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The New Convention Apportionment

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The Lansiug corn spondcut of the Detroit Tribual saya ih;.t ibe foilow ing plau for "re-districting tho State f.r Congri'8íioual purpoecH hup reaohed liere, baviüg been ir.iide up at aud forwarded fi'om Washington'1 : FIRST DISTRICT. Wrtyiio and Macomb - Total populatlon, 140,607. UCCOKD DI8TIU0T. Iomte, Lenawee, Washtenan and Hillsda!c - Total populatiun, 140,197. THIRO DISTRICT, JacksoD, Brancti, Callioun, Eaton and Livingston - Total population, 113,353. BTH DI8T1UCT. St. Josepu, Kalaraazoo, Cata, Berrlcn and Van Buren - Total populatlon, 143,350. FIFTH DISTRICT. Alkpan, Barry, Kent and Ottawa- Total populatlon, 181, WO. BIXT1I DIBTItlCT. [onla, Moutcnlra, Clinton, Gratiot, Shiawusee, Inffham and Lift bella- Total popnlatioi), 126.302. aensTB dhithict, Banllac, üaklnnd, Lapeor, 8t. Clalr and Uurou - Tota! populutioD, lL2,4S3. EIOÜTD D18TJUCT. Sagiuaw, Bay, Tiiscola, Ueuesee, losco, AJpena, Atcoua, Presqne [sic, Cucbvygan aiiil Midland - Total populotlon, 1 15,-I2f. Nl.M'H DISTRICT. Mnskegou , Newnygo, Mecostn. Ocnnna, M.nson, lilanlHtue, Main'tju. Qccola, Ijeelaruï. Lak e, Ciiarlcvolx. Grand Traverse, Emmer, K:i!k.-iska, Aiitrlm, Renzte, Macklnac, Wexford, M!s8feee, Chlppetra, .Murl, Kuwevimw, OntonaKon, Delta, Menomliii e, Ög aiaw, Oscoda, Gladwin, Scliooleraft, Cmwhird, Olscgo and Itoscommon- Total populiilloa, 109,273. Thot btatg olil üenymauder himielf, n.i regari bcing p:d to tnjrihing liut RtpulltcaD Uiiijorities, and an utter disregnrd to oontiguity of lerritory, uniiy of inicrcFts, etc. W:.btcnair 8 ÜokeJ to lalf tbe "sootl ern tier," with Hiilsdalo bang likfl a noillstocw abont her neelf, wbile Livingston is 'corncred on'1 to a diiriot with Brantrh oud Eaton the other extremes, umi Inglium "bit out." Furtlier ooiument riscrrod. Jacob M. Howard bas written nnd causcd to be jiublUhed a letter wliich cntouibs Austin' Bl.-.ik buneath inch a load of epitheta a has been heapcd upon no public man by political britber. "Viper," "fulsifier," etc, ore its mildëst cruis. We couleut ourself with extraoting ibis clínico mortel : "I can on!y " leply that Uiíb cbaige (tbat Huwakd " was "the rigbt bower of all tbe corrupt " rings in Washington") is totally, un:' qualifiedlj false; that tboauthor of it is " a delibérate ilaudei er; tbat ho forfeits " all claim to tbe cbaracter of a truth" teller, aod is unwortby of the assooia" tton and respect of gentlemen." And tbis : "These uuuiauly falseboods were " er.tircly wanton, gratuitouc, rockless, " proceoding apparontly from a soul " luxnriating in vitupera tion and slar.der, " without the slightest regard to truh ; " a soul little, egotiatioal, cani"d away " by tbe dcepicablo ideu tbat in par ty " politics thtre is nomerit in trutbful" nes?, and tbat even ainor.g party as " Eociutci ülandcr and detraction are " evidenees of superior fitness, and in " volvo lo uioial reeponsibility." To ameud an old mtsim : Wben Republicau diguitnriet fal! out the publio are likely to hear so;ue truth toid So stand from under. In tbe House, on Thtirsday of last week, a decisión was reached in the Port Hur(.n district contested election case. Bjtce, Democrat, the sittiug member, was unneated by a vote of 45 to 38, and Wells, bis Republionn opponent, elecled in bis plnce. In a nut■sLell, tbe case is : At the elosa of tbe pol!?, in the 3d Werd of Port Hurón, a mistake was uuade in couoting up tbc tally list or in announoing the result, whioh was rectified wben tbe statements wero inado out and tigned. As doulared tbe evening oí election, BoTUI had 97 vote, Wells, 84 ; as returned Bovce had 105, Wklls, 84, the inspeolors expluïniiig tbat 8 votes given for Bovce on tbc probibition ticket had not beca addcd to bis rote. Giviug hira tbe wliole vote did uot overtun the polllist, but the majority preferred to disfranchise a portion of the votera ratber tban a Democrat to retain tbe stat. - We are pk-ased to 8fe tbat Messrs. Guant and I'üüt of this county pretetred tbe rigbt to pnrty, aLdvoted agaiuit