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'poli BALE. A. House and Lot Oü Ead rido State Street, ín theCity of Ann Arbor, tbrnl bODM south of Washington. The lot is4x8 rods. uní ;)■(,■ hoiiK ie of brick, one and a half Htorin. Will W rad on riuiy tcnns. Inquirc oí' Judge BoaVon. of Edward Kyan, Northfield, or oddrcsa the undersúrnotl atiligblund, Oaklíiud Co., ]Iih. EDTVABD P0WEB8. Ann Arbor, Jan. 29, 1871. 18O7tf Estáte of George S. -Freer. ÖTATE OF MlfTlIGAN-.f'oiiiity of Wiwhtonaw.w. 3 At n aoHsion of tlie Probntr Court for the Cottnty of W ashtenaw, holden at (he Probate Office, in the 'iiy of Ann Arbor, on Thnraday, the twênty-eixth day of Jannafy, in tlic ycarono thoiuand eight hnndred and seventy-one. Present Hiram J. He.ikc, Jud;?e of Probate. In the matter of the estáte oí' Ocoru S. l'jwr, deOnnadiog nnd fllinff the petition, duly vcrifled, of Jonas Ireer, pruying tlmt he and Jame C. i'reer, or tiOine other nuituhle pctson, muy be tippointed otitninistrntor of Uw éstate of ssJd daoeaaftd. Theroopon it is ordored, that Saturdny, the twentyflfth dny of l-'i'liruury next, ñi U-u o'docK in the forcnoon, be aasignod for the hearing ol said petitíon, and that thf hefis at law of sald deoeaaed, and all other persons interested in Boid éstate, ure required to appear at a acsMon of said Court, thea to be holden ut the Probate Office, in tbc City of Ann Arbor, and show oanae, il' any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner should not be grnnted : And it u fórther ordered, that BTiid petitioner jrive not ice to the n taons interesred in said estáte, of uie pendency of said petitíon, and the hcruiiiK' thervof, by causing a copy of tliis order 10 tpnblisned in thr Miekigan Argüe a netropaper, printed and rirculathm in sald County, Uuree suooaastve Weeka previouH to Baid day oï hearing. (Atruaoopy.) HIRAMJ. BEAKES, 1307 Judge of Probate. Estnie f Lydia L. Jones, QTATBOF MICBtlGAN, Coanty of Waahtenaw.a, i-j At a lentan of fhe Probate Court for the County of Waahtanaw, holden at the Probate Office in the i íty of Ann Arbor, on Friday, the twenty-fieveath day of Juimury, in the yeax onc thousaud eigltt hundrod and serexuty-one. ', liirrun J. Beakes, Jndso of Probate. In the matter of the estateo! Lydia L. Jones, deJtttam A. AVliipple, Executor of tl -.o last will and testament of said deoBasi 1, romes int o mrl and rep if.--.-nts tli. ; hels ::"w preparcd to rendüi1 hw ünal ac count as moh Rxecutor. ThereupdiL it ir oldfired, tíí-tt Bffondmy, tho twenty serenth day of Féoruary novt. at ten o'dook in th tbrenoon, b;_ asigned for exandning and aUorring bucI account, andthal the lesatees, derlaeee aood l.rv of siiiii deoeased, ana ill other porsone ínterestei in Baid eatatet are required to appear üt o bob [on o said Court, then to be bolden al uu i 'róbate Office, h the 'i:y Óf -'i!i Arbor, in said County, and -hm cause, u any there be, why the uid acoounf sbould no be allo wed : And it is fartfier ordered, thai said Bxecn or san Dotioe to fl penone Intcrested In aaid estoti of the penden y of said aooount and heaiinfftitöre of, by oauÉbogaoopy of thisoxdar fo be pubbahed ii the Michigan Argut a newapaper printed and r.irculating in sairl County, three incoosaÍTe weeks previous