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The Motley-fish Imbroglio

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We notice that the prees gcnorally, in disoussing the Motley-Fisu correspondenoo, side with tho Secretory and pronounoo the Minister ' used up and done tor." This niay be, though wo confesa that it is nol so entirely plaio to us. - Mr. Motlbï oornplaiued that he had Deen loft in ignorance of any dissatisfaolion with bis official couraa until his resgnation was asked for ; while Secretary FiBB cites a dispatoh ïmldly dissentïng from the versión of his instrucons aud the position ia whioh he placed the admiüietration when first "proaented at court." The "reproof" was so mild tbat Motlky "didn't see it," and yet never ave further offense in the same direetion. And this slight indisoi ttion gave Gkant the sulks, implatited distru-t in lis bosora, and causcd a witbdrawal ol coufidcnce froin Moti.ey. In this wo think the Fresider.t acted a vcry childisli part, and that it would have been uian!y to have reealled M.OTLBI at oiice or condono as well as ovcrlook the offenso. But there is another feature of the affair vtiiich bas uot been couimented upon, and which shows viciousness on the part of the President and bis Secretary, or at least a desir to mnko Motley a scape-goat ív th.r Bhort-oomiogs, and let his devoted head reeoive tho curses which oughi to have fullea upoo Iiis official superiors. For month Motlet. naa boea denouticed as beinj in syinpa thy with Englaud, as not huving ihe confidence of his Government beuause of such syinpathy, and such yinpithy and such laok of coofideQce bas been assigned as the reason for not intrusting tho Alabama cluiins io hicu. Knowing that theso représenla' ions wero false, Messrs. Gkant and Fwa have never wbispercd a correelion, and cffi;rve?cing correspondeats and emull beer p diticians have courted thcir favor by repeating them. It now turns out that though Motlky was uot ia exsct conoord with the Presideat, it was not btseause he was too taine in assertiug our c'uima, but becauso the President was waiting tho "cooling time," without at tbc samo timo haring tho courage to father the delay. That is, ia plaia vvords : tbe public have been permittod and incitud to damn Motley as a donotbing, while the breaks were put on at Washington. - This may be creditable to Grant and Fisii, but we do not so see it. The House has uiianiinously passed a bíll providing for a compilation of the general laws of the Stale, and it is thought tho Sonate will conour in the saine, though it haa a bilí of ita own pending. It próvidos for a compiler (to bc elected ia joint ooaveation); for two commissioners to examine his work; for tho printing of 10,000 volumes, half to be comnleted and deDOfited in the office of the Secretary of State on or before the first day of November next, and the other half on or before the first of January nest - the wbole of two montbs later ; and against the priuting of a private edition (rom the same forms. Tbe compiler ia to receive 2,000 for collating, oompiling, and supevintending tho printing and biudiug, und the commiesioners each $350, unnecessarily large pay if tho compiler is competent and he must be to complete the work n the time given hini. - Kvport saya that a number of candidates aro boing pressed upon tho Legislature for tho position of compiler. - Perhapssuggestions from usare not wanted, but wo venture just one, and that s that the best interests of the Stale would be subserved by electing Judge Coolf.ï eompüer. He has once compiled tbe laws, knows how to go to work, and can complete tbo job quioker and better than an iuexperienced man. - Siuce the above paragraph was put in type the Judicmry Ootnmittee of the Senato bas rpported adversely to tbe House bilí. It prefers the Sennte bill wliich Drovidea for the present bindiog of only half the edition, and othcr wiso differs slightly. That President Gkant i a model of franknes?, iogenuousness and bonest simplicity is no longer to be doubted. Witiiüms bis declaration to Commissioner VVhitk that "he was earnestly anxious to havo everything (touching the San Domiogo fFair) probed to the bottom," nnd hisfurther remark ("Truihful James" liko) to tbe same gcntlaman, and with a broad smile, "that he'wanted all villainy exposed, if they could fiod any, and special search to be made for thoso lots on Samaoa Bay, eaid to be marked, Grast, Babcock & Co.." Such candor aa that must disarm stiepicion and silence clamor, notwithstanding the malicious reporte of suppressed documonts which possibly might givo tbe public somo light in advance of the report of tho juuketing conimission. Üzora P. Stkarns haa been elected to the United States Senato, to fill tbe v.icancy caused by the doath of Senator Nortox of Minnesota, and whose term of office would have expirud the 4th of Marcb nest, Senator Stearns graduated in tho Literary Department of tbe University in 1858, with the degroe of B. S , and in the Law Department iu 1860. His wifo is a sister of Mrs. Jas. B. Gott, of this city. We are jleased to chrouielo his Buccess. The Deraocraey of New Hampshire are in the field for the coming election in March, having nominated Jame A. VVkston for Governor, and David Gilchiust for Railroad Commissioner. A good and strong ticket, and sucocbs i counted on. - Mr. Gilchrist has a brotber resident in our city, a partner iu the firm of tíiLCURiai & Tbkmain.


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