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PILEBEMEDY WariiftirH llltí Itriucriy lias ni ver failed (not ?vmi In one case) to cure t vi-ry worst oa8 of Blind, liching or Bleedinp Pilos. Thoac who are atllictrd sWmM imniediatoly rail on the ir arnggfet and eet WARNHt'a PlU RsaBDY, It is expre-siy Tor tii o Pi les, and is not recommendod to cure any other Jiseaee. Jt has cured niany cnses of over thirfv yeara ptanding . Price üue Dollar, tor sale by druxfristii t-verywhere pysipepsia.Wtrner! ly&pjsta Tonfc is prepared exprese 1? for Djapeptics and thoae su nering vito habitua! Citslivi'iicsa. Jt is h Hlijjht slimuhttinp tut, ie and a ■plendidtppetlnr j It atnngthenB the stom. ach and reatorefl the riigent i v e organt? to Ilieiv heall hj state Weak , nnrvous and ie por pons ihOnld nee Waknek's Ivppkpsia ' "or Rale by dniiígint. Pnce One Dollar. COÜGH NO MORE." Vniiin t'cKili Italsnin is hvaüng, boftening anf expectoratinsf. The extraoi dinary power it poOBMf in cly reli6TÍDgi and evcntually cuiing the most obstinate cases f Coughs, Col da, Sore Tli mat , Bronchitis, Influenza, Cntarrh, BoarSADAMi AnUim. and Conftutnii]on isa'nn .stincrerilblo. o prompt is the relief and ceitain lts pffect" in all the above case s, or .in y afféotlun Of be throa and langa that thousands of ph' BletaiM :l? e daily p roKcri')itiL; it , a in' on e und all say that it is the most healiu and e-Npectorating raedicin; knnwn . Une rioco ahvays ftlTtrtlrf rohof, tDd in mot CAWt one bottlö efleot a cure, ttold by drogglt, in larfte bottlos. Prico One Follar. It is your own fault f you fttill cougb aikí sullVr. The Balsam n ill c u re . WISTE OF1 LIFE. The greivt Blood Pa rifier and Ti)icious Drink Warnei'i Vltiuin Vliw, or "Wlnc f IjIIc s f ree f rom any pofftOnOttfl droga or impnrities, be ing prepart! (or tbostt wbo rquire a eliniulart . I is a splendíd app'tizer and tonic, and t h , BoQfl thlnffln tlie wond ín r purifying the blood. It i-; il,o moet plessant and delicious article ever offert'"! t o the public, far superior to brandy, whisky, trina li Ucis, or any other article. It is more helth v and cheapcr. Both ninle or female, vounp or oíd, can takc the Wint f Lift. It Ís, in fnct, a life protervcr. lËbost who wish to onjoy (,'Ood health ntiT a f rea Ilow of li vely epirils, will do wel! to tafee the Wíbq of Life. It r dilTerent from any thing ever bafora n uso. It is oM by -Iruggisla ; also by all rsupa tab le saloí)D. Price One Iicllar, in quart boitlee. EMMENAGOGUE. irTTTTTmuniPTrim-iw- iimriwilili niui Wni"ir' 1K?ni-iingoj;ue is the onlj article known to curt1 tbfl White, O i'l cure in even case.) Whsn is the famitj in vbtofa tbin Important P pot antedi ÏIo$bers, Ibis ia lh ereat cfit lilcesiiifr evcry otfered you , afi'l vtui ifiou !! lomedia tel y procure ií. Itinnlsoa enre cure for Feto n U '. ri i'L'ulíinti' ■; , ai:il 1 1 : i v be depend tipon In every case whure the moiitïilv Hovr has been obitraetad ihrmifïh cold or dtsmVfl). Sold by drogtrlsts Prict One 1 'ciliar. Or aent !y mail onreceipt oí One Dollar and a Q.iarter. OIO State Strret, Clilcno. PAHRANl), SIIKLKY & CO. Wholesale Agent, Oetiint. Fot sale by Eberbach & Co.,and R. W. Ellis & Co, T UMBER YARD. C. KRÁPF, TJin ft large sml well ftodced T.nmber on Jffsra n Street, In tlio routh part of the? Cttvi "'' wil ki ii constnnily on lmud :n ixci'lleut varicly of LUMBER,SHINGLES,LATH&C which wlll be Fold as low as can be aftorded in tl.'s mHrket. Quality and prices such that NO ONE KEEB GO TO DETFvOKc. itnAPF. Anu Arbor; Janmiry 40th, 1STI. S6 PÜKÑITÜRE. J. KECK CO. Manufacturera, wholosale and retail dealers in AND UPHOLSTERY GOODS OP EVERY DESCRIPTION, We Manufacture our goods and will not be Undersold by any HOUSE EAST or WEST. ÜNDERTÁKING! We Keep Constantly 011 Hand a fu 11 assorímcnt of WOOD, METALIC, CLOTH COVEEED CASES -AKTID COFFINS which will be sold at prices 80 LO W as to defy all Competitiou. Sales Room 52 Soulh Main St., and 4 West Liberty Streel. SWANUFA CTORY ! Comer of Williamand WestFourtü St. J. KECK & CO. jpOR CASH TOUCAN BUT Lumber, Lath and Shingle AT A BARGAIN, AT THE YARD OF C. SUTKERLAND & CO. AniArbor.January.lSTO : 1252 rFlïSKJÏAl' PBESCRIPTIONS ACCURATELY AND CAREFULLY PREPABED BY R. W.ELL18 á ÜO.,DRUOGIS1S. i ' QOOD NEWS! Al ARBOR WILD WITH K0TIWT! HIGH PRICES EXTEKMUfr ATED! S. SONDHEIM HAS JCST BETURNED FBOM WITH THE LAHGHIT AND BEST SELECTED STOCK FALL AND WINTER CLOTfflWQ r.vrs miusiim; GOODsf TRUNKS, TALISES, SATCHELS, &e., &., 4w., TIIAT HAS EVER BEE BIIOCGHT 10 TH CITY, W'HICU HB WILLISELL Cheaper than the Cheapest fer Cash. ALSO A FINE 1ASS0RTMKNT O CASSIMEllffi, C0AT1NGS, and VESTING WHÍCH'nK WILL MAKE ITP TO OKDÈK IlV THE BEST STYLE, AND WARRAKTED A FIT OrVO SALr. What Johnson has IJS hai a Kr stock o( HATS & CAPS I For tba Fall hd VTjnter tradc- the bet i to n He h.-ii i ful 1 line f LADIES' AND GENTS' FURS Kew Styles na bist quallty MANUFACTURED TO ORDER. íle has a füll stock Of Gents' Furnishing Goods Glurés, nobitry, Collar, Tits, Cravatt firo He has everything in his line And he wont bt atidersold. That's Wiiat JOHNSON Haa 7 South Main St , Ann AnBOR. COMPLETE STOCK OF iW Al SEASONABLE GOODS, NOW BEING RECEIVED BY FINLEY & LEWIS. WÉ ASË THE PARTICULAR ÁT1ENTI0X OF BIJYEES xo 0JRL1BGE STOCK OF Kip & Calf Boots, ÏI AVE BY HAND BXPRESSLY FOR_.OÜR TBABB.


Old News
Michigan Argus