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fuste givc úm. WM. M. SINCLAIR, commíssion merghant ' IN GRAIN AND FLOUR, B0OM 16, m LaSAIXfc cfelOAÖO. MACK&8OHMtD, Loiifus n Ory Ooorts, aroceries, Cróckery, siea 54 south Main Street. _______ ; C. A. LEITEU&OO., L.1IEBS IN DBÜG8 n"l Mfilicines. Pnrc i liíV"' fr M'-l'ci"'il Parposes, CiKats&c. 510r-go'y Block. ■ A. WIPKNMANÑ, E3nV Exilíaos Broker Rl Kstaie nml Fire Sottth Main Street. tüaTy w. koot, :- ofWashtenaw Connty.and ReílE' ' Gn-KOty Block. MOUKIS HALE, M. D. nrnerWllllamiand ■ ,v Dfflcc honrs 1 lo 3 Iptioïis from 6ln7 P. M. i w. eLlis & co., L.8nir,!fTS ml ilea'ler iq. Plünö, (Hto, Ste No. 2 gMtblblD Street, Ai.ti Arbdr. JOHN KECK & CÓ., Í4LERS u Furuiture of olí kir.'K No.5í aweet, and 4 Weat Libefty, Street, Atín Arlwr. J. Q. A. SESSTOÑS, 1TT0RNEY nul Connielloi al Law, Real i' [marnucoAcnt. ConTCTancini and Collecll fn o( CUinií urouiptlv attrnci'il t. ou libera! tcrml . tolu Donnely'i Block, u; sta rs. liin-on s. Aan Arbor Wich. w. W. j'Xck'son, BKSTIST o'ic-ccssor to C. B. PorUr. OfflCe.COroe. MínandHnrooStroetí, over tho Btoro of R. Wa Co . Anr. Arljor, Mich. Auesthcticsadm:n sttred if retiuircd. W. F. IJKKAKËY, M. ü. (HTSICIAN ANDSUROEON. Ofilcc at rosiclcnce, wraeror Hurón anl Dlv I, first door Bi![o( I'resbytcriaii Chnrcli. Ann Arbor, Mlch. F. J.JOIINSON, ÏEiLEU TN II ATS 111(1 Cap Fur., Slniw Ooocls - l'iiniisniim Goode, 4SC-, NoiTBBnthMnfn . Ann Arbor. 8UTHERItAND & WH KDOX, Euw. O'.Vue mi Hnro! Street. U" hcH W. ]). HOLMES, ViENTforthp Florence ' '■.and dealer in Picture. Frames, Ac. Nu. 32 EáSt Iluron Strcot LEWIS 0. RI8D0N, SEALER'in Hardware, Stovee, HonM Fnndahlng Ooodi.Ttn Ware Ac.. No. 31 South Muiu Street. , BACH & AÊEÏ, bK.llKRSh) Dry Cuodn.Grocerii-8. &c, &c. No. 26 Muln Street, Anu Arbor. SLAVVSÖN & SON, 3R0f'ERS, provisión nd Conmtesloii Meroliants jnclfa; V-it. ,■ Urne, 'Land Plaater.and PlasIñParia.No. U Buít Enron Street. S. SONDHEÏM, iraóLESAI.E anñ retail dealer In Readv Made hLcioihs, Curimere, v, in.-, and Oabfk' Far. ng No. 9 Soeth Main Street. W.M. WAGXEÏl, ÏÈAlEft in fteaJy Mad Clothlng, Clottis, Cawlmereaaii'l Vcstin'i. Uil" Cap, Trunfc, Carpet Bigs.Ac. .'21 S'ioth Main Street. GILMORK & FISK E, 600KSELLEHS aiid SttSouer, V .il. Lawnnct College Texi Booki. School and Miscellaneor.s Bnoks. No. 3 North Main Street, Qregorj Ulock, Add Arbor. FINLKY & LEWIS, DEALERS in Bootf, Shoes, Gaitcrs, Sllppeis &c. No.? ËHst Muron Street. PROF. DKLOÜLME Prnm the Uuivereity of France , pivcs privntc mul !ïh roogh leMons in the Frencb Larignage and Llte.rttare, and Lht; Latin tougiK-, andalso in vocal aud ÍDítrutneuta! music. Kiv ■ xperienco In teachbftheéfl and oiher brancnea of a l:bcial edacatlon. A ful! co uree of the nbove etudies given to any tlae tbat mav he fijrmird. Aun Arbor",27th Dcc, 1STO. !3C2tf ftROCKERY, ULSSWARE & GPOCERIES. J1& P. DOVNELLY ve ta storca large Htock of Crockerv ,'ilRsswRre NUMWarc.Cuilerj . GrnccrieB, &c. &c.,ll tü b öldl"luniisunUv low prirn tl281í J.fc P.DONNEI.I.Y . JOIIN G. GALL, 33E AX.