe bn koown for man ƒ 7n, A FUIA ASSOETMENT 07 BLACK DRESS GOODS ON HAKD. Paisley Shawls, HOSIERT and GLOVES. 00 PAIRS Ladies' Kids at One Dol. á Ur.-worlhtl.50. 200 PAIRS Seimlesi Kids at $1.75, worUi $2.25: 200 PAIRS Alexander Kids nt $1.60 worth$2.S0. 200 PIECES PriutB at 10 Ceati per Trd. "1LOAR and Dre Triinmiogi. OONNET pd Sash Ribbong. HEAVY Brown Shefitmgs at 10 oti12 '„ cU. , and 14 ets. for )ir Bet Branda. "OLACK SILKS at the Following: PRICE8, $1.50 WORTII !., PRICES, l.0 WOBTH i.l. PBICE, 1.T5 WORTH 1T6. PHICES, ï.00 WOKTII 1.0. PRICKS, !. WORTH IM. I1KICES, S.f.0 WORT 4.M. PRICKS. Ï.75 -WORTH M. qOO PIECES Tjcoon Reps at 25 ita, irorth S5 cU. CO PIECES Black Alpacai t th WJ lowiug I'ricei: 30 CENTS, TCORTH J 35 CENTS, WORTH ,0 40 CENT3, WORTH eo 45 CESTá WORTH .IS 60 CENTS TTORTH .'. SS CtNTS WORIH .7 60 CENTS WORTH .8 6 CKNTS WOOTH H 70 CENT.Í WORTH 1 9 75 CENTS WORIH 1.11 80 CENTS WORTH l.H A. SPLTSNDID UCIST JS OT BLACK, BLIE & BROWN satín velours, colored SILKS. A LA KnE STOCK OF CARPETING, WI1ICH WE WII.L SILL AT isr. prices. Groceries, Black and Japan Teaa, Young Hyson Imperial Teas Brown Sugar, Coffeo A Sugar, Rio Coflfee, Java Coffee, And a Full Line of otber Groeeries. ALSOA GREAT VARIETÏ Of Othr Gond too nuoitroa to mtntio. whi have ben bonght within the last t#n dayi at tb LOWEST PRICES, AND TTILL BE 8OI.D CHE AP FOR CASH. It will pay all those wbo wish to purchae Goods in THE NEXT THIUTY DAYS TO CALL AT THE FARWSERS' STORE BEFORE 1IAKING YOUR PURCHASE3 AS W6. ARE BOUND TO SELL. Ann Arbor,Dcc.SSl,lS70. G. W. HAYS.Sopt.


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