unseating Mr. Boïcb. MMA44 -+- - - In tbo appropriate place in tbia issue of the Arous wil] bo found a cali for a Democratie State Convc-ntion, to be held at Landing on the '21st inst., to nominate a candidate for Justice of the Snprcree Court,to eucceed - if electod - Jndgo Campbell, and two candidates (or Regente of the University. It will, alno, should a bilí now pending in Congress be passed, devolvo upon tho convention to nominate tbree candidales for Congresa - additional to tbo six uleeied in November, to bo elccted at large. Tbe County Comtnittee will probab!)' uiakc u cail for a eunvention uext week. The JacksoL Cuiten cob a brief criticiem of Seoator Howabd's recent letter demoliihing "our Blaik," thusly : "In fiv weckn, the author will have stepped from public view, le.iving tbis monument cf invective acd malice to mark bis work for tbe nation." Whicb remin d us of tho old cursery rbyme : " Tic Hved in peace, And dicd in grease, And u biiricd uuder a cake of cau'lle-tallow." It ia at last announced from Wash ingtnn tliHt completo returns from the goveral States and Territorios havo been rec;ived t tlie c nsus Bureau; tliat the population of the States, 8,8,092,653 of 11. 6 TeiritorieH, includmjf the i): triol of Culuinhia and cxoluiiing Aluska Í42.500 ; ah iggregtta of 88,535.153 against an aggrrg;ito in lbCO of 31,4-13, - Tlio bill now pe-dinft in Oongreïë uiaking a new Hpportionmoni of membera of the House, fixes tho number o! members at 280. Dividinj; tho aggregato ot the States and Territorios b} thifl nuuiber and the ratio would bo 1 fractiou over i;!7,000. Howcvcr, if tlie population of tho Territoriea bo exclndtd from the estímate, the ratio will be nearly 135,000. In either cuso Michigan will be eutilled to uiue members. a gain of tbree. - Three Territories are uow sjfikin;. adinission as State?, ns t'ollows: Culo rado, with a population of 39,706 ; - New Mexico, witü a populution of 91,852 - the larper (-hare of wbich is oom pesed of Indiana, Mexicana, and halfbreeds ; and Washington, with a population of 23,901. It" aduiittcd each o these "rotten boroughs" will get two Senators - tho same as the great States of New York. Penusylvauia, and Oh o - and ooe Representativa. But thi Tiink injustice will probably be done to secure Kepublican Senators as an offse to the recent party losses iu that body. A uir.L is pending inthe Legislatura- having, if we remember aright, already pwstd ono branch - authorizing tbe city of Culdwater to ra'ne by tax and appro priato towurJ tho building of a county jnil the sura of 83,000. Another liill is pending authorizing Owoseo lo buüd a Conrt House. The flrsl -oatnec bill is to bait the volers of Branch coun ty and procure from thera a voto for a ncw juli, whioh it is supposed cannot be got along without. The second is to per mit th 3 city of Qwosao to put its hand in the pockets of its citiiens, and witl what ÍB withdrawn, say 50,000, bribe tho voters of Shiuwa8:ee county to vote fur a removal of the county seat fron Coruona. Both of these bilis are in defensiblo on ptb.ciple. Ttare is n resion why Coidwater should bo callee upou to encourage meanüoss in the vo ters of the out-towns of Brancli oounty eren though she is willing and can af ford to do so. If Branch county needn a new , as there is no doubt it does it ought to buüd it, and Coidwater ought to be called on to py co mor thau its share. We supposo that a vote could be prooured to build a new court houso in thi? ccunty if Aun Albor wouk iive 850,000 or so toward it. But Ann Arbor can not consent to be thus rob bed. If it must pay for the new court house, it will build. instcacl, a building of its own, and own and control it. Anr if Branch county vron't build a jail we say to Coidwater : build a lock up o your own, and make th county pay toellif it uut it. Ai to the Owosïo bill, if the voters o the county w ant the county seat moved Uit them move it on its merits and without a bribe. lx joint convoution, on the 26th uit , the Legislature appointed Hon. Jameh 8. Dkwey, of Pontiac, to collect anc oom)ile the general laws of the State. The vote