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Nutrition For The Brain

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Sonw time ag Profesnor Agassu:, ïu a Hpucoh before u Uoaton assemblage, asSrtited that fih diet, on account of the quuotit; of puo.-phoru oDutaincd iu it, id esporiallly adapted to nouriuh tho ba'ui, and that thoae persons who cub sist upon it lorgly urn, oonsequontly, mora likely tlian cubera, it'possessmg tho Binno natural powers, to ba distinguiahed ftir their brightüOis and inU'llectuality. Professor Ag:tssiz is geueraily regarded as beiDg, in sich mattors, the highost authori'y in tho Uuited Statoa, f Dot the very highest living, and this ■aiimute is umioubtedly correct ; but Dr. D. M. lieard, excellent soieutific authortty, opposes thu Profeísor's thoory, iu au able magazine article, arguing that brain work recjuircë richcr aod more sub Ktautial fóod, and a larger quautity of it thau mechanics anii laborera, beoauee : Firnt. Lubor of the brain oaubei groaler loss of tissuo than labr of the rausde, three hoursof hnrd study produciug more importaüt changea of tissue thau a wbole day of muscular labor. Seoond. Brain wolkers, s a claxs, re uiore aetive iu their work thao mecbanics and laboréis, the thinking powrg, tóe tools of trade of brain-workers, beiog always at hand and seldoin idle. Third. lkain-workers exeroiso, more or les, all tho other organs of tho body tts wcll as the brniu. Dr. lieard, to corrobórate bis views, cites various nationalities. For example, tha Komans, Persions, nud Babyouians vrere dominant uatious among the ancientg, and they were freo and luxurioui io their habits of euting. In modern times the English, Germana, Frenoh aod Amerioans are ruling uatiou, nd, they aro good feeders, and some of thetn pretty bard drinkers So our braiu-workers havo two thoories between them, and they can take their ohoice. Shall it b fish or roast beef, etc. ? oLljeUcljpitrgiiSj


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