to sara day of bearuig. (A true copy.) HIRAM J. BBAKB8, 1307 Jud(t of Probate, Estato ot Mary JaDe Raywalt. CTATEOF fiüCHIGAN, County of Waahtenaw,aB, it At a seaston of the Frobote Court for the County of Waahtenaw, holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, on Tneeday, the twenty-fourth da] of Januarj, in the year one thousand ciht hundreil and seventy-one. Preeent, Hlrani J. Beakes, Judgeof Probntc. In the matter of the pstatc of Mary June Haywnlt, ised. On reading and BUng the petition, dnly verifled, of John T. Kitywalt, praying t)i:ti he or Bome other uitable penon may in1 appointod mlministrator of the estáte of sald deoeased. Thereupon it w oxdered, that ionday, tbe tventyBeventh öay út Febraary nest, aci ton odock in the for the hearing of ssid jxtition( and that the hein at Inw ut' Beid dejeeased, and all othn penotiB brtetested fn said estáte, are reonued i" appear al a seanon of aaid Court, tben tobe holden, s tlie Probate Oliiee, in tlie CSty of Ann Arbor, and show oause, il any tiï.-re De, why the maver of tlie petitioner ahould noi be granted : And it ís (urther in-dm.-ii, iiïat aaid petitiöner (five notioe to the pentnu Inten sted in Baid estáte, f the pendency of said petition, aml tlie hearing chexeof, by wmiing n onj y of ilits oiar-r to be pupushcd in the Michigan Argut. a oewspaper printed and ciroulating in raid Counxy, three snooèsafve vreeka prerióus to said day of hearing1. A trucüopy.) WTRAy J. BEAKE8, 1307 Judge of Probate. Kstate of JeHediah Winslow. STATE OF MTCHIG AK, Courrly 6T Wdshtenaw, sb. At a seauioil ot' the Prólmuí Con rt for the County of, liold.Ti at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, on Honday, the fchirtieth day of Jannaiy, in the year one tlious;tjjl righc hundxed and seriL'-ne. Present, Hiram -T. Deaken, .iudc of Probate. Im the matter of tlie estáte uf Jeiïediah Winslow, doconnsfl On ronding and Hlinp the petition, duly Terifled, of Knuna Jane Winslow, pntyisg tíut Josépb Culy , dt some other snitabie person, may be appointeualniiiistratorof the estáte of MiadeoeaBed. Tin ri-upou it is ordercl, That Uonday, fchetwentyHeventh oay pL Febraary next, at ton o'olook in the forenoon, be usigiied ftn tbe hearing of said petition, ;iü -i that t!i" heiw at l.uv of said deoenseó%and all other persons inteieBted In Baid estáte, are reqaired to ijjpi ir ui u Bi Bsïon t' safil Court, then to be bolden, at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, and ■how cause, ff any thero ba, why the prayer of the petítioner should not be granted : And it ie further urden d, tha1 said petitioner rive notie: to the persons interest I ite, of tbe pendenoy of sald i"-:ition, and the ti- ring thereof, by oausing i copy of tbis order to le pubUahed in the Michigan Árotu, a newspaper priüted and caroulating in said l ounty, tfaxee lUOoessiTe we ks previous 1" ■- ! ■ ! i;.i " h .