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On WodneaAay, Jnnuary 2:1 í h, beftreen the resMenee l'nt'. Tiii.1 and the Catbolio Chnrch, a VÚB CAPE. The tinder will bo liberally rew.irdod for letonting the mime to the residence of l'rof. b, or the store of C. H. Jlill. Aun Arbor, Jnn.SCth, isri. 13O61 ryïssÖLÜTioN. Hy mutual consent wo this dop dissolve the co-partpership Itnown as Bioe&FuUer. All occoonta and Indebtodness of said firm ure to be settlod by lï. p. liice, fiiicl the fnininiMM will bo continuad, at'tlicold atona by him. B. F. KICK, J. T. FULLEE. Ann Arbor, Jan. 23d, 1871. All my old customean and trisada in neotl of boots and flhooh or mWier gooda, will alwbys fiñd as good au ttasor Uuent, and u low nteea na atanpLaoeintlké city. ;iml mix deaïnw, Work made to óixlor ;uid repniriiis done promptly. B. F. RICE. KT E W T GOLD LOAN. SAFE! PROFITABLE! PERMANENT! JAY CÖOKE & CO. OftVr for 8:ile at Par and Accrued Interest, the FIRST MORTGAGS LAND GRANT GOLD BQND3 QY TUB Northern Pacific Eailroad Co. These bonds are fcecured, frsf, by a First Nfortirage 011 tho Kailroad itclf, Ub rolling stock, and all equipment ; ieoond, by a First Hortgage on its cutiré LandOrant, baing mora than Twanto-Two Thousainl Acrja ot' Land to each milc of road. 'i'lie Bonds are Mee from United States Tax : tho Principa] and Interen aro payable d goU -ihe Priu cipal at tho end of Thii ty yenrg, and the Interest ■-t'ini Anuiialiv, at the rato of Seveu and ThreeTenths Per Cent per aunum. They are Issued ;n denominations of $100, $--00, tl ,000, ts,(,oo and tl" , 0. Th Tnistücs ondel tlie MortMye are Messrs Jay Cooke, of Pdiiaiielphia, and TT. Eiigsr TbomtODf PreMdeut of tho Pennsylvanla Central Kailroad Company. . Thoe Xorthoru Pacific 7-30 Boüda will at all times bofore jnaturity, bu receinbleat Tek Vn ( E.r. 1bk mi cm. for 1 ,10j . in oxchuige for the Company's lands at thetr lowcït cash priceIn addltion to thcir absolute salety, lliec Bonds yicld an Income largeriwe beltéyêi than anv other nnt-clastsocnrlt; Pergans holding Ur.ited State 5.20'n can. by oonTertlng tliem int Northern Pacillo [oaf tncfease tb'firyeftily locóme one-fAirtf, and stil 1 hft' u periVctly reliable iuvestment. Huw TO GKT TllKM.- Your niarcst Bank or Banker will mppiy these Bonds in any ilosired omountt and f any ntfeded denominatloa. Persons uistiiiií; lo .'xc!miiLe Btcks or othür bonds ior these can ño ao with any of our Agenta, who will allow taehicheitenrrentprlcefOT all maiketable sectirities. Those living In l'rations rimóte frem Banks, may Bood money or othor bonda, dlrectly to na b' cxprea&t ;uii wc will fond back X' rthern Paclflc Bonda at onr own risk, anc u itliont c ut to th" inveslor Kor furthvr Information, iiamplilcts. mops.elc . cali on or addre Ihe anderngncd, r any of tho Banks or li'inkors employed Lo sell this Loau rOE SAi.N BY T1IH FlíiSr NATIONAL 15ANK. HE SA VINOS I!ANK. MILLBB t WJJISSTEK.BANKERS. And üankers gcncrally throuahout the State. lBOOStem. Go toR.W.ELLlS & CO's for choice Wines and Liquors for Medical Purposos . IIIGIiLY IMPORTANT NOTp ! ! I OFFËft UY ENTIRE STOCK DOMESTIC, FANCT Aïïfi M1LLIMERY GOODS, -A.T COST AND IiESS THAN OOST, TO SAVK 5ÍOVINO THEM IhTO MY NEW STORE, No. 43 South Main St, BY TüE let OF S1ARCH NEXT: STORE TO LEASE, INQiriKK OP CHAS. FANTLE. 