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Astounding Charges

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Tho followiag axtound ai chargeB, made bv Wm. Welb, f the Indi?n Pouoe Üommiision, are contained in a letter addresscJ to Vincent Collyer, his aeB')oiate, to tbi effcot. llon. Vincent Collytr : Mï Dkau Sir: You aak mo if my statements of iuiprovideuce or some tbiug worae, in thu Indiao Department are ful ly gustained by the bootts and vouohera. A delibérate üxamioatiou has revealed faeU oven worse than my state mentís but as the investlgating committee ill iu due eeasoo report thereoo, I do not feul free to state anythiug beyoud a few indisputable' faots taken Iruiu tbc official recordB. Ona million and ihirty-one thousaud dollarH were paid to oiia favorod cODtrautor withiu a ow Jiionths. All but S'Jü.UOO of thia huiii vatf on very private contraots. One humlrod and seveiity-nine tl)!:d dollars of it was paid for freight- up the Missouri at from 85 per cent. to 300 por cüiit. abovo the ratos at whioh the Qaarfermaíter of tha aruiy had eífected a coutract to take all the ludían L(oods. Tho proül on the inoney paid to tliis coutractor must have exceedtd 8400,000, and it doe not appear that he asiuuied any risk. On the lOlh of Augnat lust he was aalhorized by Com iniögioner Parker to ptoR up two or thrce inüliou peund of flour, wiihuut limit a to price. Mobt of it ws prchaeed at S2.Ü0 a hundred, vvhilst the ftoverument pay lor it $3.50 a huuurcd If t had beeu bought in August itoou'.d have beeu shipped to Grand lliver uu der the quarteruiaster coutract ut Sl.üO a hundred poundtt, but uudcr the private bargain tlio fre'iht was ö perhundied poui.ds. ïho Tezu cattle bought privately on June 17 and Auaust 10 were paid lor at ix cents per pound iuniieditely on their arrival at the reservations, whilat the name contreotor, afier proper oompetitiou, uuited with others in furuishing still better cattlo at thrce and eighty-eigth huudredtbg ceutg per pound, tuking all riska of keepiug duriog the wiüter. Yours truly,


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