-.i ms. A trueeopr.] HllïAM J. BEAKES, 1307 Judge of Probate. Estáte of Elizaboth Mareh. STATBOP MICHIGAN, CountyofWhtens.w,SB. At i Bossion of the Probate Court for tbcCountj Of Wafhlennw, holden at the Probate Ofiice, in thn City of Ann Arbor, ud Saturday. the twecty-efghth day f Jannary, Ln the yeai one ihuuBiud eight hnndred aml eveiity-one. Present, Hiram J. Beakes, Jndpeof Probate. In the matter of the Estáte of Kkztibelh Miudi minor. On readloeand ÖUnir the petition, duly vcrified.oi Séneca Bagley.Qoardlaii, praying that he muy ba llcensd to BflU cerfain real eatate bclougin to miuor. Thereitpou It is ordered that Monday. thetvreiityBeventh day of Febrnary next, at ten o'clookln the (breaoon, be assigned i'or the hetirinp of said peü tion, and thai the next of kin of Baid minor, and nll other persons intcrested in snid estáte are required 'o appear it a sesslOD oí sHÍd Oourt, theu to be liolilen at tlie Probate Office, in theCItj of Ann Arbor, and show cause, itany there he.whv tlie prayer of the petitioner tthould not Ue granted: - Ana it isfurtlitr ordtrêdi chatsald potitloner ?ive notice to the nexl of kin of sHid minor, and all otiuT persons fnterested in Baid eatatet of tbc peuiU'iHv of sald petition, and the heatins thereof, by uualngacopy of this order to be pablLshed in the Michigan Artts, h aewspaper printed and cironlating Ín Baid Cotinty, three succeaMve, reek previnus to salddayofhca'ring, HIIÏAM J, IÏKAKKS, A traecopy. Jadcof Probate. l807td Estáte of Albert Stevens. QTATR OP MICTTKÏAN, County. f Waihtenaw,M O At aseftslonof the rrobnteCouct for the County of Washtenaw, holden m ihe lrobftte Oflice, in tiio City of Ann Arbor, on Frldar. tbe twentieth day of Jauuury, in the ycar oue thousand eighthuudred and seventy one. Prenent, Hiram J. Beakes, Judge oi Probate. In tbe matter of tbs estáte of Alhert Stevens, deceased' i reaalas and filin; the petition. flniy verified, of Mnria Sffevens, praylng ttiai Be&ry Kral'hk or lome other saïtable porton may be nppointuU adminli trator of thu estáte of sald deeeased. Thereupoii it i( orOered, that Mondaj, the tv, tutyBeventh(l;iy of Pebrtwry next, at ten otciock In the forciiuou, be aulflned for ilie bearinj; of sald peti tion, and tlmt tbe hciru at luw of Baid deeeased, and nll other personslnterestedln Baid estáte are reaolred toappeitr ai a seselon of said Coart then tobe bolden, at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Ar;or, and how Ciiuse.if uny there bo, why thr pr.iyr o! ihe pstltiouer ihoald not be (crantod : An! it fv.vtherordered, thfll sald peütloner glve aotlco totlie iaterestodin ?aid estdte, of thependency oí Haití p4titton,aiid the hearlne thereof , by canslnga copy of tlii- nr-'Vr to bo pQgliSbed ln tb Michigan ■lrts, a iH'M'spaprr, prlutfd uú drcalaMog In said County, three successivo week previoUB to aaid da of beartnsr. CAtrtiecupyO HIRAM J. BKAKER. 1307 Judffeof Probate. Finost Assortment of Toilet Goods in tho City, by Estáte of Richard Murray. OTATKOI MICHIOAIf, ConDty ofWaebtauaw1, k O At a galon ofthePrdbate Cuiirtfor the Cuuniy of Wn.-h.' 'i:iw. holdi . n th City of Ann Ar'nr, .111 '!".-?day, the thirty-ft-st day j! i MiiiiHijr, in tlieyear one thouaand elght huüdred and WTeutT-eÜa l'rcpcm. Htrmj J. Beakei, 3 a Age of Probate. Iiitliemnttur o." ti ...liara Murray, deceaMd mdlnfraiidflllnfettierJetltlon.dDlyveriaea.of Thomu i!