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Ferry Is Elected

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Tho Legislature has ratifiud the nomi nation inndo by the Republican caujin, and Tnos. W. Fbbry ia lo he a member of the Uuited Statos Sennta fur slz yuars fiom tbo Fourth of Mnrch nozt Each house ballotcd ou Tuosday, vrith the following rasult : BenaU - For Thomas W. Ferry, 24 " Henry N. Waiker, Absent three membors, all Republicana. Jfonse - For Thomas V. Ferry, 70 " IUnry N. Walker, 29 Absent one uiouiber - a Diinocrat. Tho two bodies met in joint conventiou on Wednesday, comparcd nominatioris, nud FKRity was declare 1 elec.tod. "Tiiil o.iks Irom littlc acorns grow." Witiiin the present weck United States Sunators have been eleoted from several States, as follows, eacfi for the full term of BÏx yoars frooj the 4th of Maroh noxt : From Delaware, Levi Saulsbuky, Dom., te succeed his brother. The Batardb and Saylpburyb have foreclooed a rnorfgige on Delaware. From Illinois, Gen. John A. Looan, llop., to suceeed Dicu Yates. Ilon. Thomas J, Turner was the Democratie candidato, and figuring tho vot3 of the two houses togethor, it slood : Logan, 122; Turner, 8&. From New Jersey, Hon. T. F. FkrLiHOnDïiKN, Rep., to succued Cattell, uls'i iicpublicaa. From Alaiue, Ilon. Lot. M. Morrili., Rep., to suceeed Limself. Abkam Sanuok.n was the Democratie caudidate, receiving 1 vote iu tho fseuate and 27 in the House. Gov. Chamberlaix, Rep., aleo had 6 votes in the House. Morrill'b vote nggregated l'J.5. From Maasachusett, Hon. Hexry Wilsox, Rep., as his own sueceesor. Joiix Quixcv Aiiams receired the Demooratiu vote, 4 in the Senato aud 32 in the llouso. Wendell Piiulips, as the Labur cauiidato, had one voto in tbo Señale and 10 in the House; Dawes had 3 votes in the House, and John Wells Browii, 1. Wilson's vote ggregatod 222. From Minnesota, Hoo. Vsi. Windom, Rep., to eucceed Hon. O P. Stearb, just elected as suocessor of Norton deceased. From Missouri, Gen. Frank P. Blair Duinocrat. The Senate having nominated Henderson, Rep., by a vote of 17 to 13, with two absentcei ; and tbc House Blair, by a vote of 87 to 43, tho election took place in joint convention, Blair receiving 102; He.ndersox, 59; and Benjamin, i. From Nebraska, P. W. Hitciicock, Rep., to succeed Senator Thayer. The Legislature is actively at work, receiviDg petitions, introducing and maturing bilis. So fr tho legislation has been mostly local and special, the important billa not having come in. We notice too great a disposition to amend flofliy lnw nn t.Ho öfnhifn Iwï.. parkajo we phould eay alter, for they rasy be altered without beiDg letteredt which is presumed by amendment. - Petitions are nuraerouj for a chair of Homeopathy in the University ; and Supervisors' resolutions alao, for a repeal of tho law establishing a County Suporintondent of Schools. Porter has oome out ahead at last, and a full-pledged Admiral. He W8g confirmod by tho Senate on Friday last, and can now utter with good reason that truisrn we remomber reading ia Webstek's old "Elementary Spelling Book" : "Friday is just as lucky a day as any oher." There were twenty absentees - as Senators get ont 5,000 a year they can scarcely be expected to be preeent in their Beats when measurea are pending not specfally anö financially interesting thom - whioh bas caused eonie soured acribblor to intímate Ibat it might have been different with Porter with a full Senate, but what does he care for that. All hail "Admiral Porter." The three Commissionera appointed 'lto do" San Domiügo, are : Ben. Wade, of ühio, who bas been out of office and government employ an uncnmfortably long whüc for him; President White, of Cornoll ; and Dr. S. G. Howe, better known as "tho busband of Julia Wakd Howe." Sigel having decliced the Seerctnryship, because somo one had intimated that ho was not sufliciently versed iu Spanisb, Allen G. JJurton, of Ky. once Minister to Bogotá, was appointed in his stead. Now, wo shall see eee what we shall seo. Tin-: substance of the cable dispatches is that the Freuch are moeting daily defeat in the departmenls, and tho bombarduient of Paris progresses. The Prussian Bhot and nholl penotrate into the city ; dwellings, ohurches and other publio buildings are reported destroyed ; and women and childred killed in their beds. It is a tale of horror. When, will the end come ? Thk Tcunessee sailed from New York Tuesday ofternoon, with the San Do miogo Commissiouers, Secretary, assistant, reporters, attaches, and hangers-on. - Cungress having San Domingo off its haads for a few veek9, has turned its attention to further reconsti uction of tho Southern States - wbich wouldn't vote Republican. The Connecticut Deinooratio State Convention was held on Tuesday, and tho followiog candidatea nominated by aoulamation : Governor - James E. Engllsh, Lieut. Govefiior - Julius flotchlclss. Becretary of State- Tilomas BL Weller. Treaanrer - Charles M. Pond. Comptroller - Sotli II. Logan. The torritories of Colorado, New Mexico, Washington, and Utah, are eaeh aud all knocking at the doors of Congrcss and askingadmission as Statee. Neither has tho population entitliog it to sacii rank, but more Radical Senators are wautcd.


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