etood : For Judge Dkwky 64; for Judgo Coolev, 28 ; lor Ilon. A. Howkll, 2'J; for Hon. L. D. Ko.'iuis 9; and for Judge Graves, 3 ; Judge Dkwey gcttir.g just enough votes to elect him. - The members from this couo'.y voted : Senator Mann, for Mr. Howkll ; Keprescntatives Grant and Post, for Judge Cooley ; and Rcprescntatives CiiiLDsand Concdox, for Mr. Norris. - We tiiiuk that a great mistake was made in not selecting Judge Cooley. I.v Congrega on Wednesday, Mr. Hill, of Georgia, was admitted to a seat in the Seuate, to which he was elocied in 1867. Tardy. His colleague, Mr. Miller, i still on the outeide, having cerved as a surgeon in tho rebel artnv, and hia disabilitiea not having been removed. A resolution was offorod by Mr. Thorium presoribing tho oath to be taken by him, which was referred. - In the House the Senato bill abolBhing tlio teft oath of 18G2, so far ss all persons ara not made iuelogible to office by tho XlVth amoudment, and prescribiog in lieu of the samo the oath prescribed in July 1868 for persons whose legal disabiliiies have boen removed, was passed by a vote of 118 to 89. Tho debito prior to its passage was quite spioy. The Sena'e got "a fleo in ts enr" a few days go. It got it iu this wiso: It had, by a voto of 26 to 25, passtd a bill to repeal the sevoral sections in the infernal revenue laws providiag for ssessing ind collecting a taz on in ooiues. Wheo the bill went to the Houso a member of that branch introduced a resolution rcturning tho same to the SoDntc, with the information that it belongod to the House, undcr the conatitutioo, to origínate all revcnuc billa, aud the same was adopted. Thus the House dignity was preeerved, but to the damaga of its common sense, fyr a bill abolishing a tax is certaiuly cot "a bill for raising revenue." Boy play, that, wo should cali it. 1 1 1 - - 1 1 m In the Kouto, ou Tuusduy, a bill was passed, giving to honorably discharged eoldiers acd gailors, who served ninety days during tlie late rebeilion, or to thcir widows and minor orphan children, 1C0 acres of land. The land ij to be looated and entered by the claimant, and if he does not desirc to settle upon it ho may, within ono year, sell it to Home one who will nettlo on it, or Iet itrevert to the government. Wo don't think that many of the soldiere will get rich out of that'gift. COMMENTARIES OX Ttlí LawS Oh' ICsci i.imi, by ftm Vir.;,iA. Br.ACKSTONE : togeiliir wlth Bad) Notes of enduring value os have bien publisbui In the ■■ ■ prul Kngüsh editlöos ; and alsoa Copioua Analygis of the Contenta ; and addltlonal Notes with re i) English and American Dcclsionsand Statutes to date. AS", n full cable of Abbreviatlons, mid donie ( ' irrsfdVrations regardlng the study ■r the'. . Bj Thomas M. (' iolbt, Jy Professor of Law Ifl tl1 i nlvereity t' Michigan, and authdt of "Confttltiitiónul Iilmltatlong." Chic.igo: Callrtghnn & Cockcrori, 1870. The Commcivtarles of Hi.acks-io.m-: are to the lawyer's office and Uie prol whnl the (peiling book Is to the prlroary school, or tl lary to the Btudy of tic schotar; and oi' uil elementare works the In .v they are the moi t extei ic.ui, aud the most popster. In prooi oí tbls it. is only iH'cessary to say that twentyone fa 1.1 aud separate edltloos have been publishcd In England, besUlca numerous abrldged eclitlon. Numerous A.merleaH ed tlonn have nis beïn publlshed, and berc, as In England, it is the recognlzed tvxt-b tuk, covcrlng a broader liek! lliau l!ie vvorka of either Kknt or Btobt. Tliesc editions have, however, elther been exbausted, or beconie out out of dato br want of propi'i" notes to conform tliem to the recent changos both in the stalute and cominou law, r rat her to show how the laws commented u pon and expounded by HlackSTOSB liave beeu inodillod by modern legislatiou and judicial Interpretatión. Thli in the Work Judge bet himself to do, and the doing of which has resalted In Uie two line volamei befbre us. How he has done it we will let au able lawyor and judge, tlie üon. John F. DllXON, of lowa, teil. We copy front tlie Bench and liar, pnbllshed at Chicago : A oew edltlon ofBlackstone lias