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■-Growing longer- tlie d8W. ._Thc best piaster - " slini piaster." - In good demand- coal, wood, and tjloktrs. _ 187 fcet down- the Main street bore .jestenlay_ Xhta mthibcr of the Auous biels good 'bj-to Jammry. iforseveral liays. j. Judge Bhown, of Kalamazoo, was lu toffii ft teW lsfys agkEviJence of wisdom - subscribinx anl mji'sf ir "c Augcs. _lasessioi) TV'ediitisday- Uie Exccutive ■Oomiuittcc of the Aíífk-'iltural Society. _Xn excellent cró)"6f ice is bcing liar'Wfttd. Look out for p:ih:s ncxt snnnner. _Crzy - the Jackson Citizen, over the locition of the M. C. H. R car and repair - LastWednesday was the annf-'er.iry ■of the birth of Robeht Bubns, the Scotch poet. - Tlie kmgüts lempiar oí mis cuy are .■preparing for grand time - Fcbrmr.-y tbe 8th. Over 7,000 peoplc were in town last Mondar, DOtMtbstanillDg the blustcrifig, told wcatlier. - Tlic Ypsllantl Commercial lir.s been ipibllsblng " Jeremy Train - Hia Drice" as i Kriul poein. - Prof. Cückku's Sunday afternoon Icctjrea- In the Law I.ecture Room- are Urjftly attoudcd. - Si?cil notice to the boya - cat skins briDg ö cent apiuce. We hope to have fetver feünu serenailcp. - " A.s the (lays begin to lengthen, the totóbcf;ins to strengihcu," is au cirt sayr.iï. Who believes it? l:_Xbrick building t5 to Ie erected early ntiVSvrlug, on Fom-th ïtrwt, jtftt back olj Suffáas & So 's store. - Closcs bis lucttrreï this week - Prof. C'sosur, and xocs to the I.img ísiaud Col lege lioiitl, N. Y. - Failed- tiie knowledgo seeking stranger, tu flud a card of any Ann Arbor bauk w b.inker in the Ancus. - The Dexter train now goes vast at ■805 a. m., ingtcad of 7:10 as hereïoforc, }lon iy moruing included. - The pork trade has nriy collapsed, 'but we re fully onviuced there are phenty of hogs yet in the country. -The Presbyterian Chureh óf t'liis city live extended a cali to Rev. B. Öcnderlaxd, of Waih'mston, D. C. - The mail train going west was threc hours late yesttrdny. 'Cauíe, a smash up ofafreight train at tlie Jniiction. - Serení officers 6f tiré T. A. A. and X. R R. Company have gorré to BuKiraore - prospectitig. Succes'í. te tlïert. - Humor lias It that " Cook's Hotel " i to le rebuilt next sumi&cr, and V hope that rumor is a truth-teller for onco. - Prof. MAtHEW, principal of the State Normal School has resignad. Also Prof. 'Oriffith, of the Chair of Elocution. - A little more of the " beautiful snow '' ould be gladly hailed by the "merry belles" ofthls vicinity- dittotherestof us - Prof. Wich;bi.i dolivered liis tostare ïon " World-Making," at Sagiuaw City b Toesday eveuing. ■= Évery lawyer and physician in tlie títy oght 'ti have a professional x;artl iu the Aitóuss awl'cver.y mcchauic and'tradesoiiii], also. - The Seuate Üoflimitïee ou Public Instruction, and the Ilouae 'CoinmittKe 011 Education are to visit the Üniveísity, on Tuesdiy next. - Prof. Watson arrived home on Satur■dayevening last, looking hale aud lioarty, and reports a pleasant trlp, with satisfaclory observations of the eclipse. - The Webster Societv of the ity, and the Adelphi, of Detroit, hold a ■discusslon Feb. 14tli. Tlieme : Chinese Immigratlon. - A. barn belonging to W. W. Tubbb, of Bcio, aome three miles to the northwest of the fcity, 'bucned last Thursday evening. Fulljr insured iiithe Washten&w Mutual. - J. H. Hickb has returned from an extended visit to " Oíd Virginia." JSays he Ukes the climate and soil, but thinks some niighty poor farming has been doue down b&t way. - Dr. Cbosbt lectured in the Congregatlonal Church on Tuesday evening, for the benent of the " New Church Fund." Sub ject : " The Wit, llumor and Courtesy of he Bar." - Eider Knait, the noted revivalist, commeuced a series of meetings at the Baptist Church on Sunday last. Meetings Wbeld at 6 o'clock a. m., and 4 o'clock '., daily. - A. new city ordlnauce - as advertised -prohibits the feeding of any horses or ttle in certain streets " betweeu First "4 Hurón streetg," can Pbttibone lócate liattcrritory ? - We are pleased to hear that Johh Starkweatuer, iujured by being pitched into the ditcU along wlth his sulky, at a Oísing of the Detroit and Hillsdale railad, is getting along finely. - A Inbune correspoadent chronicles "an attempt at black mail" in this city, but other cali it by another name, and as a Judicial ventllatlon Is probable, wc potPn fatails and numes. - TIic water-house at the cast end of the depot cauglit lire about 3 o'clock r. M. 01 Ktonday last. Uy the prompt aid of the Firo Department i spread of the flre to tht passenger depot, but a few feet distant, was prerented. - By Guekn has been sued at Jaoluon and JLirtgineih obf'ilned against liim, for eoods whlch lie claimeil he took on commissioii. And Uien Bv liad oue of the principal witncsses'árrestcd on a charge of perjory. - Prof. CitosHY and Dr. pROTiitxGHAM (rent io Jackson soniPdi3fs ngo, and removed a 1 1.J Ib. tumor from the rlght thigh of Mis. Klt.kk Hy.v.v, who Kas slnce died, the uervous shock belng too crcat for her systcih. - The Ypsilantl Commercial complains that Prof. WisniKLi. recelved 45 for a reeeut lcciure beforc the Normal Lyceum, wh!eh it pronounces " tlrst'bUss." Delivered by one of the traveling lecturers it would liave cost $150. Isn't the Commereinl unreasonablc ?


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