-:ii '■■,■■ iKat n curtnln loatrnmest Dow on flle In ihti Oonrt porporting i. bel wlll amt testament of aald deccn ted to probata, and that he aud rkmar ilnted Bxecntora thera r. Tnereupon it i ardered, thatMinaiy.thetwenntn d-.y { Febraarjr next, al ten p'clock in thc lorrnoon be for the hearing o ald petition, and thnt the légateos, dovUee, mr helri al law "f d id, and all otbel persons Intercsted Ib aald ette are re to ippear :u a ocasión ■, .■■n tobi holden, at the l'robat'r (HU' . ol Ai.n ;r bur.andahowcanae.lf anytherehe wnj the prayer of ihe petitloner Uonld nol oe gtanted: And it' i rtirtherordered. Chai atotbi rested Ín nld etilte, of ü: tltlon, and thi gringa copyoftbia order tobe pnblUhed Id the '. ■ oewapopar pridted mik! clrcnlating II aait ConBty, threu anccMalte weekt prevtonj tu aaid doy of Jieanng. (A tniecopy.) H1RAM J. BEAKE8, í; T JuJj:e of Probate. Chancery Sale. IN Pl'RSl'ANCE aiid by virtue of a decrec of the Circuit Ooiirt for the County of Wasbteuaw, In Chancery, inadcnn thu tirenty-eigatn day ol Sep tembür, A. I). 1S70, Ín (be cale irharrin Huimnl I.oniee Sackett ís cotnplaihant. and Solución Van ïlcet, John Costello and K'iran Contcl'o ar defendanta Hotlce )■ hcroliy giren, tbat (uU sell at íublic íinctíon, to tbe liinlu'-: bul der, on S.iturday, the twciHy-eichth dny o Jann:iry nest, at eleven o'clock A. M. o hüM fiiiv, ai tic fr.;L or oiiííi door (if the Conr House, in the City fff Ann Arbor. In the County o Waahtenaw, In tbe State oí Michigan, tbe tollowln described real eetats, to-wtt i The tpathmM qnai ter of tbe ponthwest quarter of section numhtT tw (2) ; the sontheast qmirtoi of the soaihcust mnitc oí ection nninbcrthrrtí ÍHi : tlu; north-ftt íjnnrte of the northeast quarier of sectton nnrnbrr ten fÍ0J thr norlhwi-ft quarter of the Dorthffest quarter o sectiou number eleven fi I j. iill in tnwuthíp numbe one (lj south of rango nnmbcr four '-íj eawt, ron taining one huedred and rixty acres more m nii'l t lie north tiíilf ol the poutliwpHt quarter of tht aoutheast quarter of rjectlon number eleven 01 in township one (lj south of range four (4j cast oonlalnlngtwenty acre more or lesa, the whol cotiütitniiiii; a fíirm. beln Ín Waíhtcnaw Couut and Stnte of Michigan, üated, Ann Arbor, Decemlier isth. AD. 1S70. SIl'.i.EYO TAYi.OH, One of the Circuit Court Ooinmiiaioiien for Washtenaw --ounty, Míchiirun. K. C. 8itn, SollcltorforComplainant 13"0w6 The above sale is poatponed to Toetdaj, the four teeuth day of February, tberj to take píace at th mine bour and place petilled in the loregolng no tico. Aun Arbor, January üSth. 1-:;. BtBLBT O. TAVI.OR, Circuit Court Cominiselom-r for VMbtenaw 'S'wa County, Mkhiirau Eenl Kstate for Sale. RTATE OF .MHhjiíax. Conntt ofWaantsnow, ss In tlif matter of estáte "i .. Philip Bchenk, de 1. Notice is bereby giren, that in pnniuince o :m order granted to the anderafoned, Administiator i the estáte oí -siiiii deoéaacd, by the Hou. Jndge oí i " bate for the Comitf oí' Waantenaw, on tbe thirtíei day Of JanuBIT, A. I). 1S71, tlicir v. i)! I ■ "'■. (n tbe hlgheat bidder, at the dweiling hou on !i' pnsnbea heremafti i bi fhe Coonty i WfuiMönwr, in aaid State, on Wedneeday, the twent.i Heeoncl day of Mareh, A. D. 1 s 7 1 , at one oVlrk in tí íiftenioon of tbal day [enbjcct to UI cncuniljriinces 1 Kfl or otherwiae exiatingal the time of th of wimI dc!ce:iHel, and al-u nibjeel to iiit; rigbt ft dowi of hi widow tberein] the foUowing deacribed rea t-íat-'. to-wit: The weat half of the northeaat quar ■ i i"n thii-ty-twu. exoepting abont ilve acres o from the aonth end f acndlot. fonnarly oonTeyed b Jason (ül'.ctt ■ Hul; and olao the i of the norüiTOei qnartor ol -.i.i -.