become a necewlty iroin the very great chauges which have been made In Bogllsh lawslnce any prevlous edltioa tut publlshed, and (ram the steady and rapid advaDce which the coimnoii law In some departmenta is all the whlle making through the judicial decisions, in consequence of the Improve menta of the day, and changos in the niethodsofdoing business. To put coinuten t;uii s on tlie la wa oí England into the bands of a itudeut, without at the same time infbrmlng hlm how those laws have been sol'tened in their harsher features, how the rubbish has buen BWept away, liov useless torms have been abrogaied, and seuseless rales ud dlstinctlons to keep liim Ignorant of soine of tlie most reraarkable nul valuable cbangea in modern times, and which have afleeted us as a natlon far uaore, perhaps, tban some of us ivould be wllling io acknowledge. Por, thoogh we consiUcr oui'sclves radically dlsposed to innovatlon and Improvement, and are apt to Mippose that we are far in advance of all othcr nalions in r leiding ourselves of wliat was tumbrous, useless and cruel in the modes oí judicial procedure in past times, yet, if we will becandid, we must ackuowledge that many of the most useful and most carefully cousidered changes have come from the mother country, and tbal in tru !.i we are followlng our English brethren In law reform mach more than Is generally admltted. One great advantage in the Engllsb system of law - in which really consists its cuief excellence - is the gradual nianner in wliich the changes in it havo been made, aud the paina taken by its leislators to makc sure of their groiind be fore they ventured upon new experimenta; wMle we, on t!ie oüit-r band, have been nclined to assume that all cha'nge must uec essarlly bc advantageoas-, aud to experiment sometí raes to the mvut detriment of the luw. AnU it is probably trae that the older our lawyers grow, and the more familiar they become with the InStltUtlons o:' England, and Wlth tlie prudent and oautlous manner in which important legal subjects are dealt with there, the less they are disposed to be captious or complalning of the modern Engllsh law, orto bonst of the superior excellence ol our own. Wc are inlbrined by Jddge Cooley, in liis preface, that to giye thete Changes has been a principal object with him in the preparatlon of this edition ; and he has certainiy brouglit to that task great industry, miikiiii the work cover Engltsh legislatioiï down to the beginning ol tlu present year. These changes are indicat .il by notes throughout tlie work : hut there is also, at the conclusión, a grapuic return of the most Important of thein all, thus ehabling the student to tix them more readily in liis memory, and the general reader to view at a glance the cliief improvements which have been effected In EnglUb legislatlon. 'i'his, however, is but a minor part ot what is i ïirctt.d by tliis publication. In the several English editlons there had accuinulated uotes to a vast aniount, some of them In tlie nature of dlssertati ons, others explanatory and ci'iüca!, but of very nueqoal value, aud come of tiiéni pertalnlng to points in the law now obsolete or Irrelevant to anything In oor Aim ricriii pystem. The qaextion what should bc done wlth iliose notes Beems to have been a somewlat troublesome one wlth the editor of this edition, bat the solution arrlvcd at is probably the best tbat wag possible under the clrcumBtauces, and will, wc have 110 doubt, b ir.ost satisfactory to those who makc ase o the work. To have discardeii the volumln ous notes ol Mr. Cliilty, in which so mud law was collected on many subjects, mlghl nol liavcdiininislu-il the value ol t iie edition to studenta; but the practical lawyei would have beun deprlved ofoneofthc chief convcniencCK of lilackstone as a iiandbook of eletnentary law, and as a means o reference to authoritles upon the sul dlscussed. What Jodge Cooley has done s,to tahe tliese notes, strip tiiem of whatever hadfcecome obsolete, orfor any reason oí no value in this country, thereby gettins rid of a great mass of material which only attvacteri attentlon and occupled