-E3R TTT FRESE AND SALT ME ATS, tiAlm, St'S.GKS., OrlcrFoïicitel .Vnd promptly fillert wilh the heet ■Ml in Uw mniicet. Si BUI WMhlnglOD str et Aiui Arlior, Sept. Kth, ISO. 1235tf r ivêry"and"sal'k stablë. J. 3T. AXTEI.I., Corner Main and Catharlne strct-i. Horten fcttiS tdon réaRonablfï terms Second band bttggles, cutlers and hand harnees for 8a!e ■ lïiiyl V" ARKSEY, ëL$ïk Manatacturer of Carriages. Buggies, Wagons, AND SLEICJHS of every style made of the best Material, aad warrantcd. Repniring done pjoni.-tly J'4 iriou rt(iiial)lc Ueiruit ütreet, neur K. H. Depot, Auü Arbor.Mich. ISTOyl Jacob iiallek, 22 HURÓN STREET, CEA.ST OP COOK'S nOTEL.( UDIES' FINE GOLD WATCHES, GOLU AND S1LVER American and Swiss Watches OLD AND SILVER CIIAINS, JEWELRY, CLOCKS, &c " GOLD PENS, f he Pcrfccted Laiarne & Morris1 SPECTACLF8. GotoE.W.ELLIS & CO'b for choice Wines and Liquort for Medical Purposes . A. WIDENMANN, REAL ESTÁTE AGENT. ANK AKHOR, MICH. OFFEKS FOIR. SALE: 53 crps of land, nilhlnon half mllefrom tliecltv, tpbo so]i a whol, I t 'I' ' u ,-n Mctlna 1, Id th lort of Apa Arior borderl g M the ai "n ""' lua'' lt";i"f to Cor'nweUa' paper niH,ní on the u h on :g.itiMl.h líe nprthwest coraer of (lie Gorliatn iottá am'. toe ld Gotnwell Factor? rri'rt. fTliiioüeof the linn.i.-iiBies.t aituatlonit m iheneighborhoodoí AntoArbór.) 13 )f aera ImprovWJ laM joininit the abovel5 acres and fronting Gorhatn Rod. Forti acrr"f First Cla Farniinif T.anil. ív'.th (tood Ordhard nH( nrn, 2lí milcF. trom the Cuurt Boom . "" th uppet Dlxboro road. 1 croflandwKh new t-u story frn,p l.o-r, m, Thoopon. SP"' STln.iui-.on'. aodmon lo the City of Aun Albor . 7l0tl of % aero cch,on Thompson, SpooiSThomp scn's AtMiüou. 9 seres of lan.l, vrltl. a íplen.lili grove, jöibihï the in'í l'ark ou the W eêl. and jí Iota of Uii,!,itn Barn, Wkb. Kiiehea, CamgHou,ud a miniber of moain Improvementa, nn the nortbwttt comer ol Fonrth and Pactará etreeta 1 RouíeandLotln th2d Ward, on Soutli I.iberty 1 Honse mía .3 Lotl ín tli'eid Wsrí, nbarSJ Ward c!n"i 1 li(,:i 1 Houseand4 Lols.uearthe U.C.R.R. Depot. 20 acres of luid Inlho aouth of tlw ?t of UImouri , near tho Hannibal 4-St. Josi'plí ltailroad. ■1 CltJ 1 olp nrar 2.1 Ward SctiOolH'iusK TílTWideñmañn, FOREIGN EXCHAKGE BROKER, AKíT AIIBOR, MICO. SÏLLS AKD BUYS EEAFTS, ISSUES LETTERS OF fliEDIT ON AI.I. PRINCIPAL PLACES In GEKAT BKITaIN. i.KKMaN V, i ':,, -witBRLANI ,oto. Mj dic1 ■(■lup■"li"n itli Karope enaste meto offer " fJr rat iianj N Ion Bonn. ü -imi-iiiU i. I rrni iit an ttnt ..f :iy lioune i ii t!ii c-.iint" . li .:■ 1 un haring directeomBumlolo Euroi a OOLLECTIONS IN EUROPE BY l'OWI'R OF ATTORNEV OF! 0THERWI8E, WtU, 1!K I-KUM1'T1.Y A1TIWII) TO PA!SAG TICKETS por Stenmertfi ana from Xra York to all principal poriH ot Europa 1 wlll sení aolowsi From NeT Ynrk to SoothamptOB, Havre, I.ondon, Bieiuen, ur fhu, SB. S(iClad8. Stei-mt-'P, %io. $7'. ISSinGold. Kcturn tlckttB. '25. J-5 61 " " ' Frora abovo'plact'B to N'lAv York, 1 : Clai. SíClass. 