■-■ion :hnty-two, bc [na in ttrwnahip three loutb of range tour cast. in Bai Mld uoiituimu one hundjixl and ility-lh-j acre more oi Dated, Klruary U, A. í). I871. Jonx BCHENK, 1307 Adrainistriltor de bonis non. rISSOLUTION. Iíy mutual conaent wi' itii-; d.iy ïis.-f.'v.1 tbe c-part nership known w ECloe &c Follar. All urn ind(bU:;ln'-s "I ;ii'l il 1 1 n ure to "be sottkd ty U, ] Hice, uiul tho bu&üiuHs will be continue:! at tbe o] staud by hún. Ti. P. BICE. J.T. FULLEE. Ann Arbor, Jan. 23d, 1871. All my olcl custinierri nnd fhnds in nood of booi and shoes or robbtt K(Mlt will always finl nu oo.l u ■ : mt, snel ;i-. tow raicei aa al any nlaoe in th city, and lair (Utlintr. Vork mmle to oixler md re pLiii-inir done promptly. B. F. RICE. The stocklioldera of the Detroit, HYm-cll & I Raüroad Company are reogeated to meet ut tbuoifir of Win. :. Wewon, iu Detroit, in tlie County o Wiiyne, on ThiiríHlny, tliirticth day at Mare] next, it two o'ölock In thé aftcrnoon of aaid day, ( take ander ooiuideratioD and iet upjn, and upprove o dbapprpTB, the agreement to oonaoadate aan Con pony wit ji the [onia and lAxaáng Baflroad Compan; whioh Bold agnemsni made botween tin1 l " Director of the aaid ( tanpooios, dnly exeented, ui then be placed l efore the stookholderB of the vi nit HowéQ Lansbag Rftülrmtd fomiHUiy fot thcdraraotn al or diaapproraL A ïni! . Eequeeteo. T. '1'. l.'V'N. 8flOy. Detrtiit, Howell and Laniu Uailroad Co. Doted, Jaanazy Slat, 18TL L306 1 rXTÁBHTEKAW MUTUAL FIRE INS. CO. NOTICE Noticc Is heri'by irivcu timt ;t meotlsg of the mem bera of the Waahtenaw Mutual Firc tnsoiance Ccn ;;uiy will bo held :it the Coort HOQBe, in ttic city í Aun Arbor, on Prlday, the tooth tiv of t'ubruar ext. at 11 o'clock A. M.. t considcr tho amenc met'tstothc Charter, Articlt-s f Ansocintion. ant üy ].;iws of sald Oompauy, vhlch iropofed b the Committyc appoto tea to rertse the otme, nnd t dopt sach amenamcntit to such Charter, Articic? o Assi'ciatiot-, and liy-J.nwa ( aa to uch moeting .ha eeem expedient. Auq Arbor, Ja&uary. lflth 1 W1 . J.G. LKLAKtt. President. ROBT. McCO] L, Director. V2P4U W. HAlklLTOfT, 8ecreUrj. XT E W 70 GOLD LOAN. SAFE! PEOFITABLE: PEEMANEST! J. CÖÖKE & CO ( Iffer (or Balt at l'ar and Accruod Interest, ihe FIRST MOETGAGI LAND GRANT GOLD B0ND3 or 'rns Northern Pacific Eailroad Cc ThOM bond are iccurcdf .fi.ref by fi Flrtt Mortni; on the Koilrond ïtr-cli', it rolling stock, and uil equlp mrats : ttcoTMÏ, br a Kirdt Hortgage on iu entln Luid (fijiüi, heilig more thao fwefity-Two Thous and Aerea of Latto to eoLb mlle 01 The Bondfl ;ir' lree froni Ti-itod States Tas : thc Principa] ■iml Interoei are pajrable 1d gold- the Pnu dpal at the eud of 't. i i yean. and the Interes Stml Aonnaliy, at tbü rate of Sevcn aud Three 'lenthH Per Cent per ::i:i;um. They aro taeuedf iu i-iu-ñiinattoiiB ofilOO, $!500 il.fw, iö00flandlt,i o The Trastees onder the HCortgage are Bteasra .1) Cooke. of Phlladelphia, and J. Bdgar Thomoa Pre-ldent of the Peonaylrania Central RaUroac Company. These Northern Paclflo 7-3fi Bonda will nt all tíuñá before maturity. be recelvbleat Te 1'ïh ( 'k.nt. 1rkaonaMt(or iflOj In erchauge for the Cornpany'e laads at thelr lo weet caahprlce In nddition toftoeir absolute piíety, these Bonds y ield anincome largor. wo beJleTe, thm anv other nrtt-cla4esecurity Pers na holding Dclted Statet 6-20'e can, by coavsrtintr thtm Into Northern Paciflclca,locrea#ethtvyai]T locóme me-ttfrd; and stiil h:ivc perfrctlf ffeliabielavestmentb HOW TO GET THEM.