Urne wlthout benefit; at the saine time saving to Uu lawyer whatisver was practically nsefnl, which of course embraces all that it was desirable to have reiained. To these have been added new notts, contalnlug referencës to recent Engllsh and American cases, atul which are more fall and ampie than any which have been contalned In any prevlous (((.ion, Mr. Chltty's alone excepted. The value of these notes m some partlculars must bc very great. They are especially ['uil in all that pertains to the diattngulshing dlfferences between tlie Eugllsh and Ainerieiui Bystema o!' coustltutional law, and great pains scem tohave been taken to indícate at what polntj the two systems diverge, and liow great are the essentlal differences. On some other subjects, however, notes have been added which will be cxeeedlngly convenlent, and of practical value The subject of ways, for instance, and of aptclal costoma, each ol wliicli is of iveryday Importauce, Ptm tohave recelved special attentlon, and the uotes to the law of real estáte are vei y uumerous and fall ; and coming as they lo fruin one who has so long been connected wlth legal proceedngs. they scem to touch espeoiaily upon the qufstions of practical Importenee, and to live hints and references tbat will be servlceable to student and lawyer alike. The work is poblishcd In two volumes, ind each is preceded byan analysls oí its contenta, wliich is stated in the preface to be a considerable expansión of tiie famous oue by Baron Field, and which on cursory ixamlnatlon we tind to bea very important feature. It is much inore thnn an ordlnary analysis; it Is a clear statement of the legal points and principies throughout the wbole work, presented accurately, and with such conclwness that ih: sees at a glance exactly the idea adyancéd by the antbor, and is cmibled by readlng it to Impresa more dlgtlnctly tijjoii the mimi the subject, matter to which al the time be is dlrectlng hls invcstlgation8. The editor, if we correctly catch the idea, half hints at a purpose in ibis analysls to pot luto the hands of stodents, for quizzing olubi and law Bocleties, something tiiat shall more useful tliau tlie qoestlons upon Blackstona which aro ■ometimes made ose of, and which unloubitdly tend to a system of memorizlng, n wliich the leading legal principies are iot mure prominent ln;!ii minóte matttrs tfdetal ing rales aml forma now tbsolete. Tlie great deflclensy wlth law students who study eainestly aud couscientiously, many times noves to be, a allure to get cleariy Qxed in the inind the great legal principies, and to become pos wased O? such clear aml lucid detinitioiiH bat they are able at once to draw proper llstlnctlons when new and somewhat moiualous cases are soddenly presented, as must frequently oocor after they have enered apon practico. To be fully possesseil jf citar defiuitious of legal terras, is to have ! tolerable ami rendy knowlcdge of the law ; and without this, one inaj for a llfe-tlme and acqulre only a heterogeneons mmn of information whieh he is atterly at a ii.-rr hor to apply when tiré time arrivés tlmt Is to u-H pradtlcally )!.s attalnmonts. i ii uur iniiifl, huwevef, Ortc of the cltttSf [ea turca oí Interest lu tliis édltlón consists lu the prei'iitory ''Otmalderatloui on the Studyofthe Luw." Cvming, as these do, rum o:ie who has had au exceedlngly va ried experieuce as practitionvr, reporte!-, teacher and jadge, the soggeatlofis to beginners in the la tv cimnot fuil to be ol yivat. value. We have looked tlirougb these ' l'oiisiderations," and llml tliein ervaiU-d by practical luggestlons and hints, the great parpose of tvhlch teems to huve ii. ■ 1 1 lo iiicile tlie student to read witli his inind and his anderstindlng preparad to rccelve the {rent truths which the work tiu;v introduce ís about to open to blm. The; preliininarv pages are not Hlled op wlth eu logies on the prolesslon; they do not incito the inind of the student wit ii vlslons of politica! dlstinctlon or splendid fbreusic trtumphs, but they appear to iiu at polutlDg out his duugeiH, lndlcatlng the wav.