130Cw4 jpi:l,:e remedy. tVitriier'a PÏli Remedy tut oever fat led foot eren In one rasi'j ín euro tho very vont ensea f Blind Itching or Bleedlng Pll-. Those who aro üfHiitf tl BhonTd Imntedtatcly cill on their clmgpipt and zei ir. fr It irlll, witn the fint applicaties, n8t:mtly affurd complete relief, anl a few folio wing applkdtini ure only rcqniriul lo effect ft permanent ourü withoiu ftüj troubfa ur ínconvcnícnce in lts USO Waru's Pili VnnoT la expresa)} ft the Piles, and it it not recomnicmled to cure any other diseñan. It cnred many cases of over thïrty yesrs standiurr. Pricc Olie Dollar. Fot -ale by diuiata everywhero, XSTO MORB VEAI NERVES, WariiKr'n Dyspeptla Tonto i? prepared cxpreeftly fbr Dyapeptlw and tnoso pofTerrag f rom w a' nerviB witli habitual OonatlpifcUan. Tlureare vorj few who hsvo notenkployodphyafciana for vcars to remedy wha.1 Chía prepbmtJtn "will do in afew vroétoi 'y sCrength unios the korvet, enriching the circtilatlon. restoring digofttióQ, pJTlng etrenth Tnntnlly umi piiv-ÍL-ally. enabïlng tfto WTio iViay have been c nfiucd lor reara to thelr moms a Inval ids to affniu resume their occnpallons aod all the duties of Ufe. One trial Ia all we aak to enable thla rpniedy to rciconimcnd itui'If to tht; most skcptlcnl. Il ix a ftlfghtly BÜmolating touic and upplmdid appoli.' atreugihena (ha atoraadb anrt rcatorea iiie L'fncniiive orgaoa and, digestión to a normal henlthy öt'ire. Wcak nervou and djr&peptlc persons ttiou)d ase WiEitiB Dï8PeP8i omc, For nalt by druggists. Piice One Dollar. Warner1 ( uuli ISnlsnm [ñ hralin, o'touIng and expectora Uog. The extraordlsary powërR poss'SHep, jmmcdiittely rellovlng, and eVííriui:illy curii] lt the most obstinate oaaoa oí Congna, ("oids, Sore Throati Brouchitls, LufinQDzA, Catarrh, Eloarsenen, Aathnaaod onMimptiou, is aJmoét looredlblé. Bo prompt i% the relief odcertatn it effect iu all tinaboTQ cases, or aoj afleciloil ut Ui" throai and tiuigs, thai thousanils of phyidotaiis are preeraibicg it. uut onc and all s:iy tliat ft La the most Dealing hu] eipec' medicine knovL. One dse always afl -nis relier, atid in ït.osr cases nc botlle eflcct? a cure SoM by all drngl8Ui in laucbtUea. ice On e Dollar, Itii? to ir own fault if yi a still congb and suflor. Thé Balsam wil! oure. Tlie great Blood Pnrlfler and Deüciotis Drink, WarutHi Vltium Vltw. Or Wlnc r Ilfr, [a free trom any pofsonons drugs ;r i mpnrfttes, belng prepared f r thoc who rejqtttre a Btfmaiaat; It is a Bpleodld apiK'tizerand touic nnd the Onest t liin in the world lor pnrlfjrtng the blood. It is the riiost plcaBant aid deücloiis articl ever ofl'ered to th public, lar supsri' r to brandy, vrfilskcy. wlne, Bittert, or any other arffols It is more nealthy andebetiper. Boih male and fam&lei yonng or oíd, eau tak the VTiiiL-ol' Life, It is, in fací, a lífo prescrwr, Xhose who wlsh to enjoy good Itealth BOd a free flow of livclj eplrlta, wflldo well to take thn Wino of Life. It Is dinerent fr m anythlng ever before in ne. it Is eold by all dntgglsta. Plice Ooe Dollar, iu quart bottles, Tbmmenagogue. Uftnn'iKmmi-iiut;ojiíf 'm lbo only artkle knowD tu er. re the Whitrs, : w ]] cure in evry case) Whereis tho family in which ihls important mödlclne i uot ivantedf nothers, thbt iu the greatest blepsio ver offered yon and you ehoutd Immedlfttely procuro It ia p-lso aaurecure for Pemale Irregular! ti-B, aud m.ty be depended upon in every case where themonlhly (löw Int boen obatrncted thcnngb cold or dist .iu. Sld by Prict One Dollar. Estáte of Norman Marsh. STATE OP: MICHIGAN, Connty ofWashtenaw.s Atasestion of the Probate (Jourt f)r ttieCouxity of Washtcnaw, holtleu at the Probate Office, ín the t-lty of Ann Arbor, on Satiuday, tlie fourteenth day of JamiAry, in the year one thoueaud eight hundro.'i apd seventy-one. Fresen t, Iliram -J. Hikf.