- Tonr oearest üank or Bnnkor wi!I anpply these Houds In any deaired amount, and f any noededdenotnination. P vrishlng to sxohange stocks r other bondfl for these can do so with any of onr Argenta, who wlll allomv thehlghMtcnrrentprlcefoi all marketabie secartties. TbOSe1ÍYfngln Icjition reinóte frem Banks, may ■end money, or other bonds. dlractly to n by expresa, and we will send back rthern Padflc Bond? at onr own rítíií, and without cstto thtnTestor Por furtht-r Information, pamphlots maps etc . t;ili on or addresa the anderJnft ned, i r any of ihe Daukw ur Banken empluyed to suH thi Loan rOK ULK Y THH FIRST NATIONAL BANK. TUF, SAVTNG8 BANK. BULLBK & WBBSTEB, liANKf-RS. And Bankertj generaUy thronghout the Stato. lü'-fi 3tcm. DËTRÖTf ADVERTÍS iíÉXÍST" Th' rardain thi$ column are all of Itnitimate en terprist . JVosü of a questionablr chara:ter ar.crpted. licliisaii Maoblnery Depot. WORMËR & SON, OO, 1O1 itnd 1O3 JëfTerson 'Avenue, Dcnlcrs in all kinds of WOOD AND [EON WORKIKG MACniNERY. DETKOIT, UICUIOAK. lS7-3m. Try Gouds. Wholesale. ALBERT D. PIERCE & CO., WIIOJLESALK DKY GÜODS S5 WOODWARD AVENUE, DETROIT, : MICHIO-AN" 1297-mS. JO, 40 or GO ACRES OF LAND FOE SALE. Chofoe flpotl for (jirdeninfi and Frtiit. Ono find mo hnir uiilua from tun Court ilousu. luquire nt lila olHce Aim Arbor, January Sd, 1SV1. 1308w6 GotoR."W.ELLIS& CO's for 3trictly Pure Brugs and Medicines, Paints,Oils,&c. JJIGHLY IMPORTANT 1TICI ! I OFFER MY ENTIRB STOCK BOMESTIC, PANCY AND MILUNERY GOUDS, at cosa" and Ï.ESS TEAN OOST, TÖ BAVB MOV1NO TIIEM INTO MV. NEW STORE, Na 43 South Main t, BY THE lsl OP MARCH NEXT. STORE TO LEASE, IXQCIRK OP CHAS. FANTLE 130Gw4 FITJK RËMKDY. H ai. mi' Ule H.1,,,.1, hu nsnr faüed f,.. eren In une ew] lo cure the verv vont cm. Wind helling or Meeding Pilt-s. Thuse who itfflictd sbonTd lmmedittely cali on thelr dram and liet it. for it wil!, wltD bi' flrst nuiilication V Btanily iiffonl completa relief, nd a few followinr appltcatloDB ara only rrquircd to effect a pcrmimi-r cure wilhou'. auy trouble or nconvenicuco In li. uso '" 1 W.iRN-Kh'dHii.ï Rkmrdt Is exprcsslj for the Pm and it is nut rocommended to cure any other di'rut' It has cnred many cases of over thirty years mud ag. l'rlce One Dollar. For sale by driMririau eilJ rywherc. ISTO lORE WEAK !N ERVES, Wurnii' Iysiii.!u Tonlc Is preparcd nprceely i'or Dy.-'pcpcicíí aud thoee suffering fron v 11W iHTv 3 with liabitual coustlpation. Thrrrm Y9TJ few who liiv.' ooi amployed pnytjiclans for tiii to remedy what thin prepuadon will do in few weeki.bystreagthenlusuie nerre. enriching ih circulation. restoring digestión, piving 8tnnih mcntally mul phjaicsliy. anabllng those who mi; have been c ■nlincd ftr yearw to their rooms at invij. iils to MWln tmmi their cc"latinsand all the da. ' tios of llfc. One trial is all we ask to ennble tbli remeriy to recninmeud IMeK to the mout skeptiol. Ir. in ;i Bllghtly stlmulütiiii; tonic and applcndid flppt'. sttengthena [!