-i Of avoidlug them, and showing the clear pnth by whlcli every man, of fair abllity, disposed to ndustry and hitegrity, 111:1 y rely apon attaininga reasonable measure of professional success. The ilrst gre&t requlsite, in the opinión of our editor, appears to be labor. Hut in dustry ïniy be so illy dlfected - it niay have wlth tin.' student such exclostve re(erence to the words of thfl books lie is peruulng, and be pursned with so little mental actlvit$ uud thoughtas, af'.er all, to inake one a mere dull memorlzer and plodder, where he oughl to be a vlgilaut and active thlHker. Judge Cooley fully recog nizes the fact that to be a lawyer one must have read the law fuithfully and persever ingly ; but he insists that he should also huve comprehendcd the law, and foi tfiis purpose it is cssential that his reation should be i'ctive, and his inind as well s hls inemory rece])live, while bis legal studies are golng on. To i Ilústrate some wliat the iinportancc of this, Be litis ealled attcntlOQ to the careless marnier In which real estáte law is freqiiently read and adviscd upou, and t the rrrors and mlstakes and tlie opportunities for deceptiou and (raad which occur in consequeuce. Taking a plain and simple abstract of a tltle to a plece of land - such as is commonly accept cd a satiufactory by pDrchasers - he Roes il step by step, to show how essential it is that t!ie lawyer should be vtgllantrand how easy it uiay be to ia 1 i into error by taking tor granted that tblitgs are wliat they appear to be upon tlie surfacc. Practical .simgestions of this (iej-criptiou are of great vaiue to the young lawyer at the out set of his career, and cannot fail to incúlcate a habit ofthougbt &nd reflectlon which will be the means of constant mental aclivily, growth and expansión. One must receive auch sUggestlons at some time: and il' he does not ilnd them in his text-books, or obtain tliem Irom his preceptor, they are likely to come in his practice as the eonsequence of mortifying mistakes. Thoroaghaess Is also inslsted upon ; and the effort is constant to keep before the iüiiul the superior excellence of mastering the law as a science over any course that shall aiin at mere pecuniary or political success. The student is cafftioned against relylng on the cheap and easy ways by I which access is had to the profession, and advlsed to make thorough the preparatlon for the caretr lie has chosen ; and to be sure that this is done beiore he is ealled to tlie bar, nnd before the active business of I i fe attracts too ïiiuch of bis attention, and iiiterferes too serionsly with his readlng. Especially is he cautioued against relying, as many do, upon showy natural abilities, to the oeglect of soiid acquirenients, and he is truly Informcd that, so far from tlie gifted bavtng little occasion for diligent labor and painstakiug preparation, it is they who will be most benettted by them, and most certaln-tQ be wreckcd without them, It is gratliylng to perceiye, however, that while the sluggish is urjfed to activity, and hu who Is Inollned t superflciallty and vain display is warned agalnst the ilauger whicli threatens him, the industrious and ambitious young man, wlio is viijUant in seoson anil out of season, and who potes over his books untii attention flags and weariness dulls iiis facultie-, is also cautioued to so apportion his time that variety shall relieve his euergies, and that b} dlrectlng his attention a part of the time to history, the natural and exact sclences and bellen Itiira, lie may be able to obtaii some relief from his techuical studies, an also at tlie same time to bioaden and deep en that general culture without which it i. Impossible for him to attaln the best stand iiiir In the higher walks of his profession ThU general culture is umloubtedly too oliën ueglected ; and yet its advantages are incalculable, as well ïn kecping the mint fresh and vigoróos, in fitting it lor those great and stlrrlog occasions which now h ii' 1 then present themselvesin the lawyer's career, when questions are to be handlee which give opportunity for tbc greates bread th of learnlng and for uttllzing tin most varled attalnmeuts. It