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From Geo. W. Childs, Philadelphia

From Geo. W. Childs, Philadelphia image
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we have the Public. Ledger Almannc for 1871, lts 56 papes ílllerl with matter more especiaiy of local interest. Títere are, however, tüe usual Mtronomical tables, and a "Diary of the Franco Prusslan War for 1870." Tiils nlmannc is ftirnislicd fret toeverj Public Ledger subscriber. Tlio Vati BuroG Coun'y Prese has discarded th qúarto forro, and comes to us a nenily prlntd oüo, 24x30. All right Van. N'uw baulsil as soou :is possible tliat "Cliicug'j instile," wliich we are glad to Beo is Ónly n "makeshift." No o'it newspnper man, to the business bved, eau poslblj ieel at home with half ofhis pa(:er beingground out at a distanop, wltli co'jtenls beyondliis control. A meeting of the Womun's SuTrago Association of Ann Arbor wil! be hc!d at the resideuce of Jndge Lawkeki e, Monday venlug, Jan. l'Jth, at T o'clock r. ir. The attendaoce of all membera is requcsteil, md uil otliers lnterested in the cause. jM. V. Tylku, Sec. The Detroit dailies were earried by agalnon Thiirsday mornlng. We havebctn unible to get the shlflless route a;cnt's .me, bot "blsrat Iiiii,1' nnyhow. If ho on't know cnoiigli to clischare lus datlcB ie slioul.l "pi?s hi hischecks" or bc made o "walk the plank." The lectureof Rev. W. H. Milbdb, lic " blind preacbèr," on Wedaesday cve. ning, was argely attondeci, an 1 wnn ligt cned to wlth intense interest Mr. Mn,BCTM is an eGToct'.ve an 1 c'o ik n', speaker, with fine descriptivo powers. Tliose who bad not read tip oa Abitón Buur heard his carecr sketclicd ia a masterly marnier.


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