■ tomacb and rtii tho j generattve cngans :md digestión to h normal hoiltb state. Wrak. nenr' and lypcptic. pprs'-ns honW ; -.ni1 DTBPKPtli loMc. Foreale bv druirrUti Price One Dollar. 6 ÜOUGH SO MORE. Warner' Couh Itnliam is healing, KoHn Ing and expectoratlog. Tlie (íxtraordinnry powerit Wfl, imnn'iüatt'lv relleving, and evontimllv corin; the mot obstinate cases of Conirti1. '"oída. Sor Throat, Bronchitis, Icflaensa, Catarrh, Ilo.imeoeu, A-tr.m 1 and 1 OOftumpUon, y aliaost iucrcdible. So prompt li the re ttef and certatii it effecta iuttilth BbOTfl 'i4-)-?!. 1 r nny BffdCÜOD tf the throat and lnngs, thaL ttmu"Ai(ls of phj -i i tu ,iiv prettliblcg it.acd ooe and al] s-ty tbftt it ís the mosf healing and expectoratlngmedi Ineknowa. ünc il se alwaysaSnrdi relief snd In most casca ne bottle effect 9 a curí Sold by iill dragïad in lare bttlea. PriceOne Dollar. ItUyourown faalt Ir yon stilt cougaand suffer. The Bnlsam will cure. AyiNEOFLIFEl The L'rent Blood Pnrlfler and Delicióos Drinkt WuriiM1 Vlitnm VHtv, w Wint of Lift, 1 "om any poSaonooB drugs orlmpniitfot bete prepared t" r those who reqnirc a timulant. UU splendid appetisarand tooic, and the fineet ihlngia tae irorkl ('or parUying the b]-nrt. it i?tlitmo[ pleaaanl nd deiidoua article ever offrerf to ii public, far Bnperl r to brandy, nrhUkey. wtne. Bitter, - nr any other articl' It Is more healthy aodebeaper. lïnth nvile aiK ii tirilf, yoang or oïd, can tak' the incot' Life. ït i, in (act, a lifc prcscrvi-r. Thoic who wish to enjoy good health and afri-eflowof livolj Bpirita, will do well to take the Wine of Life. It la different fr m anythlDff erer befóte in ne. H is ejii by all dniggista. Price One ÍK'lhtr, invaart bottlcs "emmenagogue. Warnti'i BmmonagofiH la the onlyartide lenown to cure the VV hites, (ft wilt cure in ev rvcaiei Wherets the famlly i" which ihis important modlcioe i dol want cd? liothcrs, thl ia the L'roateat blpin tver off re 1 yon, and youshouMimmedlatelyprocuro ir. It if ao a ture cnre for Ke male Irreulariti s. and in iy be depended upon in every case whefe the monthly flow hnbeen obatnucted thrmieh rold or dl a-e. 8 M 1 y cmgglata. Price Oue Dcll&r. JUST EEOEIVEQ Wffi. WAGNER'S, A Lsrgt and Choice Stock ol FALL AND WINTER G-OODS,1 IKCLUDDÍG CLOTHS, OASSIMEREi?, VEST1NG8, AC. LATKST STÏLIS iSD liSST QUAL1TIR8 H1I1CH BI W1I.I. MANUFACTURE on term to tuit, and in the lint of READY-MADE OLOTHING AND Gents' FÜENISHING Goods. 313 EST STYLBJ AlsoLADIF.S'andGENTS - MOROCCO SATCHELS No.91 South Mala Street- E( ld. OALL AND SEE THEM. VTILLlAil WAGMIK Ann Arbor, Sept. 1870. MOTICE! Master I3uilder ! AND CONTRACTOR, wouM inform the citlicns of Ann Arbor and vlclnltr that he is noit rcady tu Furnish Plans, Specificalhn, and gke limatei, and mak (ontracls for all kinds of building. ■ ZIT Will do all kinds of JobWnjc in nis üuo. Shop rear of Millcr & Luich's PlauinR MUI. Dero!t -trft-t._Ann Arlior. 13"6w4 - , GotoR.W.ELLIS&CO's for choleo Wines and Liquore j for Modical Purposes . _ i - -- T""


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