is fortúnate for young men if at the outset they are prewnted with conslderatlons which put ïln-m on thelr guard agalost narrow ant Illlberal tendencles, and which polnt out elearly the importance of keeping on a higher plane than is occupted by so manj wlio take upon themselves the name, am issume the dignity of, this learncd pro fessLoii, without in the least appreclatloj the brOid Belds which are opeu to their en a on every side, and trom which It would be so easy to draw resources anc gather streugth for those great profession al conusts ín which, as opportunity occurs, the true lawyer is ambitious to beat a part. We cannot, however, examine this prefalory advice in detail, although it might l)t ti inpting to do ko, for its purpose, tliroughout, is practical, it inculcates correct liabits, a pure morality, and a high and noble ambitiou ; and it cannot be fnlly accepted and aeted upon without strengthenIng ilike the mental and moral lacultlea of the persons addressed. If ever a young man needs to listen to, appropriate and cherlsh the advice which is addressed to the strengthenlng of the best elements of his natare, t is when hc takes upon hlmself to be a minister of Justlce by prac.ticing in her courts ; and such counsel, dellvered in a spirit of klndly encouragement, constitutes a fitting lntroduction to the work of the great commentator whose own Hfe and character illustrated so completely the purest sentiments and the most noble aiul elevating principies. The Agncultural College appropriation bill passed thé IloiiPe on tbe 2Gtb uit , by a vote of 57 to 31. Mr. Conquon-, of this counlj, voted no, the other three members yes. The bill appropriates 817,000 for 1871, and the samo for 1872, fr the support of the College. The 610,000 f r a Dew chomiaal laboratory was stricken ou!. - No other appropriatioo bilis werc reached in either braneh before tho reocss, and the bill increasing the salaries of the judges of the Supreuie Court wae hung ,.pin the Houso. Filkins, the alleged exprees robber aud attsmpted murderer of Hai.pine, at Albauy, has been iüdioted by the grand jury. Ho was arraigaed on Saturdsy last, fiud picad not guilty Pie was recognized by Halpinb, and also by the boy who sold Ihe pisto! whieh was fouud under the bridge, with tbree barreta empty, just the uuinbor of shots fircd. The caso uguiust hiiu seemg a stroDg one. Boutwell is fighting liard aainst a repeal of the iucomo tax, while Gen. Pi.easanton, tbe new CommigiioDer of Intorual Keveuuo, i as urgent f(r its repea', aud dudares that at its present rato it will cost moro to oalleot :than t will coma to. Plkasanton i said to jo baoked by Grant. A BitooKLYN man with a "manía" javing been reportad to tbe pólice as ' having stabbed twelve women," a roward of S2.r)0 bas been offered for bid rrest, or 20.83?-j cach. Cheap somsn tb ose. "Woodhull & Claïtin's Weehhj flies i at its mast-head, iu all tlio displny of ! namental letter and brasa flonritth - indicativo of tho style of fcminioo politics - tho ïiainy of Victoiua (3. Woodiiull Presidont iu 1872, subject tü ratitieatiou by tha National convention of the "Cosmo-Political Party." As modest as Train, and just as fit. - Sonie evil-disposcd pörsob bas suggegted the addition of Tiikodop.k Tilton's name bm the crtudidiita for Vico l'rtgident. In TnK Houne, on Mouday, Gen. offured tho folloiring rcsolutioo, vrhich was iassed, under a Bt}s)eri(ion of ths rules, by a vote of 179 to 21 : Resolved, Tliat the Congress of the Unite,t Staten give J. O'Donovan Rossa, Tliüm as Clark Luby, John O'Leaiy, Thomas F. Barke, Chas. Uuderwood O'Uonnell nnd llieir associate lrlsh exileH auit patriota a cordial Welcome to the capitol of the coun try, and that a copy of tUis reaolutlon le transmitted to Ihem by the President of the United States. Mr. BláIB, of ihis State, is reoorded among the noes. tlie I.egislaturo of West Virginia, on Tuesday, Hod. H. G. Davis, Democrat, waaclected United States Senator vlos Wili.ey, Rep., whose term of office will expire on tho 4th of March next. Tally one gain.


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