3dClafB. tV-i) $T2. $0inGoU. Cabio, líSO tn SlDOCiirrency. gteerngf, Í3CI i" t'urrency. Froni Úrerpoo] to JSTuw i'ort.Cartn, Í100. Kt(-agv.í87. WÏD3BNM AÏÏ 3tT FIRE ÍSURAITCE AGENT Forthe Howard In'nranoe Co . In Nrw York one of the oldeat and begt Compatiiea in thec6untry. The Tontonll Insurjncn Company in pOTeland Th-e hoborable and safe mana fmeot of tUalnail' tution lias malv it one of :!ip inst reífabie Fire Insurauci' Coiupa in thi c. Ií67yl CUAS. A. LEITEK & 00., CIIAS. A. LEITEK &CO., CHAS. A. LEITER & CO., CHAS. A. LEÍTEK & CO., No. 1 Giegory Block, Nc 1 Gregory BJock No. 1 3regory Block Na, 1 Giegoiy Blcck, IST Sigñ 6'f ttte Gil't Mortar "3 tW Sign of the Gilt Mortar I ES" Sign of the Gilt Mórtar "3 tW Sign of the Gilt Mortar "I3 HAY!-: ,IUST OI'KXED BATE .ll'STOi'KNKD HAVE JDST OI'KNED HAVE JUST OPENEO The Finest Stook oí 'JThe Fineet Stock of ' ílneót Stock ot 1'he Fineet Stook of DRUGS AM) MEDICINES DRUGS AKD MEDICINES DRL'tiS AiD MDIC1,ES DBIGS AKD IED1GHK8 ÍN TtfE CITY. IN TUE CITY. ÍN THE CITY. IN TUR CITY. PURE WINES AUD LIQUOES F'-r Hedlelna] Pnrporifep. The Populm Iateni Mertf61n#sol tbdjr, and ever_vtliing kpt if ft rat - slftM On ■-■ Btoro. Ao EXCELLENT BRAND OF CIGARS. TRY THKM. Stile Apents in tHe City fór Otto & IteynWs celSI "UíílCAL AND JHSNTAL IXSTRU11ENTS y ESPECIAL ATTENTION G1VFN TO THE COMI'Ol'NIUNi; OF PHTSICIAS8' PRKSRIPTIoXS and KAMII.Y HEDIC1NRS. 1266 yK. C. B. POBTER, DENTIST. OtBce in the KEW BANK BLOCK, AHH AÈBOB Ml Operations on the Natural Teeth PERFORMEV WITH CAKE. UNSURPASSED FACILITIES AND EXPERIENCE SETTING ARTIFICIAL TEETÍl, TO GIVE EACII IXDIVlPtAl., Dtnturcs of the prnper tixe, tkape color, firmneêsand na al expretaion. 12-14 VyASHTENAW MUTUAL FIRE INS CO. NOTICE. Notice ís hercby trivcn t-hat a meeting rf tbe membersof the Washienaw Mutual Fire IiiMiiance Ocinlany will be hehl tM the Court House, in the city ol Ann Arbor. un Kriday, üie lei.lh day of Februnry at 11 o'clor.k Á. M. tu co'sictir the amend te the CharU-r, Artick-t if Asíociation, une: I Ity Law= of -Lai(i CompaDy. wbicb are proponed by the Cominiitec appoluteri to rovi-c tho '■uu-.n'ii tí adopt och to euch Cluirter, Anieles of Au ciatioi, tod By-I.uw. as to uch meeting .hal seem i-xpedient. Aun Arbor, Janunry, lOtti 1RT1. 3. G. LEL AND, President. KOUT. McOOLL, Director. 120tf V. HAi-ILTO.N, Secrctarj. Cirouit Court Rule, No. 103 NO ATTÜRNEY stiall be tlecmed tolmve appeareö in anv civil can; idmiM t tbi Court frora llnal ludgment renderen bj Jostlcw f the l'eaic nntil fc:li Attorney xhall havo entered h8 appear anee by rule In the common rule book. The loresolnff was ad pted as a rule of Court Decení;r31st,.ST0. j Clerk or the Circuit Court, Washtenaw Co,


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