-.-Tndgeof Probate. Iu the matter of the Estiite oJ Nuixnan Marsh, deceased. On roadinprinrl rlling the petition, duly verified.o: Freeman P, Gaiptu, Administratie, prayiog that he muy be 1 een cd t' t-11 certain rel etttte whereoi gaid dece:isi'(l died seisod, Thereupon it isOrderod, that Monday, the twfntvsuventh any of Febrnary next, at tel. o'clock in tlli foreuoon, be asslgned t'orthe hearing ofaaid jetitiou and that the beln at law of s:üii deceaaed, and al] Other pörsoïie Lntersted in Bald estáte, are requireí to aipear at n session oi'said Conrt, then to bt holden at the Probate Offiin the City of Ann Arbor, asid show cáU8e,Íf any there bo, why theprayer oftln petitioneraboiikl uot borran tod: Aud itisfurtheror erdedjthat said peÜUoner ve notice to the persom Interested in said estáte, of the peudenoy oftaid pettion, and the hearing thereof, by cansinga copy c: this Order to be pabllsued in tho Michigan Argv% f newwpapi-r primcdiuid clrciilatlng In said Couuty, foursacecsive weeks previous to said day of lieai ÍAtrnecopy.) IIIRAM .T.1ÏEAKES, ISOGtd Judireof Probate. pÖïICE." The stooklmlilcrs of the Detroit, Howell & La&alng Baüroad Company are reanested to meet at the office of Win, U. weaaon, in Detroit, in the Connty oi Wayne, on Thonday tbc tbirlieth day of larch, nest, át fcwo oVfloofc in the ufh-nioon of aaid day, to t ; t k l ■ ander cimsiiUTution nnd net pon, and npprove or disapprove, the agreement to oonMudate s;iid Company with the lonin and rwwfag Baflroad Company, whioh said asreement made between the Boürdsói DiiectorB of tEe said Compcmies, duly eBonted, will then be placed belbre the stockholden of the Detroit, HoweU t.v Lanaing lïailiuad Company tbr their anproval or diaápDroval. A full attendanoe is renuestcu. '1. T. l.VO.V, Beey Detroit, HoweD Jind ltailroad Co. Dat cd, Jnonar) 21st, 1871. 13uüw4 , ____ VyASHTENAW MUTUAL FÏRE INS. CO. NOTICE. Notice is hereby gtven tliat a mectiug of the members üf tlie WlhtDw Mutual Fire Intuiauce C'cmpftii}- will he held at the Culirt House, iu the city ol Ann Arbor, on l'rnlay, the tenth day of February next. at 11 o'cïoclc A. M( t11 co:isidfr the araend, ment t the CharttT, ArtiGlM of Asiocialion, anti Iïy-L:iwu of said Company, whh-h aro proposeil by tho Committce appolntod to revine toe tame, nnd to adopt toch aniendTnentB to ench Charter, Artic!o of Ansuciatio", and Hy-Liiws, as to ?uch moetinp 5hall seem i-xpedient. Aun Arbor, January. 1Oth 1S71. .1. (i. LF.LAKD, President. BOB'T. McCOLL, Director. 1204U W. HAMILTON, Secretarj. 0 T I CE! -A.. LAFFHEY, Miaster Builder ! AND CONTRACTOR, wonld iufortn the citizens of Anu Arbor and viciuity that hü is uow ready to Furninh Plans, Specifieationi, and give ettimatox, and make contract for all kind of building. tW Will do all kinds of Jobbing in hls line. Shop rear of Miller Lnlck'a Planini; Mili. Detroit Street, Ann Arbor. 13)6w4 'pEOPLE'S DEUG STOrín-í R. V. ELÜS & CO.


Old News
Michigan Argus