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A Chicago Republican

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There hare been written, perhaps, a thousand romanocs rclative to the finding of children by their tender parents. Chicago oontaius a man wbo bag been made happy in a doublé Heuse - ho has discovered a fatbcr mourned as of the dead through seveuteen long year3, and the father aforsaid has discovered ia Capt. J. J Harrington, late of the Ninetieth Illinois Volunteera, and now of the Custom House, a fix feet three inches and two hundred nd twenty pounds avoirdupois inboritor of bis Dame and iortune. Near'.y twenty yoara gono by, Harrington, pere, lelt the shores of tho Green Island, to eek fumo and fortune in the brond territoria of the New World. Off the fojjgy coast of New Founoland, the vessel in which he sailed encounteved a slorm, and wal wrecked - nearly all on board perishing, Harrington was among the urvivorn, and cettlcd down in the nountry on tho shnres of whieh he waa oast away. The emigrant ?A left in his own land a young wifo nd scveral small ohildron. They left Ireland for America a few months latbr than the husband and fa'her. They expected to fjnd their riütural profebtnr in Now ïorlc, hut were bitteriy dootned to disappointtiiont. After wastingsome weeks in unavni;ing waiting and hoping, Mrs. Harringtbn aud her family fensibly followed ihe "etar of empire" - sottlin down in this State, nnd evntually in this city. Tho childrefl prew up to matniity, the motlicr ivas laid to res, and the exi.-tctice "f tlio fathcr was almost forgotten. Capt. Jack was always n stiri ing boy, a c when the war broke out, he ehoulderd a musket with the brave Nineiieth, and won his cuptain's "bars" ou nuny a fielj of fame. Wheo peaco was proclaimed, he returncd to civil litV, and was patronized by l'uclo Saín. Threo days ago ho received a letter. He opened, read, and stood transfixed ! It was from his father. The old mrin bad heard of liis family tlirnub gome Cbieagoá,n v.'uo lind visited the land of codtiáh, and h lost, no time in liis acquaintarice ♦ïth thoso so dear to hitn by nature. He hïd writen to Irelsnd, had heSrd the fa:n;lv had left thsre for America - traeod them to New York, rud :ost eight of tlioin for many wefiry years He concluded they were dead, and endeavored in pnauofnl toil to drown his grief. In those years of indugtry be hd managed to aequire a competönoe, and ratnained true to his li?e. He invites the preaenee of his son, nnd in a few weeks Capt. Jack will shape bis course to that island "lar abroad, Where sailors gang to lish for cod." Amid the deuae fogs of that latitude those so strnngely sundered shall be uaited, nd the curtaiu of peaoe ehall ei.velope thetn.


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